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Crissy Chance

Page 11

by Douglas E Roff

  “Did you know Poulet in French means ‘chicken’?”

  “Never heard that one before,” he said sarcastically. “But the last guy who made that remark wound up in the hospital.”

  “Poor him. Now why are you here and what can I do for you? It’s late and you’ve not been invited.”

  “I don’t appreciate the way you treated my friend Crissy. Upset her. Made her cry. You’re going to apologize.”


  “Or I’m going to have to teach you a lesson.”

  Crissy appeared. “Phil,” she said. “What are you doing? You said you just wanted to talk to Adam and explain we are just friends and associates.”

  “Well, I lied. This guy needs a lesson in manners and I’m the guy who’s going to teach him. And until he showed up, we were a lot more than friends and associates, or have you forgotten?”

  Misti and Noki came to the door. Adam had not lost his cool yet but this guy was beginning to push him and Phil was headed for intensive care if he kept this up.

  Crissy said, “Phil stop this instant. You don’t know what you’re doing. Adam can hurt you. Hurt you very badly. Please stop. This was just a misunderstanding.”

  “He doesn’t look like much to me,” Phil said. “Stay back Crissy. He’s got it coming.”

  Noki stepped in. “Buddy, you don’t want to tangle with my friend. It’s really unwise.”

  “Stupid, in fact,” said Misti smiling. “But, I say let’em go. Haven’t seen Adam kick anyone’s ass in ... years. I’ve missed it.”

  Crissy was frantic. “Misti! Stop this, please. It isn’t funny and it won’t be a fair fight.”

  Misti said, “Why are you talking to me, Crissy? I didn’t start this; neither did Adam. He’s your fella, girl. You talk to him. Otherwise I’ll call ahead to the Emergency Room and make a reservation for him. He seems like a prick anyway.”

  Phil ignored Misti and Noki, then said to Crissy, “Thank you, baby doll. I’ll take care of this jerk then we can have a late dinner – at my place.”

  “Phil, I’m not worried about him, I’m worried about you. And we’re not having dinner at your place or anywhere else. Phil, he could kill you if you don’t stop now.”

  “I’m ex-military. I can take care of this little puke. Now step back, Crissy.”

  Adam didn’t move, fully under control.

  “No. You will stop this instant. I mean it. I’m not asking.”

  Phil turned to Crissy and angrily said, “Step back. And I’m not asking either. I don’t care who you are at the office; just do as you’re told now. Then nobody gets hurt except this little pussy here. Now back off before I have to deal with you too.”

  Crissy grabbed his arm, but Phil pushed Crissy hard back against the wall opposite the door. She slammed her head against the wall hard; unconscious, Crissy’s blood streaked the wall as she slid down to the floor.

  Phil never saw coming what happened next.

  Adam said, restraining himself, “That was a huge mistake, Phil. You’re not a tough guy; you’re a bully and a coward.”

  Adam reached out, quick as a cat and grabbed Phil by the neck with one hand, holding him in place against the wall, choking him against the wall next to Crissy. Adam let him go after a few seconds, then scooped up Crissy, cradling her in his arms. He turned moving quickly to a couch and laid her down. Gaea brought cold compresses and took her vitals. Laura stood by, unable to move, fixated on this guy who, not that long ago, had bravely saved her life.

  Adam went back immediately for Phil, grabbing him by the throat again.

  Misti was whispering to Adam in soothing tones, trying to bring down his red-hot temper. Adam let go for a second time; Phil fell to the ground, gasping for air. Seconds later, Phil got up, took a swing, but Adam blocked it, then grabbed him by the throat again and pinned him back against the wall. One swift punch with his palm and Phil had a nasty broken nose, which would swell and discolor for a week or more. Blood drained out profusely. Adam dragged Phil by his coat collar to the elevator, took him downstairs, hailed a cab, and sent him to the nearest Hospital.

  Upstairs, Crissy was just coming to; she was probably concussed and in need of the Emergency Room. Adam came over to see how she was doing, could see she would be fine, but needed medical attention.

  Noki and Misti said nothing for a moment, then Misti said, “Thank you, bud”.

  “For what?”

  “For what? That other boy is still alive.”

  “Well, yeah. I guess. I’m a lot calmer these days. Noki has shown me a better, less agitated way to live. I’m sure you’ll keep me on that path.”

  Misti seemed a little disappointed. She said, “I’m a little bummed yet, at the same time, relieved. One two, and that was the entire show? I could’ve done that myself. Instead you had all the fun.”

  Adam looked at Misti, his friend and new mate, and said, “I know, I know. And that’s why I love you, snickerdoodle. But it was either you or me. I was closer.”

  “Next one’s mine. Promise?”


  “And never call me ‘snickerdoodle’ again or I’ll hurt you. Noki, on the other hand …”

  Gaea was stunned. “You just broke his nose and after bringing Crissy inside. You seemed so calm. How did you do that?”

  “Family secret. If I told you I’d have to marry you to buy your silence. Marital privilege.”

  “Tell me then. I won’t mind, I promise.”

  Laura said, “I already asked him to marry me, and he said yes; I don’t think he really meant it though. Or did you?”

  “Ladies, I could be horrible monster, a lousy kisser and terrible in bed. You might be very disappointed.”

  “We’ll risk it,” said Laura. “I assume you could have done worse. Far worse?”

  “Maybe. Probably. I guess if I went a little loco. Probably best if we not discuss my past indiscretions.”

  “Any way I can force it out of you? Non-lethal persuasion,” asked Gaea. “Cuffs?

  Adam said, “I think Laura had the same idea. I’m easily persuaded with the right encouragement.”

  Adam laughed, “And, I’m willing to negotiate.”

  Misti intervened, “He could and, back in the day, would have. Adam won’t start anything but he will end it. He’s my big handsome nut case and part-time hero. I won’t bet on Phil’s stay in intensive care being short.”

  Misti looked at her new mate.

  “And just why didn’t you go all ape shit? What happened to you? Who stole my insane macho man and replaced him with Gentle Ben?”

  “I fell in love and changed my ways. I can’t be fighting random dick-heads anymore.”

  “Bullshit. I know you. That’s not it.”

  Suddenly a beautiful woman appeared sparkling and formless. She gradually took the shape of a young woman, dressed in silk robes and smiling with amazing radiance.

  Adam screamed, “Hecate!”

  The woman said, “Snuggles! I’m home.”


  Everyone was transfixed on the beautiful young woman; she seemed not much younger than him and was obviously extremely happy to see him. She came to him, kissed him on the cheek, but did not seem to be in physical form. She looked to be a hologram, but her motions were anything but tech.

  She spoke to everyone in their minds, demonstrating she was special and did not need language to communicate in the regular way.

  “Please excuse my rudeness, but I must speak to Adam privately, so we will talk in another language we both know.

  Adam said, “Before we start, could you please check the woman on the couch? And Kalindra and Noki?”


  To the others, he said, “My friend Hecate is an Immortal and has great healing powers. She will examine Crissy, Kalindra and Noki, but if you wish her to examine you too, she will. She will enter your mind and determine if there’s anything she or her sister healers can do.”

  All wished the examination, an
d Hecate finished in a moment.

  “The one on the couch is healed but needs rest. I’d be careful, my luv. She’s not to be trusted. Kalindra, that thing which troubles you so is fixed; we shall speak more of it when I return with my sisters. Only if it your wish, of course. As to you, Noki, you too are now healed, and that other matter making you so unhappy is resolved as well. I wish you many children and a happy future.”

  Noki began to sob. “Is it true? Can I really …”

  “Yes, and that means right away. I can delay it a while, if you’d like. To make arrangements.”

  “No. I’ll take normal precautions.”

  “As to Laura and Gaea, your issues are resolved too. I’d like to know more about each of you, how these things happened, the ones that were caused I mean, but that can wait for now. The other things are restored to normal.”

  She turned to Adam, speaking in another language, “I can’t stay so I won’t transform otherwise our Lord will dock me time when I return with my sisters. I have news and wish to prepare you for it before we all come here. Only we adults can come now; Fionna and I got in trouble again. We get two hours each; and the children must remain at home with our Lord.”

  Hecate looked uncomfortable.

  “We are also delayed because of two items that will sadden you.

  “My mate is not well. He has been sent back to ‘essence’ for his own protection by our Lord. It is both his desire and mine. Enduring another lifetime would make him very … unwell. He frightens the children.”

  “I am truly sorry to hear that. I know you have always loved your mate. The other?”

  “This is sadder, but please understand that this too is for the best, as our Lord is giving you and all of your remaining family of mortals and Immortals compensation.”

  “Go on.”

  “Niona is leaving; she has found a new mate and will depart with your permission. If you do not grant it, she will remain in our community while her chosen companion is banished. She alone among us has missed you the most, and without you or your company, she has been dreadfully sad and lonely. She weeps and cannot bear your absence. Our Lord warned her when she chose mortality for a time that this would happen. She begs you to understand and release her.”

  “And our children?”

  “They shall remain with us and be raised by my sisters and our Lord himself. Penitence for her original disobedience. They are yours, of course but they will never see Niona again, nor shall you. Our Lord promises no emotional pain for Niona or the children.”

  “There’s more, I assume?”

  “Yes. In compensation, and because our Lord loves her, Hana has been raised to Immortal as has Kendra Boles. Hana because of inherent kindness; our Lord cherishes her as no other. She shall remain wed to you in the Immortal realm and our Lord commands that you produce more children. Our Lord has become fond of having the little ones around and desires more Immortal children because of their innocence, unqualified love and laughter. He may never let them grow up. Kendra shall take over Fionna’s warrior duties but need only mate for children if she chooses, and only if he gives permission. She has chosen you again as her only mate, with your permission. She shall seek it personally when she arrives. Hana comes too.”


  “Long story. I’ll tell you next time. He visits Earth with me as his wingman. Likes the physical part and the ladies too. Apparently, he never knew what sex was, or at least how much fun humans have with it. Now … well, let’s just say he does. And he likes being a guy; models his bad and good mortal-like behaviors after you. At least for now. I have shown him the minds and practices of all your women. Might have been a mistake.”


  “And then there’s me. This is more complicated. With my mate at eternal rest, our Lord wishes me to be indentured to a new Master and, eventually, to mate again. And he wants to send me on assignment right away.”

  “Will I ever see you again?”

  “Yes. My new assignment is you.”


  “There’s a tiny bit more.”

  “How tiny?”

  “Bigger than a bread box.”


  “I am to serve you as your Immortal as Niona once did. You shall be my new Master, as in your first life with Niona. I am your compensation. And, there are more gifts of knowledge and skills.”

  “Sounds perfectly fine. Serve me? How?”

  “In all ways.”

  “Sure. So?” Adam thought, then asked, “What ‘all ways’ are we talking about?”

  “In every conceivable mental, emotional and physical way. I am to be as mate to you until you should choose to wed me according to the his new Immortal rules, or you send me away. He has now decreed as permissible mating between Immortal and Mortal, and Immortal and Immortal. Mostly, it just applies to you.”

  “Never saw that coming. What is your wish? Have you any say in this?”

  “I have. And I wish it very much. I am granted this boon by our Lord for bringing him happiness. I wish to bring the same happiness to you. And to our children, should we be blessed.”

  “And the children of your previous union?”

  “They shall be ours and only know you as father.”

  “Will all be complete when you return with the rest of our family?”

  “Yes. Even as we speak it has begun.”

  “Then I wholeheartedly give my consent and ask you to ask him to bless our union.”

  “We are not intended to be wed right away, though he does not forbid it. I will not be the same Hecate you knew in our many lives together.”

  “We have been many things to each other over countless lives as friends, adversaries, family and occasional lovers, but never as mates. I look forward to discovering how our mating will change us. I admit, I have often thought of you as wife, but it was never allowed. Now it is. I rejoice.”

  Adam thought for a moment.

  “We will wed immediately. According to his new ways, if you agree. If you misbehave, I shall punish you severely like with Misti in our first life together. Corporal is back on the table.”

  “I shall be sure to discover what upsets you the most in that case. Then I shall misbehave immediately. Ropes and restraints?”

  “Fixtures to our happiness. And please return to me as mate when all is complete. But keep that part of you I have always loved most; that disrespectful and independent, headstrong and irreverent, fun loving and mischievous imp I adored from the moment we met.”

  “Disobedience always was one of my strong points.”

  “Ask anyway.”

  “I shall ask. But I think it’s why he loves me too.”

  Hecate hugged Adam, then left. When she returned, she would be his mate.

  Chapter 14

  “Tomorrow night then,” Adam said. “After dinner, the team will assemble in the Library to have Laura Baldwin and Gaea Crane tell us their story. Some of you know what this is all about; I know nothing, really. Popcorn will be served in huge bowls, lots of butter. Better be a good story too.”

  Gaea said, “Mind blowing.”

  Misti asked, “In that case, shall we start earlier?”

  Everyone shook their heads ‘no’; they wanted time to reflect and for the story to be told after dinner.

  Adam said, “It’s decided. I’ll make the popcorn and bring refreshments. Sorry no beer. House rule.”


  After dinner the next day, which seemed interminably long, Adam said, “Everyone find a seat, but I get the big sofa with Misti and Noki.”

  The popcorn was popped, the refreshments scattered on tables throughout the Library, with several copies of old scholarly works out and stacked closest to where Laura and Gaea were seated. Each team member had a copy of book now called “The Travels of Marco Polo” translated and edited by some English Professor in the mid-1950’s.

  Adam said to Laura that, for her presentation, she would have to stand, turning and s
peaking to the audience in the round. He was stuffing popcorn in his mouth and seated comfortably between Misti and Noki. Adam had been in the room earlier rearranging the furniture spreading it out, unseen.

  “Project,” he said, “Project! Elocution is the key to understanding. As an academic, you must know this. Surely you were a TA once.”

  Laura thought it odd that there were so few team members in the room to be spread out so much. They could huddle around a couple of couches and chairs just as easily, and in tight. Misti looked at Kalindra. Laura was dressed in khaki shorts wearing a rather tight tucked in polo shirt, glasses rather than contacts with Gaea similarly garbed.

  Misti said, “Laura, he means ‘T & A’, not TA. He wants you to dress like this so he can carry out one of his perverted mind fantasies while you talk. Probably started already.”

  Adam did not deny anything. “As long as we’re here, why can’t we all have a little fun. And by ‘we’ I mean me. Besides, I bet I’m the only one who read all those reference books, read the book we all have in our hands, and did original research into the dig and read all the historical polemics around Marco Polo. I uncovered a lot of interesting stuff, right Mother? Father?”

  “We have no idea …”

  “Yeah, right. Now I know for certain why I’m here and what this is probably all about.”

  Everyone in the room was now staring at Adam.

  “What? I came prepared. More than I can say for the rest of you. What we you guys doing all day while I was slaving over old boring books?”

  Laura asked, “And the outfit?”

  “Oh that. I was hoping for the naughty Librarian look, you know tight white see through blouse, lacy bra, top two buttons undone, breasts like yours, black horn-rimmed glasses, hair in a tight bun and up, modest jewelry, short skirt, garter and black pattern hose with high heels, also black. Stilettos would be my preference, but regular high heels would do. I’m sure you see the look I was going for. Look at you; you’re brilliant and so red hot, I can’t even say your name right now. I’m being sincere. And as for your equally red hot and sexy assistant Librarian, a very different look. I was thinking …”

  “Enough,” said Misti and Kalindra at the same time. “Decorum please. It’s rude; they don’t know you like we do.”


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