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Absolution (The Infinity Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Michelle Dennis

  She looks like the mother of the bride out of the magazines I’ve seen laying around at home. Her hair is pulled up in a mesh thing with tiny white flowers. Her skirt and jacket of pale blue are figure-hugging and cover her to just below the knee; she has a single rose buttoned to her collar. One thing that really stands out is the glow she has radiating from her smile as she makes her way down toward us.

  ‘She’s ready,’ Gail says to Patrick, before she takes her seat in the front row. ‘Hi boys,’ she whispers, glancing back at us and scans our attire approvingly. ‘You all scrub up okay.’

  ‘Thanks, Mum,’ Sam replies with a proud grin.

  We all look over to Patrick as the groom’s party shuffle into line. His face lightens to a paler shade of grey – he’s obviously incredibly nervous, poor bugger.

  The minister takes his position, Patrick moves into his spot and the sea of guests stands in anticipation of the bride’s grand entrance.

  My heart is pounding and I can only imagine how Patrick is feeling. All eyes are now on the big wooden doors as they open and the piano starts playing.

  Jade appears, holding a bunch of white roses and before I can appreciate how beautiful she looks in the blue gown and flawless make-up, my attention shifts onto Abbie.

  She takes my breath away.

  In the background, I’m aware of Izzy making her entrance, clutching Robert’s arm, gliding down the aisle. I hear gasps and murmurs, but the only thing I can focus on is how stunning Abbie is.

  Our eyes lock and I’m mesmerised; fighting the emotion swelling in my chest and threating to make me cry like a fool.

  She glances at Tyler and gives him a little wave, then she notices Jed. Her smile widens and immediately she looks over to Zane with a look of pride and pure elation. She has the look of a winner as she takes her place at the front of the church and takes hold of Izzy’s flowers, so her sister can hold Patrick’s shaking hands.

  The rest of the ceremony is a blur of nuptials – vows given, promises made and kisses exchanged. But all I see is Abbie.


  ‘Hello,’ she whispers to me as I meander my way over to her, through the throng of well-wishers and guests wanting a photo opportunity with the bridal party.

  My hands immediately go around her waist and pull her close. Our lips meet and I’m tempted to carry her away from all the pomp and pageantry. ‘Hi,’ I breathe the word out between kisses. ‘You look incredible – no, I don’t know – there is no word to describe your beauty.’

  She pulls back with a slight frown and a smirk. ‘You never cease to amaze me with your charm.’

  ‘It’s only for you,’ I say, concentrating on her face. I want her to know that she is the only woman who has my attention. The only woman who makes my heart race.

  Her perfect eyebrows lift, as a wide smile breaks out on her lips and I’m overwhelmed by the glistening green of her eyes. ‘I don’t doubt that.’

  Tyler squeezes between us and the moment is lost. ‘Princess Abbie!’

  ‘Hi, sweetie,’ she replies with genuine excitement. ‘Wow, don’t you look grown up?’

  ‘Thanks. Sam says I’m gonna break hearts tonight.’ He yanks on his tie and tugs on his jacket sleeves.

  I roll my eyes and add, ‘He definitely doesn’t lack any confidence.’

  ‘Like father, like son!’ Abbie giggles.


  The church reception hall is decked out in all shades of blue decoration and the whole affair is filled with pomp and celebration. It’s exactly how I imagined Izzy would be married. Not that she’s stuck-up or anything, but she strikes me as the type of girl who idolises the Cinderella type of romance and Patrick is definitely her Prince Charming. I look around and realise this is exactly what I don’t want for Abbie. She’s not like this. She’d only have a wedding like this, to suit everyone else. I know Abbie would prefer something intimate and I suddenly have the best idea.

  ‘Looks like we’re sitting over here,’ Sam says, slapping me on the back and gesturing to a table of eight seats trimmed with fancy wedding stuff.

  I glance over at the long bridal table stretched across the front of the room and wish I could have Abbie sitting on my lap. She’ll be rushing around right about now, checking the bridal party is ready to make their grand entrance.

  ‘Yeah,’ I reply, as Tyler squeezes up between us and takes hold of my hand.

  ‘Dad, am I sitting with you?’

  ‘You sure are, champ.’ I smile down at him. ‘Just here, on this table, so find your name on one of those little cards.’

  ‘We’re sitting here,’ he shouts out and waves for Jed to join us. He’s really taken a shine to Zane’s boyfriend; which isn’t surprising, he’s is a pretty cool dude.

  Guests start swarming in, taking their seats as directed on the seating cards and Sam pours us all a glass of water.

  ‘I have some news, actually – just found out today,’ Sam announces with a wide grin.

  ‘Oh, yeah? Spill,’ Jed says.

  ‘I applied to do a mission a while ago and was just accepted.’

  ‘A mission?’ I have no idea what he’s on about.

  ‘It’s a fully paid for trip to another country, in return for my help,’ Sam explains.

  ‘Like volunteer work?’ I ask.

  ‘Yeah, exactly. Except it’s usually where there are orphanages or war-torn villages needing help.’

  ‘Sounds a bit dangerous,’ Jed says. My thoughts exactly.

  ‘Oh, it’s pretty safe. Depends where you go, I guess. I’m just going to east Timor – not too far.’

  ‘Have you told the girls? Your dad?’ I ask, putting down my glass of water and eyeing him with concern.

  ‘Yeah, but not Abbie – I was hoping to tell her tonight.’

  I shift in my seat and try to imagine Abbie being okay with it, but, nope, she definitely won’t be. ‘When do you go?’

  ‘Date is set for Boxing Day. A sort of clean-up mission to help with getting the kids ready for their next year of schooling.’

  My heart contracts a little. ‘I had a call from the agent looking after the house I put an offer on and she’s got the settlement ready to go through next week. So, I was hoping to have everything ready at the new place, so I could marry your sister – as a surprise – on Christmas Eve.’

  His eyes widen and I see Jed and Tyler both stop their conversation and look to me. ‘Oh, geez, you’re really pushing it, Val. She doesn’t let much get past her – and filling a house with plans of a surprise wedding – I’d hate to be in your shoes – but I’ll definitely help.’

  ‘Yeah, Zane and I will chip in too,’ Jed offers.

  I glance around at them and reply, ‘Thanks, guys. I’ll need all the help you can manage. I want it to be perfect.’ And even perfect won’t be good enough, I consider, as an afterthought.

  ‘Well, we’ll speak to Dad. We’ll get the furniture sorted and see if Mum and the girls can do all the girlie stuff,’ Sam adds.

  ‘That’ll be a huge help,’ I reply with relief. I know it can be done and Abbie will love it.

  Suddenly all the voices start to hush and we are joined by an elderly couple in their sixties. They say a quick greeting to Sam and get comfortable as the music starts, indicating the arrival of the bridal party.

  The entry doors open and the groomsmen make their way in with their partnered bridesmaids. Jade enters with Patrick’s younger brother, both looking a little nervous, then Abbie and Zane enter, followed by Patrick’s mum and dad, Gail and Robert, and finally the newlyweds – all beaming with absolute happiness and joy. My gaze fixes on Abbie and Zane as they make their way to the bridal table. I only get a quick glance of Abbie, but that’s enough to set my heart pulsating at a race.

  Let the celebration and long speeches begin.


  We’re deep in conversation regarding our plans for filling the new house with furniture when Robert announces it’s time for the
bridal waltz. We all turn our attention to the bride and groom and I scan the bridal table until my eyes meet with Abbie’s. She’s smiling at me, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

  When the music starts, Patrick leads his beautiful new wife, Izzy onto the dance floor, and after a couple of minutes of them dancing alone, wrapped around each other under a spotlight Robert ushers the groomsmen and their partners onto the floor to join them. It’s then when I hear the Canadian man at our table say something to his wife, something which gets my heckles up.

  ‘What a shame those two haven’t tied the knot.’

  I glance over at the old couple and follow their gaze to double check who they’re talking about and force myself to take a deep breath.

  Abbie and Zane.

  ‘Oh, Abbie’s already taken,’ Sam interrupts. ‘This is her partner, Valentine.’ He adds, gesturing to me.

  I lift my hand in a small wave and purse my lips into a forced smile.

  ‘And this is Zane’s partner, Jed,’ Sam continues, clearly enjoying the look of shock on their faces.

  I glance over at Jed, who shifts uncomfortably in his seat and decide to take the opportunity to help Sam make his point.

  ‘Tyler, why don’t you go and cut in on Princess Abbie? I’m sure she’d love to dance with you.’

  His face lights up and he’s out of his chair before I even have an opportunity to blink.

  ‘Looks like I’d better go and save Zane, then,’ Jed smiles, as he too gets up from his chair and follows Tyler’s lead.

  Sam and I look at each other and he’s grinning like the true larrikin he is. ‘Would you care to dance, Valentine?’ he says to me, in a romantic tone.

  I gawp and almost choke, but hold myself together. God, it’s all I can do not to break out in a fit of laughter. ‘Of course!’ I reply, standing as I put out my hand.

  We both look back at the snobby couple as we take to the dance floor in a whirl of fancy footwork and I see Abbie giggling.

  I hope these stuck-up prudes begin to realise it’s not up to them who marries who.

  Chapter 21

  Life has never felt so full. Between wedding preparations, the coffee van, trying to close on this house Tyler and I picked out and Sam’s surprise announcement, it’s crazy – but I wouldn’t change a thing. For the first time in my life, I feel useful and dare I say it, happy. Although, seeing Abbie’s look of trepidation when Sam reveals his news, my feeling of happiness may be short-lived.

  ‘What do you mean, you’re going to Timor?’ Abbie looks hard at Sam, her expression filled with utter shock.

  ‘You know about this, Abbie, I applied for this mission a few months ago.’ Sam retorts.

  From her seat at the dining table, she looks up at her brother with tears filling her green eyes. ‘Yes, but that was before I fell pregnant.’

  ‘I won’t be gone long. It’s only for two weeks,’ Sam replies, sounding a little more empathetic to Abbie’s anxiety. He moves over to place his hand on his sister’s shoulder and leans his six-foot frame over to comfort her.

  She wipes away the tears beginning to stream down her cheeks and sniffs. ‘Of course; I’m sorry,’ she sniffs again and looks up at him. ‘It’s important to you. This little girl will still be here when you get you get home,’ she adds, patting her baby bump.

  I watch the sibling moment from my position beside the kitchen sink, feeling overwhelmed by their love for each other. I suffer a pang of jealousy. Dillan. But I take a deep breath and push it aside. Dillan is here, I know it. And I’ve now got an extended family, who seem to like me as much as I like them. Dillan would think they’re a pretty cool bunch.

  ‘Val?’ Sam’s voice breaks through my thoughts.

  ‘Oh, yeah, sorry,’ I reply with a sheepish grin. I take a gulp of my coffee and step toward Abbie. ‘Sam and I are going to head off now.’

  She looks up at me with tired eyes and forces one of her I’m-okay kind of smiles.

  ‘We’ll only be a couple of hours, sis,’ Sam says. ‘And God knows, you look like you need a rest,’ he adds, dodging her hand as she reaches out to whack him.

  ‘You’ll keep! Just wait ’til I can run again!’ she laughs as she watches Sam head for the front door.

  I draw her face gently toward mine and plant a long kiss over her smile. ‘I won’t be long. But, you should try and have a nap – I think the wedding took it out of you a little.’

  Her eyes lock with mine. ‘I will, I promise. As soon as you two go, I’ll lie down for a while.’

  I follow Sam out to the car, suffering the anxiety of today’s events creeping up and tightening my gut. First stop – the house – to collect the keys. We’ll collect Dad and Tyler on our way. Then we’re meeting Robert to collect our new business venture – The Expresso.

  Sam pats me on the back as I open the passenger side door. ‘It’ll be fine, mate,’ he says.

  ‘Is it that obvious?’ I reply over the roof of the car as he makes his way around to the driver’s side.

  ‘Yeah. But, it’s cool. You’ve got a hell of a lot happening. But, it’ll all fall into place.’

  ‘When did you get so wise?’ I chuckle, as I climb into the seat and pull the belt across.

  ‘When my little sister told me she was having a baby.’ He grins at me. ‘I have to act like an adult, sometimes.’

  ‘Good, coz I need you to help me sort this shit out. I don’t know why I decided on a surprise wedding, but it’s too late to back out now,’ I reply, gazing out of the window.

  ‘It’s cool, we have lots of help. Abbie’s gonna be so flippin’ surprised.’


  Tyler just about bursts out of his skin when he sees his grandfather shuffling out of the front door and waving to us.

  ‘Gramps! Gramps!’ he shouts, as Dad opens the car door and climbs in. ‘We’re going to our new house!’ Tyler adds, as he throws himself into Dad’s open arms.

  ‘I know, son, I know. And ain’t ye a bit excited!’ Dad laughs.

  ‘Hi, Dad,’ I interrupt. ‘This is Abbie’s brother, Sam.’

  ‘Hi, Mr. Hewitt,’ Sam says, reaching around to shake hands.

  ‘Oh, call me Gabe!’ Dad says, taking hold of Sam’s hand in a tight grip.

  ‘Oh, okay, Gabe then,’ Sam agrees, before turning back to reverse the car out onto the road.

  ‘The house is in Mount Lawley, Dad,’ I say. ‘Not too far from you at all.’

  ‘Oh, good, good – I’m lookin’ forward to seeing you and Abbie all set up with your kids.’

  ‘I get my own room,’ Tyler says excitedly.

  ‘What about me?’ Dad says.

  ‘Yeah, you can have a room, Gramps!’ Tyler agrees happily.

  ‘Really? That’d be great.’

  ‘It’s got four bedrooms, Dad, with a huge area for Abbie to set up as an art gallery,’ I add, remembering her telling me about her passion for painting, on the night we met.

  ‘Wow, sounds nice.’

  ‘It’s also got a beautiful rose garden around the front with an entertaining area and gazebo out back – so I think Abbie will love it.’

  ‘You picked it out for her, son, of course she’ll love it.’

  ‘We’re here!’ Sam declares, pulling into the driveway of our new home. I feel a tinge of emotion swell, but push it down. Not now.

  The agent is standing on the verandah, hugging her clipboard and wearing very large dark sunglasses. As we emerge from the car she waves. ‘Hi, Valentine!’

  ‘Hi, Jenny,’ I call back as we all make our way up the driveway toward her. ‘Jenny, this is my dad, Mr Hewitt. And my brother-in-law, Sam.’ I say gesturing an introduction. ‘And you’ve met Tyler,’ I add.

  Jenny reaches out and shakes hands with everyone, welcoming us all, while I stare at my new home. Our new home.

  It’s perfect – or it will be, once we move in.

  ‘Okay, all I need is to get you to sign some paperwork and hand over the keys, and then the place
is all yours,’ Jenny says with a broad smile.

  ‘Oh, that’d be great. Abbie has no idea I’m here, so I can’t be away from home for too long.’

  ‘She’s one very lucky girl,’ Jenny says, opening the door and leading us though the doorway.

  ‘I’m definitely the lucky one,’ I admit quietly, as I follow her with Sam, Dad and Tyler in tow.


  The race is on.

  After showing Dad through the house, signing the final documents and taking some last minute measurements for furniture, we set off to meet Robert, so we can collect the coffee van.

  Pulling up at a house near Hyde Park, my heart literally jumps with excitement. There it is, the van, with The Expresso, written in large Greek-style font across the side. I can’t believe it’s our business. Our future. Something I live and breathe for. The early morning aroma of coffee beans brewing and the hustle and bustle of people clambering to the counter in need of liquid heaven. Coffee.

  ‘Hi, Valentine!’ Robert shouts, as I climb out of Sam’s Valiant.

  ‘Hi, Robert,’ I call back, making my way over to him and a bald guy, standing beside The Expresso.

  Tyler rushes up to wrap himself around Robert’s legs in a bear hug and Robert’s face lights up with joy. ‘Hi, little man!’ he greets him with a laugh.

  ‘Hi, Robert,’ Tyler replies, looking up at him with a wide grin. ‘We just bought a house!’

  ‘Oh, yeah, I heard about that!’ Robert replies. He glances at me and then over at Dad and Sam as they make their way over to us. ‘Hi, Gabe!’ he adds. ‘Good to see you again.’

  ‘Hiya, Robert,’ Dad says, sounding a little out of breath. ‘Good to see you, too. Great looking van,’ he adds, shaking hands with Robert and the other guy.

  ‘This is the previous owner, Terry,’ Roberts says, introducing us. ‘He’s got all the paperwork prepared and he’s ready to hand over the keys. I thought maybe Valentine and I could drive it back to his place and surprise Abbie?’


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