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Enchanted: Dotties Story

Page 9

by Linda Gerald

  “Hello, my beautiful girl. How are you?”

  She ran into his arms, as though she had not seen him in days. His arms enveloped her in tenderness. Her fragrance was the same that Edwina wore; a light vanilla scent surrounded her. As he breathed deeply, she did the same. The outdoors lingered to his wool coat. The sweet fragrance of starched shirts, combined with the outdoor smell, created a unique blend of odors. The coldness of his skin invigorated her senses. They were good together.

  “I have good news and better. Which do you want first?”

  “Give me the better news.” The woman, without memory, stopped her actions.

  “We are going to prove that you are a missing person. The statue once necessitated seven years. However, if we can demonstrate that you are missing and that no one has tried to find you, there is a possibility that we can do this quicker. Hence, all of the flyers which generated no response.” She wasn’t sure why any of this was important, but she trusted him.

  “Fine. Give me the ‘good news.’” Her skin glowed. Her hair was brightness in the light.

  “We have your new Social Security card.” Proudly, he held a white card in the air.

  “This is equivalent to gold. Never, would I have considered that London could achieve this so quickly. He is amazing.” Reluctantly, he handed the card to her.

  “Please, don’t misplace this. We could never get another. Time was beginning to run out for us. Let me explain.”

  Instead, she guided him to the table. “Let me explain that I have prepared dinner for us tonight. Dottie was not well. If it is ok, I would like to give her a night off each week. Since I arrived, she has double work. I enjoyed preparing our meal.”

  Harry shook his head. “Elizabeth, that is not necessary. Let’s just go out one more night each week. It isn’t like Dottie cooks each night. We frequently go out. I don’t want you to cook.” He stroked her cheek.

  The aroma arose from the dish, which she carried, causing his mouth to water.

  “What is that delicious concoction?”

  “My love, I am excited. After Dottie had left for the day, I went to the freezer. When I saw the pot roast, I remembered how to prepare it. Maybe not ‘gourmet,’ but I remembered an excellent recipe. We also have fresh carrots, stewed apples, with a small blackberry cobbler for dessert. Interested?” She held the serving spoon up in the air as she posed. All she needed was a white apron.

  He grabbed her hand and directed it to his plate. The dinner was fantastic. Edwina would never cook. This woman was like his deceased wife in many ways but different in many others.

  Together, they cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher. Laughter again graced the red walls. Harry guided her to the sofa and lit the fire in the next room. He kneeled on one knee. Elizabeth gasped. Was he going to propose so soon? Her heart galloped in her chest.

  He took her left hand. Her eyes misted.

  “You know that I love you. Once, I believed it impossible to replace my Edwina. Now, I know that we can find immense happiness here at Enchanted. You are loved not only by me, but Dottie and Tyler love you as well. Our small family is complete. Enchanted has filled with laughter again. Happy sounds and smells bounce from her passages. I long to marry you, but it is not allowed at this time. My dream was to give you an engagement ring for your birthday. According to the courts, this is impossible. Instead, we are going to Europe. My travel agent arranged the trip of a lifetime. We will speak of our time together, on the ship, and in our travels until the day that we die. What awaits you is that special. Believe me someday; we will marry.” Instead of a ring, there was a tender kiss on her left hand.

  Tears streamed down her cheeks. Once, she seemed to cry daily. Lately, it had been a long time since tears filled her cacao eyes.

  “I don’t know what to say. You are taking me to Europe? Can I have a passport? These things seem impossible.”

  “Connections to the right people do help. Here is your other preliminary birthday gift.” A dark blue passport with gold letters gleamed in the firelight.

  “Remember the day at the pharmacy, when I insisted that we take your photo? The possibility that you would figure me out was strong, but you are so trusting. You never questioned my actions. I do love you, dearest girl.”

  There was no passion in his kiss. Instead, pristine love and devotion burned into her lips. If only they could freeze that moment when life seemed ideal. Many storms awaited their future; they knew it but at that moment, life was perfect. The next day, Harry gave her a list of the time they would travel with suggestions for clothes. Packing required two of her days. Dottie helped as much as she could. Finally, all the luggage sat assembled in the hall. The surprise was about to begin. Elizabeth could not contain her joy.


  Susan knew the moment that Jackson entered her cottage: he had a surprise. Maybe it was something for the girls? It didn’t matter to her. Her love for them was real. Quincey and Madeline were finishing their homework. It was Friday evening. Their habit was to spend weekends at her little home by the bay. Each day was different, but they were outside as much as possible. Life could not be any more complete for their family. Joy again reigned supreme in the lives of four broken people. Tonight, a dinner of hamburgers and slaw waited for Jackson. Susan tried to fix foods that the girls would enjoy.

  “Girls, I want you around the table. Now, I have a surprise for Susan.”

  He would always explain, when he had a surprise, who the recipient was going to be. They all looked at Susan.

  Madeline and Quincey gladly prepared a burger for their parents. In their minds, Susan was their mother and had been for many months. They loved her.

  When dinner sat before them, Jackson knelt on one knee. It surprised him that he felt nervous. He already knew her answer, but what if he was wrong?

  “Do you have any idea how much we love you, Susan? No one knows our plight better than you. We all loved Christine so much, including you. How could she leave us all? Well, it no longer matters. I have a question for you: Will you marry us? I mean, do you want to be a part of my life and that of Quincey and Maddie? Let’s make it official. Why should we continue to wait?”

  The girls couldn’t contain their squeals of joy. Susan could not stop the tears. He slipped the most incredible diamond on her finger. Could they afford such frivolities?

  “Jackson, it is huge. Can we afford this? I don’t need more than a gold band.”

  “This is my last wedding. I want it right. You deserve more than this. Please say, ’Yes.’ My knee is killing me.” Hysterical glee caused the girls to jump from their chairs and run to the strawberry-blond-haired woman.

  Christine came to Susan’s mind. “I can put you to rest at last. Now, I have everything that I ever wanted. I am sorry for your loss.”

  Jackson heard her words. They made no sense.

  “What? I don’t understand.”

  Her kiss erased any questions.

  Susan hated to break the spell. Her next question was necessary.

  “Jackson, can we marry so soon? Christine is still your wife.”

  “Do you know Jeremy Newton? He is a dear friend of our family. He guided me seamlessly through the process without your suspensions. First of all, we went to the county clerk where we obtained documentation to file for divorce. We placed a newspaper legal notice. I filled out paperwork all about my wife, such as where and when I last saw her. After we had notarized it, we submitted it to the court. The papers we received from the court listed our case number and date of court hearing. We filed all of that information in the Journal. Honestly, I am amazed that you never saw any of this. You read it faithfully each morning. Since I received no word, by the court date, I was granted a divorce. Naturally, I didn’t tell you any of this because it was my desire to present you the ring without the details of the stressful process I went through. Don’t you know that there is nothing, which I won’t do, to protect my girls? I love you all.”

>   Susan was beside herself with joy. Never had she experienced such happiness.


  “Harry, how can another surprise exist? All of this is incredible to me. “ They stood by the car, as Harry loaded all of their luggage. He had divided the trip into three different parts. Grover planned on leaving the first section of the bags with their hotel in London. It was no problem for them to store the cases.

  “Now, my beloved, let me spoil you for the rest of your life. The surprise starts early tomorrow, but I refuse to take chances on our arrival. We can’t be late. That would destroy everything. We must spend the night in the city to be sure all goes according to the plan.”

  “Oh, what’s the problem? We just get a later flight. It won’t be the end of the world.”

  He looked at her with exasperation. “No, we can’t get another flight.”

  Her loud sigh caused him to smile. Not another word uttered the entire drive into the city; until they turned into the parking lot across from the “London Attorney of Law Building.” The young woman had barely slept the night before. Now, disappointment cascaded down on her.

  “You mean my big surprise is another meeting with the attorney? I would rather stay home. Why can’t we just start our trip? I don’t like attorneys.” She folded her arms defiantly across her chest.

  “Okay. What is the problem? I have never seen you this argumentative.”

  Profuse tears erupted from the young woman. Harry pulled her close.

  “Now, now, you just tell me what the problem is.”

  Through muffled sobs, she replied, “I’m afraid.”

  “I can’t possibly understand what you mean. Why would you have fear? We are going on a trip. One that you will never forget, but I refuse to explain the details.”

  “You see, my life has no details. The uncertainty is more than I can process.” He understood.

  “Let me tell you this; we are going to spend the night at our oasis. Does that please you?”

  Her smile was answer enough. A strange man appeared from nowhere with a cart for their bags. The day shined on all New Yorkers. One of those bright blue days with high wispy clouds. It was a perfect send-off from the city to any destination in the world. He held her small hand. It was damp, just as in early days together. She seemed to relax when they entered Hotel Elysee.

  “I do love it here.”

  Everyone, whom they met, recognized Harry. As usual, profuse pats and hugs from the hotel staff were showered on him. Elizabeth walked ahead to their room. He tossed her the key. She unlocked the door. A beautiful crystal vase of dark red roses glistened on the window sill in the bright sunlight.

  She ran to the roses. Then she opened the card.

  “They are the most beautiful roses in all of the world. I love you as well. Thank you.” She kissed him hard on the lips.

  “I’m famished. Should we order room service? ” She walked to the phone. Her confidence seemed to return.

  “No, I have a surprise for you.”

  She shook her head with a look of fascination. He took her hand and led her back into the lobby. There was a door in the side wall. Together, they walked into another room. It hummed with happy people. It was a bar.

  “Welcome to yet another New York legend. This favorite place is the Monkey Bar. Edwina and I ate here many times. How can you ask for a more convenient location than this? Plus, in the terrible weather, it is a life-saver.”

  Elizabeth studied the room with intrigue. Maintaining the same space, without movement, she appeared stunned by the unique ambiance. Harry had to walk back and nudge her. Her large eyes glowed in the perfect lighting. She studied the hand-painted, three-paneled mural of legendary Jazz greats on the wall. Quietly, she followed him to the back of the room. They gracefully slid onto a plush red leather banquette.

  “No wonder everyone seems to love New York. How many other ‘surprises’ do you have up your sleeve?”

  “My beautiful girl, I hope enough to keep you entertained until the day that I die.” Distractedly, he studied the menu.

  “By the way, Tennessee Williams lived and died right here in the most famous hotel/bar in New York. He choked on a medicine dropper.” He never raised his eyes from the list of entrees.

  “Yeah, right, like I believe this. Harry, sometimes, your stories are difficult to accept.”

  Before he could respond, the waiter promptly came for their orders. Grover ordered oysters and a martini for each. She didn’t mind. An extraordinary man filled her life. Never would she pretend to know more than he or question his choices. All previous anxieties left her. Only excitement burned in her chest.

  The two lovers ended up spending the entire afternoon eating, drinking, and talking to other patrons. Grover knew many people. Elizabeth was more talkative than Harry had ever seen her. Her laughter became louder and louder. The drinks were easily attributing to her giddiness. Suddenly, she excused herself to go the restroom. Along her way, she stopped at other tables. Her escort laughed, as he watched her talk to complete strangers. Everyone easily communed with the dark-haired beauty.

  I need to bring her here more often. He thought of how she had relaxed in the eight months since meeting.

  Just before Elizabeth excused herself, at a table up front, a young man also excused himself. A beautiful woman, dressed in blue, took another sip of her drink. She tossed her head, as she laughed at her new world. Could life be so carefree and happy? She bent down to retrieve her purse which sat on the floor by her right foot. After powdering her nose, she gaily watched the interesting patrons pass. To her horror, she looked into the eyes of a ghost. How could SHE possibly be here in New York? Didn’t she die? Their eyes met. The woman, seated on the banquette, stopped breathing. She waited. Never did she remove her eyes from the beautiful woman walking past. The passing woman appeared oblivious of her. Only a cursory nod and smile. She was gone. With trembling hands, the lady in blue picked up her drink. Every drop absorbed by her pink lips. Panic descended on her. Her eyes darted around the room. Her happiness vanished. The handsome man, who accompanied her, must not see this apparition from the past.

  “How could you finish your drink so quickly? That is an Old-Fashioned. It is for sipping. The prices here are typical New York. We can’t afford to be lushes.” He remained standing as he glared at the small, seated lady.

  “I know, I’m terribly sorry. Please, I have a headache. Can’t we leave now?” He was happy to go back to their hotel which was many blocks away. The couple could not afford the prices in mid-town, but this was a special night. They began their trek back across town. She appeared very upset. Maybe she had consumed too much. He knew that he had. They held hands, but something seemed very wrong.

  Elizabeth and Harry stayed another hour at the Monkey Bar. They laughed, all the way back to their room, as they tipsily strode the long halls. Tomorrow would be the time to pay for all of the fun of today. Harry shared with her the day ahead so that she wouldn’t be anxious.


  “I feel terrible. How could we have been so foolish? It would be a shame to miss our surprise, but I may need to stay in bed. I feel terrible. Did I say that?”

  Both stretched on top of the bed with the same clothes from last night. Harry groaned.

  “We need coffee. I’ll order some breakfast.” Staggering from the bed, the man shook his head in an attempt to help relieve the pain. That was a futile gesture. The headache would not dissipate so easily.

  Elizabeth groaned as she snuggled under the covers. When the breakfast tray arrived, she did manage to sit.

  “The taxi picks us up at 10 am. At least, we have plenty of time.” No words, another groan from the young woman. Breakfast was hot and delicious. She ate one entire Belgian waffle while Harry devoured two.

  Soon, sounds of her shower proclaimed, “All is well.”

  In no time, the door opened. Elizabeth walked into the room. How could she pull this off? Only a few moments b
efore, groans of a headache and nausea made him question if her frail body could cope with today. Standing before him stood a goddess. Her long, silky, dark tresses scooped off her face in a French braid. Navy and white sleeveless linen dress with jacket seemed perfect for a voyage on one of the most prestigious cruise lines in the world. The navy and white Spectator Pumps topped the outfit perfectly. He winked at his love.

  Harry’s shower took about as long as hers. He entered the room laughing.

  “I hate it when couples dress alike. Look at us. We both chose navy and white. We probably appear ridiculous, but we didn’t plan it.”

  “You look extraordinary. I can get accustomed to this seafaring life. I hope that I don’t become seasick.”

  “Guaranteed promise that you will not. In fact, you won’t know that you are even moving, at least most of the time. We may go through some patches, but I’ve done this four times. Edwina and I never had problems. You won’t either. Just look at my girl.” Smilingly, he waved his hand at the phantom of a dream which stood in actuality before him.

  He phoned for the bellhop. Quickly, there was a knock on the door.

  “Wow, you guys look like royalty. Are you, I mean royalty?”

  Harry handed him a folded bill.

  “What do you say, Elizabeth? Did he earn a little extra for the kind words of a very smart young man?”

  The couple walked to the lobby as heads turned. Who was that beautiful couple? A car sat in front. Harry waved, as the driver assisted the bellhop. Soon, all of the luggage sat neatly packed in the rear of the car.

  When they arrived, at the Hudson River docks, Elizabeth shook her head. Fear overcame her. Still, she refused to listen to the warnings of doom. As she searched the waterfront for their destination, a gorgeous ship loomed ahead. Silently, she followed Harry onto the deck. Hundreds of people lined up holding passports and tickets. Poor Elizabeth had no idea what to expect. Someone took their bags. Would they ever see them again in all of this chaos?


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