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The Phoenix King

Page 8

by Keegan Long

  But becoming the queen did not allow any of this.

  Emma had always put the people of Andros before any other situation, and she loved it, but becoming queen meant this would become her full time job. Her days of flying around with Layla whenever she felt like it were now over. The Emerald Throne has sat empty for too long and the people were ready for her to take her place.

  Emma had gone out the night before with Bri to explore the festivals that had been taking place over the last week in her honor. People and races from all over Terran had come to celebrate and be the first to see the new queen. Emma was even aware of kings, and other leaders alike, had brought their young sons in hope of arranging a marriage between the two of them. She had been sure to show them all that she was not interested.

  “What about the young prince from Irongate?” Bri had teased her that night. “He’s cute. And that blonde hair I would die for.”

  Emma rolled her eyes. “Since you’re so interested why don’t you.”

  “Well, if you don’t mind I just might have to,” Bri teasingly licked her lips in response as the two friends began to laugh as they continued walking down the street and viewing the many different attractions.

  Emma continued to sit upright in her bed that morning and slowly watched the sunlight fill her bedroom from the main window. Being high above on the side of a mountain had many benefits, and watching the sunrise was one of them.

  She knew that she never wanted to step outside this room ever again. Once she took those first steps out, she knew it would mark the beginning of her life changing forever. How deeply she wished she could go fetch Layla and ride her all day above the mountainside but knew there was to be no time for that. Especially today.

  Before Emma could go further deeper thinking about the day before her, there was a sudden knock from the outside of her door. She quickly made her way over towards the door and fixed her nightgown so she looked in some type presentable.

  The moment she opened her door, a flood of servants poured into her room before she could even react and were followed close behind by Loris and several other council members.

  Emma glared at Loris and was only greeted with a bright smile back at her from the man who was now wearing emerald green ceremonial robes.

  “What is all this?” Emma questioned as she pointed out all the servants that had now filled her room.

  “You got a big day ahead of you,” Loris answered. “We got to make sure you look just perfect.”

  “And is all of this really necessary?” she complained back. “The ceremony isn’t until tonight anyways.”

  “It is,” he objected.

  Before Emma could reply again, she found herself caught off guard as a loud short burst of laughter came from the far corner of the room near the door. Emma quickly turned and saw that it had come from Bri, who had snuck into the room a few moments earlier. Emma returned the favor and glared back at her.

  “You wouldn’t be laughing if this was you,” Emma pressed back as servants continued rummaging around her. They soon sat her down and began working on her hair.

  Emma’s smooth blonde hair was not the longest. but there was still enough to comb it out and make it look longer than she usually wore it out. She did not like it one bit but decided it was best to stop fighting for now and pick the battles she knew she could win later.

  It was not long later that Emma signaled for her friend to come over to her side.

  “Yes, My Princess.”

  “If I have to suffer all day then you’ll be right by my side suffering as well,” Emma uttered.

  Bri smiled brightly, but gave a simple nod as well, as she understood what Emma wanted.

  “I also must ask you to do a favor for me,” she continued.

  “Of course. Anything.”

  “Layla,” Emma asked. “I want her there tonight. By my side. Make sure it happens.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Brianne protested. “It’s definitely not customary.”

  “Unfortunately, I have to agree with the Valkyrie,” Loris overheard.

  Emma closed her eyes, and took a deep breath, before she became more serious than anyone in the room had ever seen her before. “She is the only family I got left. She needs to be there. And as your future queen I will make this an order if I must. But right now I am asking of this as your friend. Do you understand?”

  The room was silent as Bri and Loris exchanged glances at each other until they silently agreed with each other.

  “Of course,” Bri replied as she bowed slightly towards Emma’s direction. “Consider it done.”

  With Brianne’s new orders, she quickly left the room and would not be seen again until the coronation later that night.

  “Thank you, Loris,” Emma turned to council member.

  He smiled back as he began to think about how he had watched this little girl grow up over the years and today was the day that she would become Queen of Andros. He could not have been any prouder.

  Loris,” Emma asked. “What happens to the High Council when I become queen?”

  “Disbanded I believe,” he answered and took a seat by her side as the servants continued working on her hair. “Of course we will stay close by as a board of advisors for when you may need us.”

  “Good,” she sighed. “I’ve been thinking long and hard the last few nights about when I become queen and there’s something I must ask of you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere if that is what you are worried about,” he reassured her.

  “And that is why when I become queen I will name you, High Warden of Andros.”

  Emma noticed she had not received an immediate response from Loris and looked over towards his direction. She noticed how shocked and lost in words he had become.

  High Warden was the highest title anyone could get in any of the kingdoms across Terran, besides king or queen. They acted as the top advisors and were the right hand to the king or queen. They oversaw all the lands throughout the kingdom and were also known as The Protector of the Lands.

  “My Queen-” Loris stuttered, still in shock at what words to say.

  “I am not your queen yet,” Emma quickly reminded him. “So, is that a yes? And I will not take no as an answer.”

  Loris quickly got up from his seat and got in front of Emma on one knee. “It would be my honor.”

  Emma took his hand with hers, “rise.”

  Loris did as he was told as he lifted his face up and smiled at her. “Thank you.”

  “And let’s keep the bowing to a very bare minimum,” Emma said. “You know I’m still getting used to that.”

  Loris smirked. “Of course.”

  Before she knew it, the sun had begun to set beyond the mountain and Emma was about to become queen and sit upon the Emerald Throne for the very first time.

  The servants and advisors had left a while ago to get themselves situated and made sure everything was in place for the ceremony. She had sat in her room by herself for the past hour staring out her window, thinking about how nervous she was and what the future ahead looked like for her.

  Emma was currently dressed in a heavy ceremonial gown that had been made many years ago for her for this very day. It truly was beautiful as it reflected the color of emerald green, just like the throne she would soon sit on. Additionally, it even had some small emeralds woven into the dress itself. Emma never liked dressing up fancy but the moment her eyes had fallen on this dress she had immediately fallen in love with it.

  A light knock soon came from her door as a young servant girl entered the room.

  “They’re ready for you,” she quietly spoke and bowed her head.

  Emma slowly got up and followed the servant out her room with her green dress trailing closely behind her.

  It was not long later, after slowly traveling through the castle’s corridors and hallways, that she had arrived at the closed wooden doors that lead straight into the throne room.

  “My Quee
n,” the servant girl bowed once more as she dismissed herself from Emma’s side.

  There were two guards positioned outside the doors awaiting for her signal to open them for her. Emma closed her eyes one last time and took a deep breath in, and then finally out.

  It was time.

  Emma slightly nodded towards the positioned soldiers in blue armor as they moved towards the center and began to slowly open the heavy doors.

  As the throne room slowly became visible, she could see the Emerald Throne in the center on its elevated platform. The room was filled with more people than she had ever seen in the throne room before. They lined up on opposite sides of the room with a clear open path in the middle for her to walk down.

  Emma slowly began to walk into the room as she noticed two figures waiting for her on either side of the Emerald Throne. On the left was Loris smiling down on her, and to the right, was Bri with Layla right by her side as she roared at the presence of her master.

  As Emma made her way down the aisle, she looked into the crowd and noticed all sorts of people from different kingdoms that she had never come to know before. But she did see one familiar face that made her smile as she made eye contact with the figure in black robes. Gordon. He smiled brightly back at her and even gave her a slight nod as she passed him.

  Emma slowly continued on and made her way up the few stone steps that held the Emerald Throne. When she came face to face with the throne, a flood of emotion overpowered her as she had fight back the tears that wanted to fall down her side so badly. She soon turned around to face the crowd and sat on the throne.

  “It is my honor to present you, Queen of the Mountain!” Loris called out. “Queen of Horses! Queen of Andros!”

  Loris then followed by taking the crown that was handed over to him. The crown was made up of bright silver, and in the very middle, was a large green emerald. The biggest emerald in all of Terran.

  Loris slowly placed the crown on top of Emma’s head. “All hail Queen Emma! Long may she reign!”

  “Long may she reign!” the crowd echoed with their voices filling the entire hall.

  “Long may she reign!” she heard Bri by her side join in as she turned and grinned towards her friend and Layla.

  Layla bursted out once again as she too joined in with the crowd.

  The throne room erupted as everyone began applauding towards the new queen.

  Before she could say anything, or address the crowd, the throne room’s door flew open violently as a local guardsmen came running through the room and towards Emma.

  The hall quickly fell silent and a flood of royal guards put themselves in front of Emma’s path so the guardsmen could come no closer. The crowd began to whisper as they began to gossip about the event that was transpiring right before their eyes.

  “What is the meaning of this!” Loris demanded as he made his way to the center of the room where the intruder was now being held down by other soldiers. “Explain yourself!”

  “The queen has a visitor,” the intruder began to explain as he tried to catch his breath. “They demand to see her immediately.”

  “And who thinks they are so important they can interrupt her coronation!” Loris yelled.

  “The Phoenix King, My Lord.”

  The room went completely silent at the sound of his name. Emma quickly glanced down to see that Gordon had just as shocked and uneasy reaction as she did.

  The Phoenix King had come to Andros.



  It did not surprise Sara one bit that Ashly and her hunters were waiting for her right inside the entrance to the upper ring of the city. Ashly had been following Sara’s moves for weeks and she now blamed herself for not being more careful and secretive.

  “What brings you to the upper ring of the city?” Ashly asked timidly as she got close to Sara and positioned herself in front of her. “I’m curious to know why you have sneaked your way up here.”

  “It’s not like you would believe me even if I told you,” Sara spat back.

  “Try me,” the leader grinned.

  “My father has become sick,” Sara began to explain. “And there’s nothing normal about it. No regular medicine can cure this. He is on the verge of joining those that have gone beyond. I believe it is dark magic.”

  Sara prepared herself for some ridiculous and unnecessary comment to come back at her from the leader but she was quiet. Not even the slightest hint of a sinister grin had come across her face. Sara looked at Ashly’s eyes and only saw the eyes of a frightened girl and was caught off guard because of this. Sara had never seen Ashly display any type of emotion before but today would be the first.

  “What?” Sara asked as she searched for what Ashly was hiding from her.

  “Walk with me,” she ushered as she began walking deeper into the upper ring. “Alone.”

  Ashly glared back at her fellow companions and Boris as she signaled them to not follow.

  Sara followed closely by Ashly’s side and the two of them walked through the busy open streets throughout the upper ring. Ashly remained silent and Sara decided it was best for her to follow her lead as well. It was not until they had reached courtyard that Sara found herself stunned by the sight of a giant statue that filled the courtyard. As they walked up closer to the statue she noticed it was the carving of a woman and a strong, powerful, and beautiful one by the looks of it. Sara briefly felt a small sense travel throughout her body as she stared up at the statue in amazement and admiration.

  “Beautiful isn’t she?” Ashly commented as she saw Sara continue to examine the statue.

  “Yes. Who is she?” Sara asked.

  “Queen Elyana,” the hunter answered. “The first and only Phoenix Queen of Terran. There had been many queens in the past but she was the only one to ever rule from the Ruby Throne.”

  “Why are you showing me this?” Sara turned to face Ashly once again as she tried to study was her true motive was.

  “You may think I’m the bad person here, but I’m far from it,” Ashly laughed. “I brought you here because during her time as queen she faced the crisis of waging war against dark magic users. During the time these users came to be known as Necromancers. The war would be known as The Necromancy War.”

  “What happened?”

  “Hundreds of thousands of people would died during this time,” Ashly went on to explain. “From direct attacks from the Necromancers or from some mysterious sickness that was incurable.”

  “So, you believe me then?” Sara asked hopefully. “You think possibly one of these Necromancers had made my father sick?”

  Ashly sighed. “In normal circumstances I would think you were crazy and making this all up. But yes I do believe you. I believe you because just a few weeks ago we had a farmer outside the city walls die due to this same reported type of sickness. I went to investigate his body after he had passed and was horrified by what I had seen.”

  “What does this mean?” Sara was afraid to ask.

  “This means that the Necromancer had made it into the city.”

  Sara was horrified at the thought that a dark magic user had now somehow made their way into the city. Olympia was supposed to be the most protected city in the entire world and now the capital of Terran was vulnerable.

  “What do we do?” Sara asked. “How do we cure my father?”

  “Accounts during the Necromancy War show that the people who had become sick by dark magic were cured only one way. The source of the magic had to be destroyed. Once the Necromancer who had conjured the sickness was killed the victim was cured.”

  “How does one kill a Necromancer?”

  “During Queen Elyana’s reign she used phoenix fire,” Ashly explained. “Phoenix fire has unique magical properties that has powerful effects against dark magic.”

  “So, it’s impossible then,” Sara slumped down as she sat on the ground bellow her in defeat.

  “Not exactly,” Ashly said unsure. “We may have a way but it h
as never been tested before.”

  “What is it?” Sara looked up from the ground as a flicker of hope came across her eyes once more.

  “There’s something I must show you,” Ashly offered. “But the only way I can do that is if you join the Hunters of Artemis.”

  Sara followed by managing herself up from the ground bellow and looked at the leader straight in the eyes and answered without hesitation or a second thought. “Then I accept. I will become a Hunter of Artemis.”

  It was not long after that Sara had been issued her own uniform and was even given her own bow and quiver of arrows but she refused the bow.

  “Mine will do just fine,” she told them.

  When Sara put on the archer robes she had been given she was surprised to find how comfortable they really were. She was able to move around in them freely and were incredibly light.

  “They look good on you,” Ashly commented as Sara finished getting her last things together. “The red robes really complement your hair as well.”

  “It better be worth it,” Sara grinned back. “Where are we going anyways?”

  “To the royal palace,” Ashly answered. “But more specifically underneath it.”

  “And I’m guessing whatever is underneath there is going to help us defeat this Necromancer,” Sara added. “What is it?”

  “Can’t ruin the surprise,” Ashly smiled. “Come on.”

  Sara carefully followed Ashly throughout the upper ring by her side while the two other Hunters that had come with Ashly followed closely behind them. As they walked throughout the busy streets Sara noticed other fellow Hunters in red robes positioned all across the city. Some were seen in corners or alleyways and some were seen sitting across rooftops of houses and local businesses. The Hunters liked to remain unseen and they were good at it.


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