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A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood

Page 18

by T. A. Chase

  Ethan turned to see Jocelyn, his best friend and fellow pastry artiste, lounging against the door frame. She’d been out in the main bakery, making sure all of the cookies, cakes, and cupcakes were ready for the customers. He’d stayed in the kitchen, baking the order he’d promised his brother.

  “Stop it, Jocelyn. You’re as big a geek as most of the people who are going to be there.”

  Ethan smiled at her. “You should be happy. Since we are one of the food vendors, we get in for free.”

  “No way!” Jocelyn screamed.

  Ethan nodded. “Yes way.”

  She raced across the room and jumped into his arms. He caught her easily, and whirled her around before setting her feet back on the floor.

  “Do you know who the guest of honour is?” She didn’t wait for him to reply. “Rafael Charmine, the lead actor from that new sci-fi series.”

  “Really? I never would’ve known, considering it’s all a certain someone has been talking about for weeks.”

  Jocelyn jumped up and down like a kid at Christmas. “I’d been trying to figure out a way to wrangle a day pass or something from your brother, that didn’t involve me going on a date with him as payment.”

  She wrinkled her nose in disgust, and Ethan laughed.

  “Earl has good taste in women, even if he’s a bastard around them,” he teased.

  Jocelyn Street had been Ethan’s best friend since they met on their first day of culinary school. By the time they graduated first and second in their class, they’d decided to open a bakery. Ethan had the money, and Jocelyn had the business sense. A year after graduation, they opened Ninja Cupcakes and never looked back.

  Aside from both being five-eleven, they were the complete opposites in appearance.

  Jocelyn’s exotic dark looks attested to her Latin roots, while Ethan’s rather plain blondness never allowed him to stand out. He placed all his energy and drive into the shop.

  “Whatever,” Jocelyn shot back. “Abby and Ollie will be here soon. Do you want them helping you with the cupcakes or do you want them out front?”

  Ethan closed his eyes and thought about his two part-time employees. After a few minutes, he looked at Jocelyn.

  “You and Abby work out front. Ollie can help me back here.”

  “Not a good day?” Jocelyn looked worried.

  He shook his head. “I don’t think it is.”

  Jocelyn nodded and went out front. After knowing each other for ten years, she’d learnt to accept Ethan’s instincts about things. When Ollie and Abby arrived at the bakery ten minutes before it opened, she sent Ollie back to Ethan.

  He glanced up as Ollie came in, and knew his guess was right. Ollie was sporting a fresh black eye. As much as Ethan wanted to ask what had happened, he didn’t. It wasn’t any of his business until Ollie chose to open up to him. Oh, he knew Ollie would tell him some day, but Ethan wished Ollie would do it sooner rather than later.

  Yet Ethan couldn’t rush because he’d learnt disastrous things happened when he did that. In baking, as in life, everything had to be timed to the exact second, and moving before it was right would ruin the dessert, or the life.

  Ethan explained how he wanted the first dozen that Ollie was working on decorated.

  They started, and soon the only sounds came from the sales area where a steady stream of customers came and went, slowly decimating the day’s offerings.

  He took over for Jocelyn and Abby when their lunch hours came, and he made sure Ollie ate, even though he insisted he wasn’t hungry.

  Once all the desserts were gone, they closed the shop. Ninja Cupcakes never stayed open a full eight hours. Usually by three o’clock everything had been sold. They were only open four days a week, Wednesday through Saturday, and, while Jocelyn might have thought it was a weird schedule, she never questioned Ethan about it.

  He always took Sunday off, but Monday he’d be back in the kitchen baking cupcakes and cookies. Jocelyn would come in on Tuesday to do the cakes. Somehow, he’d been right when he’d told Jocelyn that the demand for their baked goods would be crazy enough that they wouldn’t have to work seven days a week.

  Ethan had the others help him decorate the rest of the cupcakes. He planned on closing the shop for the next four days while Jocelyn and he were at the convention. He’d promised Abby and Ollie four days’ paid vacation for it as well.

  When they’d finished and the last order was boxed, he sent Abby home. Before Ollie could leave, Ethan stopped him.

  “Ollie, I have a favour to ask. With both Jocelyn and me being gone, I don’t want to leave the bakery unwatched. Would you be willing to apartment sit for me? That way you can keep an eye on everything. I don’t want the bakery opened, because there won’t be anything to sell, but you can answer the phone and take orders. Also, just keep a general eye on things until we get back.”

  At first, Ollie looked like he was going to say no, but his phone beeped and after checking, the text he’d got somehow changed his mind.

  “I’d love to, Mr G. Thanks.”

  “Thank you, Ollie. Have to admit one of the reasons why I loved this building was because I could have my apartment right above the bakery.” Ethan smiled at Ollie. “Here’s a spare set of keys. We’re leaving at six tomorrow morning, but you can come over whenever you want.”

  Ethan handed Ollie the keys. Ollie thanked him again, and left.

  “Is that going to help?” Jocelyn asked as she slid the last dozen cupcakes into the refrigerator.

  He propped his hip against the baking table. “Yes, it will. Only a little, but every big change in a person’s life starts with a small moment.”

  “Wow, listen to you, Mr Philosopher.” She removed her apron and hung it up on the hooks by the back door. “You want to get a drink later?”

  After thinking about the three special cupcakes he had to make, he nodded. “I’ll give you a call about six. We can grab dinner as well. You can invite your girl friends if you want.”

  “You don’t have a date tonight?”

  “No. I knew we were leaving early tomorrow, and I didn’t want to have to kick some guy out of my bed that early. You know I like to spend the mornings I don’t have to get up cuddled under the blankets.”

  Jocelyn giggled. “You are such a hedonist, Ethan.”

  He winked at her. “Get out of here. I’ll see you later. I have a few last minute things to take care of before we meet for dinner.”

  “The girls are going to be so jealous,” Jocelyn bragged as she grabbed her purse and headed out—waving to Ethan.

  “Green with envy when they hear all about your date,” he muttered.

  After making sure the lights out front were off and the door locked, Ethan went back to the kitchen and pulled out his supplies. He had three special cupcakes to make for the convention, and each one would bring happiness to the person who ate it.

  He hummed as he measured out the ingredients. Ethan never felt more alive than when he was baking. He hadn’t been lucky enough to meet a guy who understood that yet, but he knew the man existed. He continued to date because of the certainty he felt inside.

  The bakery phone rang as he slid the cupcakes into the oven. He set the timer before he answered.

  “I’ll be seeing you tomorrow, Earl,” he reminded his brother, knowing who it was on the other end of the line.

  “Why are you still down in the bakery? Aren’t my cupcakes done yet?” Earl sounded a little panicky, “Damn it, Ethan. I was planning on your stupid cupcakes being my finishing piece at tomorrow night’s opening dinner.”

  Ethan rolled his eyes. “Breathe, little brother. It’s all right. Jocelyn and I will be at the convention centre at three tomorrow. Plenty of time to set everything up.”

  “Jocelyn’s coming? Was she excited about getting to meet Rafael Charmine?” Earl’s attention never focused on one thing for long.

  “I didn’t tell her about that yet.” Ethan snorted. “She’s going to flip out when she learns he’ll
be there.”

  “Make sure she knows I got the tickets for you. I might get a date with her,” Earl whined.

  Ethan sighed, “I’ve told you before, Jocelyn isn’t for you. The right girl is out there, and you’ll be meeting her soon.”


  He laughed at the eagerness in his brother’s voice.

  “Yes, seriously. But you have to change your whole approach to women, or she’ll eat you alive, I think.” He checked the timer. “I have to go. Don’t worry. We’ll be there and everyone will think you’re a genius for the cupcakes.”

  “All right. Be careful driving, and I’ll see you when you get here.”

  Ethan hung up and gathered all the stuff he needed to decorate the special treats. He smiled as he studied some of the more unusual spices and herbs he used to enhance the flavours of the cupcakes.

  The oven dinged and he pulled out the tray. While the cupcakes cooled, Ethan mixed frosting. Each small bowl had a different ingredient added, and Ethan kept each person in mind as he created his masterpieces.

  By the time he’d finished, Ethan was positive that the people who got each of the unique treats would be happy with them. He boxed them separately, and set them with the others. He cleaned up his cooking space and utensils before going upstairs to take a shower.

  He’d go out with Jocelyn and the girls—have dinner and a couple of drinks before heading home to crash. As much as Ethan loved creating cupcakes, he knew he couldn’t spend his entire life in a kitchen. It wasn’t the best place to meet guys, and Jocelyn would never allow him to focus on baking to the exclusion of everything else.

  A knock sounded as Ethan finished slipping on his shoes. He shook his head when he opened the doorway.

  “Hey, Ollie, you spending tonight?”

  He stepped back to let the younger man in.

  “Yes, sir. I needed to get out of there.”

  “Understandable. I’m going to dinner with Jocelyn and friends. There’s food in the refrigerator, so you can help yourself. I won’t be out very late.”

  “Thank you again, Mr G. I appreciate you trusting me like this.” Ollie looked down at his hands.

  Ethan rested his hand on Ollie’s shoulder and squeezed gently. “You don’t have to explain. I understand.”

  He checked his watch.

  “Shit! I have to go. If I’m late, Jocelyn will string me up.”

  Ollie smiled like Ethan intended, and Ethan dashed down the stairs to the waiting cab.

  * * * *

  A few hours later, Ethan, Jocelyn and her friends settled into a booth at their favourite bar. After they each gave their order to the waitress, Lisa turned to grin at Ethan.

  “We know what’s got Jocelyn all excited about this convention.”

  “You should say who has her excited,” Betty spoke up.

  “That’s right. Is there anyone you want to meet while you’re there, Ethan? Some sexy geek? Or maybe you want to see if Rafael really is as straight as he plays?”

  Ethan and the others shouted their laughter as Jocelyn growled. He patted her hand.

  “Don’t worry, honey. Rafael doesn’t play for my team at all. He’s all yours.” Ethan hid his smile because he was pretty sure his statement would be true by the end of the convention. “Besides, I’m catching up with a friend at the convention. We met there a couple years ago, and have been exchanging emails.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Jocelyn glared at him.

  “Because a guy has to have a few secrets, and we really are just friends at the moment.

  I’m not going to push too fast with this one.”

  She studied him, and he could see all the questions rushing through her head. Jocelyn would be grilling him on their trip to the convention. Ethan didn’t mind, since he hoped by the end of the four days, his email pal, and he, would be more than friends.

  “Are you bringing any special shoes or clothes, now that you know you might meet your Hollywood crush?”

  He smoothly changed the subject away from him. Ethan wasn’t ready to talk about Callum yet. Every mystical nerve in his body told him that Callum was going to be the most important person in his life.

  The first time he’d met Callum, he’d almost grabbed the man and kissed him. But having learnt the hard way not to rush things, Ethan had managed to control himself, and had engaged the man in conversation instead. His restraint had worked, and they had become friends.

  When he’d told Earl he’d do the cupcakes for the opening dinner, he’d got the feeling it was time for moving his relationship on with Callum into new territory. His instincts were never wrong, so he’d made sure Callum would be there. Once Callum had confirmed, Ethan started planning. He just hoped everything came together by the end of the convention.

  They all had a few more drinks while the ladies plotted out Jocelyn’s wardrobe for maximum effect. Finally, Ethan called it a night.

  “If neither of us gets any sleep, neither of us will be able to drive tomorrow. You’d be calling Earl then, because I don’t want to deal with the meltdown he’d have.”

  The ladies laughed. Earl had asked each one of them out at least once since they’d become friends with Ethan and Jocelyn.

  “I swear Earl should have been the gay Gallagher brother. He’s so dramatic, compared to you,” Marilyn muttered as they stumbled from the bar, and flagged down cabs.

  “He did seem to get all of the drama gene,” Ethan admitted. “Jocelyn, I’ll pick you up at six in the morning. We’ll head straight out of town.”

  “Don’t you need help loading the van?”

  Ethan shook his head. “No. Ollie showed up when I was leaving. I’ll get him to help me.”

  Jocelyn looked worried. “Is Ollie all right?”

  “For now, and, as long as he keeps working for us, things will continue to get better.”

  He kissed Jocelyn on the cheek, and settled her into a cab with Lisa and Betty. It was time to go home and get some sleep. He needed to be clear-headed for the inquisition he was going to receive from Jocelyn in the morning.

  Get your copy now

  Rough Awakening

  Devon Rhodes


  Chapter One

  No way in hell.

  Mario struggled to keep his face neutral while hiding the emotions churning underneath. After years of being together with a man, after all, it was difficult to let go of the notion that he was yours. But he didn’t want his reaction to be misinterpreted. He did not still want Luke.

  He just didn’t want to see him—literally—sleeping with another man.

  He was able to let his face relax as the pair turned away from him. They stood with hips touching companionably at the kitchen counter as they huddled over Derek’s laptop, looking at the conference schedule. As he watched, Luke raised a hand to lightly rub Derek’s lower back, prompting Derek to absently lean and kiss Luke’s temple without taking his eyes from the screen. You’d think they were the ones who’d been together for nearly a decade instead of only a few months.

  Mario knew Luke and Derek belonged together and he would always count them as his closest friends. Hell, Luke had been his best friend since college. But there was absolutely no way he was going to share a hotel room with the new couple for the better part of a week.

  Seeing them together in their bed while he slept alone…

  “I’ll get my own room.”

  Derek didn’t even look up. “They’re completely booked.”

  That caught Mario off-guard. “What? The whole fucking resort?”

  Luke had the grace to look guilty. “Uh, yeah. I’m sorry, Mario. We’re not the only conference in there that week and they never hold a big enough block anyway. And I’m…

  Well, I’m used to just booking one room for this every year. Habit.” He shrugged—the uneasy, conciliatory gesture enough to make him the perfect target of Mario’s growing discomfort.

  “So, because you conveniently ‘forgot’ about
your new boyfriend, I have to share a room with you two lovebirds? Great. That just confirms everything I always knew about you.”

  “Knock it off.” Derek snapped his laptop closed and turned to square up against Mario, just as Mario had known he would.

  Predictable. Attack Luke, however slightly, and Derek comes to the rescue.

  Not that Mario would ever do anything to hurt his former lover. Luke was one of the gentlest souls he knew. But sometimes he just needed…an outlet. A physical one…

  God knows, I’m not getting it in bed.

  “Luke made a mistake and he apologised. And it’s not the end of the fucking world if the three of us have to sleep in the same room. Looks like that’s all we’ll be in it for anyway.

  The schedule is packed and then there’s the three-on-three tourney—”

  Luke laid a hand on Derek’s arm before stepping toward Mario. “I’m sorry. I understand.” And he probably did, more than Mario was comfortable with. His big eyes held an apology and Mario could feel his anger slipping away.

  Damn it. A nice throwdown with Luke’s big boyfriend would have been a good workout. Not that Derek obliged him often. No, Mr Cool had to be pushed a lot more than Mario was willing to do in the man’s own house. Ah, well…

  “Lo que sea.” He was out of here. He snagged his jacket from the back of the chair.

  “You’re right. We’ll be fine. After all, chulo,” he couldn’t resist adding as a taunt to the partner looming at Luke’s side, “we slept together for many, many years. And at least now I don’t have to put up with your hair tickling me as I sleep.” That mental image ruined his smirk, softening it into a smile as Luke self-consciously ran a hand over his crazy, corkscrew curls.

  He left the house with Derek and Luke no doubt thinking all was settled. And it was.

  Mario had the time, the money and the motivation. There had to be a way to get another room that week.

  * * * *


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