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Heart's Desire

Page 18

by Sorcha MacMurrough

  They headed downstairs to give him his shot and then they prepared lunch together, working in such intimate unison it was as though they had known each other for years. She stuck to neutral topics, about his family and the wonderful weekend they'd had when they did talk. Somehow it all seemed beyond words.

  Once they had cleaned the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher, they bundled up against the cold and walked through the woods hand in hand.

  As she strolled through the magical setting, Sinead once again thanked her lucky stars that she'd been the one who'd found him at the traffic lights. If she hadn't, perhaps none of this would have been possible.

  They followed some tracks in the woods and chatted about nature, but if Austin tried to draw her out, she remained silent. She was reluctant to talk of her feelings and reflections. She was terrified that something would spoil it all.

  So he reverted back to the topic of how much his family had enjoyed their stay thanks to her.

  "They were awfully impressed with you. I knew you would carry it off beautifully in spite of your reservations. You were a natural, really. I'm so proud of you." Austin pecked her on the forehead, and Sinead smiled up at him, her eyes glowing with his praise.

  "And you in an evening gown. My God, you looked so lovely. Not that you don't always, but that dress should have a ten cold showers rating on it."

  "Flattery will get you nowhere," Sinead said with a sparkling smile. It was good to know that he had been longing for her just as much as she had for him.

  "No, I know it won't, because you're far too honest and straight-forward a person to fall for it. So if you don't mind, I'll just have to tell you the truth all the time. God, Sinead, how I want you."

  Austin pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Sinead felt her stomach clench with unbridled desire. She pressed herself as closely to him as she could through their thick winter clothes and felt his desire mount. He swept her up into his arms and carried her the rest of the way back to the house. Once inside, he laid her down on the hearth rug in front of the blazing fire, and began to undress her slowly.

  She in turn undressed him, admiring his incredibly soft yet strong body as she ran her hands over his torso and downwards. The firelight played over their skin in teasing shadows and Sinead's senses were filled with the smell, touch, taste and sight of him as he fulfilled her wildest fantasies on the soft sheepskin rug. She thought she had made love before, but nothing could ever have prepared her for Austin at his most erotically inventive.

  Much later that evening, they sat on the sofa together, Sinead exhaustedly propped up against this chest, watching A Room with a View on the TV. She had never felt more sated in her life, a small smile of satisfaction curving her well-kissed lips. They sipped coffee and shared a snifter of brandy. Austin's tongue caressed hers in a stimulating and tingling kiss that warmed her whole body and made her feel alive for the first time in years.

  Sinead couldn't believe how happy she was. It was the perfect day, the perfect night. She couldn't imagine how she had ever thought she could have given Austin up to Margaret without a fight. Even if it all went wrong, nothing could take away from her the incredible magical time that they had shared together.

  But nothing was going to go wrong, she determined. This was just too perfect, and neither Margaret, nor her own fears and insecurities, were going to get in the way of ultimate happiness.

  Sinead sighed in contentment. When Austin nibbled her earlobe and asked if she were all right, she simply nodded. She kissed him with her eyes open to see if she could read his expression. His eyes glowed as he responded to her ardent caresses.

  Sinead exulted in her power over him. He really did want her more than anything or anyone in the world. She leaned forward to kiss him now, sure of herself as an alluring, seductive woman, who knew her own desires and wasn't willing to settle for anything less than supreme bliss for them both.

  The kiss burst into the most scorching conflagration. They never did finish watching the end of the film, but Sinead for one had no regrets.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Early the next morning Sinead groggily opened one eye at the sound of water running. She checked the clock on the bedside table and saw it was only seven. Searching for something warm, she grabbed Austin's dressing gown and pulled it round her. She laughed as it completely enveloped her.

  You could almost fit three of me in it, she thought with a smile.

  She tapped on the door. As soon as it was opened, Austin pulled her into his arms.

  "I didn't mean to wake you, my dear," he murmured, nuzzling her neck like a huge sleek cat. "Do you forgive me? I need to go into Castlemaine to take care of a few things today and then I'll be free for the rest of the week."

  "Well, if I just have a quick wash, I'll be ready in about a half an hour."

  To her surprise he drew back and shook his head. "No, not this time. I'd rather you stayed here. Just get back into bed and I'll try to be back before dark."

  Sinead could see that there was no point in arguing, but she felt extremely hurt at the idea that she would only be in the way of whatever he had to do.

  She shrugged, and Austin could sense the change in her. He pulled her to him by the lapels of the dressing gown, and said, "I had no idea how attractive my robe was until I saw you in it."

  He parted the front, and caressed her with his hands and then his lips, while she shuddered with pleasure and arched her back to press closer against him.

  "No, my dear, I have to go," he said after one firm but final kiss. "Go back to bed. I'll see you later."

  "Your insulin?"

  "All done. And I've eaten too, and have it packed with me."

  "Well, if you're sure you don't want me to come..."

  "Of course I want you with me, but you're staying in bed all the same. You haven't exactly had much rest these past few days, and nights." He flashed her an alluring grin, kissed her once more and patted her on the rump by way of dismissal. "Go on, get back in bed before you freeze. And if you're very very good, I'll come tuck you in."

  Sinead wandered back into her own room and pulled the dressing gown around her tightly. He appeared a few minutes later and gave her one last ravishing kiss and fondle that left her bare to the waist, and him groaning.

  "Darn, these meetings. But I have to go. I'll be back as soon as I can, love." He drew the lapels of the dressing gown back together again, and pulled the covers right up to her chin. "Later, darling."

  "Be careful driving."

  "I will." He planted a kiss on her forehead and then he was gone.

  She listened while Austin went down the stairs and soon she heard the Jaguar drive away from the house.

  Alone in the huge four-poster bed, in the vast empty house, she felt completely lost and bereft. What was Austin doing? Where was he going? Why couldn't she go with him?

  The questions nagged at her while she got washed and dressed and went downstairs to tidy up and have breakfast.

  The sharp ring of the phone pierced her thoughts. She eagerly lifted the receiver, hoping she'd hear Austin's voice at the other end.

  But it was Maeve instead, and she sounded grim.

  For a moment she thought something had happened to Austin, but Maeve quickly put her out of her suspense.

  "I'm sorry, Sinead, but your solicitor needs you in Dublin straight away. The hearing about Luke's will started yesterday, but it's had an unexpected twist. You have to get there as soon as possible. Mike is coming up for you now. He's spoken to Dr. Jameson to get the time off. He should be there in about an hour. I've been ringing around for train times and hotel information for you. I figured it would save you time and worry."

  "But, I don't understand, Maeve. What's going on?" Sinead said, her mouth suddenly dry with fear.

  There was a long pause on the line. For a moment Sinead wondered if they had been cut off.

  Then she heard her sister say, "I'm sorry, but Margaret has contested the will. She's demanding money f
rom the estate. Luke's family are up in arms. I don't know what's going to happen, but the way Mike explained it to me, with the shady lawyer she has, she could cause a lot of trouble."

  Sinead sighed. Her initial response was that it didn't really matter. That it was all part of another life which she had no wish to recall. Why should her unhappy past with Luke intrude on her joyful present with Austin?

  But she realised that it was bound to unless she did something to stop Margaret in her tracks once and for all. Sinead had beaten Margaret before, and she hoped she had defeated the sultry older woman where Austin was concerned.

  Furthermore, Sinead knew that she simply could not let Margaret get away with her money-grubbing now. She thought with bitterness of how the Stephens family had thought she was a gold-digger and had therefore contested Luke's will. Now they'd have a real fight on their hands if she knew Margaret.

  "Right, Maeve, I'll pack up here and drive to Dublin. Being on the train would drive me crazy. Give me the details of the hotel and fetch out my two business suits and some blouses. I'll pick them up on the way."

  "Isn't Austin there? Is everything all right?"

  "He's just left to head for Castlemaine. So it's just as well Mike is coming to fetch me."

  "Is everything all right?"

  Sinead suddenly wondered with unease whether it was or not. But she ignored the prickling feeling in her spine and said brightly, "Yes, of course, everything's fine, but I must go. I'll see you in a few hours."

  Sinead rang off and with enormous reluctance headed up the stairs to pack. She hated leaving, and hated Margaret even more for forcing her to. Maybe it was a ploy to get her out of the house, but Sinead knew she had to fight Margaret, no matter what the game.

  Sinead packed her dirty clothes in one suitcase, as well as her evening dresses and her uniforms. She put what she would need in Dublin in her second case and tidied her room quickly. She carried her suitcases downstairs to the front door and tried to ring the hospital.

  When she got through, she was told that Austin would be unavailable all day. Rather than leave a cryptic message with his answering service, she found a piece of paper and chewed on her pencil for several minutes before finally scribbling, "Sorry to have to leave. Urgent personal business. Will ring. X O, S."

  The doorbell rang a short time later. Mike quickly loaded her suitcases into the back of the Mini. "Mr. Riordan not around?" he asked, looking around the door curiously.

  "No, he's gone into Castlemaine. It's a pity Maeve hadn't rung sooner, or he could have dropped me off at the house to pick up the car."

  "We told you as soon as we heard and I came straight away to get you. Mr. Egan rang Maeve looking for you and told her to break the news to you gently. That this woman was demanding compensation. It could be pretty ugly."

  "I'm afraid it already is," Sinead sighed. "By the way, who did they pick for the ICU job?"

  "I can't remember the name, but I know Sean Maguire said it was someone you knew. He was concerned that she might not work out. Too bossy or something. The jungle drums say she is engaged to a bloke at Castlemaine General."

  Sinead's stomached lurched at that news and she thought she would be ill.

  As the silence lengthened, Mike glanced at Sinead. "Well, what is it? You'd better tell me now. Do you want me to take time off from the hospital and go with you?"

  She sniffed and shook her head. "I couldn't be so selfish, not when Maeve needs you."

  "Don't be silly, she's not due for weeks yet. I think there's something you're not telling me. I'm not letting you go to Dublin on your own. I'm not letting you out of my sight until you explain what's going on."

  Sinead sighed and decided to tell him the truth. She filled him in during the rest of the journey, though she left out her intimacy with Austin.

  Mike was shocked to find Margaret in Austin's life, and now, to all appearances, in their hospital, but it certainly explained the court action.

  "I'm going to come with you," he said firmly. "You're upset enough as it is without having to face her and slug it out in court. And you'll have to face the Stephens family as well, a nasty bunch if ever there was one. I've already explained to Dr. Jameson that some urgent personal business had cropped up, otherwise you'd never have left Austin Riordan on his own."

  Sinead felt the tears prick her eyes as she thought how true Mike's statement was. Damn Margaret, she was a blight on her entire life. Just when everything had been going so perfectly...

  And if Margaret lost the court case, she certainly wouldn't let Austin go without a great deal of unpleasantness. A gold-digger like that was only out for herself, by hook or by crook.

  She sighed and settled into the car seat, resigning herself to having to face Margaret. She was also going to have to confide her past to Austin far sooner than she would have liked.

  They made the rest of the now seemingly interminable long ride in silence. Finally, Mike pulled up into the drive. Maeve hurried out of the house with Sinead's clothes in a garment bag and a rucksack full of food and a thermos flask. "I thought you wouldn't want to stop on the road, so I made this up for you," Maeve said, kissing her.

  Sinead gave her a big hug.

  Mike interrupted by saying, "Maeve, Sinead's told me everything. I think I should go with her."

  Maeve nodded wordlessly.

  "But it's so selfish of me. You've already had all your plans ruined by my cancelling my holiday," Sinead protested.

  "Sinead, that wasn't your fault. You had no choice. Besides, we have plenty of time to get ready for the baby. I'll miss Mike, but you need him more now. Once it's settled, maybe you can put this chapter of your life behind you once and for all. You just can't let that woman Margaret beat you."

  "I think she already has," Sinead said with a sigh. She repeated what Mike had heard at the hospital.

  "Well, then, all the more reason to beat Margaret in court," Maeve said with a feisty gleam in her eyes. "She isn't entitled to Luke's money. Plus, if she forces you out of your job at Castlemaine, you'll need all the money you can get. Go on now, and ring me."

  "Thanks, Maeve, you and Mike are great."

  Mike hurried down the stairs a short time later with his overnight bag and a suit on a hanger. After kissing Maeve for several moments, they set off towards the hospital.

  "I'll just pop in to Dr. Jameson and explain that I have to go to Dublin with you and then we'll be on our way."

  Sinead fiddled with the radio nervously as she waited in the car while Mike went to see Dr. Jameson. She wondered if she could get out and have a quick look for Austin to explain her leaving in person. Then she saw Mike emerge from the front entrance of the hospital and had to abandon the idea rather sadly.

  As they were pulling out of the car park, she suddenly saw the black Jaguar loom into sight. Sinead was just about to ask Mike to stop so she could get out and flag him down, when she caught a glimpse of his companion in the front seat.

  "Isn't that Austin Riordan?" Mike said.

  Sinead panicked as he slowed the car.

  "Drive! Just drive!" Sinead snapped.

  Mike put his foot to the floor, and they sped on in silence.

  Sinead wondered if Austin had seen them. She knew he had probably recognised the red Mini and wondered what she was doing there.

  But what did she care? He was supposed to be in meetings. And yet there he was, sitting with Margaret, Sinead's worst enemy. So this was the business he was taking care of, leaving her stranded in the middle of nowhere while his fiance laid claim to the entire Stephens fortune?

  "Stop!" she shouted, grabbing Mike's hand.

  "Why, do you want to go back?" he asked, surprised.

  "I'm going to be sick!" she ground out through clenched teeth.

  She just managed to open the door and fall onto her knees before she was violently ill in the gutter.

  Mike waited patiently until she felt sure she was able to get back in the car and they drove on in silence to Dub
lin, Sinead enveloped in her own wretched thoughts. Austin. How could he....

  Chapter Twenty-five

  That night in the hotel, Sinead longed to phone Austin, if only to tell him what a miserable pig he was. The money didn't matter a bit to her. It was the lengths to which people would go to get what they wanted. She thought grimly that if, no, when she won, she was going to shock them all.

  Mike was a tower of strength. He explained all the complicated things her solicitor had told her in a gentle and patient manner. She had won the concession of not having to see Margaret, but she'd have to confront Luke's father, Simon Stephens, first thing in the morning. He had asked for a meeting and she couldn't really refuse.


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