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Sweet Obsessions: His Beauty, Her Beast

Page 6

by Christine Gray

  “I’m hungry, so you can eat with me, if you want to?” she interjected.

  McCormac took a step back. He hadn’t even noticed she was in the room until now. Still unhappy but a bit uplifted, he agreed. She got to her feet, walked over, got the tray from the bed, and sat down on the floor. She noticed his hesitation.

  “Do you really want to sit in a bed he’s been sweating in all night,” she said with a wrinkled nose at the boy’s frown. She waited until he picked up his food from the tray before she spoke again.

  “You know how you said you would help me out? Well, I need your help really bad. Your dad wants to take me shopping, but I don’t think he’s hip enough to get me the right stuff, and he was really mean to me last night, too.”

  “I was mean to you?!” yelped Brick in a high pitched voice.

  “So he was the monster that was in the room!” pointed McCormac.

  Lakyta waved her hand. “Whatever, listen… I know you want to have that men’s day, but I need you to come with me for help and protection,” she finished in a whisper, elbowing him to drive home her point.

  The boy glanced back at Brick. “But he said—”

  “I’m telling him you can go,” she interjected, firmly.

  “Well, since you’re telling me,” he teased with a shrug.

  Forester glared at Lakyta with a narrowed gaze while his grandson cheered and inhaled his food next to her on the floor. He listened as the boy and her talked like two kids about a cartoon that he had never heard of. The girl was strange and different, but in a good way. In that moment, she reminded him of someone that he had loved from his own past. He longed to know the reason why she would stand up for the boy. Of course, he knew that she could be doing it to win the boy over, but for some reason, he didn’t think that was it. His glanced over at Brick. He stiffened when he found his son staring back at him. Without a word, Forester turned and left the room.


  Brick shook his head as he led the way an hour later to his black-on-black Audi Rs5. He pushed the button to unlock the car, then tossed the keys to her.

  “You drive ‘cause I have no clue where you want to go.”

  She opened the door then paused. She sucked her teeth in frustration.

  “I can’t drive a stick.”

  “I find that hard to believe,” he winked while he walked over to the driver’s side. “I’ll have to teach you because this is your car now.” He caught her look of uneasiness and something close to embarrassment when she lowered her head and bit her lip. He grabbed her arm to keep her from walking away. “Hey, I don’t mind…actually, I like it this way. I don’t want you owing your father a damn thing, understand?” he said as his emerald green eyes bore into her blue ones.

  He lowered his head and gave her a small kiss. He knew that McCormac was watching from within the car. He wanted his boy to know that he wasn’t angry anymore about getting married.

  The rest of the four-hour trip was filled with jokes, mumbling on the behalf of the men because of all the different stores she dragged them to, lunch, a faked heart attack to get out of shopping for more shoes, an argument over who was the greatest rapper from the 90’s, a lot of super heroes, and video games talk, with a lot of fun. At the end of the trip, the trunk was filled to the brim with her bags and a few for McCormac, too. He guessed it shouldn’t have surprised him given her family background, but the fact still did when she chose not to shop at all of the expensive stories in the mall; it stunned him. Instead, she bought items that were reasonable in price with the biggest tagged item being an eighty-dollar purse which he had to force her to let him buy. It was refreshing, but at the same it angered him that her father had the means to cater to her; however, he chose not to just because she wasn’t a son.

  She’s not like the other one, a voice whispered in his mind.

  He shook his head as if he was trying to get free from the feelings that were trying to overcome him.

  It was too soon for that, he cautioned himself.

  He couldn’t let the excitement of his living out his past desires cloud his judgement. She didn’t pick him. She went along with being with him to save her skin, and to gain a very sweet deal at the end.

  “Not another stop. I’m tired,” whined McCormac.

  “Hey, you wanted to tag along, so now you have to suffer right along with me,” chuckled Brick as he parked the car.

  Lakyta scanned the unmarked building. She silently followed him. It was when an armed guard walked to the door and unlocked it to let them in, that she realized they were at a high end jewelry story. She smiled in spite of the odd and downright nasty stares some of the employees and customers gave her. If Brick noticed, he didn’t show it.

  However, he noticed everything. He saw every raised eyebrow, every lingering look, every frown, and he heard every word that was whispered. Now, it was him that was taking his sweet time while they walked throughout the store. When an employee came to offer him help, he gave them a crisp and rude refusal. It wasn’t until a young girl walked over and offered Lakyta assistance was he ready.

  “So, which one?”

  “I don’t know,” she admitted in a shaky voice.

  McCormac gazed up at his Dad, a bit confused as to why she was acting so weird. Brick flashed him an encouraging smile.

  “I was trying to give you a chance to pick it, but if you won’t, I know which one I would like to see you wearing as my wife,” he responded. He stood behind her and snaked his strong arms around her waist. He bent his head to the side of her face.

  “So, you’ve given it much thought?”

  “Yes, I have,” he replied. “That one,” he pointed.

  He felt her stiffen at the sight of the 8-carat, flawless, yellow diamond that was set in a sterling silver setting. He tightened his arms around her.

  “You wouldn’t let me buy you those shoes. Now, don’t hurt my pride by saying no,” he groaned in her ear.

  “That’s more than a two-hundred-dollar pair of heels.”

  “Then you’ll work off the difference,” he promised. He pressed his cock slightly against her back so she could feel his erection through his jeans.

  He took the ring from the young girl’s hand. With a smile, Lakyta held out her hand. The sound of her exhaling while she gazed down in awe at the ring as it sparkled on her finger, was loud.

  “It looks a bit too big,” Brick pointed out.

  “The sizer is here today. He can fix that in just a few minutes,” the employee offered, quickly. There was no fuckin’ way she was going to lose this commission. She took the ring, sized Lakyta’s finger, then gestured for them to take a seat while they waited.

  “I wanted you to have your ring before the party announcing our engagement. We’ll go to the courthouse in a few days to get the license. I was thinking a meeting with my lawyer for now, then later, my parents want something a bit bigger,” he explained.

  She just shrugged her shoulder, lost in thought.

  “Is there anyone you want to invite to the lawyer’s office?” he asked as an afterthought.

  She shook her head. She made sure to keep her eye on her new car outside. “Maybe I’ll ask a friend or two.”

  “What about your brother, or your mom?”

  Brick took note after her sore faced reaction not to bring them up again. The sound of her strange laughter made his skin crawl.

  “My brother is a nasty, self-focused version of our father. He doesn’t give a damn about me. As for my mother, she couldn’t care less, either. She’s so brainwashed, she waits on my dad hand and foot. She doesn’t fart without his say so. Whatever he says is law, to the point that she would beat me because he was unhappy with me, as a way to encourage me to do better, is what she had said. No, I don’t want them there,” she spat.

  She slouched down in the chair, crossed her legs, and went back to watching the birds in the parking lot outside.

  McCormac stared at his dad. He wanted him to say something to make h
er feel better, but he had a weird look on his face. He could tell that he was mad by the way he was grinding his teeth and shaking his leg though. He hopped down from the seat, walked over, and tapped her on her leg.

  “If they try to mess with you, I’ll cut them up and bury them in the backyard,” he promised sternly.

  She pulled him into her lap. She knew she should’ve told him that what he said wasn’t nice, but at that second, Lakyta found his words to be really soothing.

  “You promise?”

  “I’ll take care of you.”

  He puffed out his tiny chest when he saw that he had made her happy again. He quickly shifted the conversation to something that he felt would make her happy. He didn’t like seeing her sad. He had been sad so many times with no one to make him feel better because he kept it all pushed down deep inside.

  Brick felt it again. The weight of his emotions beginning to wreak havoc on his conscious. He wanted to open his heart to this woman which is what his son was obviously doing, but he was an adult. His son had all his life to experience the pain of loving a woman that turned out to be a two faced, money grabbing piece of shit, which was what McCormac’s mother had been. Fate be damned, he had to maintain a leveled head. Yes, it was like old times with them being together. No, even better because now he didn’t give two shits about saving face; therefore, he wasn’t hiding his lust for her, and that’s all it was then and now, he decided as he shifted in his chair.


  It took some time for Lakyta to notice the change in Brick’s mood. She was still trying to adjust to her new life. From the shopping, the ring, spending time with her soon to be new son, and then moving to the new place that was going to be her home, she was drained, she realized when she finally escaped to the bathroom to take a shower. It was then that his attitude came to light. He had become distant with his quick answers that were only limited to yes or no, and he went out of his way to talk with anyone other than her as the day had went on. It was a change that frightened her. She didn’t know what she had done, but she knew it was a change that she couldn’t allow to go on. She was just at the beginning of the five-year term. It was a long time to have to deal with that shit.

  She walked out of the bathroom, and into the bedroom where she had left him sitting in a chair with his face buried in his tablet, as if the contents on the screen was more important than her.

  “How much longer are you going to be working?”

  “My weekend was shot dealing with you. Now I have work to get caught up. Do you need something?”

  He raised his eyes, which he realized was a mistake. It was just for a second, but that was all it took for him to glimpse her standing there in nothing but a see-through thong. He made a fist to keep his hand from reaching out to her. Her dark skin shined under the lights. Her sapphire eyes danced with mischief. She knew what she was doing.

  He tilted his head. “Why do you wear that nasty, fake shit in your head?” he remarked in an attempt to piss her off.

  She wasn’t falling for it. His words maybe cold, but the look on his face said he wanted her. She closed the space between them until she was standing before him.

  “I never returned the favor from last night,” she whispered, ignoring his rudeness.

  “I don’t want it,” he snapped.

  One of her perfectly arched eyebrows went up. “Oh, I think he wants it,” she smirked, eyeing the large bulge that was putting a strain on his pants. She snatched the tablet from his hands, and tossed it to the floor.

  “Don’t break my—”

  “Let me suck you, Brick.”

  Her voice was soft, seductive, and shook him to the core.

  “Don’t say—”

  “But I want it. I want to feel it on the back of my throat as you force my head down,” she moaned as she lowered herself to her knees. She felt no shame at all.

  “My God, woman,” he groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair. He held his breath while he watched her hand unzip his pants, reached inside, and released his throbbing cock and balls.

  “There it is,” she moaned. She licked it from the root to its mushroom tip, then began to suck hard on his tight nuts. The feel of his body jerking each time she suckled his hairy nuts made her wet.

  “Help me,” she plead.

  Lakyta positioned his hand on the back of her head. She opened her mouth wide and hovered over his dick, waiting for him to force her down.

  Brick narrowed his eyes, slouched down in the leather chair, and looked on as inch by inch, his dick disappeared into her gaping mouth.

  “Fuck,” he groaned.

  He was lost. He gathered her shoulder length hair into his fist and began to fuck her mouth. The things she did with her tongue in combination of her hand had him tossing back his head and biting his lip in ecstasy. She placed her hand on his ripped abs and felt them contract under her fingertips. Slowing her pace, she switched to long strokes. One, two, three, then she drew him as much of his length she could handle into her mouth. She felt her jaws pop due to the thickness of his shaft.

  Brick growled from the sensation of her throat closing in on the tip of his dick as she began to gag, raining down warm saliva to drench his pubic hair and nuts. In a flash, he jerked her head up, pushed her onto the hard wood floors, ripped the front of her panties, and penetrated her in one hard thrust. She tried to back away, but Brick wasn’t having any of that. He snaked his hand around her neck, choking her to hold her in place while he beat her pussy with no mercy. He smiled when he felt her instantly get wetter. Amazed, he leaned back just enough to see the watery fluid leaking from her body.

  “You just squirted all over my clothes.”

  She worked her mouth to say something, but she was too far gone to do anything, let alone form actual words.

  He unbuttoned his shirt, tossed it aside, then pulled off his t-shirt without stopping his thrusting hips.

  “Oh, no…there’s no running now. You can scream all you want. I’m going to fuck you so hard, my dick is going to crack your rib,” he groaned through clenched teeth.

  Brick positioned his weight on top of her, and slid his arms under her thighs to force her legs wider before he got to work. He was in a fevered state. His anger, his fears, and his lust had collided to create the beast that was fucking Lakyta with no mercy. It seemed that her every moan, her every cry of passion only served to make him angrier as he tried to punish her for things that she was completely unaware of, for things that had nothing to do with her at all.


  Much later, Brick leaned his head against the shower tile as the water cascaded over him. He closed his eyes and let the hot water relax him. He cursed himself as he thought back to all the things he had done to Lakyta over the last hour. The fact that his arms, lower back, and thighs were sore from all their activity was an indicator of how rough he had been, then he was sure that she would be in bad shape in the morning.

  He took his time while he washed up, dried off, and walked back into the bedroom. He sat back in his chair in an attempt to work, but his gaze kept straying over to the bed where Lakyta slept. He sighed and got up. He didn’t know how long he stood there watching her before he pulled back the covers and got into bed. Determined, he laid far away from her in the double king sized bed that he had custom made. However, when the morning light came flooding through the windows, he had found her in the middle of the night to share in her warmth. He backed away from her as if he had been burnt. Once again, he cursed under his breath. Even in his sleep, he couldn’t stay away from her.

  “Get up,” he commanded, shaking her awake.

  She moaned and rolled over to glare at him.

  “You said you wanted to make money, right? Well, I’m not paying you to lay on your back,” he sneered.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” she asked.

  “Nothing, just get up and dress professional. I don’t need you—”

  “Embarrassing you,” she finished, hotly. She ha
d tried to remain friendly, but she was tired of kissing his ass.

  He saw the hurt flash in her eyes. He quickly opened his mouth to speak.

  “I’ll be on point, Brick…don’t you worry. I’ve been trained to smile, nod, and play the game,” she replied.

  He took note of the odd way she marched into the bathroom. He ran his palm down his face due to the frustration and guilt he felt.

  What the hell is wrong with me? he pondered.

  Well, you can’t blame her. You have been walking around like you had a dose of scaldy ring since yesterday, the voice in his mind pointed out.

  He snatched the alarm clock from off the nightstand and threw it across the room. The annoying high pitch ringing stopped when it hit the wall hard. He wanted her to dress professional because there were men at the construction site. Her presence alone was going to bring a stop to work. Shit, he didn’t want to have to fuck someone up if they stepped out of line.

  Then again, maybe a fight is what I need.


  It was exactly as he had envisioned, but three times worse. She wasn’t talking to him. No matter what he said, she ignored him, and it pissed him off. No, it was more than that. It was the fact that she gave her attention to every man that sought her attention, and there were many of them, too. Her ass swayed in the tight cream pencil skirt while they followed the site manager through the steel and concrete structure. His eyes bore into the eyes of every man that stopped his task to get a better look of the woman that was hanging on to every word of the young man.


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