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Sweet Obsessions: His Beauty, Her Beast

Page 2

by Christine Gray

  “No, Brick…I swear! I told you to come to this room. I’ve been waiting for you this whole time,” she pleaded while she backed up toward the stairs.

  “Bullshit! You decided to change your room tonight when all the other times it was always that room,” he pointed behind him. “Do you take me for a damn fool?” he snapped.

  She let out a scream when he lunged for her. No longer caring, Diamond turned and took off running for The Mistress room on the top floor. She couldn’t care less that the third floor belonged to the woman of the house, and she wasn’t allowed. Brick was upset. She wasn’t going to get her ass beat over some shit that had nothing to do with her. She took the stairs three at a time to ensure she made it to the room before he did, although she knew he was hot on her trail. When she hit the landing, she broke out into an all-out run, slid into the opened door, and headed down the hall toward the lit room. Her mind couldn’t process why there were so many people in Cashmere’s room. She was too busy trying to explain to Isobel what had happened. She breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that the older woman wasn’t going to pin the fuck up on her, but had chalked it up to an honest mistake.

  With that being said, Diamond slinked back to let Isobel, Cashmere’s mother, and Brick exchange a few threats. It was then that she took note of Pike, Brick’s older brother, and Cashmere just staring at each other. Her mouth dropped to the floor when Brick’s older brother finally came out of his trance to walk around the bed to talk to Cashmere. The way he pinned her up against the wall, what he said to her, made a chill of desire shiver down her spine. She could tell by the looks on everyone’s stunned faces that they were just as taken back from the scene they were partaking of, too. She had thought that Brick and Cashmere were just friends. It was rumored that they had never had sex, but after what she had just witnessed of him speaking about sucking on her breasts, and how his body was pressed up against hers, there was no damn way he hadn’t been with her. She was sure that it took everything within him not to fuck her against the wall with them all looking on.

  Quickly, she jumped out of the way so Pike and Brick could leave the room. It took them all a second to regain use of their tongues. Coming to her whit’s, Isobel cleared the room of Diamond and her Cuban bodyguard.

  “I’m sure you both can’t wait to retell the story; just make sure you don’t add too much to your version,” she hissed before she shoved the two of them into the hallway.


  Brick paced in a circle while he waited for his brother to get the information he needed from the red faced man in the casino. If he wasn’t so focused on his own can of worms, he might have listened to what was being said, or even aided him, but he didn’t care.

  Why would she have done something so damn careless? he desperately wanted to know.

  What if I was the actor? Would she have done all of that with him, a stranger? he wondered.

  That thought, or even that he actually cared was fucking with his mind. He hadn’t seen her in years. He walked blindly in step with Pike as his thoughts traveled back, trying to recall the last time he’d seen her. In high school, he figured. That’s when she was busting her ass to hang with the rich, entitled bitches of the private school they both attended. Both he and Pike had just about fucked their way through the little clique when he had laid eyes on her.

  He never understood or maybe he didn’t care to at that young age of sixteen, to try to understand the female species. He remembered wondering why the girls that Lakyta had thought to be her friends would talk so badly about her whenever she wasn’t around, then smile in her face when she was. Or why they would do little things to embarrass her in a crowd, only for her to still deem them as her friends. Of course, now he was sure it was jealousy on their end that was the motive of their treatment toward her.

  Lakyta had an accent that he found musical at his young age. She was smart, and comical. She wasn’t scared to laugh at herself, and she would go out of her way to help the underdog. She was so unlike the girls she broke her neck to be included with. She was the only one in her clique that he had actually considered a friend. Of course, he had an attraction towards her, but at that age, what his friends thought about him dating a black girl kept him from voicing his feelings. Unfortunately, he would have never known if he would have gotten the guts to step to her, because she got into trouble over something that had caused her parents to remove her from the school.

  “Hold up!”

  Pike’s hand slapped Brick in the chest, causing him to stop in mid-stride.

  “Is that who you fucked?” asked Pike in utter amazement.

  Brick looked around in the darkness, confused. He hadn’t even noticed that they had walked through the garden and was now on the dock, just a few feet away from their plane.


  “Oh sweet Jesus, I think I just figured out who the guy is,” moaned Dustin as he gazed out the window. He recognized the man with the ponytail, so if he was who he thought he was, then that could only mean that the man he was now yelling at was his brother.

  Lakyta jumped out of her seat she had been slumped down in, to run across the aisle to his side of the plane.

  “Who is it?”

  She felt a chill of death run down her spine at the ghostly expression on Dustin’s face when he turned slowly to look at her. He waved her closer to the square shaped window as he leaned back to make room for her to gaze out the window.

  “Don’t tell me you forgot those two? I understand being all worked up and all when you were in the room, but what about now?”

  She narrowed her gaze. She had to admit that now, the long haired guy did remind her of someone, but not as much as the man from her room. She chewed on her fingernail while she willed herself to recall the face from her memory, and the name that was dancing on the tip of her tongue.

  “Come on, our private school we went to before….”

  Just then, the man from the room turned his head. It was like a switch turning on a blinding light when their eyes touched. Her mouth drooped open, slowly.



  He heard her scream his name through the thick glass.

  “I think she remembers you now, bro,” chuckled Pike. “Damn, it’s fate, man. I’m telling you…it’s like one in a million that she was the one that…” His words trailed off at the sound of Brick’s cell going off. It was as if the ringer sounded just like their mother yelling to the high Heavens. “Maybe. it’s not them.” Pike bit his lip to keep from laughing at the deep frown his brother shot him.

  Brick looked back at the plane. He saw her starting to walk toward the door, only for the man she was with to run after her and stop her.

  “Who the fuck is he?” snapped Brick. “Why he thinks he can stop her from coming to talk to me?”

  He watched them yell at each other. The man maneuvered himself to block her, then he pushed her down into one of the chairs.

  “What are you doing?” questioned Pike, jumping in front of his brother.

  “I’m going to have a talk with that asshole that just put his hands on her.”


  The question caused Brick to freeze in his step.

  “Yeah, why would I?” he mumbled, staring at his brother. The sound of Lakyta’s plane turning on drowned out the sound of his cell phone ringing again.

  Pike waited until the plane was in the sky before he spoke. He knew his brother better than he knew himself. He could tell that he was shaken up, but not out of fear. It was from seeing the girl that was now a beautiful woman again. It was because he had unwittingly done what he had confided in him of wanting to do years ago when they were in school.

  “Why you so worked up about this, Brick? You’ll just tell Ma and Da to fuck themselves, right?” he shrugged. “Like we said on the way here, they can’t make us do anything. Shit, we have our own money. That’s why I’m going to marry Cashmere.”

  Brick blinked in surprise. His brother was so
sure he was going to make her his. He ran his hands through his hair and gave his brother a weak smile.

  “Well, congrats. I’m just shocked, I guess. Yeah, you are right though. I don’t nor will I do anything I don’t want to do,” he replied as he started for their awaiting aircraft.

  “Although, when fate steps in, maybe you need to take heed.”

  “Fuck you and fate. You just focused on bringing back Cashmere,” grumbled Brick.

  Later, he closed his eyes to get the sleep he knew he wasn’t going to get after he got back to his parents’ house. It was too late to go to his townhouse because he knew McCormac was fast asleep. His thoughts were instantly filled with her, as he knew that they would be. He willingly allowed his mind to take him back to that space and time in the room. He gave way to his body as it began to respond to the memory of her smell, the taste of her lips, the smoothness of her skin, the way her breasts felt, the sound of her labored breath, and the feel of her pussy as it cradled his fingers and later his cock. The sound of the low moan that escaped from his mouth caused him to open his eyes. He saw the wicked grin on his brother’s face. Pike had heard his moan too, and he knew what was the cause of it.

  Brick turned his head to glare out into the inky night.

  “Fate, huh?”


  “Mother, I have never disrespected you in my life, but if you keep yelling, I just might,” growled Brick.

  He set the coffee cup down on the wooden table so hard, black liquid slouched over the brim and onto the table. He had promised his father he would stay put until he returned from seeing Pike off, but now he was starting to rethink it. He and his brother had bunkered down for the night in the pool house because neither one of them was in the mood for hearing all the shit they were sure their parents were going to say to them upon their return home. However, at first light, Pike was up to head back to the main house which meant there would be no more putting it off for Brick.

  “Please tell your wife that this isn’t the Leave It to Beaver days,” he stated when his father entered the room. “People fuck around all the time…shit, they even have kids and they don’t get married.”

  Forester closed the door to his office and leaned against the wall, crossing his massive arms.

  “That is true, but…”

  Brick sat back in his chair at his father’s but. Since this morning, his father had been in his corner about just letting the scandal blow over and ride it out. It wasn’t as if he had been professing to be a Christian or a virgin. It was no secret that he had a son from one of his affairs.

  “But,” Brick repeated slowly. “What but? You walk out of here on my side, then you come back straddling the fence.”

  “That was before I spoke with her father. The man isn’t going to let this go,” replied Forester in the sad voice he had practiced on his way back to his office. He pushed down the tinkle of guilt that was trying to overtake him. He was prepared to put a stop to his plan if he saw that it would cause more damage than good, but until then, he was going to forge on.

  “Why the hell should I care about the rants of an old man? Sure, I was caught with my pants down, but I didn’t even finish the act,” protested Brick.

  “That might be the case, but he’s saying that she was forced.”

  “Bullshit, she was hot and ready…and the fact that she was even there in the first place says she’s not innocent,” he added in his defense.

  “We know that, but the location of the incident is not being released. There’s also the fact that the girl had been drinking to help her father’s case. It looks like he’s leaning towards you getting his little girl drunk so you could have your way,” explained Forester.

  “Lakyta wouldn’t go along with that. She got me caught up in whatever fuckary she had going on, but she wouldn’t do that to me.”

  Forester narrowed his gaze. He hadn’t missed the softness that had entered his son’s voice when he said the young lady’s name.

  So, Pike wasn’t lying after all, he acknowledged.

  Pike had told him that they knew the girl from school, but he had found it hard to swallow that in his youth, Brick had had a slight crush on her. Of course, he didn’t remember the girl from his sons’ school years. He had been too busy building his empire to learn all of their friends.

  “Who’s to say what she would or wouldn’t do? I wouldn’t have thought that the girl would do something so stupid as what she did. Either way, you can ask her yourself,” offered Forester.

  Brick went deathly still. “She’s here?” he asked in a sinister voice.

  His father debated answering him.

  “Maybe it’s not a good idea for you to be alone with her. Pike…I’ll get him and the both of you—”

  “I’m not a fucking child,” he snapped, cutting his mother off. “Besides, Pike is leaving to go get your soon to be daughter-in-law.”

  “What?!” shouted Olivia.

  Brick rolled his eyes as he marched toward the door his father was still leaning against.

  “Try not to kill the girl,” whispered his father as he moved out of the way.

  “If I do, we have enough land on the estate to hide the body,” he growled before he walked out.

  Forester shut the door after Brick left the room.

  “Were you going to tell me that Pike has fallen in love?” smiled his wife. “Who is she? Who’s her family? Do I know her? I didn’t even know he was dating anyone.”

  He listened to her go on breathlessly as he walked across the large area to take a seat behind his desk.

  “You don’t know her or her family, but I know them.”

  He watched his wife closely. He took note of the brief pause in her step as she made her way to the chair in front of his desk.

  “Okay, so this is a secret love that he has kept from me then. What’s her name?” she questioned, cautiously.

  She didn’t like the fact that he wasn’t readily forthcoming with the information. It was as if he was picking and choosing what to say, and that put her on edge. There was something about this girl that he knew was going to set her off.

  “Her name is Cashmere. She’s very intelligent, very well mannered, and very beautiful. I’m not surprised at all that Pike would have fallen for her.”

  “Ah, a very exotic name. She must be Middle Eastern, and her father and mother?”

  “I’ve never met her father, but I’m well acquainted with her mother.”

  “I see,” she stated, slowly. “You’re going to let your son marry the daughter of a woman you’ve fucked?”

  Forester tapped his finger on his desk as he regarded his wife. He would have never in a thousand years thought that he would have heard her say those words. However, it was true. Against his heart, he had cheated on her for a time. He had thought that riches and coming to the land of prosperity would have been a good thing, but in time, he wished he hadn’t.

  “No, I don’t think you see. I have never fucked her mother, but we are friends…have been for many years, actually. I caught wind that Pike was interested in her daughter, but I never thought he would be able to conquer her strong will, but he’s determined, and I know he will.”

  He saw the stern look of his wife’s face relax a bit. “And Cashmere isn’t Middle Eastern, she biracial, although I’m sure everyone will consider her black,” he added. He watched the color drain from his wife’s face.

  “She’s black,” she whispered in shock. “But the girl from last night is black, too,” she remarked as she brought a shaking hand to her forehead.

  “Yes,” he answered, flatly.

  “One in a family can be tolerated, but two. Not two. I mean, what will the others say? They’ll see it as an insult if they both have black wives,” she cried.

  Forester’s cold, expressionless eyes bore into the shell of the woman he had fallen in love with when he was just 16. She never ceased to amaze him with her haughty air that she was obtain since coming to America.
r />   “You need to watch it, Olivia. You’re newly acquired American ignorance and prejudice is starting to shine through. You don’t want others to know just how much of a bitch you really are,” he said coldly as he got to his feet.


  “Can I get you a drink?”

  Lakyta stiffened at the sound of the deep voice behind her. She took a breath to steady her heartbeat before she turned around to meet the man whose life she had messed up.

  “I think I had enough last night,” she laughed, weakly. Her laughter quickly died at the anger that was radiated from his emerald green eyes. She swallowed hard, as she looked nervously around her. They were the only ones on the second floor terrace that overlooked the garden and the massive estate.

  “I won’t toss you off the side. I don’t want murder to be added to the list of things I’m being accused of,” he grumbled.

  “I’m so sor—”

  He held up his hand to stop her from speaking. He had heard enough of that. He walked out onto the limestone flooring. His gaze never left her. He was so preoccupied last night that he hadn’t taken the time to really look at her. Now, in the blinding daylight, he noticed just how stunning she had become. Brick had always found her dark skin appealing along with her thin frame. Unlike when she was younger, she had developed curves in all the right places. Her breasts were nice and full, he took note, as his eyes traveled downward over her flat stomach, shapely thighs, and round bottom that filled out the stretchy material of her light blue jeans. A brief frown creased his handsome face when it dawned on him that she was wearing weave or a wig of some kind. He had remembered her having really thick, long hair that felt like soft cotton when he had asked to touch it one day when they were younger.


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