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Crissy Chance

Page 13

by Douglas E Roff

  “You mean he’s not?”

  “No, he is. But he’s not most men.”

  Noki said, “Have a rest, and then go again. You have all day to continue your journey. The walls are soundproof.” She knocked on the wall. “Almost.”

  “Misti? Is this OK with you too?”

  “Damn right, Kalindra. You’ve got some catching up to do.”

  Kalindra grabbed Adam and pulled him back in her room. “See you later. Don’t mind the screams. And I may get religious.”


  Around noon, a woman no one recognized showed up downstairs at the front door, ringing the doorbell incessantly. Misti went down to see who she was and what she wanted.

  “My name is Alana McCarthy and I’m here to see Adam St. James. Is this where he lives? I got his name from a list my girlfriend gave me. I need to see him urgently.”

  Misti asked, “Is the list entitled ‘OT’?”

  “Yes. You know it?”

  “I do. Please come in. Adam is with someone right now but when he takes a break, he’ll want to talk to you right away.”

  “You know what he does then?”

  “I’m his partner in OT. We founded the endeavour together. We’re … close, though we went our separate ways for a time; now we’re back together and back in business. Please come up and meet our friends. We can talk while we wait for him.”

  Alana came up the elevator to the fifth floor seeing four other women sitting at the kitchen table having coffee and chatting.

  Alana said, “Is this a bad time? I can come back later.”

  “No. Noki over there and I live with Adam, and the two other beautiful ladies are here under our protection. Well, mostly Adam’s but we all help as much as we can.”

  “Do all of you know about …”

  “No, just me. We keep that circle small, as you can imagine.”

  “I do. What’s that sound?”

  “Adam and one of our other friends are engaged in … an experiment.”


  “Yes, but it’s not what you probably think. Our girlfriend and Adam have been friends and partners for many years. Personal and professional. She has a rare form of vulvodynia and though diagnosis and treatments have been unsuccessful until now, she found someone through Adam who could cure the condition. Since Kalindra and Adam have been close friends for years, she wanted to see if the cure worked, and she wanted her partner to be her best friend. Presently there’s a little screaming and cursing, the occasion reference to God and all the Deities, but seems as though the cure has worked. You know the condition?”

  “Yes, unfortunately I do. It’s tragic.”

  “Ah silence. A break in the action. I’ll go interrupt.”

  “No please, I can come back.”

  She’s been going all morning. I think maybe she’s had enough for her first time. She can use a rest.”

  “What about him?”

  “Nope. He’s like that battery commercial; he just keeps going and …”

  “And you two are his girlfriends and don’t mind.”

  “No, we encouraged it. It was safer for her with a friend than a stranger. He’s quite gentle most of the time, except when he’s not. But he never mistreats women; he reserves his angry side for people who deserve it. Mostly men, but the occasional female criminal too.”

  Misti popped in, then two very sweaty souls emerged in terrycloth robes.

  “Adam, Kalindra, this is Ms. Alana McCarthy and she’s come to see you about a friend who got your name from the ‘OT’ list.

  “Oh, well, happy to meet you. Let’s talk in the living room. Would you like something? A refreshment?

  “Maybe a side order of whatever your friend was having. But no, I’m good to go.”

  Adam smiled. “I hope you don’t mind all of us being here; we have no secrets from each other.”

  “And your two friends here?”

  “Gaea and Laura.”

  “They’re under your protection? Live here? Girlfriends too.”

  “They are under my protection, they live here now, and no, they are not my girlfriends. They are my friends. So, what’s the situation? I understand this involves a friend of yours, but not you.”


  “Been to the police?”

  “Wouldn’t help. She’d be disappeared and be dead within days, if not hours.”


  “They’d come looking and anyway she’d have nightmares and anxiety for the rest of her life. These five men, and their parents, have something wrong with them. They’re cruel and heartless. They take what isn’t theirs to have.”

  “I see. Can you give me your full name?”

  “Alana Maureen McCarthy. Need my social?”

  “Not likely.” Adam was on his laptop. “Sorry for this. Just have to be careful.”

  “You pass. And your resume is quite impressive. And, to be honest, I’m not sure why you need me. You could easily do this job yourself.”

  “Normally, yes. The particular gentleman in question has five brothers. He hurt my friend, quite badly, and won’t let go of her. She’s still in the hospital. I broke his jaw, nose and all his fingers. He’s in hospital too. Different hospital.”

  “Ouch! Remind me to be very nice to you.”

  “The cops won’t do anything; family connections and the guy denied having anything to do with the assault on my friend. Brothers backed him up. If she complains, they’ll kill her. If the guy goes to jail, they’ll kill her. I can’t go back; the cops will arrest me or the brothers will try to kill me. I want to help, then I heard about you from …”

  “No names. Misti and I do this anonymously. So, while I appreciate that you are connected, please let us handle it from here on out.”

  “I can’t pay you. Neither can my friend, Eene. Eene Birkenstock.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. You worked for the NSA? And the CIA as a field operative.”

  “For a time. I’m retired now.”

  “I saw your service record. Exemplary, except for that one incident.”

  “How did you …”

  “I’m a computer genius. I do lots of very intrusive stuff. Just like you. But I think you’re probably better than me at snooping. If we agree to help, would you consider working for me on an assignment? Pay is excellent, full benefits in a safe environment. Here.”

  “And Eene?”

  “Is that Swedish?”

  “No clue. We grew up together. But not where she is today.”

  “I know the place where you grew up. It’s good you got out.”

  “You’re remarkably well informed.”

  “Did I mention I’m also fabulously wealthy and achingly good looking.”

  “No. Must be nice to be wealthy.”

  “And good looking,” he chuckled.

  All the women burst into laughter.

  “OK, job offer is officially on the table,” said Adam.

  “And if I don’t? And what about Eene?”

  “Misti and I will still do the job, and Eene can come live here until she’s ready to go back into the real world. You too. No strings attached.”

  “What’s your plan?”

  “Fly to California with my girlfriend Misti, meet one or more of my cousins, get our silenced 9mm weapons, find all the brothers and kill them. Ditto the parents. They’re deeply involved in all the boys’ bad behavior, if I understand you correctly. Eene wasn’t their first victim; she won’t be the last if we don’t do something. Then I med evac Eene here and Bob’s your Uncle. Case closed.”

  Alana just stared in disbelief.

  Laura and Gaea said, “You’re going to kill them all. Just like that; seven people.”

  “More like seven monsters, but yeah, that’s the plan unless there’s a change.”

  “There’s no other way?”

  “I doubt a good ‘talking to’ will work with them. And psychotherapy is out of the question. Not enough meds in the world to cure wha
t ails them. But a hollow point to the head should be all we need. Alana?”

  “Can I come?”

  “No. We need you here with witnesses that you were not involved in any way.”

  “But I am.”

  “No, you’re not. What was your name again?”

  “I have visitors tonight, so Misti and I will leave in the morning, but you’re welcome to stay here with us. We have a guest room here on five that’s vacant. It’s safe, and there’s a lock on the inside in case you aren’t feeling secure.”

  “If I were you, I’d be a lot more worried about having a secure lock on your door.”

  “I’m open for business 24/7. My ladies protect me at all times. No need for a lock. Or an invitation, once you’re approved.”

  “By your girlfriends, I assume?”

  “Correct. Now, I have cooking to do, so if you’ll excuse me, I need to shower and change.”

  When Adam left, Alana turned to the ladies. “Is he for real?”

  “Totally. He’s different. Unique. Weird. Please, please, please tell us what you did for the NSA/CIA. Had to be juicy for Adam to ask you to come to work with us.”

  “I can be coerced.”

  “We excel at that.”

  “That reminds me.” Alana walked over to Adam’s bedroom door and knocked to het his attention.

  “Adam! Yes. The answer is yes.”


  “I accept your offer. Can I stay here too?”

  “Of course. My Lab, our Lab now, is downstairs and you can live here on five with the rest of us or down on four. Workout room is on two; Misti, Noki and I spar every day. Feel free to join in.”

  Chapter 16

  The ladies were dressed and looking fetching in their sundresses and sandals, waiting as the countdown continued. His Swiss watch said 5:59 but the last minute seemed an eternity. Laura had loaned Alana some clean clothes and graciously agreed to assist her trying on different combinations of dresses and accessories, along with Gaea, to find just the right look for the evening festivities. They dressed and undressed her repeatedly, then asked for Noki and Misti’s opinion.

  After more than an hour, Alana finally said, “We’ve had plenty of time for this game. But I think the first outfit was fine; now you just want to see me naked.”

  No one said anything; no one seemed embarrassed. They just kept dressing and undressing Alana and admiring her natural beauty.

  Alana, for her part, only seemed interested in all things Adam.

  “He’ll never seriously come on to you, but he kids and flirts all the time. You’re completely safe around him and he’ll protect you even if you are fully capable of protecting yourself. I am for sure, and you are too. But he’s a good guy, though an ass on occasion. We all love him to death but he needs us, an entire female crew, to help him with the things he doesn’t seem to grasp.”


  “Other people.”


  “You can say anything to him, especially if he’s being a jerk. He doesn’t take offense and he rarely gets mad. At us I mean. He’s not violent unless provoked but, even then, it has to be something about family or friends. He’s not uncaring about the rest of the planet; he just doesn’t see the relevance to his life until it actually is relevant.”

  “Why does he, and you for that matter, do this thing? The OT list?”

  “OT means Old Testament. When the law doesn’t protect us, we have the right to protect ourselves. Justice, old testament style. He not a vigilante; he picks his spots.”

  “Is he like real religious or something?”

  “No. He just likes to name things. OT was what he came up with.”

  “Why help us? He doesn’t know me or Eene?”

  “Don’t know. But he likes you, I can tell. He likes smart women who can kick ass. And he’s a computer geek; seems to think you are too.”

  “Guilty as charged.”


  Six o’clock finally came and four women, all beautiful, appeared out of nowhere.

  “You made it! I thought you’d never get here.”

  “Husband,” said Fionna as she walked up to him in physical form, giving him a huge wet kiss. “I missed you. We four have very naughty plans for you. And news. He let us combine our time, so we have a full eight hours of erotic bliss.”

  Hecate, Hana and Kendra each took take turns greeting Adam, from long kisses to gently unwrapping themselves.

  Fionna said, “We’re being rude. Who are these gorgeous ladies?”

  Adam said, “Noki Lee, Misti Suarez, Gaea Crane, Laura Bennet, Kalindra Wright and our new friend, Alana McCarthy. Everyone, this is Fionna, my wife. Hana, also my wife. Kendra Boles, who is going to be my wife, along with Hecate the Immortal, also soon to be my wife. Our kids are all at home, and I’m a little peeved that I can’t see them, and I only have eight hours with you. It’s cruel!”

  “We know. But we’ll be back. There are changes coming and we’ll be able to spend more time here in physical form, maybe weeks at a time. But we have other duties and Hecate and I still get in trouble a lot.”

  Hecate said, “First, some news. He wants you to make regular visits. Time in eternity with the wives and kids. Time compressed, so as not to disrupt your latest mortal adventure. He watches every day now. Calls it ‘God TV’. He has decided that we can all visit your mind, and anyone else’s you allow, with permission.”

  “Like you, Hecate, communing with my ladies? I don’t recall giving permission.”

  Fionna said, “Let’s not quibble over details like timing. Besides when did Hecate ever do as she was told. He let’s her get away with murder, thank the heavens.”

  Hecate said, “Who’s the new one? I haven’t entered her yet. Is she safe?”

  Hecate entered Alana’s mind. “She’s good. And she may be crushin’ a tiny bit on you already. Or it might be the ladies. Can’t be sure. But someone’s going to get laid a lot. Me too tonight! Our weddings are next week by the way, in his realm. He wants to talk to you privately. Might be getting an upgrade, or maybe he just wants some ‘bro tips. He’s diggin’ Earth these days.”

  The doorbell rang; someone was downstairs. It was Crissy Chance.

  “What do you want? I’m busy.

  “Can I come up?”

  “No. Leave and don’t come back. Go see the vipers.”

  “That’s what I want to talk to you about. Please?”

  “Come back Friday. We’ll talk then I have time.” Adam clicked off.

  Noki asked, “Who was that?”

  “Crissy. Crissy Chance. I told her to leave. We can talk Friday.”

  Hecate said, “I told you. She’s up to no good. Keep away, she’s not what you think.”

  “I know. Maybe you can help later.”

  “Do I get a reward? Something dirty and deviant?”

  “D and D are my specialties.”

  Fionna said, “Well ladies, we’ll be done in eight hours and then we’ll return him to you. Until then, I ask you not to be rude and interrupt. We’re Immortals. Play nice.”


  Alana said, “What the fuck! Who, what are they? They are definitely not like us. The bossy one kept saying they were Immortals!”

  Hecate appeared. “We heard that. Here, we’ll share some background and some explanation via mind transfer. Don’t go blabbing any of this. The rest is ‘need to know’, mortals. And your fellow mortals don’t need to know.”

  The Immortals left in the early morning hours satisfied and promised to return as soon as allowed for a longer and more family-oriented visit. Adam explained to his mortals that he was expected in the City of Enlightenment the following week for wedding ceremonies; invited guests only.


  Misti was up and already packed by the time Adam dragged himself out of bed; Hanford was waiting downstairs. Misti informed him the plane was fueled and ready to leave, so he kissed his women goodbye, told them not to worry, and said he would b
e back in the next day or so with Eene.

  “Get her room ready please; Kalindra please call Serena Tangier. Eene will need a full physical, and she’s my first choice. Thoughts?”

  “Same. We’ll be ready.”

  Alana was last to say goodbye. “I can’t thank you enough. This means everything to me. Please be careful.”

  “This is the easy part. Wait until we start working together. Ask Kalindra; I have a special budget for smashed pottery and coffee cups thrown at me. And Kalindra has a pretty good arm.”

  “Thanks anyway.” Alana had tears in the corners of her eyes; she was not a weepy woman. She was rugged and tough; an equal in a man’s world in every respect. Eene was her soft spot, her friend since childhood. Alana had always looked after her cute but somewhat fragile friend.

  “No worries. I’ll bring her home safe and sound. Now sit tight and we’ll call. Like a radio broadcast in the old days. Real time updates. Maybe just for you though. Not sure the others will want to hear the screams.”


  On board, Hanford, Misti and Adam sat down to decide on which of two locations they would attack, and in which order. Hanford was there as driver and backup, but he could still fire a weapon and he was armed.

  They were on their way to Portland, Oregon and would be there in the early afternoon.

  Adam said, “I favor simultaneous attacks, each preceded by gas. Knock them out, shoot each one a couple times in the head, then I’m off to the hospital; you guys head to the airport. Then we bring the official transfer order for the med evac of Eene to some place other than New York City, and we’re on our way home. Eene is awake and has already signed the consent and release forms, but given them to the lawyer we retained to hold for her. Don’t want the Walton’s getting advanced notice. Our lawyer swoops in when we call, an ambulance picks up our patient and off we go.”

  “I don’t like being separated. The boys will be at their warehouse waiting for their new connection to arrive with samples. Mom and Dad should be at their cabin just outside of the city. But the distance is at least twenty miles; Hanford can be with me or you, but not both of us.”


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