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Cheesecake and Teardrops

Page 38

by Faye Thompson

  “Do you still want that deviated septum corrected?”

  “Not on your life.” Heather grinned.

  “Wow, that’s a switch.”

  “Why the switch?” Dr. Taylor asked.

  “That’s a long story.” Heather shook her head.

  “Well, in any event, I’m glad you’ve learned to accept yourself. By the way, did you ever get that supplement?”

  “I almost forgot. I’m glad you brought that up. I tried a couple of stores, but they said there’s no such drug.”

  “No such drug? There most certainly is,” she insisted.

  “But from the looks of things, I think your body is beginning to manufacture it on its own.”

  “Really, how can you tell?” Heather asked her.

  “Do you still have it with you?”

  “I’m not sure I brought it with me.” Heather rummaged through her bag, “Here it is,” she said, pulling it out.

  “Read it to me.”

  Heather attempted to pronounce the unfamiliar drug. “Evolfles?” she said.

  “Here, let me help you.” Dr. Taylor reached into her top desk drawer and pulled out a tiny compact mirror. She held it up to the prescription. “Try it again, Heather,” she insisted.

  Heather looked into the mirror and this time it was perfectly clear. “Self-love,” she said, smiling.

  “You got it,” Dr. Taylor laughed, and Heather joined in.

  Heather relaxed by treating herself to a nice, long bubble bath, filling her bathroom with scented candles and music. She was completely mellowed out by the time the last bubble trickled down the drain, and she towel-dried her soft curves. She layered lotion and body oil all over her skin until it glowed. The sound of her ringing phone brought a smile to her lips.

  It was Jamal. “Hey, babe, I have an idea. Why don’t we go out to dinner? Your choice.”

  “That’s sweet, honey, but I can’t.”

  “Why not? I thought you said you forgave me,” he reminded her.

  “I did.”

  “Then let’s hang out.”

  “I can’t,” she repeated.

  “Why not?”

  “I’m exhausted,” she lied.

  “How about tomorrow then?”

  She hesitated only slightly. “Okay, sounds good. I’ll call you,” she said before hanging up.

  Heather slid into a pair of size-twelve blue jeans, loving the sleekness of her body as she viewed it from all angles in the bedroom mirror. Though she was no longer taking Z3K, she refused to make it easy for the weight to creep back on. She had gone back to working out at the gym with a vengeance. She topped off her jeans with a long-sleeve white cotton T-shirt and tiny diamond earrings. Heather pulled her hair into a curly bun on top of her hair before applying a touch of copper eye shadow and spicy bronze lipstick.

  Once again the phone interrupted her thoughts, but this time it was the call she’d been waiting for. She blew her nose a kiss before snatching her keys from the coffee table and heading out the door. She floated all the way the way to Hillside Avenue.

  She rang the bell to the Jamaica Estates co-op, warm with anticipation. Was she really ready for this? The door opened and Ava appeared, welcoming Heather into her home.

  Heather looked around at the living room, the Asian influence evident in Ava’s choice of artwork and furniture. There was even a little gold Buddha sitting next to a water fountain.

  “Your home is lovely,” Heather said simply. “You have great taste.”

  “Thanks, chickylicky,” Ava replied. She took a step closer to Heather and gave her a warm hug. She rubbed Heather’s back and shoulders lightly. “You smell wonderful.”

  Being embraced by a woman in that way was a new experience for Heather. Ava wore a spaghetti strap tank top and a short denim skirt. Ava was so soft. The difference between being touched by a man compared to being touched by a woman was amazing.

  “I’ve never done this before,” Heather admitted.

  Ava planted a kiss on Heather’s cheek, just a fraction of an inch away from her lips. Unable to resist her, Heather moved a touch to the right and their lips finally met. She opened her mouth and allowed Ava’s tongue in. They kissed nice and slow. Never in a million years did Heather imagine that another woman could turn her out. Ava reached down and gently squeezed Heather’s breast before sliding her hand underneath Heather’s top. Heather kissed her harder in response. Just as Ava’s fingers were about to find Heather’s swollen nipples, she stopped.

  “Remind me where we left off,” Ava said, giving her a quick kiss. “Let’s eat.” She took Heather by the hand and led her into the kitchen.

  The table for four was set for the two to sit side by side.

  “Make yourself comfortable,” Ava said as Heather sat. “I hope you like eggplant parmigiana.”

  “I love it.” Heather smiled as Ava placed salad and covered dishes on the table before sitting.

  As Ava removed the lids, Heather noticed that the food was piping hot. The sight and aroma of the cheddar biscuits brought an instant smile to Heather’s face.

  “Dig in,” Ava said simply.

  Heather bit in to a biscuit, and her mouth practically had an orgasm. She chewed ever so slowly, enjoying the buttery, salty flakiness. Finally, she opened her eyes. “You are something else.”

  “Oops, I almost forgot. I made strawberry martinis.”

  “They make martinis out of everything,” Heather said.

  “You’ll love it. I guarantee we’ll be drinking ’em all night.”

  Heather had a few spoonfuls of the eggplant parmigiana and took a sip of the martini. “Mmm, I like this,” she told Ava.

  “I thought you would,” she said, sipping her drink.

  They finished dinner and had another martini. Ava looked at Heather, her head cocked to the side. She leaned over and kissed Heather lightly on the mouth. “You are so sweet. You know that?”

  Heather took another sip of her drink. “Whatever you’re selling tonight, I’m already sold.”

  “Then why don’t we take our glasses and go into the living room,” Ava said.

  Heather followed Ava back into the living room, where they made themselves comfortable on the sofa.

  “I think I’ll have another drink,” Heather said, draining her glass.

  Ava brought the pitcher into the living room and refilled Heather’s glass. “This is nice,” Ava said.

  “Uh-huh,” Heather agreed.

  “But you know what would be even nicer?”

  “What’s that?”

  “This,” Ava said, taking Heather’s drink from her and placing it on the coffee table. She leaned over to kiss her. Heather kissed her back, all traces of inhibition disintegrating. Ava removed Heather’s top, and gently eased her down onto the sofa. Next, she undid her bra, freeing Heather’s breasts. Her mouth quickly found her nipples, sucking until they were erect. Heather reached up and removed Ava’s tank top, excited by her bare breasts. Then Heather fondled Ava’s full breasts until Ava raised up and popped a breast in Heather’s mouth. Heather circled Ava’s nipple with her tongue, sliding it in and out of her mouth before latching onto it and sucking oh-so-slowly.

  Ava let out a moan. “Are you sure you haven’t done this before?” Ava asked her.

  “I guess I’m a fast learner,” she whispered before getting back to work.

  “Looks like I lucked up.” Ava closed her eyes, enjoying Heather’s mouth. Then she stood.

  “What’s wrong?” Heather asked.

  “Why don’t you take off your jeans and get more comfortable?”

  Smiling, Heather did as suggested as Ava removed her skirt. Wearing nothing but panties, they got back on the couch, lying side by side.

  “You wanna know something?” Heather asked without waiting for an answer. “I can already tell. You’re dangerous.”

  “Dangerous? No. Addictive? You decide.” She slid two fingers inside Heather’s panties and Heather nearly lost her mind.
  Heather dropped Jamal like a bell-bottom hem in a straight-leg season. He had left her several messages. Eventually, he tired of not having his calls returns. He stopped calling altogether.

  Heather joined Tangie and Charisma at Cabana one night. They met for drinks and a movie. Heather was the first to arrive. She felt like a newlywed and apparently it showed.

  “Well, look at you,” Charisma said to Heather as she took a seat next to her. “We’re gonna have to start calling you Bubbles.”

  “I don’t know,” Tangie began. “For someone who just got out of the hospital, something’s got you glowing. Is it your doctor?”

  “No, it isn’t my doctor. Can’t a woman just be happy to be alive and to hang out with her two best friends?” Heather asked.

  “Yeah, right.” Tangie nodded. “Tell me anything. I’m a woman. We’ve been best friends since college, but you just started rocking this new look.”

  “What’s going on?” Charisma agreed.

  “Nada,” Heather insisted. “Not a thing.” Heather’s cell phone went off, making a liar out of her. “Okay, see you in a few,” Heather told the caller. She stood. “Sorry guys, I gotta go.”

  “Let me guess. That was Nada,” Tangie insisted.

  “You got it,” Heather said, and they all laughed.

  Heather ran three red lights on her way up Queens Boulevard, praying all the while that a ticket wouldn’t find its way into her mailbox. There was no way of dodging those damn cameras.

  Ava met Heather at the door wearing a short, silky animal print robe, which Heather quickly untied. She put her hands inside and took Ava in her arms as their lips met. Ava wore nothing underneath. She broke free and climbed the stairs to her bedroom, which was bathed in scented candlelight. Heather was close behind. She stripped in record time and slid under the covers. Ava removed Heather’s hair clip, freeing her naturally curly mane. Then she gave Heather a scalp massage that left her tingly and completely relaxed.

  Suddenly she looked at Heather. “Are you sure?” Ava asked her softly.

  Heather nodded.

  “You’re not just teasing me?”

  “Not this time.” Heather shook her head, smiling.

  Ava climbed on top of Heather, her tongue deep inside Heather’s mouth. They both rolled over until they were both on their sides facing each other. Her fingers kneaded Heather’s back and shoulders on their way to her breasts.

  Smiling, Ava sucked on her nipples until they were as big as grape tomatoes. Ava rolled over so that her back was facing Heather’s front. Spooning, she spread her legs, allowing Heather easier access to her Brazilian domain. Heather’s fingers found their way to Ava’s pussy. Her fingertips searched for Ava’s little honey nut. Ava’s breathing told Heather that she had found it. She began gyrating on Heather’s right hand until she came. She turned to face Heather, and drew Heather’s fingertips into her mouth, relishing the flavor. Heather then kissed Ava on the mouth. Grinning, they both lay back on the bed.

  Ava repositioned herself on top of Heather. She planted wet kisses on her neck, her tits, and her abs. Ava placed her hands between Heather’s legs. She gently separated her dripping lips, exposing her beet-red pussy. Just the sight of Heather’s clitoris peeking through practically made her cum. She slid down and kissed it ever so gently, creating a wet, slippery stream that ran down Heather’s thigh. Ava slid her right hand between her own legs until her breathing came in short spurts. She plunged her double-jointed tongue all up in Heather’s pussy until they both could stand no more. Heather’s body went into spasms from head to toe as she covered Ava’s lips with her cream. Catching their breath, they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  They awoke the next morning and showered together. Ava insisted on making breakfast. They were both famished.

  “We make some team. We should go on vacation together,” Ava said. “We’d have a ball.”

  “I don’t think I’m ready for all that.”

  “Suit yourself,” Ava told her.


  On the night before Tangie’s birthday, she came home from work, filled her bathroom with scented candles, grabbed her iPod and speakers, and took a nice, long, relaxing bath. The water was as hot as she could stand it, and she felt as though she was at her own personal spa.

  As the suds slid down the drain, Tangie was left feeling refreshed and pampered. She slipped on her favorite robe and decided to fix a light dinner. She was interrupted by the doorbell. She checked the clock above the kitchen sink, not expecting anyone. It was the florist—with a single rose, a single lime rose. She found her purse, tipped the delivery boy, and closed the door. She already knew who it was from, smiling to herself as she read the attached card. Can’t wait until seven tomorrow evening, the first night of the rest of our lives together. In anticipation, Tangie squealed with delight. Who would have thunk a couple of months ago that she and Tony would be spending her birthday together?

  Suddenly, she was no longer hungry. She barely slept that night, feeling like a five-year-old on Christmas eve.

  When she got to work the next morning, her coworkers at the gym surprised her with coffee and doughnuts. That afternoon a couple of the girls took her to lunch, which included a generous slice of birthday cake.

  Tangie skipped her workout that afternoon and headed straight home to shower and get ready for her date. She didn’t know what he had planned, so naturally she wasn’t quite sure what to wear. She spritzed her skin with perfume and finally decided on a pair of skintight leather pants and a sleeveless form fitting top.

  Tangie checked herself in the full-length mirror, viewing her reflection from every angle. Yeah, she still had it going on. Thank goodness she worked at a gym. So there was really no excuse for not keeping her body tight.

  Next, she applied her makeup so well that it would bring a smile to even Cinderella’s face. Tangie checked her watch. It was a 6:45. She poured herself a glass of white wine, sat down in her living room, and waited.

  At two minutes past seven the doorbell rang. Tangie stood and smoothed down her clothes and hair. Smiling, an excited Tangie answered the door. The bouquet was so large that it hid his face. Finally, he lowered the lime roses. It was Jordan.

  For a moment she was speechless. “How’d you know I liked lime roses?” she asked him, puzzled.

  “Oh, a little birdie told me,” said, winking. “I had them flown in just for you.”

  Remembering Tony’s words, she threw back her head and laughed.

  “May I come in?” he asked.

  “Please do.”

  She took the roses from him and placed them in a vase on the dining room table, adding water. Jordan sat down on the sofa and Tangie joined him.

  He turned to face her. “I will never hurt you,” he vowed as he removed the band from her left ring finger. “And you will never need to front behind this band.”

  She sensed Tony’s presence all around. Oddly enough, knowing that she’d always have his love and protection gave her a newfound reservoir of strength.

  She looked deeply into Jordan’s eyes and smiled slowly. What made her think she had to skip mindlessly from one relationship to the next as though she was inadequate? She was enough. She was more than enough. She was whole. She was complete. All she had to do now was be open and receptive to the possibilities.

  Charisma met Heather and Tangie in Macy’s shoe department one Wednesday night after work. She had left work early and wasn’t the least bit guilty about it. After all, what was leave for? It had been a while since they had all gotten together. They stopped by Red Lobster for a bite to eat.

  They walked in and were seated immediately. The restaurant was relatively empty. The waiter returned momentarily with menus and their drinks, which they raised in a toast.

  “Behind every successful woman is herself.” Charisma smiled.

  “Hear, hear,” Heather and Tangie chimed in.

  Charisma looked around. Where did all the people come from? Half o
f them were white. She had a strange sense of déjà vu. All of the other patrons looked strangely familiar to her. It was eerie. She glanced at each one of them. They each rhythmically made eye contact with her and nodded ever so slightly before resuming their conversation. It was perfectly choreographed. And then, one by one, as more customers arrived, they did the exact same thing. Tangie and Heather seemed oblivious to what was going on. It was as if it was for her eyes only. She couldn’t have explained it if she tried. It was all so surreal. Then they stood. One by one, they smiled at her ever so slightly before leaving the restaurant. Suddenly, she realized that it was her dream. Only this time, peace had replaced her fear. Everything was in divine order. She smiled to herself.

  Tangie was saying something.

  “Huh?” Charisma asked her.

  “So what’s going on?” Tangie asked her.

  “You’re not going to believe this,” Charisma began. “Nate and I will be raising Chase’s baby. I’m adopting it.” She took a sip of her chocolate martini, savoring the flavor.

  “Are you serious? When did all this happen?” Heather asked her.

  “Well, I got the idea a while ago, and I mentioned it to Nate. We discussed it with Chase, and she finally agreed.”

  “So you’re gonna be a mother.” Tangie smiled.

  “Yep,” Charisma laughed, raising her glass.

  “I’m so happy for you. When’s she due?” Heather asked.

  “She’s due right before Christmas,” Charisma told them.

  “What a blessing.” Tangie shook her head.

  “Pretty amazing, huh?” Charisma said.

  “That it is,” Heather agreed. “I have a confession of my own. I’m going on vacation next week.”

  “Where to?” Tangie asked.


  “Aruba is for lovers,” Charisma said.

  “And I am long overdue,” Heather replied.

  “You didn’t tell us you and Jamal got back together.”

  Tangie stirred her Miami Vice with a straw.

  “We didn’t. I’m not seeing him anymore. I’m going with an old friend from high school.”


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