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Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1)

Page 11

by Pixie Moon

  I cross my feet and lower myself to the padded floor. “Sit in front of me and cross your legs. We will do this together. Meditation is good for your mind, body, and soul.”

  Hallie’s pretty lips purse. “We can do it on the floor?”

  “Yes, seema. Now take a seat.” I watch her sit. Desire rampages through me when I get a flash of pink pussy. This is going to be tough but I can do it without pouncing on her. At least I hope I can.

  After she’s comfortable, I scoot forward until her knees brush against my shins. A new wave of desire circles my groin making my cock swell. Her dark eyes widen as they zero in on my erection.

  “Don’t worry about my erection. It’ll go down in a bit.” Or at least I hope it does.

  “It’s pretty. Big but pretty.” Heat singes her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” Her hand waves up and down a few times. “I think all of you is very nice. Plus, your nose is straight, not slightly turned up like mine.”

  I grin and take her hands in mine. “It’s okay. I’m glad you like my cock and the rest of me. Your nose is cute,” I reassure her. I let my gaze roam over her breasts and then down between her legs. My erection throbs when she shifts and I see a flash of pink through her sweet brown curls. “I like how you look too. That we are attracted to one another will make fucking a satisfactory experience. For now, let’s get back to meditating.”

  I rub my thumbs over her delicate fingers and then close my eyes. “Watch me for a moment and then follow my breathing pattern.” I slowly inhale through my nose. At the top of the breath, I hold the air in my lungs for as long as I can. I feel her gaze on me as I slowly exhale through my nose. Once I’m done, I do it again. I open my eyes and smile at her.

  She tilts her head to the side causing her long hair to spill over her shoulder. “That’s kind of the way I was taught to breathe when I’m hiding from bad people. Only I breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. I also take quiet shallow breaths. Why are your breaths so loud? Bad people or wild animals can easily find you when you breathe like that.”

  “That’s a good question and a good point. While I’m meditating, I’m not hiding. When you allow your breath to rasp through your throat your brain focuses on the sound instead of jumping from one random thought to the next. This quiets your mind and allows it to rest. A rested mind is a healthier mind. Try it with me this time, seema.” I close my eyes and focus on my breath as well as hers.

  The first breath she does real well. Then she starts breathing like she’s hiding. An ache builds in my chest as I realize she must have hidden a lot on Earth. Her body naturally slips into shallow quiet breaths by default. An unknown feeling pinches my chest.

  I open my eyes and watch her for a second. She’s so heartbreakingly beautiful sitting here in her sheer clothes trying to meditate but failing because of all the trauma she’s been through.

  “You’re close but I need you to focus on letting your breath rattle through your throat. That will help your brain stay focused on the sound so that it can’t wander off from subject to subject. Let’s try it again, seema,” I encourage with what I hope is a kind smile. With my fangs I never know how others are going to take my smile.

  This time she does much better. Pride fills my heart. She opens her eyes and grins at me. “I did it, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, seema. You did it.” She’s exquisite. I could watch her forever. That thought has me snapping out of my dazed stupor. She’s just a seema, TocGar. Don’t let her control you, the warrior within me orders.

  I straighten and say, “Now that you’re getting it. We’ll do it for the next thirty minutes and then go to bed.” I guide her through the breaths. After a while, I slip into the healing powers of meditation myself.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  I pull the triangle shaped floor cleaner out of the closet and show Hallie how to turn it on. I watch as she places it on the floor and then watch her jump when the device takes off. I smile at her actions and overall cuteness. She’s been here for three full days now. I’m amazed at how well she’s doing.

  Her brows draw downward. “Does the cleaner ever get stuck? If it does and I don’t catch it fast enough will it overheat?”

  She always asks great questions. That’s probably why my fascination with her hasn’t ended. “So far, I’ve never seen it get stuck. To my knowledge, if that were to happen, the device is supposed to automatically shut off.” I look out the living room window and then back at Hallie. “Would you like to go into the backyard while the cleaner is doing its job?”

  The smile on her face rivals the sun. So zyfing beautiful.

  “I’d love to go outside.” She glances down and then frowns. “I don’t think I should go out dressed like this.”

  “As a seema, you are properly dressed. My backyard doesn’t end near any neighbors so nobody should see you today except for me.” I cup her chin and raise her face. Keeping my voice low and authoritive, I look into her chocolate eyes. “Zaphinians aren’t ashamed of nudity. Since you live here now, you have to get used to the way we do things. Do you understand, seema?” Since this is her new home, I really need her to catch on.

  “Yes, Din Zar.”

  The trembling of her voice tells me that it’s going to take time for her to fully be comfortable being on display. With her being so willing to try, her nervousness is okay because I have plenty of time to teach her. Taking her hand, I lead her out onto the patio.

  Instead of looking around at the yard, she looks from me to the door and then asks, “How did you do that? The door was stuck when I tried to open it.”

  I want to smooth away the little lines that have formed between her brows. Instead of touching her, I answer her question. “The handles are programed to only open for me and a few of my chosen friends.”

  The lines between her brows deepened. “Shouldn’t I be one of your chosen friends since I live here?”

  Moons, she’s beautiful when she gets demanding in her sweet little way. “If you end up living here for a long time, I’ll have it programed to your touch. Now it’s time for you to explore the backyard.”

  Her frown has yet to lessen. Big brown eyes look up at me. “You haven’t decided to get rid of me, have you?”

  “No, seema. As long as you’re happy here and you make me happy, you get to stay here.” I turn her around so that she faces the backyard. “Now let’s go explore your new world. You can ask me any questions you have.”

  Delight fills my chest as I watch her go around smelling the different plants and flowers that boarder the yard and house. Small things bring her great joy. She’s so amazing to watch. The scent of her happiness perfumes the air. It overpowers the jungle. I let her happiness fill me up.

  She approaches another plant. This one seems to call to her. I watch in fascination as she touches the soft leaves of the plant and then turns to me.

  “What is this one called? The leaves are velvety and beautiful. It’s almost as though the plant can connect with me. I’ve never encountered anything like it.”

  “It’s a hugmar tree.” I walk over to her and stroke a leaf. “This plant is special in that it can bond with some people. You seem to be one of those people. It’s an honor to be connected to a hugmar tree.”

  I wonder if the tree is attracted to Hallie because of her rough past or because of her passion for plants. It doesn’t really matter. It does, however verify that Hallie Mead is special. I already knew that, my heart whispers. I quickly remind myself that she is still just fascinating to me, nothing more.

  Once I have answered a few more of her questions, I guide her back onto the patio and pull her down with me into a lounge chair. This time she quickly melts into me. “Rest for a bit, seema.”

  She closes her eyes as I caress her soft curves. With each day that passes, I happily watch her curves becoming more prominent. My cock is very happy about that fact. Needing to advance my touch, I slide my hands up her belly and over her breasts. She moans when I
start playing with her nipples. My cock throbs from desire. I ignore it as I keep on getting her used to my touch. I don’t stop until I smell her arousal thicken the air.

  Even though it’s pure torture for me, I stop and just hug her until her breathing calms. As the minutes pass by her totally relaxed body presses into mine. That she’s able to sleep in my arms makes me happy. I breathe in her scent and luxuriate in holding her.



  ~ Hallie ~


  The small dirty clothes basket in my bathroom is starting to get full. I know that Zar’s larger basket is full as well. Each day I add any of his clothes I find around the house to his basket. He is a clothes slob.

  I’ve been here for six days. I glance at the dirty clothes and make a face. I don’t like dirty clothes. On Earth, I always immediately cleaned the clothes I took off. I’ll admit, I only had two sets of clothes but that’s beside the point. Backpack, flashes through my mind. I hope someone good found her.

  Sadness presses into my chest. I’m beginning to forget the small details about my old friend. Was her stitching tan or brown? I didn’t even think about her at all yesterday. The purple pillow on my bed pops into my mind. The stitching on the pillow is dark purple.

  An image of Din Zar floats into my mind. Mmm. I remember every bulging muscle on his firm body. His skin is thick, striped, and rough. I like the way it feels pressed against my soft skin. I also enjoy the feel of his soft chest hair. He has a light sprinkling of it that blends with his skin and doesn’t hinder the sight of his muscles.

  It’s kind of hard to forget since we meditate every evening. Thinking of his naked chest has me longing to trace the symbol that’s there. The knife and stars can only be seen when the light catches it just right. I’m not sure what it stands for but I think it must be a family thing or a warrior thing. I’m intrigued by it and want to trace it with my tongue. As desire swirls through me, I groan and try to shake it off. He’s driving me crazy. Stop thinking about him, my logical side orders.

  Following orders, I look around the pretty bathroom. My mind shifts and starts pulling up all of the interesting plants I take care of each day. My new world has been slowly sliding in and replacing my old world. I no longer have hair on my legs and I don’t even smell the same since I now have fresh fruity smelling shampoo and lotion. A part of me doesn’t want to forget my old life.

  Get a grip, Hallie Mead. Your life here is a million times better than your old life. Plus, Pretty Eyes is smokin’ hot, my logical side ruthlessly points out. I puff out a breath of air. She’s right, living on Zaphin with Zar TocGar is an awesome experience. Everything here is so alive. Even my hair and skin look fresh.

  My gaze lands on the dirty clothes basket. I hate dirty clothes. Zar is going to have to show me how to use the washer and dryer. Leaving the bathroom, I head to his office. The door is open so I stand in the doorway watching him for a moment.

  The sight of his muscles rippling under his tight black shirt mesmerizes me. With or without clothes, he draws my attention every time I’m in the same room with him.

  His pretty teal and silver gaze suddenly snaps in my direction. A smile curls his lips. His short fangs no longer surprise me. They intrigue me as much as his calm yet powerful presence. I also realize that he no longer scares me. I’m starting to like him quite a bit.

  “What can I do for you, seema?” His voice is low and sensual. It swirls around my sex.

  “I need to learn to use the washer and dryer. Do you have time to show me?” His hot gaze slides over my body. I’m wearing a sheer gold “uniform” today. As desire for him pulses through me, I fidget with the hem of the gold material.

  He closes the screen of the computer in front of him and stands. “I’ll gladly show you how to use them. Go get your clothes and I’ll get mine. Meet me in the laundry room, seema.”

  “Yes, Din Zar.” I whirl around and head toward my bathroom. As I’m walking away I hear him sniff the air. Heat prickles my cheeks. I bet he’s smelling my arousal. Sometimes it’s damned inconvenient to live with a person who can scent your every emotion.

  That’s no way to look at it, girl. Him knowing your horny means he can take care of your needs. It’s way past time for you to set the sexual goddess in you free. That hot male is just the person to do it, my logical side practically purrs the words.

  The passion still circling my core tells me she may be right. I’m well past the age for having sex. As I pick up my dirty clothes basket, I can’t help but be glad he’s going to be my first. Hiding from the dirty gruff males on Earth was the right thing to do.

  I meet him in the laundry room and as hard as it is to focus on learning to use the strange dome shaped devices, I force myself to do it. The longer I’m around him, the more I want him. Every time I smell his masculine scent I want to eat him up.

  After our clothes are in the washer, I look up into his amazing three tone teal and silver eyes. “Thanks for helping me out.” I expect him to go back to his office. I’m surprised when he takes me by the hand and leads me into the living room.

  “I’ll always help you out, little seema.” After he turns on some music, he sits down on the massive couch and pulls me onto his lap.

  I try not to moan as his strong fingers begin caressing my body. Each day he gets a little bolder. Now my body is starting to crave his passion filled touch.

  As he massages and rolls my nipples, he asks, “How old are you, seema?”

  With his hands on my breasts it takes me a few seconds to remember my age. “I’m twenty-six.” I moan when his fingers lightly pinch my taut peaks. Through the haze of lust building in me, I realize I don’t know his age. “How old are you, Din Zar?”

  He’s old enough to know how to set fireworks off in you, my logical side points out sassily. As I writhe in his lap, I know she’s right as usual. Right now, I really don’t care about his age.

  Zar nuzzles my ear. “I’m one hundred and sixty years old,” he whispers.

  At first his age doesn’t register but when it does the cloud of desire I’ve been riding on dissolves. “How can that be? How long do zaphinians live?”

  His hands move downward at a slow pace. The rough feel of his thick skin ignites small fires in my blood. My legs part to let him in.

  I’m beginning to forget what we are talking about when he says, “We can live to be five hundred years old.”

  My heart sinks. One day I’ll be no more than a forgotten seema. Right now, his world is not such a happy place for me. Soul deep, I want him to remember me forever. At his young age that may be asking too much.

  He inhales and then his hands stop and rest on my belly. “What’s wrong, seema?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I’m just sad that one day you’re going to forget me.” I yelp when he suddenly flips me over and around so that I’m straddling his hips and looking up into his lightly glowing eyes.

  “I will never forget you, Hallie Mead.”

  My heart lurches as hope fills my soul to the brim. I don’t want to be forgotten. His mouth comes down on mine. The passionate zing I get from the contact stokes the fire in me to a new level. His kiss is gentle yet hungry. I moan as his hands start massaging my ass. Through his pants, I feel his erection getting harder.

  When his tongue slides into my mouth, a new wave of lust sparks my veins. I grind into his massive erection and groan when my clit finds some relief. He growls low in his chest. The sound vibrates through me, leaving me breathless.

  My hands clutch at his muscular shoulders as our tongues explore each other. The taste of him is purely masculine. Needing more, I press my breasts into his chest and grind my pussy hard against his solid length. I want that length inside me.

  I reach for the fastener of his pants and try to open it. He growls and then catches my hands. I whimper. He doesn’t seem to care. I get pissed and grind my clit against his cock in an effort to satisfy the lust raging through my veins. He stoked the fire i
n me so he should put the flames out.


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