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Betting on the Billionaire in Lockdown

Page 6

by Ivy Nelson

  “Not great, Sir. But I do have a fucked-up fantasy about the kitchen.”

  He raised an eyebrow and bent to kiss her. “Care to share?”

  She blushed, but he held her head steady so she couldn’t look away. “Tell me, Ace.”

  She chewed at her bottom lip. “I’m in the kitchen cooking and my Dom drags me off to use me. When he’s done with me, dinner is ruined so he punishes me for burning our meal.”

  He gave a low whistle. “That’s an intense fantasy.”

  She shrugged. “I would probably ruin dinner even without being dragged off and fucked, but that way just seems much more fun.”

  “Oh, I agree. Maybe we’ll play with that fantasy sometime. For now, let’s make some sandwiches and talk.”

  “More talking?”

  He grinned. “Yep. I intend to know you well by the time this month is up, Rylee. Now into the kitchen with you.”

  He gave her ass a playful smack and added another tally mark to his notebook when she didn’t respond the way he wanted her to.



  Rylee watched as Memphis pulled food out of the fridge and pantry. Bread, meats, cheeses, veggies, and condiments all made their way to the counter. She opened cupboards until she found plates and knives.

  Together, they made a quick lunch and moved to the table where she put her robe back on and sat close to him.

  “How’s work?” she asked around a mouthful of sandwich.

  He closed his eyes and toyed with a chip on his plate. “Stressful. I’m experiencing some internal turmoil over a costly mistake that was made and I’m still trying to clean up the aftermath.”

  She didn’t know what any of that meant, but it sounded painful.

  “What about you. You’ve been stressed since you got to Vegas and twice now, I’ve heard you mention your family’s finances. Do you need your money early? I can make it happen.”

  She shook her head, then paused. “I want to say yes, but I’m also feeling petty. Some of my family’s issues are due to their own mistakes and stupidity. My mom has never been great at managing money and she’s always being scammed. It’s at least the third time she’s had to be bailed out.”

  Memphis frowned. “How did she get scammed this time?”

  She took another bite of her sandwich. “Can we please not talk about it?”

  “Fine.” He twisted the cap off a bottle of water and raised it to his lips. She watched as he drained half the bottle before returning to his food.

  “What do you want to talk about?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “Sorry I’m boring. I just don’t want to burden you with my family drama.”

  “It’s OK, Ace. I need to get back into my office for a few hours anyway. Meet me in the playroom at seven.”

  He stood and carried his empty plate to the sink and walked upstairs without another word.

  Twice through the day, he found her on a break and kissed her. Once, he spent a few minutes with his fingers between her legs, driving her to the brink of an orgasm then stopping. Each time he turned to leave, he reminded her to meet him upstairs at seven.

  She read, did research on her mother’s finances, and spent a few hours playing poker online. She never played for actual money online. It was more of a distraction that still kept her brain sharp.

  At seven, she made her way to the playroom and found it empty. Down the hall, she heard voices and stood near the door to listen.

  “I just want you to get me out of this mess, Jeremy. I’m not going to prison for something I didn’t do.”

  Rylee sucked in a breath. Prison? Why would he go to prison? She didn’t have too much time to think about it though because Jeremy—whoever that was—made his way downstairs and she soon heard Memphis coming her way.

  When he stepped into the room, she’d moved to the center. Her gaze met his as she slid the silk robe off her shoulders.

  “Good girl,” he murmured. “At least you remember some of the rules. Let’s talk about the one you keep forgetting.”

  She frowned. What was that supposed to mean?

  He pulled a mini notebook from his shirt-pocket and handed it to her. She opened it and saw six tally marks.

  “What does this mean?” she asked.

  I told you I would keep track of every time you forgot how to address me, Ace. Now we’re going to address each infraction.

  She swallowed. “Six times? Really, Sir? I’m sorry.”

  He crossed the short distance between them and laid a hand against her cheek. “I’m glad you’re apologetic, but you’re still getting punished.”

  His hand trailed from her cheek between her breasts and down her abdomen until it came to rest between her thighs.

  “At least you’re still wet for me like a good little sub. Go lie on the massage table on your stomach please.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she murmured, unwilling to risk him adding another tally mark to her count.

  When she was in place, he stood next to her and caressed her back.

  “Your delightfully soaked cunt tells me you probably want an orgasm pretty, bad but you’re going to have to get through twelve minutes of punishment first. Ready to hear how it’s going to work?”

  She nodded. “Yes, Sir,” she murmured as she stared at the ground through the hole in the face rest she laid on.

  He laid his hand on her ass and gave a gentle squeeze. “Have I mentioned how much I like your ass?” he asked.

  “I don’t believe you have, Sir.”

  He chuckled. “Here’s how this works. Before you get to orgasm, you have to endure six minutes of spanking and six minutes of a vibrator directly on your clit. If you come before we’re done, we start all over. Now, because I’m not a complete bastard, we’ll be alternating a minute of spanking and a minute with the vibrator until we get to the end. Your first three minutes of spanking will be with my hand, and for the last three, you’ll be introduced to my hairbrush.”

  “What happens if I know I can’t hold an orgasm back?”

  “Good question. Again, not a complete bastard, so if you know you’re not going to be able to hold out, you can ask me to stop the vibrator and I’ll spend the rest of that minute turning your ass red.”

  “Yes, Sir.”


  Music filled the room and his hand made gentle circles on her ass for a few seconds. She heard a beep followed by a sharp sting to her ass as he began the first minute of her spanking. It wasn’t overly hard thank goodness, but sixty seconds turned out to be forever. When the timer beeped, he reset it and wordlessly pressed a vibrator between her thighs. It was a large wand style toy with a bulbous head. In seconds she was writhing against the device, chasing an orgasm. It wasn’t until she was on the edge that she remembered she wasn’t supposed to come.

  Ten more minutes of this torture to go.

  “Why are you being punished?” he asked as the timer beeped and he pulled the toy away.

  “Because I didn’t address you properly, Sir,” she whispered. She’d always hated being forced to confess her crimes before a punishment. Even now when she was turned on as hell, she didn’t like it

  “Very good. On to round two.”

  The second round of spanking hurt worse. He was definitely spanking her harder this time.

  The sound of his hand smashing into her ass seemed to drown out the soft music that was playing. His spanking was fast and furious with no break between swats. She gripped the sides of the table, knowing if she moved, he might threaten to start the timer over on this round. Not something she could risk.

  When the minute was over, the vibrator instantly pressed directly onto her clit again. Within twenty seconds she was on the brink. She did her best to think of things that weren’t sexy and barely made it through the minute without an orgasm.

  “Last spanking with my hand, Ace. After this you get the hairbrush.”

  “Yes, Sir. Let’s just get this over with,” she whimpered as she clen
ched her butt, knowing he was going to be lighting it on fire again momentarily.

  Soon she was crying out begging him to stop, but he continued her paddling until the timer beeped.

  Once again, her clit was assaulted with high intensity vibrations and she begged him to stop.

  “You sure you want me to stop? You’re only twenty seconds in which means another forty seconds of spanking with my hand.”

  She knew the orgasm would crash through her if he didn’t take the toy away soon.

  “Please, stop Sir. I’m going to come.”

  The sensation stopped and was immediately replaced with his hand peppering her backside. All thoughts of orgasm left her as her ass burned.

  When the timer beeped, he gave her a few seconds to catch her breath.

  “You’re doing well, Ace. Halfway there.”

  She moaned when she felt the hairbrush touch her hot ass.

  When the timer beeped again, it cracked against her burning skin. He went a little slower with the brush, but she still endured a good fifty swats with the wicked implement. Her arousal had definitely cooled some and it wasn’t as much of a struggle to hold her orgasm back as her clit was lambasted with the vibrator.

  When the sixty seconds were over, she begged him not to spank her anymore.

  “Are you safe wording, Rylee?”

  This was it, her chance to end this scene. But she knew if she ended it now, they would be done playing for the night and she likely wouldn’t get an orgasm. She’d wanted an orgasm all damn day.

  “No, Sir,” she said with a trembling voice.

  “Then you need to ask me to finish your punishment, so I know I have your consent, lover.”

  Lover? She decided not to question the new nickname. It was better than Ace.

  “Please finish my punishment, Sir,” she whispered.

  The brush landed on her ass again, and she could tell he was holding back. That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt though. Her poor ass was going to be sore for the rest of the night. When the minute timer sounded, he turned the vibrator on high and pushed it against her clit. She let out a garbled moan as he worked it against her sensitive nub.

  When she was considering pleading with him to stop, the timer dinged, and she knew it was time for her last round with the hairbrush. She was almost done.

  “I’m afraid this last set is going to be the worst, lover. But you’re doing very well. I’m proud of you,” he praised as the brush rested on one throbbing butt cheek.

  The timer beeped to start the minute and he picked it up, crashing it into her ass. She nearly screamed at the force of it but bit it back. For sixty seconds he paddled her ass hard and fast and she writhed to escape the punishing blows. But he had excellent aim and never missed her squirming backside.

  When the timer beeped, he dropped the brush on the floor and leaned over to speak in her ear.

  The vibrator is about to start. You can’t come until you hear the timer go off. After that, there’s one more aspect to your punishment.

  She flinched, wondering what it could be.

  “The vibrator doesn’t stop until you’ve given me six orgasms. After that, I’ll take you to my bedroom and fuck your until you scream.”

  She shuddered as his words sent a chill up her spine and his hot breath against her overly sensitive skin aroused her further.

  The vibrator pressed against her swollen pussy and buzzed. It was on low for the first half or so of the minute, but then he cranked it to high. She chewed the inside of her cheek, hoping the pain would hold the impending orgasm back.

  When the timer sounded, she relaxed her jaw.

  “Come,” he commanded.

  The orgasm rushed through her and she cried out, clamping her legs around the vibrator.

  “Turn onto your back and hang your legs off the table. No closing your legs. You owe me five more, sub.”

  She scrambled to do as he’d ordered. When her legs her spread wide and hung off the table, the vibrator returned to its spot accompanied by two fingers from his free hand. He pumped in and out of her as he milked orgasm after orgasm from her. She cried and pleaded for it to stop, throwing in a dozen or more Sirs as she convulsed on the table.

  When he stopped, the surface she lay on was drenched with her arousal and her pussy throbbed. He scooped her up mumbling something about cleaning up later and carried her to his bedroom where he dumped her on the bed and ordered her up on all fours so he could fuck her from behind.

  Her pussy felt tight and swollen around his cock when he entered her. He pounded her cunt hard and fast, his hands fisting into her hair for leverage.

  She didn’t think it was possible, but the friction of his movements sent her over the edge one last time just as he lost it.

  When he let go of her hair, she collapsed on the bed breathing hard.

  “Holy hell, I’m going to be sore tomorrow,” she murmured as he fell onto the mattress beside her.

  “Good. I like sore subs. They seem to have an easier time remembering their role.”

  She giggled. “Yes, Sir. I definitely won’t forget this anytime soon.”

  He patted her still sore ass and rolled off the bed to clean up.

  It was just barely eight-thirty by the time they were both showered and in bed. He worked on his laptop and she read a book until they were both yawning and fell asleep. As she was drifting off, she remembered she forgot to ask him about going to prison.



  The next morning, Jeremy and a team of paralegals video conferenced with Memphis to discuss what they had found overnight. Apparently, the attorney had taken him seriously and put paralegals to work around the clock.

  “You should have a talk with Collin.”

  “Why? What did you find?”

  His e-mail sounded an alert and he clicked over to it.

  “We found this thread of e-mails between him and someone from Miller Holdings.”

  He stared at the cryptic messages.

  “How do you know they’re going to someone from Miller?”

  “It took us awhile to figure that out, but in one of the e-mails, the sender forgot to mask their e-mail domain and it definitely came from them.”

  “He’s my best friend and oldest partner and you think he’s screwing me over?”

  “I don’t know what to think but it definitely warrants a conversation. So far, this is the only evidence of communication we can find aside from your initial approach when you were considering a contract.”

  He thought back to how mad his friend had been when he severed negotiations. Memphis had known from the second meeting that the company was up to something fishy and he wanted nothing to do with it. Then somehow, a contract had been signed on his behalf without his knowledge, and it was looking more and more like someone on his board was working against him.

  Now, because the contract was signed in his company’s name, he was the one facing jail time for the laws that were broken. The CEO of Miller Holdings was also facing fraud charges.

  “I’ll talk to him when he comes over this afternoon.”

  “Where are we on making restitution to the families that were hurt and severing all ties with Miller”

  “A lot of things are hard right now because they froze some of your business assets. The contracts are null and void, based on your statement that your signature was forged, but until we can prove that, it’s not going to help your defense.

  “As for making restitution, that implies that you’re guilty and I would rather wait until we have someone else to point fingers at. You’re welcome to take the blame and make payments once someone else is facing jail time, but until then, you need to keep your mouth shut and not approach any of these families.”

  He knew his attorney was right but that didn’t mean he liked it. It was important to put this behind him, clean house on his board, and get the company back on the right track before this escalated to major international news levels.

�God damn it,” he shouted into the room for no reason. “I just want this situation fixed, Jeremy.”

  His lawyer, ever the patient one in the room, gave him a sympathetic look through the screen. “I’ve told you a thousand times, Memphis, this isn’t a situation we can just fix. We have to let this play out.”

  “I should get off here. Send me everything you have on Collin. I need to get some other work done. While you’re at it, get me a list of the families who were hurt in this scheme. I promise not to do anything right now. I just want their names.”

  Jeremy scowled. “I’m your lawyer not your secretary. You have other employees to handle those kinds of things for you.”

  “And right now, I don’t know who to trust.”

  “Fine. I’ll do it. But you’re getting billed my weekend rate for this shit.”

  “You don’t have a weekend rate.”

  “I’m instituting one just for you.”

  Memphis flipped the camera off and ended the call.

  He went in search of Rylee and dragged her naked into the swimming pool where he buried himself in her. A vain attempt to put his troubles out of his mind.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked as she sat almost floating in his lap at the shallow end of the pool when they were done.

  “Just a lot of stress with work.”

  “That reminds me, when I went to meet you in the playroom last night, I heard you telling someone named Jeremy you didn’t want to go to prison. Why would you go to prison? What’s going on, Memphis?”

  “Eavesdropping is rude. Do it again and I’ll spank you,” he said harshly. Climbing out of the pool, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist, stalking back into the house.

  He knew he needed to tell her what was really going on, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. So instead, he’d been an asshole.


  Rylee sat in the pool trying not to seethe at the way Memphis had abruptly left. Why wouldn’t he answer her questions?

  She got out of the pool and quickly wrapped herself in a towel. Upstairs, she showered and put her robe on and settled at her laptop.


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