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Love Under Two Outcasts [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 15

by Cara Covington

  Jesse looked from one big brother to the other. Then he nodded toward his cousins. “I don’t know if they’re shitting me, or not.”

  Chase laughed. “I can tell you that among our cousins, there’s a line down the middle, between using a paddle, and just a bare hand. So no, they’re not shitting you.”

  “How come we’ve never heard about this?” Barry groused.

  “Because until recent times, you were too young and single to know the facts of life,” Cord said.

  “But seeing as it’s been a few months and y’all are still just dating the beautiful Doctor Carmichael, we, as your big brothers, have deemed it’s time for your education to begin.”

  “I have a feeling I’m going to need another beer for this,” Barry said.

  Jesse agreed. But over the course of the next half hour, between the start of the game and the “education” his brothers dished out, he was way too slack-jawed to even drink a single drop.

  * * * *

  “You are kidding me!” Charlotta sat, slack-jawed, her attention going from Ari to Carrie and back again.

  “I’m not,” Ari said. “And we’re not the only ones, either. There’re Maggie and her men, Carol and her paramedics—even Matt, Steven, and Kelsey have a paddle.”

  “Don’t forget the doctors.” Carrie blushed. “Robert and David Jessop are actual Doms. They belong to this club in Houston—the Lyon’s Den. You know that ‘necklace’ that Jillian always has on?” Carrie nodded as if to underscore her earnestness.

  “That’s her collar,” Ari said. “As in, she’s a collared submissive.”

  “Of course, they don’t live the lifestyle twenty-four-seven,” Carrie continued, “though of all the triads or quads who play around with it, they’d be the closest to doing that.”

  “Jillian said the rest of us are into BDSM lite.”

  Charlotta had only asked a simple question about books they’d read. That one book somehow got mentioned, and the entire conversation became way more personal than she’d ever expected.

  Under normal circumstances, Charlotta would never have considered asking, but since her new friends had offered up so much intimate information anyway, she decided to take the plunge.

  “So…what’s it like? Is it just a case of you giving your husbands what they want and-slash-or need?” She could certainly understand any woman who’d want to do that to please her man. Hell, she and those men she’d arrived with were just dating, and she’d already given Jesse something last night that he’d really wanted, something she’d never thought she’d give any man ever again.

  And truthfully, I enjoyed having his cock in my ass far more than I ever thought I would, so that was no sacrifice in the end.

  Charlotta nearly closed her eyes in response to her own unintended mental pun. Fortunately neither Ari nor Carrie seemed to notice.

  “No, mostly it’s a case—well, for me, anyway—of wanting to explore what intrigued me. We’d be messing around, and somebody would say something about paddling my ass, or would give me a whack and, well, it got me hot.” Ari blushed, and Carrie giggled, nodded, and blushed, too.

  “Okay, let’s just drop this topic. And just so you know, I really asked that question for personal reasons, not professional ones. Because yeah, while I can tell you right now that the thought of being spanked, say, a few months ago would have pulled an ‘oh hell no’ response out of me, today, I’m not so sure about that. As you said, it’s intriguing.”

  “Okay, I could do with a change of subject,” Carrie said. “Because I was wondering about something myself, and I thought you could maybe enlighten us.”

  Ari nodded, and then she frowned. “Jesse and Barry looked really upset when they got here today. It was just a flash, and then they hid it. What’s up?”

  “They found out last night that those two guys they testified against back in Montana—the ones they used to be friends with—escaped from prison.”

  “Son of a…how’d they find out?” Ari had a scowl on her face. Standing arms akimbo, she looked fierce and formidable.

  Charlotta could believe, seeing her like this, that she would defy an armed villain, as she’d learned she had. “Take a guess.”

  “Hell, Norah called them, didn’t she? Is she still singing the ‘those poor little innocent boys’ song?”

  “Yes. Apparently if those two escaped convicts get shot by the police it will be all Jesse and Barry’s fault.” It was hard to keep the anger out of her voice.

  “Well that’s just bullshit,” Carrie said. “People are responsible for their own damn actions. Nothing burns my ass more than dirt bags that break the law and victimize the innocent, pleading that their crimes weren’t their fault. Oh, you had a rough childhood? Boo-fucking-hoo, get in line, asshole. A lot of us have had rough childhoods, and we didn’t turn to crime and ruining the lives of others as a result.”

  Since Charlotta knew a little of Carrie’s past, and Ari’s, she understood the outburst. When Ari put her arm around her cousin-in-law and Carrie blushed, the usual battle between woman and counselor went the other way, for a change.

  “It overwhelms you every once in a while, doesn’t it? And at the damnedest times, too, I’ll bet.”

  “Yeah.” Carrie exhaled, ruffling the hair on her forehead. “I mean, it’s over. For me it’s been over for more than a decade. And then that bastard Lockwood came to Lusty and grabbed Chloe a couple of years ago, bringing it all back. Then it was over again, and he was dead this time, and yet…” Carrie’s words trailed off.

  “Carrie, have you seen a counselor?”

  “No, because I’m fine, really I am. It’s just…”

  “It’s just that for years you didn’t think about it, didn’t talk about it…you didn’t even acknowledge that it happened. We can do things like that when we’re children, because our minds help us that way, protecting us from what we can’t process. But now you’re an adult, you’re free of him forever, you’re happy, and you’re loved. Now it’s safe for your psyche to process and deal with what happened all those years ago. So little by little, that is exactly what you’re doing. And everything you just said is spot damn on. It’s normal.”

  “I guess you know what you’re talking about, huh?” Carrie inhaled deeply, and then let it out. “The guys told me it was normal, too, what I’m going through. They went to the clinic and talked to Robert Jessop about it, because they wanted to be able to help me the best way they could.” She shrugged. “And I’m really sorry I wigged out just now and brought all this crap up.”

  Charlotta waved her hand. “Don’t be sorry for your feelings. I’m glad you’re working through the past—and I’m also really glad to know your husbands have your back.” She knew there were a lot of husbands who wouldn’t have bothered to do so basic a thing as ask their family doctor—whether he was family or not—how to help their wife.

  From all that she’d learned of Lusty and the people who lived here, it didn’t surprise her in the least that Carrie’s husbands had done just that.

  The oven timer went off. Carrie had it set to go off every half hour. “Come on, my two little sous-chefs. It’s time to baste that bird.”

  “You give some people a position of authority,” Ari said, “and it just goes to their head.”

  “We see that sort of thing all the time in my field,” Charlotta said. “Textbook case, that’s what this is.”

  Carrie just shot them a maniacal grin and handed each of them a pair of oven mitts, picked up the turkey baster, and opened the oven door.

  Charlotta was too busy inhaling the wonderful aroma of the main course to say anything more.

  Chapter 16

  “I had a very good time today.” Charlotta turned as the door closed behind them. It had been a fun day. She’d wondered, because sometimes spending time with the family of the man—or in this case men—she was dating could be a minefield fraught with traps and tricks. All she had to do was recall the first time she had dinner with the Browns
at their club, and the anxiety-fest that had turned out to be for her. But getting to know Jesse and Barry’s older brothers, Cord and Jackson, and their cousins—and their wives—had been a comfortable and fun experience. Even the quasi-raunchy discussion she’d had with the women while the men had taken in the game had been enjoyable—and it certainly had been informative.

  But this was the part of the day she’d been looking forward to the most—the part where it would be just the three of them in the world they created all for themselves whenever they were together.

  “Good.” Jesse eased her into his arms. His lips on hers tasted like coffee, pumpkin pie, and a dream she’d nearly given up on.

  “I had a good time too, baby, but I really wanted to get back to being just the three of us, here.”

  Barry came up behind her and slid his hands across her shoulders and down her arms. He linked their fingers and then placed a teasing kiss on her neck just below her right ear. “We like it best when it’s the three of us behind a closed door.”

  “Simpatico. I was just thinking the same thing.” Charlotta sighed and leaned against Barry.

  “Oh, yeah? And what, pray tell, were you thinking about doing, just the three of us, behind a closed door?” Jesse’s expression was two parts heat and one part teasing. Charlotta thought it was her favorite look on him—well, next to the one he gave her has he hovered over her, seconds before he thrust his cock into her pussy.

  Her heart thudded, her breathing hitched, and Jesse grinned. “Maybe I don’t have to ask,” he said.

  “As it happens, the women and I had an interesting discussion while y’all were drinking beer and rooting for Dallas.”

  “What kind of interesting discussion?” Barry asked.

  “It seems that behind a lot of the closed doors hereabouts there are paddles and blindfolds and handcuffs…and, well, all manner of kinky things.”

  “Is that right?” Jesse looked over her shoulder at his brother. “Now there’s a coincidence. It just so happens our brothers and cousins were talking about paddles and blindfolds and handcuffs…and all manner of kinky things, too.”

  “They were?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Barry said. “It was, as you say, an interesting conversation.”

  In front and behind, twin ridges of aroused male flesh pressed into her. Both men were horny, which could have been simply because of the position they were in, or could have been from the topic of conversation.

  I’m aroused too, but I have no idea if it’s from the former, the latter, or both.

  “Hmm. Coincidence, I wonder, or master plan?”

  The corner of Jesse’s mouth twitched. “You mean ‘master plan’ as in my brothers’ plan to make us your masters?”

  Charlotta felt one eyebrow go up at the same time her girl parts vibrated with excitement. “I think I’m going to decline answering that, slick, and plead the fifth.”

  “The only one of us who’s slick right now, princess, is you. You’re horny and wet, and making my tongue water.” Barry’s body heat penetrated her body and his scent penetrated her soul. His words, low and sexy, made her practically quiver in need.

  She couldn’t see the point in denial. She wanted what they wanted to give her. It was a win-win-win situation. “You’re right, I am. The question is, gentlemen, what are you going to do about it?” Just to make her intentions clear, she began to rock back and forth between the two of them—rubbing her breasts against Jesse’s chest and her stomach against his cock. The sensation of Barry’s cock, separated from her ass by two layers of clothing, was making her mouth water.

  “To begin with, we aren’t going to be gentlemen.”

  “Thank God.” Charlotta was getting hornier by the minute. She inhaled deeply, breathing in her lovers. Their scent triggered her libido, making her nipples draw in tight and her pussy get even wetter than it already was.

  “Let’s take this party into the bedroom,” Jesse said. He cupped her face and smoothed his thumbs across her cheeks. “Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to keep my hands off you today? I just look at you, woman, and I want you.”

  “Having you here with us—even if we couldn’t touch you, made this a better day.” Barry kissed her neck again and then squeezed her fingers. He released her hands and stepped back.

  “I felt the same way. Just spending time with you both made me happy. But now I need you. I need you both.”

  “Then you’ll have us.” Jesse lifted her face and gave her a light kiss. He picked up her hand and kissed that, too, and led her upstairs and into the bedroom.

  Charlotta loved the moods they created together. Sometimes the sex was a bit rough and raw edged. Another time it would be soft and slow and sweet. What kept her off balance was the fact that she never knew how they’d be, which mood would overtake them. Sometimes she thought she did, like now, when seduction took up every inch of space, and their hands, as they undressed her, stroked her with small, soft caresses. She shivered as air surrounded her nipples, and when Barry followed her jeans down with kisses spread along her hip and legs, she actually felt her juices trickle out to dampen her labia.

  Standing naked between them when they were fully clothed turned her on, almost fiercely so. Charlotta didn’t know why this particular scenario did that to her. Neither did she understand completely why thinking about it made her uncomfortable—as if she shouldn’t be having this reaction, shouldn’t be feeling so daring and naughty.

  Jesse ran his fisted hand back and forth beneath her breasts, his knuckles giving her flesh the barest of caresses.

  “Your nipples get so hard when I touch your breasts. You’re so damn responsive to us, baby. Almost as if your body knows…” He stopped whatever it was he’d been going to say. Charlotta had been aware of both men doing that from time to time. A part of her wanted to press them to finish those sentences. But the rest of her urged her to step back, to change the subject.

  Now with Jesse’s gaze focused on her, she could see the expectation in his eyes, the waiting. He wanted her to ask him to finish that sentence.

  “My body knows you. It knows you both.”

  “Yes. Your body knows us.” If Jesse was disappointed in her response, it didn’t show—not in his sweet smile, nor in the way he bent to her breast and suckled her nipple.

  The sounds behind her warned her, so that when Barry’s hot flesh cozied up against her back, she was ready for him. Sighing, she leaned her head back on his shoulder and absorbed the scent and sensation of his skin.

  “I love the way you melt against me.” Barry’s hands stroked her hips up and down, his fingers splayed wide. His thumbs brushed over the globes of her ass, and she mewed.

  “I love the way your heat envelops me.” Charlotta closed her eyes, and began to fight the urge she’d been feeling off and on in the last couple of weeks.

  Jesse released her nipple with a wet plop and then took a half step back. “You’re soft and sweet and tasty.” He began to strip, tossing his clothing off in a manner that screamed need and ignored finesse. When he stepped up to her again, his cock, so hot and hard, poked at her stomach.

  “You’re perfect for us Shar. Perfect.”

  Not disappointed, but definitely frustrated. Then she had no more time to think as Jesse picked her up. She enfolded him, arms and legs. No more talk. Charlotta sensed that if they kept talking, she’d…do something.

  Coward. She combed the fingers of her hand through Jesse’s hair, grabbed hold, and kissed him. She used her lips to lull and her tongue to tease, and she drank him in as if doing so would save her life. Jesse carried her to the bed, laid her down, and still her mouth devoured him.

  Then he turned them so she was on top, and his hands stroked her, a slow sultry rhythm completely the opposite of what her kiss had become.

  She broke their kiss and a half sob escaped, but she ignored it. Placing kisses against his face and kissing a line down his neck, Charlotta became a woman obsessed, needing to taste him, to
taste every inch of him. Maybe she could take him into herself so completely that…

  Her thoughts scattered when Jesse gripped her hips and lifted her above him. “Here, baby, it’s all right. I’m here for you. Take me. Take what you need.”

  He lowered her onto him. Charlotta gripped his shoulders and rode him, her movements steady and firm, bordering on frantic. His gazed held hers captive, and in his eyes she read such tenderness. She didn’t know what to do with that kind of emotion, didn’t know where to put it. Her arousal shot high, so incredibly high. She loved the electric sensation shooting through her, loved being this hot, this horny. She clenched his cock with her pussy, clenched and released, but instead of drawing her climax closer, as she expected, she only became more aroused, more triggered.

  She’d lost control of her orgasm, and she didn’t know how to take it back. She didn’t know how to come.

  “Fuck me. Please, fuck me harder. Please!” Charlotta heard the break in her voice, knew they heard it too, and didn’t care. Hands on the bed on either side of Jesse’s head, her knees straddling his hips, Charlotta wanted to scream, because she couldn’t make herself come.

  She saw Jesse’s glance flick over her shoulder, caught his imperceptible nod. Then he gripped her hips and took over, lifting her and bringing her down again harder and faster.

  “Yes, yes, so close…” She strained to reach the prize, just a little closer.

  Jesse reached for her clit, the heat of his hand stroking back and forth. And then Barry’s hand landed with a sharp smack on her bare ass.

  Charlotta jerked. Oh, God! He landed a second spank, and her rapture exploded, the spasms of ecstasy so ripe, so sharp, and so out of her control that she could only ride the wave, sobbing in relief and joy and revelation.

  She came and came and understood, in that moment, the reason for everything she’d been feeling, everything that had been good and scary. Everything that had been holding her back.


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