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Forever Guarded

Page 10

by Kathleen Brooks

  Piper blinked as Aiden leaned back against the couch and pulled her back to his chest. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder again as his thumb started rubbing absently, sending her nerves to tingle. “Now that we have that settled. Tell me all about FAVOR. Think back to when you first thought of the idea. Start there and tell me everything.”

  “Even the big words?” Piper tried to tease as her heart was currently having a hissy fit in her chest. She imagined it as a bunch of girls jumping up and down screaming with excitement. At least that’s what it felt like inside after hearing Aiden say he wanted more, only his job couldn’t let him. And she understood that. Layne had suffered the same situation, but then when Walker had been discharged . . . Damn, Piper really needed to fix her project and fast, because if Aiden wasn’t lying and he was interested, only fixing the project would allow them a chance together.

  “I was in the bathtub,” Piper started. She giggled when Aiden groaned.

  “Details. Every detail is important. Were there bubbles?”

  Piper laughed and felt her body relax into his. She closed her eyes and began to talk. She didn’t know how long she talked, but it had to have been hours. And then it hit her. It was like a moment of clarity. Somewhere during her retelling, she’d grabbed her old notebooks to show him and explain her line of thinking. And now she was frantically making notes. Talking through it had shown her where she’d made at least two errors in her process—errors that could be the key to fixing FAVOR.


  He was a bloody idiot. Aiden checked in on his phone as the plane descended. Five hours ago, after confessing to a client he wanted to pin her to his bed and shag her until she couldn’t walk, he’d reined in his lust and listened to her talk about her work. When she finished, she didn’t say anything. She got up, moved to the table, and started frantically writing. She’d been doing that ever since.

  “We’re almost there, babe,” Aiden said before squeezing his jaw shut. He’d just realized he’d been calling her babe. Everyone in England called women luv, but babe was usually reserved for someone special. He’d have to watch himself now. In America it didn’t seem to have been noticed, but at home it would be.

  “Okay. I have some ideas, but I’ll need some things from the Rahmi lab before I can test them out.” Piper’s long hair was pulled back into what had been a sloppy bun a couple hours ago. Now half of it was falling out and she was constantly pushing it back from her face. She was adorable.

  “So, who are we meeting here?” Piper asked as she began packing up her notebooks.

  “A childhood friend of mine,” Aiden told her as the plane came to a stop.

  “And he’ll keep FAVOR safe?” Piper asked, grabbing the container from the mini-fridge and stuffing the cooler with the ice packs.

  “It’ll be very safe. Especially since your uncle Miles called in a favor.” The door opened, the stairs were lowered, and Aiden found Wick grinning up at him, flanked by five armed guards. “That favor.”

  “Who are they?” she asked.

  “Her Majesty’s finest. They’ll provide around-the-clock protection of FAVOR at the base. Almost nobody will know what it is or what it’s doing there. These six men and the base commander only know it is something valuable. The commander is the only one with actual knowledge of what it is.”

  Piper seemed to relax as she followed him down the stairs. Wick stepped forward with a grin on his face as he thumped Aiden on his shoulder. “Remind me to go into private service,” Wick said with a grin as he looked Piper over.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Aiden warned, which made Wick grin even larger.

  “Welcome to England, my lady,” Wick said gallantly as he bowed over Piper’s hand. The cold air whipped around them and Piper, though she grinned, was shivering. Protective instincts raced through him as he pulled her close to him to block the wind.

  “Let’s get inside,” Aiden said, cutting off whatever shenanigans Wick still had up his sleeve.

  “Where will they keep my project?” Piper asked once inside.

  “In the commander’s personal office,” Wick answered as an older gentleman began to walk toward them. “Armed officers will be outside the door at all times until you retrieve it.”

  “Thank you,” Piper said, completely ignoring all the charm Wick was pouring on.

  “Dr. Davies”—the older man held out his hand—“I’m Commander Suffolk. I’ve been briefed by your uncle and am ready to take possession of your work. No one will touch it. I swear to it.”

  “Thank you, commander,” Piper said as she reluctantly handed over the cooler. A guard took it, and Aiden could tell she didn’t want it out of her sight.

  “Why don’t you go with him to make sure everything is properly set up,” Aiden suggested. He was rewarded with a smile before Piper trailed after the guard.

  “You lucky bastard,” Wick said as he watched Piper head toward the office. The commander shook his head.

  “It’s an interesting family your client comes from. I take it her uncle was a higher-up in Special Forces. When you’re given the number for the head of the Rahmi Security Forces, an untraceable number to someone named Dylan, and another number I’m pretty sure belongs to the White House, you pay attention.”

  Aiden smiled, not surprised at all. “Nothing about that surprises me. You wouldn’t believe the residents of that town. Ahmed lives there. A DEVGRU man. FBI. And three old women who threatened me with kitchenware. And that’s not counting the woman who reminds me of my mum who ran over a man in a minivan.”

  “We were asking questions, and you’re teasing us,” Wick said with an eye roll.

  “Ahmed, as in the Rahmi soldier?” the commander asked with wide eyes.

  “That’s right. His mentees are looking into who we think is behind the attacks on my client.”

  “Who’s he?” Wick asked, suddenly interested.

  The commander let out a low whistle. “Ahmed is the deadliest soldier ever known. I can’t even begin to know how many people he’s killed. They say he single-handedly overthrew King Nassar some thirty years ago.”

  “So, why isn’t he looking after the hot scientist?” Wick asked.

  “She didn’t want anyone from town to do it. She was afraid something might happen to them. And it’s a good thing too. She’s been attacked three times already. Once when she was alone, once when I was in transit when the minivan-mowing mum saved her, and even once when I was with her.”

  “And you’re going to be staying in Lynton? At your mum’s house?” Wick asked with surprise.

  “No. I’m just picking up some supplies. We’re on our way to Rahmi to set a trap.”

  “I thought you retired from the SAS,” the commander said wryly.

  “I did too, but I can’t trust anyone else with this,” Aiden admitted.

  “I’m ready.”

  Aiden was cut off from having to say anything else when Piper arrived.

  “Then let me escort you to your chariot, luv,” Wick said as he held out his arm. Piper shook her head in amusement but took his arm. Soon they were on their way home.

  * * *

  “There’s my boy!” Aiden’s mum cried as she burst from the house.

  Aiden opened his arms and wrapped his mum in a tight hug, lifting her penny-loafered feet from the ground. “Hello, Mum.” Aiden set her down and turned to Piper. “This is Piper Davies. Piper, this is my mum.”

  “Mrs. Creed,” Piper said, holding out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  His mum shot him an approving look, and Aiden didn’t know whether to feel embarrassed or proud. Frustrated. That’s what he ended up feeling because Piper wasn’t his woman. She was his client.

  “Come in, come in. Aiden said you had something you wanted me to keep safe.”

  Piper looked confused so Aiden stepped in. “Piper, I think you should write down whatever you need from Rahmi, but nothing more. Then leave the notebooks with my mum. That way everything is separate
and safe.”

  He saw her think about it as she nibbled a lip—a lip he wanted to suck into his mouth and run his tongue over. Bugger. Aiden took a deep breath to control himself before his mind ran away from him and his prick followed.

  “Won’t that put her in danger?” Piper asked quietly, but his mum answered for him.

  “Oh, no worries about that, luv. I’ll keep it at the pub. No one will bother me there.”

  “Will someone find it?”

  “Not a chance. I’ll keep it behind the light hoppy beer imported from the States. That stuff has been in the pub for years. Fancy a cuppa while Aiden gets his stuff? It’ll give us a chance to get to know each other.”

  Aiden watched as his mum dragged Piper into their small cottage house to serve her tea as Wick laughed. “You are so screwed.”

  “Don’t I wish,” Aiden said dryly.

  “Can you give me a couple hours to get everything together?”

  “Sure. I’ll pop down to the pub. We’ll meet you there. Thanks, Wick.”

  “Hey, what are mates for?”

  Aiden waited for Wick to drive off before heading back to the locked shed in the small garden that backed up to the wilds of Lynton. Mountains, rocky cliffs, valleys, streams, and even the ocean all made up Lynton’s views. And right now the cold air and the darkening clouds gave Lynton a very gothic appearance.

  Aiden pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. Inside, he turned on the single light bulb to reveal his past. All his SAS gear was packed away in trunks. Unlocking them, he pulled a bulletproof vest to add under Piper’s jacket, night vision goggles, guns, knives, and everything else he’d need to keep Piper safe and put them in his old rucksack.

  When Aiden made it back to the house, his mum and Piper were laughing. He stood in the doorway and watched the way Piper made his mum feel at ease. She talked, asked questions, and complimented her on the tea. “Oh, luv, I’m so glad my Aiden found a nice girl. I’ve been worried about him, you know. Going around with women who were all wrong for him.”

  “Okay, Mum,” Aiden said, hurrying into the room. He noticed Piper didn’t correct his mum’s assumption that they were a couple. “I thought we could walk to the pub where we’re meeting Wick so you could see a little of the town.”

  “I’d like that. Would you join us, Mrs. Creed?”

  “Yes, luv. I believe I will.”

  * * *

  Aiden walked shoulder to shoulder with Piper and it seemed only natural to turn his hand so he could hold hers. His mum smiled when she caught sight of it while Piper didn’t pull away. Instead, she squeezed his hand and sent his heart racing. His heart had been so closed off since he’d lost his father before enlisting it didn’t seem possible to break through the walls he’d built up. But sweet, unassuming, smart-as-a-whip Piper was doing just that.

  Women at pubs could catch his eye when he was in the SAS. And after, as he became a professional, he found himself fancied by the women of the aristocracy who loved being with someone dangerous. It had been all fun and games, but nothing more. He’d seen his mother’s heart break when his father died. And knowing he was going off to battle, he didn’t want to do that to someone else. Or himself. He knew the likelihood of cheating while on deployment, so why put him or a woman in that position? Then when he got back he wasn’t ready to open himself up to that kind of pain.

  But now, his heart was slowly stretching after being asleep for so long. And he felt it—the flutters, the inability to stop himself from reaching out and touching Piper in some way, the dreams he had when he closed his eyes. If he didn’t stop this soon, he’d be in love in no time with the one woman who was off limits.

  “What a cute town! You weren’t kidding when you said you knew how small towns worked. This place is even smaller than Keeneston, but it’s so beautiful,” Piper said, interrupting his thoughts as she looked all around.

  “This is the pub I work at.” His mum pointed out the nearest building painted white with brown trim.

  Piper looked at the bag she was carrying, and with a deep breath handed it over to his mum. “Take good care of it. Don’t let anyone see it or take it.”

  “I promise. No one will think anything of it. But to be sure, why don’t I send Wick out here so it appears you’re here to see him instead of me. Even though there will already be some gossip,” she said, staring pointedly to a curtain at a nearby house that was drawn back.

  “Just like home,” Piper said with a laugh. “Thank you, Mrs. Creed. I really appreciate it.”

  “Of course, luv. Take good care of my lad. He may not show it, but he has a big heart.”

  “Mum,” Aiden groaned as Piper slipped her hand back into his. Okay, so maybe his mum needed to embarrass him some more if it got Piper touching him.

  His mum kissed his cheek and headed into the pub.

  “Your mom is sweet.” Piper paused as she looked down at their intertwined hands. “This is harder than I thought it would be.”

  “What do you mean?” Aiden asked, his heart stopping as he feared she’d pull away.

  * * *

  Piper stared at their hands clasped together. She’d been around men like Aiden her whole life and never thought she’d fall for a man like him. She’d always seen herself with someone who was quiet—a homebody like her. Someone who worked in a lab or an office. Never someone who spent his youth rock climbing and swimming in a cold ocean just to try to outswim his friends. But here she was, holding hands with Aiden Creed. The man she shouldn’t like, but was drawn to nonetheless.

  “We shouldn’t like each other. We’re nothing alike, and you’re my bodyguard. I shouldn’t cross that line. But I find myself wanting to blow that line to smithereens. It’s harder than I thought to stay detached,” Piper admitted. She may be the quiet one. She may be the one who never stood toe to toe with a criminal and fought, but she wasn’t a coward. She wasn’t ashamed of her feelings. Feelings that had turned from lust to something much more during the plane ride. Aiden seemed to complete her in a way. Not as opposites, but rather it was more complementary.

  “I know,” he said so softly the wind almost stole his words.

  Aiden leaned closer to her, pushing her back against Wick’s car. She felt the cold metal, but it did nothing to cool her heated body as Aiden stepped so close his feet bracketed hers. His hands came up to capture her face, and she stopped breathing as his thumbs gently brushed her cheeks before he lowered his head toward hers. Piper’s eyes closed as she lifted her lips.

  “Oi! You ready to go or do I need to give you some privacy?”

  “Piss off, you tosser,” Aiden growled to Wick who was smirking as he walked toward them with two to-go boxes.

  Piper saw Aiden struggle to compose himself, but he finally stood up straight and took a step back from her. Her heartbeat dropped back to normal, and she didn’t know if she were disappointed or relieved that the moment had been interrupted. Piper had a feeling a kiss from Aiden would somehow change her and she wasn’t sure she was ready for that.

  Wick handed Aiden the boxes with a wink and got into the car. “Let’s go.”

  Piper felt herself shaking with unused adrenaline. Her body was pumping with longing, but she knew she couldn’t act on it, no matter how badly she wanted to. She could wait. Just like Layne, she was going to use the time to get to know Aiden and see if they had a shot at something more. How someone based out of London could date her, she didn’t know. Piper sighed as she climbed into the car. See, there were problems already popping up and that wasn’t even counting the people coming after her for FAVOR.


  During the long flight to Rahmi, she’d talked to her friends and family who had assured her that her mother was not in labor and no new people had shown up in Keeneston. She was about to close her eyes and take a nap when Aiden knocked on the bedroom door.

  “Come in,” she called out as she sat up.

  Aiden’s eyes instantly darkened when he saw her lying on the bed
. His hand tightened on the door and Piper would have given anything to be one of those women who threw caution to the wind by ripping off her shirt and telling Aiden to take her now.

  “I just got off the phone with Nash. There’s been a development,” Aiden said tightly.

  That got Piper’s attention. “Is anyone hurt?” she asked as she scrambled toward the end of the bed and sat up on her knees.

  “No. They traced the IP address for the dating site messages used to communicate with Dudley. It didn’t belong to the actress, but to a man they suspect works for Phobos.”

  “Oh,” Piper said, sitting back down. “Didn’t we expect that?”

  “Yes. But what they didn’t expect was to find that same IP address communicating with someone at the Rahmi lab.”

  “Who?” Piper asked, sitting back up onto her knees.

  “Don’t know yet. Nash ran a diagnostics and found the incoming address on the network. But we need to be careful. There’s an inside person at the lab.” Aiden cleared his throat. “I’ll, um, let you get back to bed.”

  “Wait,” Piper said suddenly. She didn’t know what had come over her except she didn’t want him to leave. Aiden paused, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the door.


  “Stay with me. We don’t have to sleep.” Piper heard a low groan come from Aiden. “I don’t mean that. I mean, sit and talk with me. I want to know more about you.”

  Aiden didn’t move and Piper thought he was going to say no, but he stepped into the small bedroom and closed the door behind him before taking a seat at the small desk in the corner of the room. “Did you like growing up an only child? I can’t imagine it. There’s certainly times I would have loved it. I never had privacy with two little brothers. I was nine before Cassidy came along. And now I’m about to have another brother or sister and I’m almost thirty. However, I can’t imagine my life without them.”


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