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Sweet Obsessions: His Beauty, Her Beast

Page 8

by Christine Gray

  She let out a high pitch scream and began to curse when she realized what his plan was. Her eyes widened when he flung her in the air to land hard in the pool’s cold water. The impact of hitting the water stung her flesh.

  “Shit,” he mumbled.

  He jumped in the water after her. He didn’t know if she could swim or not. Then there was the fact that she was drunk that worried him too. He treaded the water. He reached her in time to see her brake the surface.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Yes,” she spat.

  He noticed that her slur was all but gone. It made him wonder if it was the liquor that had been talking or if it was actually her.

  “I hope I ruined your hair,” he teased, pushing the limp hair from her face.

  Still upset, she slapped his hand away. “It should be alright, but it’s almost time for it to be redone. Why do you hate my hair anyway?”

  “I don’t see why you want to put that shit in your hair to make yourself look like everybody else. You’re beautiful without it.”

  She tried to will the butterflies in her stomach to be still. She wanted to break away from his emerald green stare, but she couldn’t.

  “I’m cold, so—”

  “Will you please shut your mouth long enough so I can apologize for hurting you,” he groaned, pushing his hair out of his eyes. “I know I hurt you, Lakyta…and I’m sorry. I was acting like a major maggot. I should have been there for you because although my life has been altered, your dosed up life would have broken many women. I know you have more to offer than suckin’ my flute or being around to flatten me,” he said in a rush.

  A deep frown creased his face at the blank expression on hers.

  She isn’t going to forgive me, he thought as he clenched his jaw.

  Lakyta examined his handsome face illuminated in the blue and red lights of the pool. She noticed for the first time that he was shirtless in his firm, tan glory.

  “Why do you do that?” she questioned at last.


  “Your voice changes. No, not your voice, but you slip into an accent. You’ve done it a couple of times.” She took note of him stiffening.


  “Yeah, like just now. I got the jest of what you said…I think, but some of those words I have no clue. What’s maggot, and I guess a flute is your dick, and flatten me is fucking?”

  He hid his eyes under his hooded lids. “I am Irish, no matter how much my Ma wishes I wasn’t,” he shrugged.

  He wasn’t ready to tell her the real reason why. He would have felt like a fool if he told her that it was only when he was deeply emotional is when it surfaced. Or the truth that she was the only woman besides his mother and at one time, McCormac’s mother that has ever brought that side of him to the surface.

  “Let’s get out of this pool,” he suggested when he saw a shiver run down her spine.

  Lakyta began to tread the water, then stopped.

  “I accept your apology,” she tossed back over her shoulder.

  Brick closed his eyes as if in prayer and whispered, ‘Thank You’ toward the Heavens. He smiled. He was turning into a religious man after all.


  For the next week and a half, Brick was determined to show her that he did value her company by keeping his hand off her. Instead, he took his time to explain his business practices to her, listened to her questions, and helped to build her confidence. He would watch on while she played with McCormac while he poured over papers, and made calls. They went out, which was always an adventure due to the fact that after that day at the jewelers, the circles that he ran in was all in a buzz about it. It was then that he noticed that he needed to choose a different circle. The women were rude and cold, while the men either stared or grinned too damn much.

  Every night when he went to the bathroom to shower, he had to still himself for the obvious assault that Lakyta would mount to get him to give into her demands. She had stopped going to be bed with clothes on. She would lay in bed with her skin shining and crying out for his touch. Her nipples would harden right before his eyes. Last night was no different, but she had switched to playing dirtier than normal. He had emerged from the bathroom to find her nude, in bed, while she watched porn on her phone with her pink toy next to her.

  Brick bit his lip as he eyed the thick monster of a vibrator. His mind was immediately filled with sliding it into her ass and fucking her with that toy while he enjoyed that moist, chewy, hot pussy of hers, or doing it in reverse. He shook his head as if to dislodge the images from his mind.

  “Put in your earphones, please,” he hissed as he jerked the covers back to get into bed, also nude. In spite of the fact that Netflix was on, on the big screen, he kept stealing glimpses at the phone that he was sure she had positioned just right to ensure he could see. It didn’t matter that he had just masturbated in the shower. His dick wanted more. It wanted to be buried nuts deep into her quivering pussy as it stabbed her repeatedly. Unable to take it anymore, Brick snatched the phone out of her hand and tossed it into the nightstand.

  “Go to bed,” he growled, turning off the light.

  The fact that he had tossed and turned all night long, and had caught himself humping her ass in the middle of the night, had cause him to awaken to a bright day only to be grumpy and sour faced. He was in no mood for the person he saw driving through the front gate. He sighed while he watched the car drive down the lane. His mother stepped out of her car. He shoveled across the dark wood floor to greet her at the door.

  “Good morning,” he mumbled with a fake smile on his face.

  Olivia hesitated at the door while she debated on coming in.

  “Are you coming in or not?” he questioned, towering of her.

  He never cared for the pixie haircut her stylist had talked her into getting. She used to have the most beautiful ginger hair that made her blue eyes dazzle. Now she looked more like a toned, tanned, big chested, short-haired, dike in his opinion.

  “I didn’t want to come in if you were busy with La, La—”

  “Lakyta, and she’s gone to drop off McCormac. She’ll be back soon, if you need—”

  “No,” she said a bit too forcefully.

  She quickly pushed her way into the house.

  Brick narrowed his gaze. He hadn’t imagined her sigh of relief upon hearing Lakyta was gone.

  “What do you need, Ma?” He slammed the door shut.

  Olivia would have loved to drag out her visit, but she was pressed for time. She opened her purse and pulled out a catalogue.

  “I came by to see you, of course…and to drop this off for her to choose a dress for the party,” she explained.

  “You can give it to her yourself.”

  “I can’t. I have some place I have to be,” she remarked, waving the book in front of him to take.

  “Ballsch,” Brick hissed. He snatched the book from her hand, opened the front door, and threw it outside into the gravel driveway. “Get out,” he thundered.

  “You little disrespectful son of a bitch,” she spat.

  Even when she cursed she did so with her nose up in the air.

  “That was the first correct thing you’ve said in a long time, Aul wan. I am a son of the biggest, two faced, dingleberries for brains bitch I’ve ever known.”

  He pushed her out of the house. “I’m helping you leave so that Lakyta won’t have to deal with your eejit ass.”

  Stunned, Olivia stumbled out the door. She turned around with her mouth agape.

  “And Da is going to leave your arse if you don’t get your shit together, and Pike and I don’t give a damn cuz we’re sick of your shit, too.”

  Olivia was absolutely numb as she drove out the gate and onto the road. No matter how much she swallowed, she couldn’t get rid of the lump that was in her throat. Brick had voiced what she had known for some time. The colors and scenery before her became distorted due to the tears that welled up in her eyes to stream down her quiveri
ng cheeks. It took her replaying the event her mind a few times for the revelation to finally hit home.

  Her eyes widened. She was so shaken with shock, she lost control of the car for a second before she was able to rescue it from hitting the car in the next lane.

  “He’s already in love with the molly!”

  The forty-minute drive back to her home must have worked wonders because when Olivia breezed through the side door into the house, determination shone from her eyes. She broke from the norm. Instead of using the intercom system to call the staff, she began to bellow their names. She wasn’t surprised to hear the footsteps racing towards her or the looks of fear on the staffs’ faces.

  “We’re having a special dinner here tomorrow to formally welcome one of my new daughters-in-law,” she announced.

  She took note of the quick side eye that a few people gave each other. She had no doubt that they had been gossiping like all staff do.

  “Alright, Mrs. McCormac…what will be on the menu?” asked the head cook.

  “You’ll have no clue of how to cook what we’ll be eating. I will be doing all of the cooking with you assisting.”

  Olivia might have laughed at the way the tall, middle-aged woman practically fell over as if she was having a heart attack, but this was no laughing matter.

  “I’ll need you and Fredrick to come with me to Lucky’s to get what I’ll need. The rest of you, just make sure the house is spotless. Don’t worry about bringing out the silver, either. I want it to be a casual, family affair,” she rattled off as she paced the hallway. “Oh, and you two…I want you to go down in the basement to bring up some family albums and files,” she added.

  Waving them away, the staff all watched in amazement as she took the stairs two at a time.

  “That there, is a woman on a mission,” pointed Fredrick. “It looks like you won’t be sucking Forester’s cock after all,” he smirked at the young girl that had been working on the old man for the last few months. Less of a man would have been sticking it to the girl in his bed while his wife was gone, a long time ago. Fred could tell that the man was interested, but Forester never gave in. He laughed over the fact that backstabbing bitch wasn’t going to win, at least, he hoped she wouldn’t.

  Olivia marched across the landing repeating a name under her breath to make sure she said it right. Quickly, she placed the call. She walked into her closet upon entering her room while she waited.


  “Hi, Lakyta…it’s me, Olivia…Brick’s Ma. I was calling you to invite you over to dinner…well, all of you, really. We need to talk about the engagement party,” she said in a nervous rush. She held her breath, waiting for the girl to curse her out. She sent up a prayer that Brick hadn’t said anything about her attitude from earlier. The sound of Lakyta laughing made her relax a bit.

  “I kinda figured it was you from the accent.”

  “Aye, lass…I still have it although I usually don’t speak in it.”

  “Well you should. I think it’s sexy when Brick does it.”

  Olivia smiled.

  So, it’s happened more than just this morning, she acknowledged.

  “So, I’ll see you guys tonight?”

  “We would love to come. Should I bring—”

  “Nope, I’ll see you soon.”

  Olivia changed out of the blood red pantsuit with black accessories she had on before, to change into a pair of skin tight dark blue jeans, a light pink tank top, and stepped into a pair of blue flats. She examined her reflection in the full-length mirror on the wall.

  There’s a lot of things I’ve stopped doing, she thought.

  She stared at the woman that was looking back at her. Quickly, she grabbed a few tissues out of the box on the table, wet it with her spit, and began to rub off the layers of eye makeup. Frustrated, she ran into the bathroom, washed, dried, and applied facial cream. Her eyes honed in on the freckles across the bridge of her nose and her upper cheeks that she went through great lengths to hide under a layer of heavy foundation. Forester had been talking to the boys about separating, then she had better do something, anything to make it right again. She thought about how things used to be with her husband, and all the things he had voiced to her over the years that was wrong.

  “Hey lass,” she smiled. It was like staring into the face of a long lost friend.

  This time she did laugh at their expressions, ten minutes later when she walked into the kitchen to get the cook and Fredric.


  Forester keep his emotions hidden the entire night. It had only been one surprise after another that had started with Olivia calling him late in the afternoon to inform him about the dinner. He instantly stood up from his chair. It didn’t matter to him that he was in the middle of a meeting. The change in her was obvious. Her speech was normal, fluid, and wasn’t controlled to sound more American. It had taken him a second for him to acknowledge he understood before she hung up. The rest of the day, he was dead to the world. He couldn’t wait to get home to see his wife with his own eyes. He wasn’t disappointed when he walked into the house.

  He felt as if he was in a dream as he strolled into the kitchen. Quietly, he stood there. She had her back turned as she focused, stirring something on the stove. He inhaled deeply the scents he hadn’t smelt in years. He narrowed his gaze and let the sexual desire he had thought had completely dried up for his wife have free reign, causing an instant erection. He rubbed his tapered beard, licked his lips and stared at Olivia’s nice round ass in the tight blue jeans he had never seen before.

  “It smells heavenly.”

  Olivia was startled at the sound of his deep voice. She giggled while she tapped the side of the large stock top and turned around to greet him.

  All of the air in Forester’s lungs seemed to disappear at the sight of his fresh faced wife. He recalled the reason why he had affectionately named her, Elf. Olivia felt hope spring up in her chest from the intense look in his deep green eyes.

  “Aye, I thought to make us something from home to welcome Lakyta,” she explained.

  Forester walked toward the large granite top island that stood between them. He tilted his head in thought.

  “I noticed the change in your speech. Is that to show the girl a touch of home, too?”

  She shook her head slowly, keeping an innocent expression on her face.

  “No, I guess cooking like this brought it back,” she explained.

  “Hmm, I wonder what other things it might have brought back,” he teased in a deep voice. His eyes strayed to her breasts.

  It had been months since he last touched her, let alone look at her with passion in his eyes for her. She had wanted to ask him if he had gone back to cheating again, but she had refrained from doing so out of fear that he would say yes. Forester never lied to her. Olivia shifted her weight to savor the sweet, sharp pain that shot through her cunt.

  “I have to finish the—”

  “I have it,” offered the cook. She had been pretending not to listen. She didn’t have to peek at Forester to know what he wanted.

  “See, you can take a break, besides, I’ve never seen those pants before. I need a closer look,” he stated in a husky voice.

  With a shrug, she walked around the island toward him. He took a step back to signal for her to walk before him. He followed her with his hands locked behind him. It wasn’t until they were a few steps away from their bedroom door he finally spoke to her.

  “When you enter the room, I want you to assume the position,” he whispered close behind her.

  Olivia fluttered in her footsteps. He stopped to make sure their bodies didn’t collide. He wasn’t ready to touch her yet.

  “Don’t hurt yourself, little elf. That’s my job,” he said in a controlled tone.

  He walked past her to reach the door before her. He opened the door, loosened his tie, and began to roll up his sleeves while he waited for her.

  Olivia’s blue eyes burned with a fire that
seemed to burn him. Her eyes moved slowly, taking in his shiny leather shoes, his creased, tailor black pants, to linger at his engorged cock that was threatening to rip the fabric. She took in the hard expression on his face, and felt the impact of his handsomeness. She dropped her gaze and walked into the room. She closed her eyes at the soft sound of the door closing. Without a word, she got on her knees with her back straight, palms face down on her thighs to stare into the distance. She blinked in the darkness as Forester went to every window, closing the curtains. She had to fight the urge to look over shoulder to see what was taking him so long to return. At last, he reappeared.

  Forester bent over and gently lifted her head. He took his time as he applied a shade of red lipstick to her lips. Satisfied, he straightened himself to glance down upon her face.

  “Do you need a warm up?”

  She didn’t have to ask him what he was talking about. She knew what he meant.

  “Yes, please,” she begged. Olivia opened her mouth.

  He ran his thumb over her bottom lip before he inserted his two fingers into her mouth for her to suck.

  “Your mouth is so small,” he hissed.

  He moved his fingers in and out of her mouth a few times, then removed them.


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