Til' Death and Deception

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Til' Death and Deception Page 11

by Kitty Parker

  "Hello!" Jack yelled, walking into the foyer. He was instantly attacked by the three women in the family, hugs covering his body. He pulled Emmaline up into his own arms and gave her a huge kiss on the cheek, that sent her into a fit of giggles.

  "What a pleasant surprise!" Maman smiled, pulling him into yet another hug.

  "Can I ask you one question Maman?" Jack interrupted.

  "Of course!"

  "Do you have any extra supper?" he asked, a hungry glint in his eye.

  "I thought you were looking thin! What has that girl been feeding you?"

  "Not much to be honest, she's not been quite the same since her Grandmere passed." he whispered, hoping his comment would brush past the ears of the girls without them noticing.

  "Oh, the poor dear, of course she's not felt up to cooking. Come into the kitchen, I'll heat you up something. We have ham and turkey in the refrigerator, which would you prefer?"

  She didn't wait for Jack to answer, but was on her way to the kitchen immediately, muttering to herself about the fabulous dinner she was going to put together for him. He sat at the kitchen table, head in his hands, barely paying attention to her as she twirled around the kitchen, formulating a meal that would have caused any grown man to drool, even Jack who didn't always care for her cooking was licking his lips. As he sat, he sighed heavily, trying to decide what to do about Klara. He didn't want their marriage to be annulled, and he didn't know how to change her mind about it.

  Even through the past two months he found her presence comforting. Truth was, he was becoming more and more drawn to her with each day. The gentle sway of her hips when she walked down the stairs to the basement, the simple hum that echoed through the house when she showered. Despite her ignoring him, and forcing him into starvation, his feelings grew, he wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her and hold her until she was better. On her worst day, she was more perfect for him than any other woman, and it took being thrown out, and the long train ride for him to finally figure it out.

  Of course he had realized that it was difficult to pull himself away from her kisses that night three weeks ago. It took every ounce of his strength to detatch himself from her. But he simply attributed it to the fact that it was never easy to refuse a woman's touch. Only now did he realize that he had wanted her more than he'd ever wanted anything in his entire life. The only question in her mind was whether or not she had really wanted him, or if she was just trying to find a way out of her grief.

  "Looks like you've got something on your mind son." his father asked, breaking apart a roll at the other side of the table.

  "You could say that." he sighed, running his hands through his hair. "I think I love her."

  "Well I should hope so, if you married her."

  Jack looked up, fully aware of the comment he just made, fully aware of the fact that his father was supposed to be fooled by his marriage. As he looked at his father, he realized that his admission was nothing his father was not expecting, with the sly grin on his face and gentle nod of his head. "You knew we weren't in love?"

  "Yes." he laughed, taking a bite of his roll. "You are a sensible boy Jack. You don't do anything without thinking it through, in fact, most times you over think things. I know that for whatever reason, you married her with plenty of thought, but no love."

  "Papi? Would you ever report anything to the Nazi's?" Jack asked bluntly, unable to meet his father's eyes.

  "Never. Look at me Jack...never."

  "I married Klara because her and Grandmere were in trouble, I mean, big trouble. I married her to prevent surveillance on her house. We haven't done anything more than kiss, and even that has only been for show, mostly. We sleep in separate rooms, we're more like roommates than spouses. And now, now that she's kicked me out of the house, I think I'm in love with her and I don't know what to do." he sighed.

  "Why did she kick you out?" he asked simply.

  "She was a mess after Grandmere died, an absolute mess. One day, I was finally making progress with her, my pushing was paying off, and she started talking about Grandmere. Memories spouting from her beautifully full lips, a sparkle finally returned to her fiercely green eyes, it was the first smile I had seen in weeks. We got into the house and she pushed herself on me, and I would have lost myself to her advances, if she hadn't said 'Maybe if I could forget...just for a few minutes.'" he groaned, falling flat onto the table. After a moments silence, he looked up, to find his father across the table, a huge grin splayed across his face.

  "I have raised quite a man, your mother would have been proud of you."

  "She is so angry with me Papi, for pushing her away that night. She's been bitter, and resentful, she barely talks to me. And when I tried to explain my actions, she kicked me out, and she told me she wants an annulment as soon as possible. I can't let her go, I'm afraid something will happen to her, it's dangerous where she is. But how can I make her see that it wasn't because I think she's repulsive that I wouldn't do more than kiss her?"

  "Well, I think that coming here was a good decision. Perhaps staying away for the weekend will help her realize that she needs you more than she thinks. And while you're here, we'll think of a way to get her back. You really do love her, don't you?"

  "Why do you say that?" Jack asked, his mouth filled with rice.

  "Because the only way you'd go without a good meal for a long period of time, is for love." he laughed, the lines outlining his eyes showing themselves with his smile. "I've got to be off, I have somewhere to be tonight, but we'll talk more about this tomorrow, we've got the rest of the weekend. Eat your fill, then get a good nights sleep, try not to think about Klara too much." he winked.

  "Where are you going?"

  "Let's just say it's something I wouldn't want reported to the German's..."

  Jack nodded in understanding. "I won't say a word, ever."

  "I know, keep an eye on your Maman and your sisters for me, I might not be back until morning."

  "Good luck Papi."

  His father reached across the table, covering his hand quickly before standing to leave. It made sense that his father would be working against the Germans, what Hitler was doing never seemed to sit right with him, though he never said anything out loud. At first, Jack was reassured by the fact that his father was doing something to help end this war. Then he realized that whatever he was doing, was dangerous. Immediately his thoughts jumped to his younger sisters and Maman. Whatever his father was doing had put those three at risk as well.

  He finished his meal and placed the dirty dishes in the sink, knowing that Maman would have a fit if he had attempted to clean it up himself. Then, he pulled his blankets from his bedroom, and moved the large armchair in the parlor to just outside the front door. His rifle was loaded and ready by his left side, and he pulled off his boots, lifting his feet up onto the small armoire. With issues of Klara and his family pressing down on his mind, there was only one thing he could be sure of, that he would not be getting much sleep tonight.

  Chapter 16

  Klara's eyes shot open and she scrambled up from the floor. Something hitting her in the face as she stood, and her mind tumbled through the things it could be. It took her a moment to remember that she had come into her Grandmere's room last night, and that she had only found solace inside her closet. In the middle of the night she heard a loud squeal and had herself near hysterical. She moved into her Grandmere's room, hoping to find comfort there, and still couldn't sleep in her cushy bed. Finally, she pulled the covers off the bed, and made a make shift bed in the closet, feeling safer with the doors closed tightly. Somehow, being surrounded by her Grandmere's familiar scent had been able to lull her into some form of sleep.

  While she was carefully folding the blankets that were strewn in the small space of the closet, she got to thinking about how horrible her night had been. Jack had been right, even if she didn't have runners, she needed him. How would she survive if every night was as bad as the previous one. Of course, t
he memory of the rejection from weeks before still hurt, but perhaps she could try harder to forget it. While she began to drag the blankets from the closet, she began to realize that perhaps Jack had been right, wouldn't she have been equally angered to discover herself in his bed the next morning? How could she have acted so ridiculously?

  She had cleaned up Grandmere's room and resolved to find Jack. Hopefully he would accept her apology and come back home with her before Monday. Before she could go, she needed to unlock all the doors inside the house, and then get in the shower and get dressed. She couldn't look a mess to go beg him back, especially not in front of the Eiffels, who now probably thought her insane anyway. If she was lucky, she could make the ten o'clock train without any trouble.

  * * *

  Jack woke slowly, massaging his neck that had grown stiff from the uncomfortable night sleep. He shuffled into the kitchen, where Maman was making some coffee and some oatmeal on the stove. Roughly, he pulled out a chair, and fell into it, which caused Maman to spin around, she was obviously not expecting anyone this early. The look on her face said it all, Jack knew immediately that she was worried about Papi, and that he wasn't home yet.

  "Are you ok Maman?" Jack asked carefully.

  "Of course dear, can I get you some coffee?" She shrugged off her emotion, setting herself to the work in the kitchen. It reminded him of the way Klara calmed herself by washing the dishes, he missed her already and it had only been one night.

  "Yes please."

  "He's not usually back this early, I don't know why I've got myself so worked up." she laughed, trying to cover the shake in her voice.

  "How often does he go out?"

  "Most nights. He's been coming back later and later each time, I think the army is on to them, so he has to be more careful when he's coming back home. I don't think he cares so much about being caught, as he cares about them finding us. He makes new routes to get home each time, that way if he is followed, they won't find him on a direct path to our house."

  "What is it that he's doing, exactly?" he asked as she put the hot mug of coffee in front of him.

  "He started by helping our Jewish neighbors into hiding. Then, we realized that hiding them wasn't enough, with all the soldiers searching for hiding Jews. So, he started to help them into Switzerland. I thought he would stop when our neighbors were safe, but he hasn't because he realized how many others need help." she sighed, sinking into her chair. "Don't misunderstand me Jack, I am so proud of him. I'm just worried."

  "Is there anything I can do Maman?" he asked, seriously.

  Maman sat, heads in her hands, taking a big breath, she let it go slowly. When she raised her head, tears were streaming down her cheeks. Jack reached for her hand across the table, and when he took it in his, he could feel it trembling. "Will you take the girls?"

  "Oh, Maman..."

  "Please Jack, I can't leave your Father, he needs someone here to help him and cook for him and take care of his laundry, and I love him, I can't leave him when he's doing something so amazing. But, I worry for my girls, I can't sleep for fear that something might happen to them. You can keep them safe Jack, take them home with you, please. Klara will take care of them, and you work for the Army, they won't suspect you of anything. Please!"

  Jack sat quietly in his chair, thinking about what Maman had just asked him. He understood her plea, and he wanted to help. But he wasn't sure about Klara. If he was still in her good graces, it wouldn't be an issue, he would take the girls right now and settle them into the house in France. When he had left, she had been so angry, he wasn't sure she'd let them in. He was about to say that he couldn't take them when he remembered their visit a few months ago. The girls loved Klara, and Klara loved both girls, he knew it wasn't an act, she truly fell in love with his sisters. Even if she was angry with him, she wouldn't turn his sisters away, perhaps he'd be doing more than a service to his family, perhaps he could get Klara to take him back.

  "Ok Maman, I'll take them, when?"

  "As soon as you can, we'll have our breakfast, then I'll wake them up. You can get them their breakfast, and I'll pack their things. Hopefully your father will be back before then, and he'll be able to say goodbye. If not, you'll just have to go, I can't wait any longer, I need to know they're safe."

  "Alright, Maman, we'll do it just as you say."

  They ate breakfast in silence, tears running down Maman's cheeks as she ate her oatmeal, no doubt feeling the sacrifice she was making for the welfare of her children. After they finished, they went to get the girls, and Jack did as he was asked, serving them both small bowls of oatmeal. They had no idea what was going on, eating their oatmeal as if it was any other Saturday morning. While they were eating, a gentle knock sounded on the front door, Jack called up the stairs, announcing that he would answer, afraid of what might be waiting on the other side, wanting to protect his family as long as he could.

  He opened the door to find Klara standing before him, her cheeks pink with exercise, the breeze gently blowing the skirt of her dress and her perfume toward him. The shock must have shown on his face, because Klara's face twisted in embarrassment and she looked down at her shoes, which she was twisting anxiously on the steps. "Can I talk to you?" she asked in barely a whisper.

  "Sure." Jack answered, stepping further outside, closing the door behind him.

  "Oh, I thought we would talk inside..."

  "Sorry, it's just, there's a lot going on inside, and I can't let my Maman know we're fighting, or that you want an annulment. I'm very glad you're here, I need to talk to you about something too."

  "Me first." she said quickly, placing a hand on his chest. "I'm sorry I've been so cruel lately, my pride was hurt, and I let it go too far. I shouldn't have kept food from you, and I shouldn't have ignored you at the house. I'm sorry if I pushed you away, and I just came to say that I don't really want the annulment. I had a horrible night last night, I don't know what I was thinking when I said I didn't need you. I was upset and I said things that I didn't mean. Besides, you were absolutely right about not going to far, I don't know what I was thinking. What I'm trying to say is, would you please come back home with me?"

  Jack exhaled in relief and pulled Klara into a hug. "I'm so glad to hear you say that. It makes what I have to talk to you about much easier. First, let me say that I didn't mean to hurt your pride, I really was just trying to protect you. With that said, I have something to ask, or tell you."

  "Go ahead." she smiled, clearly more relaxed than she had been a moment ago.

  "My father is helping with something dangerous, and Maman isn't willing to risk the girls safety. She's asked me to take them, until it's safer. I was hoping that you would take me back when you saw the girls, and now that I know you have, I hope it's ok that I've told Maman I'd take them. I could really use your help with them, Maman trusts you, she believes the girls will be in good hands with you."

  Klara stood, her head tilted to one side, her lips pursed and thought on her brow. She twisted her foot and twirled her hair, then looked Jack straight in the eye, which made him a bit uneasy. "We'll take good care of them, what can I do now?"

  Jack sighed relief, pulling her into another hug. He turned her toward the door, and grasped her hand in his, this was the girl he was in love with, this was the girl he wanted to stay married to, he was glad to have her back. "The girls are eating your breakfast, if you could keep them occupied and sit with them while they finish. They don't know anything about coming with us, Maman is waiting to tell them, she's hoping Papi will be home by then."

  "I can do that, when will we leave?"

  "As soon as they're packed. Thank you Klara."

  "You helped me, it's my turn to help you." she smiled, giving his hand a squeeze. She walked through the front door gracefully, making her way to the girls. They squealed at her appearance, Jack could only imagine the scene in the kitchen. He bounded up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and found Maman crying as she was packing Arabella's bag
. Their closet was bare, four bags sitting in the middle of the floor filled with clothes, sweaters, jackets and frilly girl things.

  Jack helped pack the remainder of their things, making sure to grab the two dolls Klara had given to them, packing them safely in small bags that the girls would be able to carry themselves. It didn't take long to have all of their things packed. Maman took a deep breath, and a hug from Jack before heading downstairs to tell the girls. Papi was still not home, and she had all of the weight of telling them on her shoulders.

  Instead of explaining everything to the girls, she simply told them that Maman and Papi were going on a trip, and couldn't take them with them. She told them they'd be staying with Jack and Klara, and at that news, the girls erupted with excitement. They loved their brother, and new sister, and were excited to be able to spend more time with them than a weekend. Because of their lack of understanding, only Maman had tears in her eyes as they left the small house. Jack put down his two bags and let Maman hug him tightly.

  "Take care of them." she whimpered.

  "I will, please be careful, and tell Papi to be careful."

  "I will."

  The girls gave another wave to their mother then focused on the road ahead. Klara had a satchel on her back, and held both girls hands. Jack had a bag on his back and one in each hand, they walked slowly toward the train station, the girls chatting quickly, updating Klara on the fascinating happenings of their young lives. Jack smiled at the three girls walking beside him, glad for all three of them. Though he was nervous for his parents, he was glad to be the keeper of his sisters while they did what they needed to. He had missed seeing them everyday, and was hoping they would adjust quickly to life in France. Life was certainly about to change, for all four of them.

  Chapter 17

  "Supper was very yummy. I wish Maman knew how to make this!" Arabella exclaimed, after scraping the bottom of her bowl with her finger, licking the sauce from it with a slurp.


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