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The Art of Retaliation

Page 12

by Kingsley, Arabella

  She watched Maxine pick the coat up.

  “I know its too big but it will keep you sheltered from the rain.”

  Maxine did as she was told without question.

  ‘Take care, Mara. I will be as quick as I can.”

  She hugged Mara and then she was gone. She hurried to the door passing a bewildered Armand and Michel and stepped out into the rain.

  Leon ran into the room not long after, Armand finally defeated.

  “What happened?” he asked bemused looking down at Stephane.

  “Oh he fell over and hit his head. He went out cold,” she smiled.

  Leon’s brown eyes darkened as Stephane uttered a low groan and tried to sit up. Mara ushered his head back into her lap and stroked his forehead to soothe him.

  “Who hit me?”

  Mara looked away to hide the guilt on her face. The aim of Leon’s accusing eyes gave Stephane his answer. He sat up rubbing the back of his head and let out a loud laugh.

  “It was you wasn’t it?”

  Mara’s eyes dropped to the floor.

  “No, no I didn’t you fell after…”

  “Yes it was you admit it. After watching that rugby tackle I can believe anything of you,” he spoke with pride.

  Mara steadily met his gaze and was surprised to see admiration on his face.

  “I suppose you both thought you could get away when I was unconscious, but though better of it?”

  He knelt up to face her nursing the back of his head, unable to move his eyes from the torn top that was revealing part of her breast. She followed his eyes and gave an annoyed tut before putting the material back in place.

  “Where is Maxine. Is she all right?” he asked searching her presence out in the room.

  Mara grinned.

  “Oh yes, she’s on her way home.”

  Stephane laughed again and quickly looked around the room once more. When he didn’t find her the smile turned into a scowl.

  “Leon, go on foot and get the others. Maybe they have picked her up. If not start looking for her. She must be near. Maxine won’t get far in this weather and in the dark,” he snapped.

  Mara pretended to be concerned with her swollen leg that she had stretched out in front of her and hoped Maxine would make it.

  “What the hell have you been doing now, Mara? In the wars again?” he mocked in a crisp English voice, bending to examine her leg.

  She flinched with pain.

  “Be careful.”

  “Shh just take it easy. How did you get that bruise on your face? Did one of them hit you?’ he asked quietly cupping the injured side of her face to get a clearer look.

  “No I managed to get over that wall you were so confident I couldn’t get over and fell on this side. I was dizzy again. I fell unconscious for a few moments and Maxine dragged me here I suppose you think I’m stupid?”

  His face was serious.

  “No I think you are very brave. I’m sorry about all of this, sorry you didn’t make it.”

  Mara’s eyes widened.

  “It doesn’t have to be this way, Stephane. Just let me go.”

  The billionaire shook his head and reluctantly removed his hand from her face.

  “You know I can’t. You said it yourself.”

  Mara sat back on her elbows defeated. He helped her up grimacing with the pain to his head. He rubbed it again.

  “That was quite a blow.”

  “No more than you deserve,” she retorted.

  He put her in the car. Mara consoled herself at least they hadn’t found Maxine yet. She gazed out of the window at the weather and thunder crackled overhead making her jump.

  “You don’t like storms very much do you, Mara?” Stephane said sitting next to her. “I find them exciting to watch but from safety behind a window.”

  Mara shuffled in her seat and unaware pressed herself into the car door to retreat from him or rather what she knew he was going to say. She didn’t want to hear it.

  “How do you think Maxine will like it out there all alone. It wasn’t a well though out plan, Mara. Maxine could be in danger. What if she isn’t found she will be out there on her own all night? He continued.

  There was too much emphasis on the words, all alone. But Maxine wasn’t going to be on her own. Christophe would find her, that’s if she could find the road past that forest. What if she didn’t find it? What if something or someone happened to her? There were too many what ifs.

  No she mustn’t let him do this to her. Maxine could look after herself. No she couldn’t, she couldn’t even turn up to an appointment on time. Mara looked at him, her face a mixture of anger and horror. She suppressed the need to speak and tell him where Maxine was so that she would be safe and turned her head to the window.

  Thankfully, Stephane said no more conceding defeat at his plan to make her feel guilty and give up Maxine’s whereabouts. It would have been easy to tell him but if they were to have any chance of getting out of this mess, she had to keep quiet. Mara bit her lip and prayed.

  Chapter Thirteen

  By the time they reached the house the storm had intensified and Mara was so worried that she wanted to go out and help Stephane look for Maxine. She was still unsure she was doing the right thing by remaining silent.

  Mara was taken straight back to her room where the annoyed billionaire left her without a word locking the door behind him. She put a hand to her throbbing head. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t get rid of the images of Maxine wandering the countryside on her own getting lost in the dark, rain and thunder.

  She glanced out of the window listening to the rain splash against the moat. It was getting darker. Mara lay down on the sofa hugging one of the cushions. Curling up into a tight ball she allowed her tears to flow. When she finished crying she was exhausted but the refuge of sleep didn’t come. Mara wouldn’t let it, not when Maxine was out there on her own. Again and again she tried to reassure herself that Maxine would be found and that the police would soon be here. But the nagging doubts and Stephane’s words swirled around her mind like a whirlpool dragging her down, demanding to be listened to all at once. They refused to go away. She’d made Maxine do it. What had she been thinking?

  Mara sat up quickly hearing Stephane turn the key in the lock and rubbed her eyes dry, desperately trying to compose herself.

  “Have you found her?” she asked in a cold clipped voice.

  “No we haven’t.”

  He sat down next to her softening the tightness of his voice.

  “I just hope we find her before anything happens.”

  More emotional blackmail

  “Maxine can take care of herself,” Mara snapped.

  “You aren’t so bad but I’m not sure about Maxine. That was some rugby tackle you laid on Jacques. What were you doing there? Those two are dangerous. They’ve both been in prison for armed robbery, attempted murder and rape.”

  Mara shot him a horrified look.

  “Armand doesn’t speak,” she said thinking about how much worse the situation could have been. “He lost his tongue . . .” she paused knowing that her answer was wrong. “. . . in a farming accident.”

  “More like gang warfare. It was cut out to send a message to his criminal family.”

  Mara winced and turned from him.

  “What if Maxine runs into those two again?”

  Stephane held his breath waiting for her to cave in and at least give him some idea of the direction Maxine was heading in.

  She stood up.

  “Stop it.”

  He watched Mara put her hands to her face and violently shake her head.

  “Don’t think I can’t see what you are trying to do? I am not helping you find her.”

  She limped to the window with hr sore leg and ankle making him frantic to hold and soothe her despite his frustration. She was trying to hide the fresh flow of tears cascading down her cheeks. He had to keep control and maintain his position of strength. If he didn’t get Maxin
e back they were all in trouble. The billionaire made a decision to pressure Mara further. He stood up and marched towards her roughly taking hold of her shoulders to turn her around.

  “Mara, she could be in danger. Let me find Maxine and bring her home where she will be safe,” he was almost pleading.

  “Safe here with you and your monstrous family? Don’t make me laugh,’ she was sobbing but her anger was biting.

  His own anger and frustration overwhelmed him and he found himself shaking her, yelling at the top of his voice.

  “Mara, tell me where she is before she ends up dead in a ditch or caught by those rapists.”

  Mara broke free and backed herself up against the wall. The billionaire moved to follow her and then caught sight of the sudden fear in her eyes. He felt confused at her reaction but continued advancing. She couldn’t think he was going hurt her? He only wanted to press her for Maxine’s whereabouts.

  His beautiful captive put her head in her hands and covered her face trembling with fear. Stephane stopped dead. This wasn’t like Mara. She always fought him and more than often won. Why the hell was she so frightened of him now? He didn’t like it at all. The idea of physically frightening a woman was abhorrent to him.

  The shock of seeing her in such a state made his adrenaline recede. An overwhelming need to protect her replaced it. Slowly he lifted her shaking hands away to reveal her pained eyes.

  Stephane lightly brushed her tears away, feeling her push her body further back against the wall to reel away from him.

  “Don’t back away. I won’t hurt you,” he tried to reassure.

  He repeated the words lowering his voice to a whisper.

  “I promise I won’t hurt you. I could never hurt you. You are safe.”

  The billionaire watched her look down at his hands cupping her shoulders. He made sure his hold was strong but gentle. Stephane caught her gaze and made sure he maintained it trying to convey the truth of his assertion in an effort to calm her fear and agitation. Finally, she let out a breath and Stephane felt the tension begin to ebb from her shoulders. He led her back to the sofa.

  “Are you all right?”

  She nodded and sat down. Stephane moved to the side of the bed and picked up the packet of tablets the doctor had given Mara to help her sleep and took a bottle of water from the small fridge in her room.

  “Here I want you to take a couple of the tablets the doctor gave you to help you sleep,” he said firmly towering in front of her holding them out to her. Thankfully she didn’t object and took them quickly.

  The reason for her uncharacteristic behavior became clear in his mind. With a sigh he sat down beside her again.

  “Ryan used to hit you, didn’t he?’ he asked.

  Mara bent her head as though ashamed.

  “Yes he did. It started not long before we broke up. The first time I hit him back but he came in harder and I learned my lesson. The police weren’t much help. He wouldn’t let me leave until my brother threatened him. I won’t ever forget the lies I had to tell the hospital or my stupidity in blaming myself for his behavior,” she confessed. “He changed so much in a short while. He was gambling and stealing from his business partner. He sold some of the antiques they had acquired on the black market and some dubious characters. Then there were reports of thefts from some of his clients who he valued antiques for.”

  Stephane nodded.

  “When he left with Louise he stole two valuable pieces from the chateau.”

  “How did you know he hit me?” she asked in a quiet fragile voice.

  “You had the same look in your eyes when I found out my sister was being beaten by her last boyfriend. Every time he went near her or she said the wrong thing there was terror in her eyes and she watched every move he made. You thought I was going to hit you.”

  Stephane loosened his tie that hung like a rope around his neck and watched Mara’s eyes begin to flutter and close. He moved closer letting his fingers softly trail her face as he spoke unable to stop himself wanting to be close to her.

  “I will never hurt you, Mara and I won’t let anyone else abuse you.”

  Mara’s breathing deepened as his eyes swept over her face.

  “I am so tired,’ she said as he moved even closer.

  “I know.”

  The billionaire bent his head and lowered his mouth to hers to gently kiss her. When he raised his head again he felt her body relax and sleep claim her. Stephane smiled at her sleeping form. His captive looked peaceful and vulnerable so unlike the confident woman he’d seen taking on Jacques and resisting his questioning. She was perfect in every detail, everything he looked for in a woman. At times, Mara was tough, demanding, intelligent, feisty, uncompromising to his arrogance, yet soft, malleable, feminine and in need of his care and protection as a man.

  It was unfair there could never be a relationship. Stephane picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. He resisted the temptation to stay and watch over her. He had to limit the damage and keep the police away when Maxine raised the alarm.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When Mara woke the next morning she found herself lying in bed clothed in one of her long satin night-dresses. She dimly recollected the events of the night before and glanced at her watch to get her bearings. Half past twelve. How had she slept that long? She’d never slept that long in her life and she had gone to bed so early. Wait a minute she hadn’t gone to bed! All she could remember was feeling tired on the sofa after taking those tablets. She must have fallen asleep.

  Mara sat up feeling groggy. It wasn’t the first time she’d taken those tablets and they hadn’t made her feel this drowsy before and allowed her to sleep for this long. Her body felt like a dead aching weight and every move was an effort.

  Looking around she noticed that the room was different. It was much smaller than her own room and the bed she lay in was a single one. No other furniture was present in the room but for a chair beside the bed. The decoration was simple, almost bare giving the impression that it was not used very often. A small box window protruded from the other side of the room. Mara forced herself to stand and move towards it. He took all of the small amount of energy she had to stand.

  The window was dirty and to see anything she had to rub a small part clear. Way down below she could see Maxine’s brother, Christophe and a French police officer appear on the courtyard in front of the Chateau walking towards a car. To have this view she realized that she was at the other side of the building at the top of one of the towers in the house.

  Frantically she started to bang on the window knowing in her heart that it was useless and began screaming Christophe’s name. She received no acknowledgement and as she watched them drive away her heart sank. Mara dropped to the floor feeling dizzy and exhausted. Moments later she heard footsteps and Stephane’s voice. The billionaire sounded furious.

  There was another shrill voice arguing with him in French. His mother. Mara heard the door being unlocked and soon after Stephane burst through the door still arguing with his mother. He dropped to his knees beside Mara and put his arm around her shoulders, directing her head to his shoulder.

  “Mara, are you all right?’ he questioned holding her face.

  “There’s no air in this room. I can’t breathe. It is claustrophobic.”

  “Just a taster of prison Miss Logan. Get used to it. Prison is claustrophobic, not to mention the hideous women you will have to share it with if we decide not to give you to Abdul Hasseem,” Chantal Garreau sneered triumphantly.

  Stephane glared at his mother. A torrent of French shooting from his mouth with the force of cannonball. Mara closed her eyes against his shoulder blocking out the scene. Her body felt as though it had gone through a war and sustained heavy wounds.

  “Mara, I am taking you back to your room,” Stephane announced.

  The billionaire swept her up in to his arms and carried her down the narrow winding steps leading to the tower room. Once back in her room he settl
ed her in bed and closed the door locking it from the inside. To her surprise he came and sat down on the bed beside her.

  “I went out looking for Maxine again last night and told Margarita the housekeeper to undress you and then asked Leon to move you to a room that the police would never find when they came to search the Chateau,” he hurriedly confessed hooding his eyes like a guilty school boy as he picked up her hand and stroked it.

  “The room I told him to move you to is in the west tower and it is as beautiful as this one. It was where my father retreated to when he wanted to escape my mother,” he said with a smile. “But my mother had other ideas and without my knowledge had you moved to that rat infested room you found yourself in. I can only apologize. I didn’t know you had been moved there until after the police were gone,” he told her gently bringing her hand to his lips to brush a kiss over it before lowering it back down on to the bed. “I am also ashamed to admit that my mother had you injected with a sedative to keep you asleep. She used to be a nurse. I cannot believe her behavior. Again I apologise. I have never cared well for my mother and her arrogance but I dote on my little sister Louise and it is the only thing we have in common.”


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