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Til' Death and Deception

Page 8

by Kitty Parker

  Every part of Jack's body hurt, but he didn't care. He pulled her in and leant down, pressing his swollen, bloody lips against her perfect ones. He felt her tremble under him, shock registering in her brain, but it only lasted a moment. She moved herself closer innocently deepening their kiss, her hands pushing upward on his chest. She tasted like oranges and wine, making Jack feel better than he had in weeks, the awkward tension melting away as his passion grew. It wasn't long before Jack couldn't bear the pain anymore, and pulled back from Klara.

  Her face bred the look of horror, reaching her hand up to her lips. She stumbled back, shock filling her green eyes, as if unsure of who initiated the kiss. Jack took a step forward, reaching for her hand. "I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean, I shouldn't have... We're pretending, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

  "Klara, I kissed you." he said quietly, holding onto her hand as she tried to rip it away from him.

  "But, you stopped, you don't, I shouldn't have..."

  "I stopped because it hurt my face too much to kiss you, hurt my side to much to hold you, hurt my ribs too much to breath in such heavy rasps, even though I really wanted to." he smiled, trying to rope her in.

  "You did?"

  "Of course! I wouldn't have tried anything like that if I didn't want to."

  "You weren't just trying to remind me of how it feels to kiss you?" she whimpered.

  "Nope. I didn't know how to tell you that you didn't need to be sorry for the fight, that you didn't have to be upset for my bruises, because I chose to hit the Colonel, because I chose to protect you, chose to care about you."

  "I just hate to see you in so much pain, and over me no less." she crumpled, leaning her head against his chest.

  "It was worth it. I promise you, it was worth it." he pulled her in, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.

  She wrapped her arms tightly around him, causing a groan to come out involuntarily from his lungs. "Kind of hurts to hug too."

  "Oh! Sorry!" she laughed. "Let me finish with your bandage."

  "That'd be great, thanks."

  He could feel her embarrassment as she toiled on his bandages. The scent from her hair wafted up to his nose, making him want to delve back onto her lips. She was gentle, and kind, and when she was finished, she looked up at him with a beaming smile. "For the record, you're still definitely number one in my book."

  Chapter 11

  "Good morning." Jack smiled, planting a kiss on Klara's cheek before sitting at the table.

  "Good morning, how are you feeling?"

  "My face feels better, the ribs still hurt..."

  "Your face looks better." she smiled, turning to face him. "How about breakfast?"

  "Yes please, but, don't make a fuss."

  Klara nodded, throwing together a quick bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon and sugar. She placed it in front of him and moved to pour him some orange juice. With that done, she washed up the few dishes in the sink. And was about to join Jack when a knock came at the back door. She twirled to the door, getting a laugh from Jack in the process.

  "Oh, hello Daniel!" she smiled.

  "Morning beautiful, just one for you today."

  "Thanks, when does he need to be ready?" she blushed.

  "Tonight at 6:30, he just needs stitches, we're afraid the lines will be jammed tomorrow. Can I walk with you to the basement?"

  "Sure." she smiled, feeling the heat rising in her cheeks. They began to walk and Daniel reached for her hand. She flashed a confused, innocent look at Jack, who was watching them intently, forgetting all about the oatmeal in front of him.

  "How have you been?" he asked.

  "Very well thank you."

  "I've missed you! I haven't had a runner in almost two weeks, it was killing me!" he sighed, reaching for her hand. "I almost came alone."

  "Well, I'm glad you didn't! It's dangerous enough without you wandering to my house for no reason." she laughed, pulling her hand away from him.

  Daniel continued jabbering while Klara made the soldier comfortable. Her mind was racing, not knowing how to tell him about her feelings for Jack. She was confused about her feelings for sure, but not confused enough to think herself in love with Daniel, and as he was undoubtably in love with her, it was only fair to tell him. She laid out towels for the soldier, then climbed the stairs with Daniel trailing close behind. He took possession of Klara's hand again when they reached the landing, walking to the back door together.

  "I'll see you tonight." he smiled.

  "Tomorrow." she nodded.

  He leaned in, catching her by surprise, leaving a kiss on her lips that paled in comparison to Jacks. He flashed a huge smile at her, and was off, out the back gate before she had a chance to say anything.

  "For a girl who's never been kissed, you sure do get around."

  "I know! I didn't know what to do! I don't know why he thinks he can just kiss me like that." she leaned her head against the door.

  "Do you want to know why he thinks that Klara?" Jack spat. "Because you don't do anything to stop him!"

  Klara turned to find Jacks face twisted in anger, an expression she had never seen before on his face. She stammered, stunned by his anger, she had thought him joking. "I couldn't say anything! He didn't leave me any time! He kept talking to me, and he kissed me with no warning!" she defended.

  "I heard your entire conversation Klara, you could have said something, anything! And when a man, who has already professed feelings for you begins leaning toward you, that's fair warning that he's going to kiss you! Leaving you with more than enough time to say no, or to step away!" he yelled.

  "You were eavesdropping?" she simpered, shocked.

  "Yes! I don't exactly trust a guy that tells the girl I like, that he wants her at the end of the war. Sorry! But maybe that's where I have things mixed up, maybe that's what you want at the end of the war, him! Like you said, we're just pretending."

  "Am I not allowed to be confused? Here I am, fake married to you to deceive the German military, then you decide you really like me?! Or excuse me, that you care for me. Honestly Jack, how am I supposed to know if any of it is real? Maybe part of me is too unsure of what's happening here to dissuade Daniel, who will I turn to if...well if I've not been careful enough with my trust."

  "What do you think I am Klara? A spy?" he asked, pain replacing his anger. "If I were a spy do you really believe I would punch my commanding officer and take you to meet my family?"

  "No...I don't know...I'm sorry I'm so confused, I wish I weren't. I just can't understand how you're so wonderful, and sometimes I wonder if it's all good too good to be true? It's all so new and different and I'm so nervous. I'm scared and I don't want to be hurt. Oh, I just don't know! I know it's illogical, but the easy explanation is that you're faking because you're a spy!"

  Jack was at the door when her final words hit him. He put on his coat and threw open the door. He started to walk outside when he turned and whispered, "A spy, would have made you fall in love with him before the wedding, and it would have been a lie you couldn't see. A spy, wouldn't dream of you every night before he goes to bed. And a spy wouldn't count the hours until seeing you while he's at work. A spy would have turned you in after he saw the very first runner." He didn't wait for a response, just turned, disappointed, and left for the office.

  Klara managed to swallow her tears until she collapsed into the parlor couch. She was only crying for a moment alone before Grandmere found her. At first, she just sat, putting a comforting arm around her, but then, she wanted details, all of them.

  "What's the matter?"

  "Everything!" she cried, learning into Grandmere.

  "Tell me..."

  "I'm just so confused! Daniel thinks he's in love with me, or, he really likes me a lot at least, and I haven't told him that I don't feel the same way, because I'm confused! I think I'm falling in love with Jack, but I can't be sure, because I'm confused! Jack is upset because he saw Daniel kiss me and then I practically called him a spy!"

nbsp; "You called him a spy?"

  "Not exactly, but you could have interpreted what I said that way...and he did."

  "Do you think he's a spy?"

  "No, but we are in the middle of a war, neck deep in illegal activities and he's working for the other side! I can't help but wonder what might happen...what he might have to do... If he were cornered at work, if he were questioned about us, would our farce of a marriage keep him from exposing us, or would the truth slip from his lips faster than butter on a hot pan."

  Grandmere took her hands, and waited until Klara focused her eyes on hers. "He'd never, you are more than enough to keep him silent. The day after he fought that Colonel for you, I could see it in his eyes, he punched him for a greater reason than a charade. He cares about you, and when I say that, I don't mean like an older brother, I mean like a husband."

  "Do you really think so?"

  "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't, you know me well enough for that." Grandmere assured. "So you're really falling for him?"

  "Yes..."she sighed.

  "Then you need to apologize when he gets home, you have some things to talk about. And tonight when Daniel comes back, you need to talk to him as well."

  * * *

  "It's nearly 7, I don't know where he could be!" Klara paced, talking to the strange soldier who had been waiting in the kitchen for an hour. "Can we call someone?"

  "No my dear, I'm afraid we just have to wait."

  "Why would he be this late?"

  "It's a war my dear, he's not just running through a field of daisies. He has to make sure he's not followed, and make sure the lines are clear. And you can never count out the worst..."

  "Grandmere! Nothing happened, I'm sure nothing happened." Klara reassured herself.

  "What do we do if it's too late, do I need to take him somewhere."

  "No!" Grandmere near shouted. "You never leave the safe house, ever! Not with a runner. We'll just keep him until they send someone. Maybe the lines are jammed with Nazi's and they can't get anyone out, we just need to sit tight. So how about a cup of tea, I'm sure that will relax us all."

  * * *

  "Eiffel, we've got one. Looks like he was on his way to a run, they gunned him down in the street, just need you to check it out before you head home, you know, write up the report." another soldier yelled into his office.

  It felt like a stone dropped down into the center of his stomach. On the way to a run... He remembered Daniel, going to meet Klara at 6:30 for the soldier he had dropped off this morning. The glance at his clock only sickened the feeling, it was 6:25, Daniel was never late, he would have been on his way. But surely there were other runners in this part of France, and he couldn't imagine that there weren't several out on any one night. Jack joined the other soldiers in a black car, headed toward the street holding the dead runner. His stomach lurched when they passed Klara's home, going only three streets away from where she was currently, he prayed that she was safe.

  It only took one glance to know that his worst fears were confirmed. Daniel laid, sprawled on the cobblestone, a scarlet stain seeping through his t-shirt. "Jack, you need to check him for any documents, they'll need to go to headquarters tomorrow."

  "Yes sir." Jack managed, holding back his grief, knowing that if he gave anything away, Klara and Grandmere would be at risk.

  He straddled Daniels body and patted him down for anything. He found a gun, obviously unused, and pulled that out for his soldiers, he had to come up with something. He searched through his pockets and found two pieces of paper and carefully pushed them up his shirt sleeve, not wanting the Nazi's to have any information that might indicate Klara or Grandmere. He found a receipt in his trouser pocket, which he decided was just a receipt, that could be delivered without any adverse affect. When he was finished, he turned in the gun and receipt, and made to leave.

  "Hey Eiffel, you live near here don't you?" One of the privates yelled.

  "Yea, a few blocks." Jack answered, trying not to sound nervous in response.

  "Can we stay with you for the night? We've got some things to finish up here, and by the time we get finished, it will be real late getting back to the barracks. Will your wife mind?"

  "Oh, no, of course not, but we don't have enough food to feed you all, there's a café down the block here, if you don't mind grabbing dinner before you come." he thought, buying him and Klara time. He knew he couldn't refuse their request, because it would raise suspicion. He also knew that he had to make sure the runner was gone before any of his men could be staying in their house, the basement door would have to be locked, from the inside.

  "Sure Jack, no problem, there will be six of us. Jenkins is going to go home...misses the wife." Erik added before allowing Jack to make his way home.

  "Do you remember where the house is? It's number 24, three streets over, a yellowish green color."

  "We'll find it, thanks, see you in an hour or two."

  Jack smiled, still playing the part of a cool, married officer, doing his part for the Nazi party. As soon as he was a safe distance away, dread covered his face, he was unable to fake it any longer. He jiggled his key in the old fashioned lock and quickly placed his coat in the closet, wasting no time to find Klara. Fortunately, he didn't have to look far.

  "You!" she screamed, her arms flailing as she surged forward. "He's dead! Because of you! Why, why?! Because he had feelings for me? You turned him in, and I told him he could trust you; asked him to trust me! You knew he would be here at 6:30 , you knew! You told them when you got to work, you waited until the time was right, then you took your little soldiers to the street he would be on. How could you, how could you?!" she screamed, punching into his chest.

  The force shocked his still wounded ribs, but he didn't waste a moments thought on that. "Listen, I didn't turn Daniel in, in fact, I've seen tips about him and they always make their way to the fire place. Please, listen to me, we must be quick."

  "I don't want to listen to you ever again! Get out! Get out! This whole ridiculous, sickening, foolish charade is over! He was right, he was right, I shouldn't have trusted you."

  "You were right in trusting me, you can still trust me! Did you think just because I was here that nothing would happen to those around you? I need you to trust me now." he shook her, forcing her to bring her eyes to him. "I need you to trust me, now." he whispered, earnestly.

  "Well, that's going to take some time, if we aren't ripped from our beds tonight! It will only be moments before the rest of the Nazi party falls down on us. Did you think of that during your little jealous rage? Lord only knows what they'll do to us when they find us, oh they'll kill us, or arrest us, but not until they rape me over and over again! You should have just let the Colonel do it at the party, broke your ribs for nothing!" Each word got louder as she shouted, her cheeks tear stained, she was clearly upset, and their fight earlier only added to the issue.

  "Please Klara, listen! I am on your side, I want to see the Nazi's go down! I just came from inspecting the scene of Daniel's death. He was shot by a patrol, but they made me search his body for any evidence that might point to safe houses. Here are the papers I pulled from his pockets, papers I didn't want my soldiers to see!" he shoved them at her. "I don't know how to prove that I'm innocent, and that I'm loyal, to you, to the Allies. But I am. At the same time, I have to appear loyal to my soldiers to keep us safe, and they want a place to stay for the night, because they're so far from the barracks. They asked to stay here, I couldn't say no without looking suspicious. So in an hour, six Nazi soldiers are going to walk through that door."

  Klara stood, stunned by his urgency. Jack continued, "We have work to do, we need to hide anything that looks suspicious, the basement door needs to be locked from the inside so they can't get in. We need to find places for them to sleep, and get blankets, and we need to triple check everything to make sure they won't find anything uncommon. I need to move all of my things into your bedroom, they'll find it strange if my stuff is in
a separate bedroom, and I'm going to have to sleep with you tonight, same bed and all. These guys are trained to see beyond what's there, they're trained to search, and we need to beat them at it. They won't be looking for anything, but if they see something suspicious, it will trigger them to search. If you want to stay safe, you need to do what I say. And when they come, they won't take you and Grandmere prisoners, you'll know that I'm telling the truth, that I've always been telling the truth, and you'll know that you can trust me."

  "And what if I don't trust you, what if I think they're coming to arrest us."

  "Why would I drag it out? Why would I put myself through all the obstacles of making it look right in here if we were just going to arrest you in the morning? Why would I warn you at all that they're coming, giving you a chance to run? And if you do run, it would only make you look suspicious, a suspicion I couldn't cover for." he pleaded, grabbing her hands. "I can't loose you, please, trust me for 6 hours, let me prove that you're all I care about."

  Klara softened, "Fine." she said quietly. "Let's get to work."

  Chapter 12

  "Goodness I hope they're not drunk." Jack sighed pacing in the parlor. "Oh and if we start speaking German, please don't be nervous, they aren't the greatest with English."

  "I understand." she said quietly, her knees bouncing with anxiety. "Thank you for letting Grandmere go."

  "It was senseless to risk anything happening to her, they won't be suspicious if she's not here."

  "Yes, but you didn't have to let her go, especially if you were a spy." she said humbly.

  Jack was about to continue, but a harsh knock on the front door stopped him. Klara tensed, standing timidly. Jack reached for her hand, which was surprisingly comforting, and they walked to the door together. Jack opened it without hesitation and Klara greeted the six men waiting outside with a smile. Forgetting that they could be there to arrest her. If she let them see her fear, and what Jack said was true, they would soon be looking for something they had never intended.


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