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Killing Lies

Page 7

by Desiree Holt


  Sarah opened her laptop and surfed the Internet, looking for information on the care and feeding of six-month-olds, but it seemed no two babies were alike. She’d have to wing it, at least until she could throw herself on her mother’s mercy and get some advice. She called Lindsey, who put Sarah at ease at once. And her mother agreed at once to go shopping, but Sarah knew she had an ulterior motive and prepared herself for what she knew would be a not-so-subtle interrogation. Finally, she showered and pulled on a robe over her nightgown. Molly was sure to wake soon for a bottle, and she didn’t want to traipse around the house in a way that sent the wrong signals to Reno.

  Actually, they’re the right signals, but I’d better shut them down. Fast.

  At eleven, Molly woke, making little noises in her crib. Sarah managed to get down to the kitchen, heat a bottle, and get back in her room without running into Reno. She peeked down the hall and saw the den was dark, and when she passed his room, heading back to hers, the door was shut with a faint beam of light shining out beneath it. Was he in there reading? Thinking? Regretting the bargain? Pushing the thoughts from her mind, she fed Molly, rocking her to sleep before slipping back into her own bed.

  Even as tired as she was, she had trouble falling asleep. The major changes in her life had her mind in turmoil. Applying for the license and buying the rings felt as if they’d happened to someone else. And of course, overriding everything was this unexpected and increasing sexual attraction to Reno. She closed her eyes, and immediately Reno’s face swam before her.

  “You’re so beautiful.” In her dream, he was lying beside her, his hand mapping her body with gentle strokes. “I love your nipples, the way they feel when I put my lips around them.”

  She felt the familiar flutters in her pussy, the surge of liquid inside the swollen, pink folds. His fingers danced through the curls surrounding her sex then dipped into her slit, finally probing at the entrance to her wet channel.

  “Spread your legs for me.” His voice was hoarse and thick with lust.

  She complied but, at the same time, reached for his shaft, its thickness burning against her thigh. When she wrapped her fingers around its length, his breath hissed through his teeth.

  “Do that too much, and we’ll be over before we start.”

  She slowly slid her fingers from root to tip then raised her hand and moved it across his chest. She loved the soft feel of the fine hair covering his hard muscles as she twisted her fingers through it.

  “You feel so good,” she murmured, heat building inside her like a fire spiraling out of control.

  “So do you. And you taste good, too.”

  He shifted his position and dipped his head between her thighs, his tongue lapping the trail his fingers had traced on her slit. When he reached her clit and rasped back and forth across the tip, her body began to shake with need. He teased her with his tongue, tormenting her, while one hand reached for a breast and fingers lightly pinched a nipple.

  Her orgasm gathered deep inside her, and she pushed at his head.

  “Inside me,” she whispered. “I want you inside me.”

  He gave her cunt one last lick, then reached for the condom on the bedside table. Sheathing himself, he moved into position, lifted her with his hands, and plunged inside her with a swift stroke. The first flutters of orgasm clutched at her, drawing him deeper inside her. She wound her legs around him, locking them at the base of his spine and arching to ride his pulsing cock.

  “I can’t last.” His breathing was harsh, uneven.

  “I’m there.” She moaned his name.

  His eyes, dark with lust, bored into hers. “Now, Sarah. Now.”

  He thrust one last time, a powerful movement, and they exploded together, shudders racking her as his body stiffened. She felt him spurt through the thin latex sheath and pressed his rigid body harder against her.

  He rode her through the aftershocks, gasping for breath himself and…

  Sarah sat up in bed, heart racing. Once again she’d fallen into an erotic dream. Her body was covered with perspiration, her hand between her legs. Panicked, she leaped out of bed and raced for the bathroom, turned the shower on, and stepped into it.

  As she let the cool spray beat down on her body, she was thankful she’d closed her door. In her own home, she slept with it open, but here, she wanted the privacy. She could just imagine Reno’s reaction if he’d stumbled on her little performance. The bargain would be ended before it even began.

  Chapter Five

  Reno was gone when Molly’s cooing noises drifted in from the nursery to wake Sarah the next morning. Even though it was only six, she worried about running into him in the kitchen, but he must have been up at dawn and left the house. There was no sound of anyone in the house, his bedroom door was slightly ajar, and when she checked the garage, his car was gone.

  Was he running away, escaping the confines of their situation? Did he have buyer’s remorse? In any event, she felt relief, unsure if she could face him without the remnants of last night’s dream showing on her face.

  Back upstairs, she lifted the little girl from her crib.

  “Oh, sweetheart, you are such a love.” She nuzzled her cheek against the baby’s soft skin. The pain she’d lived with for so long shifted, fading in the warmth of the tiny child she cradled.

  Molly blinked at her and gave her a drooling smile.

  Sarah hugged her tightly. Already she felt a sense of possession. After she’d changed and fed Molly, then put her back in her crib, she called her mother.

  “I need help,” she confessed. “I have absolutely no idea what Molly’s schedule is, and I have to shop for her, too. There seems to have been some… miscommunication about what she needs.”

  And isn’t that an interesting way to put it.

  “I’m kind of winging it,” she went on. “But she just had breakfast so she’ll probably sleep for a couple of hours.”

  “You can figure she’ll be up by ten,” Ellen said. “I’m more than happy to help with the shopping.”

  “Thank you,” Sarah breathed, relieved.

  “Feed her, then come pick me up. Bring another bottle for backup, just in case. If you leave as soon as she’s fed, we should be able to get enough done before she has to go down for her afternoon nap.”

  After she hung up, Sarah wandered through the house, exploring the place that was now her home. Although well designed and beautifully decorated, the atmosphere had a sterile quality with no personal objects of any kind anywhere, no hint of the child that lived within its walls or even a memory of Maggie. The house was wiped clean of her existence.

  Sarah frowned, wondering if she could find a way to ask Reno about this. She had no idea yet what topic was forbidden and what wasn’t.

  Back upstairs, she peeked into Reno’s room, noting the bed hadn’t been made, and chastised herself for it. Of course, she should have checked this morning. Tomorrow, she would remember to take care of it.

  While Molly napped, she made her own bed, showered, dressed in slacks and a short-sleeved sweater, and fixed herself a cup of coffee. Sitting at the kitchen table, sipping from the mug, she stared through one of the big windows at the peaceful scene outside and wondered for the thousandth time if she’d just made the biggest mistake of her life. A week from today, she’d be Mrs. Reno Sullivan. She would be able to ease some of the financial strain on her parents and, for once in her life, have no worries on that score herself.

  And she’d have a child to love and care for, to watch grow into a young woman. Was it a fair enough trade? And could she fulfill her role for what seemed like an endless stretch of years? What about the growing attraction to Reno? Would she be able to hide her feelings indefinitely?

  Her stomach cramping as tension rolled over her, she dumped the rest of her coffee and rinsed the mug. Time to put all that out of her mind. She could do this. She could. And she would.


  They’d decided against the mall for a n
umber of reasons, first and foremost being there didn’t seem to be a stroller or carriage anywhere that she could use for Molly. In the end, they chose a huge baby store that had everything she needed. Dipping into the cash Reno had given her, and with her mother’s guidance, she’d purchased everything she needed, including some adorable new clothes and what looked as if it were a year’s supply of diapers.

  Molly sat in her carrier on a chair between Sarah and Ellen, batting at a tiny mobile Sarah had fastened to the handle while the two women treated themselves at an exquisite French bakery and coffee shop.

  “I have to say, Sarah, your father and I are completely stunned by this whole thing.” Ellen Madison sipped at her hot tea, watching her over the rim of her cup.

  “Yes, I’m sure you are.” No more than she was. “But sometimes things happen that seem so right you can’t say no.”

  Ellen sighed. “I just hope you know what you’re doing.” She looked over at Molly. “And this child. She’s absolutely adorable, but what’s the story here? Reno’s wife has only been dead for a couple of months. Is he just looking for someone to raise his child?”

  Sarah concentrated on pulling a tiny piece from her croissant. She didn’t want to look directly at her mother, afraid her face would give too much away. “Of course, he wants someone who’d be good for Molly. But that’s not the primary reason. We’re good together. We know each other well. We fit.”

  She could feel her mother’s eyes on her.

  “I haven’t heard you say yet that the two of you are in love with each other,” Ellen pointed out.

  “Of course, we are.” Sarah concentrated harder on her pastry. “That goes without saying.”

  Ellen sighed. “It’s your life, honey. I just don’t want you to make another mistake.”

  “I’m fine, Mom. Honestly.” Now, she looked up, then glanced at Molly and back at her mother. “And you get a grandchild without having to wait any longer.”

  At that moment, Molly gurgled, and the two women laughed.

  “I guess I’ll just have to trust you know what you’re doing.” Ellen squeezed Sarah’s hand. “In any event, your father and I would like to have dinner with the two of you. We hardly know Reno.”

  She means, except as someone I work for. If I were in her place, I’d have the same reservations.

  “Why don’t you come to the house Saturday night, and I’ll cook? That way you can see where I’m living, too.”

  “Yes, where you’re living…”

  Sarah leaned across the table. “Please don’t judge me. I want to do this, and I need your support.”

  “Oh, honey.” Ellen sighed. “You know you’ve got it.”


  She was in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on dinner when she heard Reno come in through the utility room. He punched in the alarm code before it began to screech, then stopped to survey the scene, much as he had done the night before.

  “I guess I wanted to make sure I wasn’t imagining things.” He smiled. “Everything seems so…organized.”

  Sarah flushed with pleasure at his words. “Having a routine is nice,” she agreed. “But you still haven’t told me what you like to eat. I want to be sure to fix foods that appeal to you.”

  “I’ll eat just about anything that I can chew,” he told her. “Please, just fix whatever you want to.”

  “Why don’t you go and change. Molly’s down for the evening, and dinner is just about ready.”

  “All right.”

  She breathed an inward sigh of relief when he reappeared in a polo shirt and jeans rather than the too-revealing sweat pants. She filled their glasses with iced tea and served their food from the stove. When everything was in place, she sat down opposite Reno. The tension between them was almost visible, certainly obvious in their posture. Was she wrong, or was it more than just the climate of the situation? Was that heat she saw in his eyes as they swept over her or just wishful thinking on her part?

  Sarah shook out her napkin and placed it in her lap, took a sip of iced tea, and set down her glass. Might as well get this over with now.

  “I saw my mother today,” she began.

  Reno’s features tightened. “How did that go?”

  “Fine, fine.” She sipped more tea. “She and my father have asked us to have dinner with them if that’s all right with you.”

  He put his fork down. “Sarah, they’re your parents. They know you’re getting married. It’s reasonable they would want to get to know me better.”

  A soft puff of breath whooshed from her in relief. One hurdle down. “I invited them here for dinner tomorrow night. Saturday. If we eat at eight,” she continued in a hurry, “Molly will be down for the evening. If they want to see her, I’ll take them up to the nursery. She won’t be part of the…festivities.”

  A muscle jumped in Reno’s jaw line. “Fine. If that’s what you think would be best.”

  She’d hoped for a little more enthusiasm, but at least, he hadn’t said no. “Thank you.” She picked up her fork, then went on in a casual tone. “I was taking inventory for tomorrow night and noticed that your liquor cabinet is empty. Would you like me to restock it?”

  “No.” He bit off the word, his tone vicious. “No liquor in this house. Wine for dinner, but that’s it.”

  Sarah was shocked. What was going on here? Did he have a problem with alcohol? She opened her mouth to ask him why, but at the look on his face, she changed her mind.

  This is a minefield, and I’d better step very carefully.

  “I apologize for not straightening your room today. I guess I was just too busy with everything else. I’ll do it tomorrow, though.”

  Reno put his fork down carefully and squared his glass with his plate. “You don’t need to do anything with my bedroom. There’s no reason for you to go in there. You don’t need to clean house, anyway. Set up a regular day with the service. They can change the sheets and towels when they’re here.”

  What was wrong with her going into his room? Was there some secret she wasn’t allowed to know? Sighing internally, she switched to a different topic, trying to diffuse the situation.

  “All right. Thank you. I had a chance to really look at the house today. It’s beautiful. Your wife had excellent taste.” The moment the words were out, she could have bitten her tongue. Maggie was a closed subject—one of the rigid rules set down.

  “My wife had nothing to do with it,” he said, the edge of bitterness back in his voice. “It was done before we were married.”

  Things were getting more complicated by the minute. Sarah wondered if she would ever know the whole story or if she’d just keep falling into black holes. They finished dinner in silence, then he headed for his den. Sarah didn’t know if he expected her to stay downstairs and talk to him or just make herself scarce. She was still struggling to adjust to a Reno completely unfamiliar to her.

  In twenty-four hours, she’d discovered she was living with a man who was uncomfortable in his own house, who couldn’t interact with his own daughter, and who hid painful secrets that laid traps she seemed to keep falling into.

  But there was a need here so great there was no way she could turn away from it. She paused tentatively in the doorway to the den. “If there’s nothing else, I’ll go upstairs now.”

  He looked up, forcing a smile, then leaned back in his chair. “I’m sorry, Sarah. This is still very new for both of us. Don’t worry. We’ll figure it out as we go along.”

  “All right.” What else could she say?

  “I’ll be leaving early in the morning again,” he told her. “If you need anything just call me at the office or on my cell.”

  “Thank you.” She backed away and headed upstairs.


  Reno stayed in the den long after Sarah went to her room, disconnected thoughts bouncing around in his brain. In just two days, things here had improved beyond his wildest expectations. For the first time in months, he felt better about life, not so absorbe
d in his own misery.

  When he finally felt tired enough to go upstairs, the nursery door stood open as well as the door to Sarah’s room. Knowing he was making a big mistake, he walked silently down the hall to stand just beyond her door. She was turning back the covers on her bed. Backlit by the bedside lamp, the curves of her body were visible through the sheer fabric of her gown. At once, his rebellious cock hardened to almost painful rigidity.

  Why couldn’t he have married someone like her to begin with? But he knew the answer to that. He’d been down that road and had no one but himself to blame. The problem was what did he do with his body that refused to obey commands anymore?

  She turned, startled at seeing him. “Oh!” She grabbed for the robe at the end of the bed. “I…didn’t expect to see you.”

  Nor had he expected to be standing here. But he couldn’t stop staring at her, at the body the robe couldn’t hide very well or the cloud of dark sable hair floating to her shoulders. His hands itched to reach out and run his fingers through it, but thankfully, his feet were rooted to the floor.

  “I’m sorry,” he finally managed. “I was just checking to make sure you were all right.”

  “I’m fine. Thank you.” Hugging her robe around herself, she walked to the door and put her hand on it to close it.

  For a moment, she stood there. Her eyes met his, and the heat that flared between them was hotter than any fire he’d ever lit. Hell! This was a problem he didn’t need. He was no doubt the world’s biggest fool. One of them had to be sensible until the feeling went away. This whole situation was precarious enough without introducing sex into it.

  “Goodnight,” he finally managed.

  “Goodnight.” She closed the door firmly, clicking it shut with a definite finality.

  Reno trudged back to his room, four walls that held some of the most unpleasant memories in the world. A prison of his own making. Would this torture never end?

  At last, he got into bed, but he lay staring into the dark for a long time.


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