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Love Under Two Outcasts [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Cara Covington

  Eternity wouldn’t be enough.

  His brother had snuggled their woman close, her head pillowed on his chest. He could see Barry’s hands were gentle as they stroked her, his whispered words likely ones of comfort and caring. His twin needed to do that, Jesse knew. He needed to give her gentleness to make up for the near-animalistic lust he’d shown her earlier.

  But his brother hadn’t seen what Jesse had seen—that the animal that had emerged in Barry had been more than matched by the one he’d awakened in Charlotta. He’d never seen two lovers more in tune, or more perfectly mated.

  With a wisdom he didn’t quite understand but wholly trusted, he knew the two of them—he and his twin—together met the wildly diverse needs of their woman. He believed with all his heart that Charlotta was one of those very special women who had to have two men to make her feel complete.

  The two men she needs are right here in this bed with her.

  Barry sighed and met his gaze. The storm that had so recently raged in his brother had calmed. Jesse nodded then eased closer, until he, like Barry, lay flush against Charlotta.

  “Mmm.” The soft, feminine sound made him smile.

  “Hello, sleepyhead.” Jesse leaned over and kissed the spot where her neck met her shoulder. His reward was a soft moan and the press of Shar’s luscious, naked ass against his awakening cock.

  “What time is it?”

  “Not even eleven, yet,” Jesse said. “Time for round two—if you want there to be a round two, that is.”

  “Oh, yes, please.” Shar stretched, and wiggled again. Jesse guessed by the way she was lying against Barry that his brother was getting a nice little hip caress from her pussy.

  Jesse kissed her shoulder again. He inhaled her scent, sending a twitch to his cock. “I’d like to feel your sexy mouth on my cock, baby. So let’s go and take a shower, and then—” The rest of Jesse’s words got trapped in his throat when Charlotta moved, when she turned around and then slithered down Jesse’s body and fisted his cock. She opened her mouth, and sucked him right inside.

  Jesse collapsed back onto the bed, every thought flying out of his head. Tremors of pleasure ran up and down his spine, his balls tingled and tightened, and his entire world became the incredible sensation of Charlotta sucking and licking his cock.

  One soft feminine hand cupped his balls as the other pumped, and he wondered if his cum was going to explode out of him in the next ten seconds—he felt greener than a twelve-year-old boy in a warm shower with a bar of soap.

  “God, woman, you have a fantastic mouth.” He loved the way Charlotta had taken what she’d wanted with no apologies—giving him what he wanted, too. Unable to resist, he combed the fingers of his right hand through her hair. His palm cupped the back of her head, and the position of power just got him hornier. He wanted to enjoy this amazing sensation for as long as possible. He willed himself to think of something—anything—except coming.

  “Damn, that’s hot.”

  Beside him, he felt his brother move. Opening his eyes, he saw Barry grab his cock and begin to stroke himself.

  Charlotta’s hand abandoned Jesse’s balls and covered Barry’s. The sound she made—an inarticulate command for his twin to stop—vibrated along his wet cock, and Jesse moaned and thrust into her mouth.

  She pulled her lips away and he nearly cried.

  “That’s mine, cowboy.” And she moved so that she was on her knees between them. She waited until Barry removed his hand, and then she put her mouth on Jesse once more. This time, as she sucked, she not only pumped his cock, but Barry’s, too.

  Then she lifted her mouth from Jesse, turned her head, and sucked Barry’s cock down.

  She continued to pump him, and all he could do was lay his head back, close his eyes, and enjoy.

  Charlotta treated them both to a fierce loving and Jesse heard his twin making the same soulful, needy sounds as were coming from his own throat.

  “I tasted myself on both of your cocks—you’re mine, just as I’m yours. But I don’t need you to say it. I just need you to come for me.”

  Jesse held off, wanting as big a slice of heaven as he could muster. Then Charlotta put her mouth back on his cock and sucked hard and long. The fist pumping his cock served double duty, and on each down stroke her fingers caressed his balls.

  “Give me your cum, Jesse. Do it now.” She sucked again and Jesse’s control snapped. His balls drew up, his cock quivered, and he began to thrust into her mouth. His woman relaxed her lips and throat muscles, allowing him his freedom and, God help him, he couldn’t hold back. He shouted as stream after stream exploded out of him, the strength of his orgasm eclipsing anything he’d ever experienced. The sensation of Charlotta swallowing everything he gave her, the feel of that wonderful mouth taking it all, not only felt fabulous beyond measure.

  It felt like destiny.

  * * * *

  “Lord, woman.” Barry stroked his hand over Charlotta’s head, currently using his stomach as a pillow. He’d come so hard and so long he could have sworn he saw stars.

  Turning his head he met his twin’s gaze. Their woman had sucked them off in tandem, and damn if that wasn’t the sexiest thing ever.

  “You like?”

  He’d felt her smile before her words moistened his flesh.

  “What the hell’s not to like?”

  “I’ve never done anything like that before. I just…needed to taste you both.”

  “You don’t have to explain, baby.” Jesse moved onto his side.

  Charlotta turned her head so that she could see his face, then she looked up at Barry. He saw the slight pink decorating her cheeks.

  “Do you want to know what I think?” Barry waited until she nodded. “When we’re here, together, the three of us—whether it’s in a bed, or on a blanket under the stars, or wherever we happen to be physically, we’re on sacred ground.”

  “Barry’s right, Charlotta. There’s something very special about what we become when we’re together like this. And anything, anything at all that you need, we’ll give you.”

  “Same goes.” Charlotta sighed. She shifted so that she was touching both of them. Barry guessed she needed them both, and that was fine by him.

  It’s better than fine. It’s what was meant to be.

  “I have a suggestion,” Barry said. “Shower, snack, and then sleep.”

  “Sold. But I don’t know if I can walk,” Charlotta said.

  Barry bounced off the bed, energized and happier than he’d ever been. Before Shar could turn her head to look at him, he grabbed hold of her legs and gently pulled her to the end of the bed. Jesse got up and walked into their bathroom at the same instant Barry picked Charlotta up.

  “You don’t have to walk, princess. We can carry you.”

  “I’m not a featherweight, you know.” Despite the words of protest, she curled into him.

  Barry sighed. “I hope that wasn’t a self-disparaging comment, woman. Those aren’t allowed. You say bad things about our girlfriend, we’re going to have to punish you.”


  Jesse laughed. He turned on the water in their shower, and adjusted the spray. “That sounded a bit enthusiastic, wouldn’t you say, brother?”

  “I would, indeed.” He set her down inside the stall and angled her so the water wasn’t hitting her face. This wasn’t as big as the shower in their brothers’ house, but it was big enough that they could manage.

  Barry bent over her and gave her a kiss. “If you want to experiment with spanking, and some of that other BDSM stuff that’s been popular lately, we will. But if we have to punish you for bad-mouthing yourself, Charlotta, that will not be erotic pain.”

  “You know, Barry, I had you pegged as the softer, gentler, brother.”

  Jesse laughed. “Baby, we can both be soft and gentle.”

  “And we can both be badasses,” Barry said, “depending on the circumstances.”

  Charlotta sighed, and Barry knew it was a sound of
contentment. “I mostly have a good self-image,” she said. “But I’m a woman, and let’s face it, our society isn’t necessarily kind to women.”

  “We all know that’s true,” Jesse said. “But we’re going to be more than kind to you.”

  “And we insist that you be kind to yourself, too.”

  “Okay, I’ll be kind to myself. I promise.”

  Barry met Jesse’s gaze. That had been a pretty fast agreement on Charlotta’s part. And he’d even be willing to bet that she believed that promise, one hundred percent.

  But he’d already had a clue shortly after she’d arrived that morning that she wasn’t really a woman used to being kind to herself.

  He met Jesse’s gaze again and realized that they were on the exact same page when it came to Charlotta Carmichael.

  That’s okay. We’ll just love on her so much she won’t have any choice but to think good thoughts of herself.

  That was a promise Barry understood was not only his, but his brother’s as well.

  Chapter 13

  November 26, 2014

  Charlotta was running late. Her last client had needed a few extra minutes, and since it had been a breakthrough session, she certainly didn’t mind. Amy Brown had finally broken down and told her mother—and her counselor—what had been eating at her.

  The psychologist in her hadn’t been surprised by the substance of the girl’s revelations. She’d only been surprised that they’d taken so long to come out.

  Five months before, Alice, Amy’s mother, had taken them both off to her late husband’s brothers’ ranch for a week of R & R. The single week had turned into three, and on their return to Waco, things had begun to improve for Amy. Speaking alone with Alice after each session, Charlotta learned that while they’d been just outside of Dallas and only a few hours away from Waco, Amy’s paternal grandmother, Betty, had made a pest of herself by calling Alice sometimes two and three times a day. At first, the woman had used tears, begging Alice to come home. When the tears didn’t work, she threatened to start legal action to remove Amy from her custody.

  When Alice had still refused to give in, Betty had turned her back on them—but only until a few weeks after they returned home to Waco. In the months that followed, the older woman had appeared penitent. She’d claimed to have been overwrought, thinking that she was losing “all she had left of her dear Charles.” She’d apologized to Alice, and Charlotta had voiced the opinion that if Betty truly was sincere, then Alice should certainly be open to a reconciliation of sorts—but that the reconciliation should be on a trial basis. Charlotta had had her doubts about Betty Brown the first time she’d heard about the woman.

  As Charlotta maneuvered her Buick through afternoon rush hour traffic toward her apartment, she shook her head, recalling the many conversations she’d had with Alice Brown and Amy in the last five months.

  Though Alice clearly refused to be manipulated, she nonetheless was willing to be reasonable. As far as Amy’s mother was concerned, Amy needed her grandmother in her life, and that trumped any personal misgivings or grudges she might have about the woman.

  “She sure as hell doesn’t feel that way anymore.” The sound of her own voice in the otherwise silent car startled her. It’s been that kind of a day.

  Today, when Alice had announced that she was going to allow Betty Brown to come and move in with them, Amy broke down, telling Charlotta—and her furious mother—that her grandmother had told the child it was all her fault her father had killed himself.

  Sometimes adults just don’t see how vulnerable children are when tragedy strikes. Studies showed that children tended to blame themselves when bad things happened—when their parents got divorced or lost their jobs or, yes, even when they died.

  Evil adults used that fact of nature to manipulate others to do their bidding—or just to lash out at them and be mean.

  Alice Brown was now seeking legal advice. Charlotta had never met the older Mrs. Brown, but she’d testify, if asked. In her not unbiased opinion, Betty Brown was in need of serious psychological counseling.

  They weren’t out of the woods with Amy, not by a long shot. It would take more than one session to convince the girl that she held no responsibility for her father’s final act.

  Families really are tricky business. The very people who should be the ones to nurture and protect can sometimes be selfish and destructive instead.

  Yes, families and people were tricky business. And sometimes they were downright evil. Thinking of families took her mind an hour to the west, and the unique little town of Lusty, Texas.

  Now there were some people who understood that family was more than just a noun, and more than just flesh and blood and DNA. Her men were becoming more and more at home in Lusty with each passing month. Charlotta loved the older women of that family—Bernice and Abigail, Anna and Samantha, and of course, Grandma Kate.

  Every single one of them had claimed Jesse and Barry as their own. Sometimes, the flashes of disbelief and gratitude she saw on their faces made her want to hop a flight to Billings and punch Norah Benedict right in her snooty, snobbish, and likely cosmetically reconstructed nose.

  Down, girl. The guys are doing okay, and even seem to have found a way to handle their harridan of a mother without losing too much of themselves in the process.

  Yes, they had. Charlotta sighed. Her protective instincts always made noises whenever she thought of their mother. She not only really cared for those two men, she admired and respected them as well.

  Charlotta parked her car in her allotted spot and jogged to the door of her apartment building. If she was lucky, she could shower, dress, and be on the road again in a half hour—and be on time, for a change.

  Oh, who am I kidding? As she took the elevator up to the fourth floor, she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. By the time she was walking through her apartment door, her call had connected.

  “Hey, baby. How was your day? Are you on the road?”

  “Hey, Jesse. No, I’m sorry, the last session ran a little longer than I expected. I’m running behind.”

  “As it happens, we are, too. The delivery of cattle we were expecting for three just showed up. We’ve been inspecting as we offload—we should be done by the time you get here.”

  “Well, now I don’t feel quite so guilty. Do they look good?”

  “So far. Dr. Ambrose, the new vet over in Gatesville, is on hand and having a good look at each one. Shar? Take your time, baby. We don’t want you speeding on the highway. Barry wants to talk to you. See you soon.”

  “See you soon, Jesse.”

  She heard the sound of the phone being handled. And then, “Hey, princess, you’re running late, too? Whew, that’s a relief.”

  Charlotta grinned. “You may think so, but I’ve kept the two of you waiting far more often than you’ve ever kept me waiting.”

  “It’s never a problem, Charlotta. You’re a professional woman with serious obligations. You know we both understand and respect that.”

  “Yeah.” Respect for her was evident every time she was with them. She didn’t know how she got so lucky. Each week was filled with joy for her, because each week she got to spend at least some time with the two yummiest men she’d ever met.

  “So no worries. We’ll see you at the place in a bit. If you beat us there—and you might—pick out a bottle of wine. There’re some nibbles in the fridge waiting for us.”

  “I’ll go one better. If I get there early enough, I’ll take the wine, and some glasses, and that plate of nibbles upstairs and meet you in the hot tub.”

  “Have I ever told you that I love how you think, princess? See you soon.”

  “See you soon.”

  The place. Charlotta grinned as she ended the call. When they’d been together three months, the guys had surprised her. They leased a house on the edge of town, meant to be used on the nights and weekends they spent together.

  They weren’t living together full-time—Charlot
ta wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment. But they did spend as many nights together as they could.

  She’d been perfectly willing to take turns and have them stay over at her apartment—and had felt her heart melt a bit more when they’d refused.

  “Not happening, baby. You’re a professional woman in the community, and we won’t have tongues wagging about you,” Jesse had said.

  “In Lusty, we can be together, the three of us, and it’s normal,” Barry had sounded as adamant as his brother.

  The house they’d chosen, a two-story Victorian, was absolutely gorgeous, with a screened in front porch, a deck out back—and a fabulous master suite that took up most of the top floor.

  Not only did the master bath contain a nice old claw foot bathtub big enough, if they were creative, for three. It had a spa tub, as well.

  It didn’t take Charlotta long to shower and change. She’d thrown a few things into her duffel that morning, anticipating the end of the work day and her trek westward. Tomorrow was Thanksgiving. The center was closed on Friday, and the horse therapy sessions had been canceled for tonight and Saturday—out of consideration for people who traveled for the holiday. So she and her men had decided to spend the next few days together.

  She’d asked them if they wouldn’t have rather flown back to Montana for the occasion—she certainly wouldn’t have minded if they did. Jesse and Barry hadn’t seen their parents or their sister, Addison, since spring.

  But they’d both been adamant. She knew they were still at odds with their mother over the charges that had been laid against their former friends—the sons of their mother’s best friend. Charlotta was sorry for it, but she respected Jesse and Barry for doing what was right, and she supported their right to make the decision not to go back to Montana just yet.

  Yes, families really are tricky business.

  Once she was out of Waco, the traffic thinned and the driving became less tangled. It usually took just over an hour to drive to Lusty, and today proved to be no different. At the first crossroad Charlotta turned left to head into town instead of driving straight for another few miles to reach the ranch. She smiled as she passed the attractive wooden sign that held words she’d first read five months before—Everyone is welcome here. Between then and now, she’d come to understand those words were golden. She’d met so many people—some of them born here, and some of them who, like the popular Texas bumper stickers proclaimed, got here as fast as they could.


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