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Strength In Numbers 1: Double Jeopardy

Page 12

by Rachel Bo

  * * * * *

  Their guests started arriving around noon, and Kendall pushed all thought of Sutter’s unreasonable father from her mind. Around three o’clock, the food was ready and she left Josh and Sutter in the kitchen carving the turkey to go mingle with their friends in the living room. She was laughing at something Brandy had said when the front door opened and David Campbell walked in. I thought that was locked, she said to herself. Brandy raised her eyebrows questioningly. Kendall shrugged and hurried over to head him off.

  “Ever heard of a neat little invention called a doorbell?” she asked lightly when she reached him.

  David grimaced. “I’m used to having the run of the place. Sorry.” The tone of his voice made it clear that the apology was insincere. “Where’s Sutter?”

  Kendall grabbed his arm and pulled him through the den and out onto the deck. Her red silk dress didn’t offer much protection against the biting wind. She turned to face him, rubbing her arms against the chill. “Look. It’s Christmas day, and you have no right to come over here and upset him.”

  “I don’t plan to upset him.” David offered her a charming smile, but she wasn’t buying it. “I came over here to offer the two of you my blessing.”

  Kendall’s gaze narrowed. “What’s the catch?”

  David feigned surprise. “Kendall. I’m hurt!”

  She waited impatiently, tapping her foot against the weathered boards.

  “All right.” David dropped the pretense and got right to the point. “I’ve taken the liberty of having our lawyers draw up a pre-nuptial agreement. You sign that—” he eyed her shrewdly, “And I’ll give Sutter my blessing.”

  “You had them write up a pre-nup on Christmas day.” Kendall stated flatly. She couldn’t believe the lengths to which this man was willing to go to retain some shred of control over his son’s life.

  “What’s it going to be?” he asked, ignoring her statement.

  Kendall thought for a moment. “On one condition.”

  Here it comes, David thought. Now we’ll see what she’s REALLY after. “What would that be?”

  “That you make an effort to be just a father to Sutter. Not his career counselor or his moral conscience—just his father. He very much wants a relationship with you, but not if it means you’re going to continue trying to run his life. And—” she watched his face carefully. “You quit pressuring him regarding Josh.”

  Her answer was not what he had expected. He’d been telling himself for weeks that the woman was after something, and when he found out that his son was going to marry her, he had decided she was after Sutter’s inheritance. She couldn’t possibly love him—he was still in college, for God’s sake, just starting out in life. And this thing with Josh—he refused to think about that. A woman her age ought to want someone established, stable. The only other explanation was that she was after the money. He had thought with a pre-nup in play, she might offer to let him buy her off. But she had agreed to the pre-nup readily, and all she honestly seemed to want was for him to accept this strange relationship. The small part of him that wasn’t a cynic tried to suggest that maybe she was exactly what she appeared to be—a woman in love with his son. That would be all right, he told the voice, if it weren’t for Josh.

  Kendall watched the play of emotions on his face. He seemed surprised, even disappointed. She strongly suspected that he had thought she would offer to go away for some kind of payoff. The silence stretched. Kendall waited, trying to ignore the cold.

  The woman in front of him shivered, and David made a quick decision. “All right,” he said slowly. “I’ll back off. But no negotiation on the pre-nup. You sign it as is.”

  He expected her to argue, but Kendall just shrugged. “Fine, David.” She pushed past him and opened the door into the den. “Sutter’s in the kitchen,” she called to him over her shoulder, then walked off and started chatting with someone as though he were already forgotten.

  After the way he had imagined this confrontation would go, the whole thing was anti-climactic. He felt as though he’d been robbed. And he hated being dismissed as if he were unimportant. He almost reconsidered his decision and left. A chill gust of wind found its way down his collar and he shivered. Stepping inside, he closed the door behind him. The brief activity gave him a moment to reflect. He had what he wanted now, didn’t he? Not exactly, since Josh was still in the picture—but Sutter and Kendall would be married, and with that legality in place people wouldn’t question too much the fact that Josh still lived with them. And not a penny of Campbell money would go to her if this marriage didn’t work out.

  He started making his way through the guests. He was still angry about law school, but he could afford to be patient about that. Let Sutter try his little business. When it failed, he would realize he needed a real job and come back around to his father’s way of thinking. David nodded to himself. Yes. This could all still eventually work out the way he had planned. He might as well enjoy the fact that someone else was paying the bills for a change. With that pleasant thought in his head, he almost didn’t have to fake the smile on his face as he walked into the kitchen to give his son the good news.

  * * * * *

  “No.” Kendall and Josh sat on the bed watching Sutter pace after everyone had gone. “I don’t want that hanging over our heads. You don’t have to prove anything to me, Kendall. I won’t let you sign it.”

  “Sutter. If doing this one thing will make this whole relationship more acceptable in your father’s eyes, why fight it?”

  “That’s why.” He stopped and glared. “He’ll be getting his way again!”

  Kendall shook her head. “Not about anything that really matters.” She looked to Josh for help.

  “Think about it, Sutter,” Josh offered. “The only way this paper means anything is if there’s a divorce.” He looked deep into Sutter’s eyes. “You know that isn’t going to happen. The only way any of us is leaving this relationship is when we die. So he’s fooling himself. When he passes away, his money goes to you, which means Kendall will have access to it despite him. And if anything happens to you, it will go to her. So in the end, this is just a paperwork exercise that strokes his ego. I say, if stroking his ego gets him off our backs, then stroke away.”

  Sutter sat on the bed. “I don’t understand this whole ‘gold digger’ paranoia anyway. Dad’s well-off, but like you said, he’d have to die for any of it to come to me. He certainly doesn’t have the kind of wealth someone would be willing to wait thirty or forty years for.”

  “Exactly.” Kendall stroked his arm. “It’s just a power play. The only thing is, he doesn’t realize it really gives us the power. Because we won’t have to worry about him anymore.”

  Sutter frowned. “I guess you’re right. But I still don’t like it.”

  Kendall reached behind her and began pulling down her zipper. Josh took over, finishing the movement and pushing her dress off her shoulders. “What do you like?” she murmured seductively. Following her lead, Josh unfastened her strapless bra and dropped it to the floor, baring her chest. “This?” Kendall lifted one breast and bent her head, teasing the tip of her nipple with her tongue.

  Sutter groaned. “That’s not fair.”

  Kendall grinned wickedly. “All’s fair in love and war.” She closed her mouth on her nipple and sucked noisily, Josh grinning at Sutter from behind her.

  Sutter groaned again and leaned forward, taking the other nipple in his own hot mouth, still watching her. Kendall leaned back, raising her hips as Josh slipped her dress off over them. She reached down and began unbuttoning Sutter’s pants.

  Josh pulled them off him as Kendall pressed him back against the bed. “Okay, okay, I like!” he admitted.

  “This?” Kendall asked, joining Josh at his crotch, their tongues tasting his cock.

  “Damn,” Sutter murmured. “Definitely.”

  Kendall parted his buttocks and slipped a finger into his anus. “And this?” she whispered huskily. She
had discovered that this turned him on almost as much as it did her.

  “All of it,” Sutter moaned. “Whatever you do. Whatever you want me to do. I like it all.”

  “Good,” Josh whispered, and Sutter gasped as he brought his hand up and inched one of his fingers in alongside Kendall’s.

  They pressed their lips tightly to either side of his cock, moving rapidly up and down in unison. Kendall enveloped his tingling head in her mouth on one upstroke, Josh the next, as their fingers probed and found that special place inside his ass that made him cry out, “God, yes! Yes!”

  He thrust a finger into Kendall’s pussy and wrapped his hand around Josh’s cock, pumping both furiously as he climbed to fulfillment. He lost himself in the sensations—his, Kendall’s, Josh’s. It still amazed him, how wonderful it felt to him and to Josh, to touch each other, to make each other come. He felt their bodies quickening as his mind melded with theirs, releasing his own sensations and thoughts into the flow. Kendall’s legs tightened around his hand, her cunt spasming. Sutter’s cock erupted as Josh’s warm essence flowed down to coat his other hand. He was vaguely aware of Kendall screaming out his name, of two hungry mouths lapping up his seed, then he was drowning in a red tide of ecstasy as their triple orgasms blended into one mind-blowing ride.

  Chapter Twelve

  Key to the Kingdom

  Kendall and Sutter were married in January by a Justice of the Peace in a small service with Josh and Brandy as witnesses. On Valentine’s Day, the three held a private ceremony in their home, where Brandy’s progressive pastor joined Josh, Kendall and Sutter in what they considered to be their true marriage. Sutter had designed their wedding rings—perfect in their simplicity. Eighteen carat gold engraved with three interlocking hearts, their names etched on the inside of each band. A large group of friends attended, celebrating the union with them long into the night. The next Monday, Kendall filed the paperwork to have her last name legally changed to Reed-Campbell.

  The men graduated in May—Josh was class Valedictorian. He accepted a great job with the biggest architectural firm in town, his designs hot properties even before he started, his portfolio having already been shopped out by his employers. For the next two months, Kendall and Sutter worked their butts off. Kendall had purchased the rest of the building in which her shop was located, and within a month they had put in a workshop and storefront for Sutter. July he spent creating, building up a small inventory. Life seemed to be settling down for them at last. David Campbell had kept his word—his relationship with Sutter was friendly and undemanding. He even stopped by occasionally to have dinner with the three of them.

  As Kendall drove home the first Friday in August, she was feeling pretty good about the way things were going. Sutter had announced that morning that he would be opening shop the next week. She pulled into the driveway and hopped out of the car. She wiped her brow and hurried up to the front door. God, it was sweltering. She couldn’t wait to get into something light and cool. She opened the door and stepped over the threshold. In a heartbeat, Sutter and Josh were at her side—closing the door behind her, startling Kendall by reaching out to take off all her clothes.

  “What’s this all about?”

  “I thought we’d celebrate the grand opening,” Sutter explained, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Then Josh led her into the kitchen and they ate, her body filling with desire as she sat there naked before them. Their devouring glances and erotic thoughts had the seat of her chair damp with her juices by the time they had finished the meal. She sat quietly while they cleared the table. When they were done, her husbands stripped and Sutter lay down on the kitchen table. Kendall raised her eyebrows. This was something new.

  “Come here,” he demanded. Kendall approached and Josh helped her up onto the table, turning her so that she was crouched over Sutter, her lips above his towering cock. Sutter’s fingers slipped into her pussy. Kendall moaned and began licking his shaft eagerly. After a few moments, he guided her hips down to his face, tasting her cunt. She gasped as he buried his tongue inside her and began rubbing her clit, his fingers wet with her juices.

  Josh’s hands massaged her buttocks, warm and slippery. When he teased her anus, she moaned again. Sutter’s hands, cold after Josh’s, parted her cheeks as Josh slipped his forefinger inside her. “Mmmm.” Kendall took Sutter’s balls in her mouth, nipping a little, the way he liked. He squirmed on the table and wiggled his tongue inside her. “Oh, yes,” Kendall murmured.

  Josh twisted his finger in her anus, pulling gently at the edges. In the past few months, Kendall had discovered that this was one of her ‘hot spots’, and the carnal lust only this type of play engendered in her rose abruptly, filling her belly. She sucked Sutter’s balls. Hard. “Yeah, baby,” he murmured into her pussy, squeezing her ass. “I like that!”

  Josh removed his finger and tested the opening with his thumb. As he had hoped, it slipped in with a minimum of resistance. “Oh, yes,” Kendall moaned, as he began stroking in and out. “Yes, Josh.” She took Sutter’s cock in her mouth.

  Oh, God! She still couldn’t get over the excitement that electrified her body when the three of them joined. Her mouth on Sutter’s cock; Josh’s thumb in her ass and Sutter’s tongue in her pussy. She writhed as her pleasure mounted. As usual, she had to hold back to keep from climaxing before they did. They could make her come so easily. It wasn’t fair!

  Josh lubricated his other thumb and eased it into Kendall’s anus. Sutter groaned as Kendall abruptly loosed his cock and raised her head. “Oh,” Kendall mumured, as Josh pulled his thumbs apart—spreading, stretching. “Josh!” The light dawned, and Kendall’s voice cracked as she asked, “Are you going to—”


  Kendall released a low sob of anticipation. Finally. She’d been waiting for this a long time. Sutter had fucked her ass several times now, but she had never had Josh that way. He kept insisting she wasn’t ready yet. And he was probably right. Josh had the thickest cock she had ever seen. But that was one of the reasons she wanted it so much. She wanted to feel that massive shaft in both the dark places that gave her so much pleasure.

  Josh worked her gently several more times, then released her. He carried over the bench from the table in the breakfast nook and knelt on it, covering himself copiously with the lubricant. Sutter held Kendall’s cheeks wide as Josh pressed the tip of his shaft against her.

  Kendall was excited, spasming as she anticipated his thrust. The contractions and relaxations of her anus were like little kisses being administered to the tip of his cock. Josh groaned, wanting to plunge into her immediately. Instead, he eased himself in, watching as his head disappeared inside her.

  Kendall whimpered and Sutter moaned as Josh shared the image with them. Give it to me, Josh, Kendall demanded through the bond. ALL of it.

  “God, Kendall!” Caution abandoned, he grasped Kendall’s hips and drove himself forward.

  Kendall took Sutter’s cock head deep inside her throat, stifling her whimpers as Josh’s cock stretched her to the point of pain. Abruptly, warm lubrication streamed into her crack, and as Josh pulled out and pushed back in slowly, it became easier. The pain morphed into an insistent, buzzing need. Kendall pumped her mouth up and down on Sutter’s cock, fondling his balls with one hand. On impulse, she reached between his legs with the other and found his anus, penetrating it quickly with one finger, then moving that finger in and out as she imitated Josh’s rhythm in her ass.

  “Fuck!” Sutter yelled, pure pleasure streaking through the bond.

  Kendall increased her pace on Sutter’s cock and Josh followed suit. “Oh, yeah, Kendall,” Josh moaned as she squeezed her anus on his cock and her pussy on Sutter’s tongue. “Yeah, baby.” Kendall moaned, loving how the friction made his stiff rod hot inside her; made her ass throb delightfully. But he still hadn’t given her EVERYTHING.

  Kendall rocked her hips back forcefully, burying Josh deep inside her. He couldn’t believe she had taken it all. “Kend
all, yes,” he gasped as she rocked forward and then drove her hips back again. “Yes!”

  One, two, three more times she moved, and then the world froze as Sutter jetted into her mouth and Josh’s cock pulsed between her cheeks, filling her ass with his warmth. Sutter reached up and wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing his mouth tight against her, tonguing her pussy as she climaxed.

  Afterward, they lay on the rug in the living room, contemplating the fire. Josh turned to her abruptly. “I want to try something.” Kendall raised her eyebrows. She felt him mentally dive into the bond, pushing through the flow, sending more of his presence into her than ever before. “What—Oh!” A pulse of pleasure contracted her pussy. “How did you—oh, God!” Her pussy pulsed again, and she arched her back. “Josh!”

  Without warning, her nipples began to tingle. She started to reach for them, but Josh grabbed her hands and held them. Sharp bursts of fiery sensation throbbed at their tips and she moaned. “Oh, Josh.” Abruptly, her anus tingled, then her pussy, then her nipples again. Then all three, and Kendall arched and writhed as a fierce climax ripped through her.

  “Show me,” Sutter demanded. Josh grabbed his hand and drew him through the link, showing him how to fuck their wife without even touching her.

  “Oh, God! Josh, Sutter, please.”

  Sutter’s eyes glittered. “Please what, Kendall? Stop?” he teased. She shook her head frantically, arching again as another powerful orgasm made her entire body shudder. Sutter and Josh shared a wicked look as they made themselves comfortable.

  “All night long,” Josh promised Kendall, licking his lips as she writhed on the floor, her orgasm washing over them. “All night long.” As their joined minds filled her consciousness and erotic sensations blossomed without warning throughout her body, Kendall felt herself falling into oblivion for the second time in her life as orgasm after orgasm rocked her long into the night.


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