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Surrendered to the Wolves [Werewolf Brides 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Cara Adams

  He crouched before her, licking lower and lower and finally tasting her slit and sucking her tiny hot clit into his mouth. Her honey had already dampened her nether lips and she smelled rich and carnal. His cock was harder than a rock and kept bouncing in his way as he tried to concentrate purely on pleasing his woman. She deserved nothing less than his absolute best efforts, and he was determined to arouse her.

  “It’s time to move this party to the bed now,” said Xola.

  Hastily Kairu stood up and pulled the blanket down, exposing the lime-green sheets and pillowcases he’d bought after Esther had told them her favorite colors. He’d also purchased a bottle-green set to use afterward.

  Xola picked Esther up and laid her carefully in the center of the bed and nodded at Kairu, who took her into his arms and settled her over his thighs. Esther teased him by dragging her damp cunt across his hips, before holding his cock at her pussy entrance. He let her take as long as she wanted to, because they all knew she’d slide down over him before very long. She wanted this as much as they did.

  With a sigh she wiggled her hips and accepted him. She was fiercely hot inside and her silky walls held him tightly. Damn but she felt good. His dick was very happy to be inside her. Kairu pulled her down onto his chest and kissed across her forehead, then touched his lips to each eyelid. She snuggled against him and his heart beat fast. This was the fulfillment of every dream, to have her in his arms like this.

  Xola’s hand pushed on her lower back, and Kairu helped by holding her flat on his body. He noted how her nipples dug into his flesh and knew she could feel his own flat little nubs. He stroked his palms over her sides and shoulders, wanting to keep her aroused and still as Xola entered her. It was very important she find double penetration enjoyable. For them to be genuinely a family, truly a mated triad, fucking her together like this was essential. She was the link that joined them all together. When they were both inside her simultaneously they were truly a family.

  Kairu licked along her jawline then kissed her lips, gradually increasing the pressure until she opened her mouth and let him inside. He played with her tongue, sucking it, then tangling his own tongue with hers, before kissing her some more.

  Xola was inside her now, his dick a hard ridge on the other side of the thin sheet of tissue separating them.

  Kairu kissed the sides of her lips and her nose before Xola said, “Together.”

  At the command he began to withdraw from Esther, keeping his pace at the same speed as Xola, until just his cockhead remained inside her. Xola held the position for a beat and then they began entering her again.

  They fucked her oh so slowly, only increasing the speed in infinitesimal increments, until she was wiggling fiercely between them trying to force them to go faster. Kairu’s dick was agreeing with Esther’s plan, but he managed to obey Xola and stick with the program. His dick was so full of seed it was ready to burst, and his head felt about the same, his brain ready to explode with desire for this wonderful woman tucked so tightly between them.

  By the time they were pounding hard and fast into her, he was desperate to come. Esther gave a tiny whimper and poured her hot cream over his cock, the muscles in her pussy clenching tight on his shaft. That same second he lost control and joined her, filling her with his seed and pumping jets of cum into her until his muscles were weak. He stroked her sweaty shoulder gently as she rested on his chest, and he noted that Xola had come as well.

  He and Xola rolled them all onto their sides, so as not to squash Esther, but he was too exhausted to move any farther. Fortunately Xola grabbed the upper sheet and pulled it over them so the sweat on their bodies didn’t chill them.

  He left his cock inside her even though it was only half hard now, but he couldn’t bear to lose the intensity of the closeness they’d shared just yet.

  They cuddled for long moments, until Xola said, “We need to shower. You wash her, Kairu, and I’ll change the bed linens.”

  “I like the color. They’re awesome,” said Esther as he led her into the bathroom.

  “I hope you’ll like the dark green ones as well.”

  “You bought two sets?”

  “Yep. I have the feeling we’re going to be doing a lot of laundry for a while yet. You’re a dead sexy chick, you know.”

  Esther giggled.

  Oh god, I love her so much.

  * * * *

  At nine the next morning, a man called out asking permission to enter the community hall. Esther was surprised as no man had dared come in until now. All the women were up and dressed. Some had already left the building, others were drinking coffee and talking. Several of them answered saying it was okay for the man to enter.

  In came two men carrying two desktop computer towers, screens, keyboards, mice, speakers, and a pile of leads and cords. “We’ve come to install two computers for you, ladies,” said a man Esther realized was Gowan from on the airplane.

  Faster than Esther could have imagined, the computers were running and Gowan was clicking through screens making sure everything worked.

  “Now you ladies can check your emails, update your Facebook statuses, apply for jobs, play computer games, whatever you want.

  “That’s cool. I thought I’d have to go to the local library to do that,” said Shakina.

  “Anything you want, anything at all, just ask,” said the second man staring at Shakina. “My name’s Yaro,” he added.

  Esther hid a grin. It seemed Shakina had made an impression on Yaro. Good for her.

  Esther did want to go to the job search website but the other women were clustered around the computers and she was happy enough to wait. She had so much to think about. Her very first double-penetration sex, which had been better than her wildest imaginings, and the first time she’d enjoyed having her ass fucked. She’d guessed that if there were two men to partner her she’d have to get used to being fucked in the ass as well as in the cunt, but her few experiences of it hadn’t been very enjoyable. However, she knew some women did like it and had just assumed she’d get used to it after a while. Getting used to it was unnecessary. She had no idea what Xola had done, but he’d sure as hell driven her wild with need and she could look forward to plenty of anal sex from now on. She’d come so hard last night she’d thought the top of her head might blow off from the explosion inside her body.

  Esther curled up on the couch and went through everything that had happened in her mind, loving every detail of the way the men treated her and paid attention to her. Of course, after they were mated, some of the attention would die back undoubtedly as they all had to work and do chores, but she was already coming to believe that the instant attraction she’d felt for these men, was because they were the ones for her. It wasn’t ephemeral or lust. It was love after all. So what she needed to do now was find herself a job, and agree to play some true dungeon scenes.

  Already Xola was gently introducing her to BDSM. He gave orders, he restrained her in an unobtrusive manner, he imposed his instructions on her in indefinable ways, and inevitably her desire increased. He knew how to pleasure her body, there was no denying that. Nor could she pretend the orgasms she’d experienced since meeting these two men were anything less than spectacular and way better than anything she’d felt in the past.

  Esther noticed the big room had gone silent. Tanisha was playing a game on one of the computers, Qwera was curled up on the other couch reading a book, and someone was snoring lightly on their bed behind the curtain. Esther got up and sat at the vacant computer to begin her job search. An office job. Any office job at all. She could use Google Maps to ensure she’d be able to get wherever it was in a reasonable amount of time. She supposed she’d be allowed to use one of the farm vehicles. Or maybe Kairu would drop her off on his way to work. The details she could work out later. Right now she needed to see what work was available here in Coopersville.

  * * * *

  “Hey, boss!”

  Jeremy John Rinehart III looked up from his cell
phone to see one of his advisers standing in the doorway of his office. His office was the corner one, of course, on the top floor of the Rinehart Tower in the heart of Coopersville. As the richest man in town, everything he had was always bigger and better than anything anyone else could buy.

  “Don’t call me boss. You make us sound like something out of a bad B-grade movie.”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Rinehart.”

  Jeremy was willing to bet one of the three $1000 notes framed and hanging on the wall of his office that Green was not at all sorry, but he ignored that for the moment. The man was invaluable as a source of local information. “What have you learned?”

  “A small private airplane full of hot chicks arrived at the airport last week and all the women were taken by bus to Cooper’s Farm.”

  “Cooper’s opening a brothel?”

  “He hasn’t bought any property in town. If he’s got a brothel, it’s out on the farm.”

  “Find out if he’s advertising those women anywhere around town. I want to know if any of the men from town have started visiting the farm regularly. And send Sammy in here to me. I want to know if the profits are dropping at any of our houses.”

  Green stared at him, then nodded. “Sure thing, Mr. Rinehart.”

  “Fucking hell,” Jeremy swore, then checked Green had shut the door behind him as he left. The Rinehart name was squeaky clean, but under an alias he had money in every massage parlor in town, and he really didn’t need anyone else opening up in competition with him and undercutting his prices. Women—and men—were a highly lucrative business, and he made much fatter profits from this sideline than he did from any Rinehart company.

  Cooper and his people were active in local politics and, most unfortunately, impervious to offers of bribery. Not that a Rinehart would ever bribe anyone of course. But while Cooper’s people stayed mostly out on their farm, he could ignore them and do as he pleased in Coopersville. And what pleased him was being seen at every important social event with his latest trophy wife on his arm. But the fourth Mrs. Rinehart was proving to be even more expensive than the previous three, and even the Rinehart fortune was finite. He really needed the income from his little sideline businesses.

  There was a knock on his door and Sammy stood there. “Ah, Sammy. Come in and give me the bottom line on all our ventures.”

  Half an hour later Jeremy felt sick. “Where’s it all going? How can I have lost so much money?”

  “Sir, you have three ex-wives and you and Mrs. Rinehart have large living expenses. Besides, there has been somewhat of a downturn in the economy.”

  “What you mean is I’m paying a shitload in alimony to three different women, and the fourth one is going to be even more expensive. You need to find us new ways to generate income, Sammy. I’m not going to become a second-rate citizen in this town just because of Congress’s disagreements and a passel of harpies. All our businesses, all of them, have to bring in more money. And make damn sure no one is encroaching on any of our territory, understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Jeremy breathed more evenly. Sammy would fix it. If Cooper was sticking his nose into their turf he’d cut it right off. Along with the man’s balls.

  Chapter Five

  Xola wanted to plan the perfect BDSM scene with Esther and Kairu. Nothing hardcore and nothing too demanding, but just some games that would demonstrate to Esther the power and attraction of giving over control of her body to him. He knew he could give her greater pleasure than she’d ever experienced before. Already he was learning her touch points, the places that aroused her most, and testing her responses in tiny ways. What he needed now was to have her agree to play a scene with him.

  Xola paced up and down the hallway outside his office. Each individual office was much too small to walk around in, and as a wolf, pacing helped him think. Actually that was an idea. He should go for a run to clear his mind. Xola returned to his office, pulled to the door to, but not quite shut, logged off his computer, and undressed, then shifted into wolf form. He supposed he could ask one of the other men if they wanted to go for a run with him, but he really needed to think and plan, not play, and besides, it was the middle of a work day.

  He nosed the door open wider, looked up and down the hallway, which was empty, then padded out of the building. The rear door was deliberately designed so a good shove with a wolf’s haunches would open it. Once again he glanced around checking there wasn’t someone nearby who might be surprised to see a wolf approaching, but there was no one around so he slid through the doorway and ran across the parking lot and into the trees.

  Xola lengthened his stride, stretching his body out to its full extent as he ran faster now, across grassy fields and through the edges of gardens until he reached the vacant land along the river. Normally he’d have splashed in the shallows, but today he wanted to keep running, so he followed the riverbank across the land, leaping eroded gullies and gradually working his way higher up until he left the river and raced up Lookout Hill. Once again he was alone, but that wasn’t surprising on a work day. He lay under a tree and panted gently, picturing Esther’s gloriously naked body. He couldn’t get her out of his mind, which just reinforced his knowledge that she was the right woman for him and Kairu.

  He understood she’d had to give up a huge amount to come here—her family and friends, her home, and familiar city—but he was determined that she’d soon consider him and Kairu her family, the farm her home, and Coopersville her city. BDSM was an integral part of who he was. He was a Dom and nothing could change that. But part of being a good Dom was patience. The run had cleared his mind on that point though. He would initiate a simple scene with her and watch her body language carefully. Should she seem at all uncomfortable, he’d stop. No whips, canes, paddles, or floggers until she was ready for them, but spanking he would try. If that was accepted, he’d move to some sensory play. Again, nothing dramatic, just some everyday items, like a feather and maybe a brush.

  Xola was ready to return to work, but as he lifted his head to look all around before he stood up, he caught a flash of light. That’s strange.

  He turned his head in the direction the light had come from and focused just to the side of where he thought it was. Sure enough he saw movement. Using every bit of his werewolf enhanced senses he stared hard and could finally see a man in camouflage clothing with binoculars or maybe a camera with a long lens looking into the farm.

  Xola kept his body still. If the man was a hunter with a sniper scope he could have shot him already, so therefore he either wasn’t interested in shooting wolves, or hadn’t noticed him because his attention was elsewhere.

  Maybe five minutes later there was another flash of light, and then movement under the distant trees. Xola concentrated again and knew the man had either moved or left. Careful looking all around showed it was the second option. He was gone. Now that was damn interesting. Who would be watching the farm? And why? What were they looking for?

  Xola stood, shook the dirt out of his fur, then ran directly back to the heart of the farm. Cooper needed to know about this straight away. He didn’t stop for a shower, but got dressed and went into Okapi’s office. At least the man was at his desk and his door wasn’t shut.

  “Hi, Okapi. I’m sorry to interrupt but I saw someone watching the property and wanted Cooper to know straight away.”

  Okapi nodded and buzzed the inner office. “Xola’s here, sir, and wants a few minutes of your time.”

  “Go straight in.”


  Xola tapped on the inner door and opened it, remaining standing until Cooper waved at a chair in front of his desk. Roderick Cooper’s salt-and-pepper hair was messy, as if he’d been outside in the wind, or perhaps had just been running his hands through it. His eyes, however, had as piercing a look as ever. Cooper was only fifteen years older than Xola, but he’d always held an aura of power which, coupled with sharp intelligence, made him a formidable leader.

’s up, Xola?”

  “I went for a run up to Lookout Hill just now, sir, and a man was watching it with binoculars, or maybe a camera with a long lens.”

  “A rifle with a sniper scope?”

  “That’s possible, sir, but he made no attempt to fire at me if that’s what he was using.”

  “Are you sure he saw you?”

  Xola thought carefully before answering. “No, I’m not, but I didn’t try to hide myself. I’d been running to think through a few issues, and ran directly up the hill right out in the open. If he’d been watching the hill he must have seen me. Once I saw the flash of light reflecting off his lens I remained still.”

  “This happened just now?”

  “Yes, sir. I came to see you immediately.”

  “Hmm. Well, that is interesting indeed. Thank you for telling me.”

  Xola stood and left the office, saying, “Thanks, Okapi,” on his way out, but his brain was grappling with more than just a good introductory BDSM scene now. What the fuck was going on? And was the community at risk in some way? Fucking hell. Were the women in any danger?

  * * * *

  Kairu understood Esther’s need for a job and to be independent. He loved his job and felt that, even though on a daily basis his work didn’t make much of an impact on anyone, that over time, the area of wind-power generation had the potential to make the world a cleaner, healthier, and better place. Oh, sure, he was no savior, and nowhere near as useful to society as a doctor or teacher, but he got satisfaction from knowing in his own small way he was doing something he enjoyed and that it was useful.


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