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The Phoenix King

Page 17

by Keegan Long

  Sara let out a loud whistle and Rayla immediately ceded her attacks as she flew and sat atop Sara’s right shoulder.

  “Sorry about that,” Sara apologized. “She just gets a bit defensive sometimes.”

  “No worries,” Carter straightened himself up. “The griffins out there attacked me too. But now look at them.”

  “Interesting,” Sara thought. She would have to remind herself later to ask about that.

  Sara went on and explained to everyone what Gordon had done to her father and that he would be stable but not for much longer. She explained everything that she had found out so far and even retold the account of how Boris gave her the Bow of Artemis and showed it off too them.

  “Boris said he got the bow from a Greybeard,” Sara informed Gordon.

  “Hmm,” the Greybeard muttered. “The Greybeards never have had this bow in our possession that I’m aware of.”

  “Well, we’ve got to help,” Carter quickly interrupted and dismissed the question. “We got to find this Necromancer.”

  Sara’s cheeks brightened. A total stranger that she barely knew was ready to help her against a dangerous foe without a doubt in mind. She had lived a life where no one was this kind to her except Boris and Ashly. She had grown up thinking the only people out there in the world only cared for themselves.

  “I agree,” Gordon said. “With Sara’s bow it should be enough magic to destroy the Necromancer. Plus I have my magic too.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to just give that bow to me,” Anna teased. “I’m a pretty good shot.”

  Sara enjoyed the young girl’s enthusiasm but grinned back, “not a chance.”

  “Plus, we have Magnus’ magic as well,” Carter added.

  The boy glared back at Carter. “Not really. I’ve been able to cast one spell.”

  “You’re a Greybeard too?” Sara asked confused as he was not in the traditional Greybeard attire like Gordon currently was in.

  “No,” Magnus replied. “I made a fireball once. That’s it.”

  “You’re a Sage!” Sara exclaimed.

  “Hey!” Magnus protested. “You probably want to keep that quiet as well. And I’m new to all this. I only found out a couple days ago.”

  “I’ve read that Sages were known to be the most powerful sorcerers against magical creatures,” Sara told. “You might be just what I need.”

  Sara saw Magnus glare over towards Gordon questioning her claim.

  “It’s true,” he smirked.

  “I don’t know any magic,” Carter said. “But I can handle a sword.”

  “No,” Sara interrupted as she had her perfect plan already though of. “You’re going to be our bait.”

  “Bait!” Carter protested. “That doesn’t sound good.”

  “The Necromancers are enemies to the Phoenix King,” Sara explained her plan. “They’ll be drawn to your power.”

  This time Carter glanced over towards Gordon questioning her claim.

  “It’s true,” the Greybeard grinned once again.

  “I’m going to take you to a place where your powers will more than likely peak so he’ll sense them without a doubt.”

  “And where would that be?” Carter asked annoyed as he did not like how this plan was going anymore.

  “I’m taking you to the Temple of Malvis,” Sara answered. “There’s an object there that calls out to your power. An object that belongs to you.”

  Sara noticed Gordon stood up now intrigued at what she was about to say next.

  “Are you saying-” Carter started before Sara interrupted him.

  “I’m taking you to the Phoenix Egg.”



  The night across Andros was quiet. Everyone stayed indoors and waited so cautiously for the moment they knew was coming.

  Knights sharpened their swords and archers fletched their arrows. The pegasus were fed and the night’s guard was put on high alert.

  Emma looked down at the town and field bellow from the balcony of her room. She offered to allow people to move into the city but most were not delighted to accept her offer. Those were their homes and some had been in their families for generations. They would never leave and would fight to their final breath if they had to.

  “My Queen,” Bri’s silent voice came behind her.

  “Any news?” Emma asked as she continued facing forwards and taking in the view.

  “Not of Troja,” Bri continued. “But we have news from Olympia.”

  Emma quickly turned around to face her friend this time. “They made it?”

  “Sure did,” her friend smiled back at her. “And have found the location of the phoenix egg.”

  “That’s great!”

  Emma deep down wish her new friends were with her here and now. She knew how important their mission was and that is why she insisted they go. She wished she would have been able to go with them herself. It had always been her dream to travel beyond the mountain but she had a duty now. She had to protect her people.

  “Where is he?” Emma said frustrated. “It’s been weeks since are little confrontation. Luther and his forces should be here by now.”

  “Maybe dragons ate him,” Bri joked.

  “I wish,” she laughed. “I don’t think we’re that lucky though.”

  “Your Highness,” Loris abruptly entered the room, scaring Emma and Bri in the process. “I think it’s time.”

  Loris ushered Emma and Bri back out to the balcony and pointed to the horizon where a blaze of fire had erupted. This was no natural fire and the more Emma looked at the scene the bigger the fire seemed to grow.

  “Coward!” Emma stormed off towards the door with Bri and Loris close by. “Attacking innocent farmers. Ready the Valkyrie and have all other soldiers standing by.”

  “Right away,” Bri ran off to gather her fellow warriors.

  “I’ll have the soldiers standing by,” Loris said as he ran off in a different direction. “We’ll get through this Emma!”

  Emma rushed along to the stables to gather Layla and her weapon. She did not have much experience fighting but when it came to weapons she preferred the traditional sword and shield. Bri was the expert when it came to fighting and would leave that to her and the Valkyrie.

  “Unfortunately, the time has come,” Emma spoke to her companion and she hopped up on her back. “Come on girl!”

  Layla took Emma quickly up and into the sky as she flew towards the the source of the fire. It was not long later until Bri and a group of several Valkyrie joined her in the air on their own pegasus.

  “I gathered about twenty of us!” Bri called out over the wind. “The rest will soon be ready!”

  “Very good!” Emma yelled back. “Take us down!”

  “With pleasure,” Bri grinned as she had her pegasus turn into a deep dive towards the ground with Emma and the other Valkyrie following close behind. “Be on alert! Anything can happen!”

  “Yes, Commander!”

  When Emma reached the ground, she was in disgust to see that Luther and his forces were waiting for her. The building had been burnt to nothing while the field surrounding them continued to burn.

  Emma carefully looked at Luther and his forces as she slowly descended towards the burning field. There were several hundred troops that had come with him. The majority of them were foot soldiers with the exception of a hundred on horses. She had expected a much bigger force but his force still posed a credible threat. Especially to the kingdom’s farms and other villages down here on the ground.

  There were to siege weapons that could harm the city above to Emma’s relief, but the burning and pillaging of the fields and villages bellow would still harm Andros just as much.

  Luther opened up his arms and laughed sinisterly as Emma got off Layla and began to approach her enemy.

  “Your Highness,” he welcomed. “How nice of you to join us.”

  “Leave now,” Emma decided to skip the pleasantries. “This is your la
st warning.”

  Luther continued to laugh as he got close to the young queen. Emma saw Bri reach to pull out her sword but held out her hand and signaled her to hold off. For now.

  “This is your last chance,” Luther offered. “I won’t be accepting surrenders after today.”

  “The neither will I,” Emma glared back.

  Emma walked back towards Layla and jumped on her back once again as the creature flapped its wings and showed off its strength.

  “The gods will look down on you today!” Luther spat. “Why do you defend that usurper?”

  “Because he is the one true king!” Emma argued. “You are just too blind to see it! He will take the throne one day and he will be graceful towards you! If you’re around to see it.”

  “Why you little-” Luther began as he started charging towards Emma.

  “And neither will I,” Emma quickly pulled out her sword and aimed it at Luther’s neck but held back.

  The Valkyrie quickly pulled out their weapons in response and Luther’s forces soon followed.

  “Please , let me end his miserable life right now,” Emma heard Bri mumble under her breath and smiled.

  “Goodnight, Luther,” Emma scowled one last time as she turned her back towards him and began riding off. “You mind what to find camp soon. Dragons are known to roam these areas.”

  Emma continued riding without looking back but knew that at the moment Luther stood there with a blank look across his face.

  “Nice job,” Bri said as the two of them soared through the sky once again. “You did good.”

  Emma smiled as she relived the encounter that happened just moments ago. “I can’t wait to see his face once he actually looses.”

  “Me too, My Lady,” Bri laughed. “Me too.”



  Jadyn was amazed to find how many people had gathered just outside the borders of Anuba. There had to be at least a couple hundred. All here to serve their long lost master.

  “My Lord,” a young dark skinned boy welcomed the incoming group. “Everything is here. Just like you requested.”

  “Well done,” Anubis grinned. “Everything is going as I have foreseen.

  The boy must have been around the same age as Jadyn, or at least older by only a few years. He was muscular and tall. She immediately noticed the two daggers he had sheathed away on either side of his belt.

  “Wow,” the boy exclaimed as he caught sight of Raj.

  “He’s mine,” Jadyn said. “The name is Jadyn.”

  “Admir,” the boy smiled back. “Let me show you where you guys will be staying.”

  Admir led Anubis and the group into the heart of the camp. Everyone was keeping busy whether it was tending to the horses or sharpening swords and spears. Flags were raised throughout the camp with the symbol of the jackal head. The insignia of Anubis and his followers.

  Campfires were lit as people sat around them exchanging stories of where they come from throughout the world. Lots of people were from the East like Jadyn, but she heard some came all the way from the snowy mountains in the north. This must have been a drastic change for them.

  As they walked throughout the camp, people bowed and gave their praises towards Anubis. It seemed most were surprised that he even existed and you could see the fear in their eyes. If he was real then the power within him was real as well and Jadyn had the privilege to see that up close multiple times.

  “So, you’re the one that freed Anubis, huh?” Admir glanced back at Jadyn as he continued leading the group through the camp. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Jadyn blushed, “how so?”

  “Word gets around here,” Admir grinned. “Especially if it was your arrow that freed Anubis.”

  “Just a lucky shot I guess,” she muttered.

  “What are you talking about!” Grace protested. “You’re one of the best shots I know! If not the best.”

  Jadyn didn’t mind using a bow but she still preferred her weapon of choice. The long handle of a spear.

  “Don’t be shy my daughter,” Anubis coldly spoke. “You did well. Take credit and be proud. You served me well. You have brought honor to you and your sisters.”

  “Thank you, My Lord,” Jadyn nodded.

  It was not longer after that the group arrived at their tent. It was one massive structure and as they went in it was filled with several bunks and tables throughout. More than enough to house the Daughters of Anubis.

  Anubis left the group be as Admir would take him to his own quarters he would be staying at. Jadyn later found out his own tent would be located at the very center of the entire army. Filled with servants and luxury goods for the Olympian.

  Jadyn that night was able to enjoy one luxury herself and that was the feeling of a refreshing hot bath. She had not been able to properly clean herself since being knocked off a roof by the Necromancer.

  “What do you think tomorrow will be like?” Grace asked as Jadyn continued to soak her body in the metal tub.

  “I’m sure chaotic,” she groaned. “Who knows if we even have enough forces to take the city. I didn’t even see any siege weapons we could use to scale those walls. Those are going to be a problem.”

  “There’s no siege weapons so we don’t damage the city,” June interrupted.

  The peaceful moment was now ruined and Jadyn was back to being annoyed.

  “Well, sorry,” Jadyn mocked. “But I’m just trying to get through all this without being killed.”

  “Dying on the battlefield is an honor,” June annoyingly protested. “Especially in the feat of recapturing our homeland.”

  “A home I’ve never known,” Jadyn countered. “The only home I’ve known was Wilbro and that didn’t even feel like a home.”

  “Well, maybe this one will,” Grace offered. “You never know.”

  Jadyn knew that her comments had did nothing more but offended June. She had always been the most loyal to the cause out of all of them. But Anubis was here now and could care less for them. They were nothing but his glorified servants. Jadyn saw right through it and so did many of the others but June decided to remain and follow blinded even if it would mean her death.

  “Hopefully,” Jadyn mumbled to herself as she retreated further into the water. “Hopefully.”

  The next morning Jadyn was awoken by the sound of an echoing war horn that spread throughout the entire camp. The morning sun had barely begun to rise and the desert air was still cool.

  Most of the Daughters had already equipped their leather armor and weapons for the battle ahead of them. Today they would march against Anuba and take the city by force. Soon Anubis would be King of the East once again.

  Raj came over to her bedside and began licking her face in an effort to get her up. He was known to do this many times and even though it annoyed her she never got tired of it.

  “I’m getting up buddy,” she waved him off. “Don’t worry.”

  The tiger growled at her unconvincing response.

  “I see Raj is ready today’s battle,” Grace came over to her friend’s bedside and held out a helping hand.

  “Fine,” Jadyn reluctantly took her hand.

  “You better hurry,” Grace teased. “Anubis won’t think twice about leaving you behind.”

  “And would that be such a bad thing?” Jadyn joked.

  “You make a good point,” Grace laughed. “But enough of that.”

  After getting dressed and rearranging her hair for the day, Grace, Jadyn, and Raj walked out of the tent and was welcomed with the familiar face of Admir waiting for them.

  “Thought we were going to have to leave you behind,” he greeted the two girls and tiger.

  “I’ll be there,” Jadyn replied. “If I get to fight alongside you.”

  “That can be arranged,” Admir smiled. “As long as we got Raj alongside us as well.”

  Jadyn’s cheeks flushed red and Grace noticed as she teasingly glared at Jadyn. She alarmingly glared bac
k and silently told her friend to shut up.

  “I guess we better get going then,” Jadyn subtly suggested as she began leading the group to the outskirts of the camp where all the forces were to meet.

  “After you then,” Admir gestured as he held out his hand.

  When they arrived to the outskirts of the camp, Anubis had already begun addressing his small army of loyal warriors. Jadyn noticed that June had seen her arriving late and gave her a pathetic glare. She ignored her anyways.

  Anubis explained that his scouts had reported back from the city the previous night and that the city was only being held by a few hundred. They were nothing more than scavengers and barbarians, he insisted, and would have very little to no experience in actual war.

  “And they will come to regret their decision on taking Anuba!” Anubis roared as the crowd in front of him cheered. “Our home!”

  Jadyn tightened her grip on her horse’s leash as she knew she had a long and difficult day ahead of her.

  The battle for Anuba and control for the East was about to begin.



  Carter found himself in shock when he saw how accustomed and familiar Sara had already become with the group. He couldn’t argue though. She was funny, smart, and had already proven herself more than enough times how useful and helpful she was to the group. There was something about her that made Carter smile every time he started thinking about her. Even if he did not notice it himself.

  Sara had gathered her friends, Ashly and Boris, to her place and introduced them to Carter and the rest of the group. She thought it was essential for them to know what was going on and that they might even possibly help. Carter trusted Sara and if she trusted them that was good enough for him.

  Ashly was the head of the Hunters of Artemis. The elite secretive force that roamed around Olympia. Carter was hesitant at first bringing Ashly in to the plan, but Sara ensured him that she could be trusted. She had proven to Sara more than enough times that she was on their side and Sara even explained how they did not start on the best of terms either. Ashly had begun to see how the Druids have gone against everything Olympia stood for and wanted to return to their roots. Serving the Phoenix King.


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