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Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1)

Page 5

by Pixie Moon

  Thinking about the spacecraft reminds me of stories I’ve heard. One man said all spacecrafts are dirty. The last one was but this one isn’t. I’ve also heard that crafts sometimes have engine trouble and float around in space for an endless amount of time before it comes crashing down on an unsuspecting planet spilling the dead bodies of the crew all over the ground and sometimes killing locals in the process. I don’t want my dead body to kill anyone.

  I shudder at that thought. My stomach growls again. This time more loudly. Needing to feed it before it gives my location away, I reach into my side pocket and pull out a pecan with my non-pee smelling hand. I crack it open with my teeth and start eating. To my horror, I realize that I’m using my dirtiest hand to pick the nut’s meat out. Fuck!

  As I chew, I try not to think of where the person or people are that where in that cage before me. I try not to wonder what happened to Megan Blaker and Gayle Balwin. Tears well in my eyes but I blink them away. I finish my pecan and think about eating another one.

  I remember a woman once telling a group of her friends that she’d heard that alien spacecrafts didn’t have any food on them. From what I’ve seen so far that could be true, but it might not be. I wasn’t fed on the last craft. Who knows what’ll happen on this one.

  I twist my lips as I remember the soft bed on the other side of this door. I can’t see any being having a luxury like that and not having food. Then again, I know nothing about the zaphinians. What if they can go weeks without eating? I’ve heard of species like that. My stomach rumbles again.

  Should I feed it or not? My supplies are getting low. Backpack would have come in real handy right now. She was loaded with food when we got separated. The loud roar of my stomach fills the small space I’m in. Needing to quiet it, I retrieve another pecan and crack it open. This time I don’t worry about which hand I use. If I’m going to die from using pee-pee tainted fingers it’s too late to save me now.

  I just finish eating the pecan when I hear a noise. My heart freezes. I go into stealth mode. No movement and shallow breathing. The action as saved me many times in the past. I hope it does now.

  You’re not in the woods, dummy, my logical side nastily points out. If I could have left this room, I’d have had a better chance. “Hide to stay alive,” I whisper to myself. My voice is low enough not to be heard by anyone except me. The words echo in my mind. They comfort me.



  ~ Din Zar TocGar ~


  “I better go check on the little human. She should be still sitting safely on the bed where I left her,” I say to my brother, Din Von TocGar, and our good friend Din Ryk WavTe. Feeling confident about our newest addition, I rise from my chair and head to the door. We rarely buy playthings but every once in a while we’ll see if there is a being on the sell-block that is worth saving. Rescued beings can be very loyal.

  “Tread carefully, this one seems a little different from our usual additions,” Von says as he spins his chair around and looks at me.

  “She obeyed me and she responded well to my touch.” I try to act nonchalant. I don’t want my brother and friend to know something about her draws me to her in a way I’ve never experienced before.

  Ryk grunts. “If Von says tread carefully, you should do it. Dealing with a new addition is always risky even if the being passes the first test. That’s why we don’t buy beings often.”

  I snort and frown at my brother. “Okay, I’ll be cautious. I don’t know why you’re bringing this up? She’s just a new addition.” At least that’s the story I’m sticking to because it’s the one that has to be true.

  Von leans forward and looks at me as though he is reading my soul. “Your eyes glowed when you were near her.”

  I shrug. “So. When we get heated up they do that. What’s the big deal?” For some reason, Von’s words bother me.

  Von’s dark brow arches again. “Our eyes don’t usually glow before we even touch a seema or a plaything.”

  “Maybe I’m getting sick,” I retort smugly.

  “Does that mean you need me or Ryk to go check on her?” Von’s silver eyes look calculatingly at me.

  As my heart skips a beat, I know Von’s on to me. “No, I can handle it. I’m drawn to her for some inexplicable reason, but I’m sure with time it will wear off.” The need to go to her overwhelms me. Before my brother can say anything else, I turn on my heel and leave the room.

  With my heart beating faster than it should, I go to the room I left her in and open the door. I do a double-take of the bed. She’s not there! A submissive should always follow commands. My lips press together as frustration builds in my chest.

  My gaze darts around the small room. My little seema can’t be under the bed or the chair. She could use a few pounds for sure, but she’s not that skinny. I walk over to the bathroom and open the door. I expect to see her so when I don’t I can’t stop the growl that escapes my lips.

  The need to find her right now dominates my thoughts. I have to see her. Anger flares through me as I realize she’s already gotten under my skin. I close my eyes and push the anger aside. Never let a seema or a live-sex-plaything control your actions. How many times have I told younger warriors those words? I shake my head and force myself to calm the zyf down.

  “Never let a seema get to you,” I whisper to myself as I leave the bathroom.

  I sniff the air and smile when I catch her scent. If I’d stopped and focused on her scent when I noticed she was gone, I would have found her sooner. I can’t continue to let her get to me. “It’s time for her to start learning her place,” I say quietly.

  Moving to the only closet in the room, I open the door and get ready to pull her out.

  “Hide to stay alive.” I just barely hear the words coming from my sheet covered seema. Those softly spoken words break my heart. I remember seeing her standing of the platform with wide scared eyes. The little human had just seen two other females dragged from the selling-block. For all I know those females could have been friends or family members of hers.

  “Tread carefully.” Von’s words haunt his mind. My brother’s right. She’s not a live-sex-plaything that approached us for a job. She needs a caring touch right now, not a lesson. Lessons can come later.

  I gently pull the sheet off her. She screams and then slaps her hand over her mouth. Frightened dark brown eyes look up at me. Pain stabs my heart and causes my stomach to churn. I never want her to look at me this way again.

  I quickly decide on a course of action. I step back to give her some space and then give her a command. “Stand and step out of the closet.”

  My soul leaps with joy when she gives me a slight nod and then does as she was ordered. Her gaze darts around the room and her slight body shakes as she stands in front of me. I have the strangest urge to hug her.

  Pushing the feeling aside, I calmly ask, “Why were you in the closet when I told you to stay sitting on the bed?” My words come out gentle just as I had hoped they would. With the strange feelings she evokes coursing wildly through me, I wasn’t sure I could do it.

  Maybe I should have let Von check on her after all. The possessive-streak that rears up in me at that thought shocks the zyf out of me. If this continues, I am going to need therapy.

  Her beautifully expressive eyes shift as her gaze darts around the room again. I wonder if she is looking for the others. A spike of jealousy stabs me in the heart. What the zyf? As soon as possible, I am going to need to meditate to clear my head and heart of whatever spell she has enchanted me with.

  Frowning down at her, I repeat myself. “Why were you in the closet when I told you to stay sitting on the bed?”

  She fidgets with the flap of her pants pocket. Her gaze is now on the floor. “I just needed to be in a safer place for a while. I’ll try not to do it again.”

  I almost smile when she says “try.” At least she is honest. “I’ll let it slide this time.” I place my finger under her chin and raise her fac
e. She looks into my eyes. “When I give you a command, you are expected to do it. On Zaphin, the warriors expect seemas and live-sex-playthings to do as they are told. You are now one of our submissives. Do you understand?”

  Her pink tongue peeks out and licks her full lips. “I think so. You don’t eat submissives on your planet, do you?”

  Lust pounds through my veins and makes my cock ache. I can’t help but smile. “Not in a bad way.”

  I force myself not to jump her. Stepping back, I look her over. She’s dirty and stinks but under the filth I smell her sweet scent just the way I did on the sell-block.

  Right now, the filthy scent is overpowering. That’s not surprising considering where she was. I walk over to the bathroom and gesture her in. She stands still for a moment. I look at her with my hard dominant stare. I hide a smile when she jumps and hurries into the bathroom.

  “You are going to take a shower. While you are doing that, I’m going to pull some clothes out for you. You are to put the clothes on when you’re finished with your shower.” I flick my hand in her direction. “Strip.”

  She looks startled and then her eyes take on a determined look. “I can do this,” she whispers.

  Once again her words make my heart ache for her. I shield my heart from her and watch her movements with fake boredom.

  Her hands tremble slightly as she unbuttons her pants. She hesitates and then reaches into one of her side pockets. The warrior in me instantly goes on high alert. She’s too small to hurt me but what if she has a weapon the satpinians who’d captured her hadn’t check for? Adrenaline floods my system even though I keep a calm façade.

  The human’s tiny hand comes out of her pocket with two nuts. From the human live-sex-playthings at my club, I know they love the small pieces of food. I watch to see what she’s going to do next.

  She fascinates me. That must be what draws me to her. I feel better now that I know my newest seema and possibly future live-sex-plaything captures my attention just because she’s interesting.

  The little human licks her lips and gives me a tiny smile. “I’ve heard that there’s not much food, if any, on a spacecraft. I have some pecans if you’re hungry.”

  Zyf, her unbelievable offer floors me. My warrior’s heart protests as it turns from a ball of the toughest metal into a soft sweet confection for her to eat up.

  I shake my head as I mentally replace the shield around my heart. A shield she’d disturbingly taken down with ease. This time I make sure the shield is secure.

  “Thanks, little seema. That’s nice of you, but we have plenty of food onboard and on our home planet.” She’s by far the sweetest being I’ve met.

  Her hand curls around the pecans. “I found these in a rare grove on Earth. It was the prettiest place I’ve ever seen. If you change your mind, just let me know. I don’t mind sharing.”

  The satpinians’ words replay in my mind. I know she doesn’t realize what happened to her. Being a warrior, I can’t let her remain ignorant. “Those pecans are most likely from the food plot the aliens that captured you were talking about. I heard them telling a moglian that they have food plots on Earth that they water and monitor. They hide their spacecraft in a fake cloud and wait for humans to come along. So far they’ve trapped and sold over seventy-five humans.”

  Her scent changes as emotions flit through her. Sorrow for her swamps my heart. I push it aside. Everyone has lessons to learn in life. She has just learned a valuable one.

  I watch as emotions continue to run rampant across her face. Her lips tighten as she unfurls her fingers and looks at the pecans. Her small fist closes around the nuts. Indecision dominates her scent. I guess she’s mulling over what to do with the pecans. A person who has lived without enough food would never want to throw any food away. The knowledge that the food came from her captors as a way to catch her would make the once precious food tainted.

  Her shoulders drop as she slides the pecans back into her pants pocket. A warrior in the field would have done the same thing she’d just done. Pride swells in my chest. My little seema is a strong female. She’s a survivor.

  I turn the water on in the shower. From the corner of my eye, I watch her drop her pants and then slowly pull her shirt off. Color blooms across her dirty cheeks as she holds the shirt in front of her. The scent of her embarrassment clouds the small room. I ignore it. She has to learn that she will be naked in front of me and many others at the club a lot of the time.

  “Drop the shirt,” I order in a stern tone that’s meant to make a sub move. She trembles and looks at the floor. A moment later, the dirty material hits the floor. My gaze takes her curves in. She could use a few good meals, no doubt. All and all, she has great potential. My cock swells as I continue to look at her.

  Not wanting to scare her any further, I point to a lever in the shower. “When you’re done, push this down and the water with stop.” I point at the soap. “Use that to clean yourself. You’ll find a towel hanging on the back of the door and fresh clothes on the bed.”

  I step aside and watch her enter the shower. The sight of her sweet little ass sends a fresh wave of lust through my groin. As badly as I want to fuck her, I know I have to wait. I go to the door and then turn to get a last look at her. As the grime comes off her delicate frame, silky skin is revealed.

  Not able to handle the sight of her naked body anymore without doing something bad, I bend and scoop up her filthy clothes and then leave the bathroom. Zyf, she’s pretty. I bet she’s going to be beautiful in about a week.

  I quickly pull out a bodysuit from the closet and toss it on the bed. With my cock begging me to go back into the bathroom, I grit my teeth and force myself to leave the room. In the hall, I take a deep breath and know I’ll be meditating longer than usual tonight.

  A vision of her in the shower with water sliding over her smooth creamy flesh pops into my mind. I groan as I realize my session is going to be a lot longer than normal.



  ~ Hallie ~


  Warm water raining down over stressed achy flesh has to be one of the best feelings in the world.

  I glance back at the door just to make sure Pretty Eyes hasn’t come back. He’d unnerved me a few minutes ago when he had checked me out. All three tones in his eyes had begun glowing as he’d scanned my body. The small vents next to his nose had flared ever so slightly.

  A touch of fear had crept down my spine. That emotion had only lasted until I’d gotten a good whiff of him. A shiver rocks through me as I recall his masculine scent. Something about the huge male makes me not care if he does want to have sex with me. A dark part of me wants him to want me. Another shiver charges through me. Heat swirls through my groin. I withhold a moan. This is such a new feeling for me. It’s scary and exciting all at the same time.

  Unable to stop my natural instincts. I lean forward and listen. I don’t hear anything. Looking around and feeling safe, I step out of heaven, walk a few steps, and peek through the door. A quick glance around proves that the room is empty. I spot a white, stretchy looking bodysuit on the bed. Guess that’s what he wants me to wear. I look around for my dirty clothes. They don’t seem to be here anymore.

  Feeling more secure, I step back into the shower. A part of me wishes I had my clothes so I could wash them. As the warmth of the water washes over me, I no longer worry about my clothes. For a moment, I just stand here relishing the feel of the clean water washing away all the grime and bad memories of the last few days.

  A shudder rocks me when a picture of Gayle and Megan being dragged away enters my mind. Both of their buyers acted like the women were food. My nerve endings snap. “That could have been me.”

  If Pretty Eyes hadn’t been there in that stinking place, what would have happened to me? Another shudder courses violently through me. What will happen to me if I don’t turn out to be what he wants me to be? Will he take me back to that nightmare and sell me to the being with the most money?
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