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Til' Death and Deception

Page 14

by Kitty Parker

  * * *

  "Can I just say one more time, thank you for doing the laundry, and for fixing dinner." Klara giggled, drying the last plate.

  "You do so much for us all, we all wanted to do something for you, give you a whole day off. I can't believe you wouldn't let me wash those dishes. But since you wouldn't, how about I make us some tea, and we play a game of chess?"


  "Checkers it is."

  "I'll make the tea, you set up the game?"

  "Klara, it's supposed to be your day off, I can make tea and set up the board."

  "Ok, I do kinda have to use the bathroom." Klara blurted, dashing from the kitchen.

  Jack laughed as he filled the tea pot with water, his relationship with Klara had certainly become more relaxed in the past month, despite all of their added stress. He could barely hear her feet in the hall upstairs, she was clearly trying to be quiet, not wanting to wake the girls up. She had been so excited about their effort while she was out, that she insisted they all have fun, and saved the dishes until after they were asleep. Jack had finished with the tea and was just placing the last black piece on the board when Klara entered the parlor.

  She was wearing a pair of light cotton weave pants, with a large sweater that hung almost down to her knees. Her brown hair fell in tired curls, tied loosely in a ribbon, draped over her shoulder, pieces tumbling around her face. There wasn't a trace of makeup on her face, her cheeks shiny and freshly scrubbed. She grabbed a pillow from the couch and dropped down to the floor, the pillow beneath her, her head resting in her hands.

  "Ready for me to beat you?"

  "I don't think so Klara."

  "I warn you, I spent a lot of summers playing checkers with my Grandpere."

  "I think I can manage." Jack winked, motioning for her to make her first move. She bent her head down, deep in thought, the tip of her tongue finding it's way out of her lips. With one finger she slid a black piece forward, her finger lingering for a moment before she was finally satisfied. Her gaze stayed on the piece, as if analyzing her decision.

  "Your turn!" Klara laughed. Jack realized he was staring, and moved his thoughts to the game. He carefully moved one of his red pieces, only to get a laugh from Klara, clearly he had just played into her strategy, though he had no idea how. Their game continued, Klara giggling like a school girl after Jack's every move, hopping over his red pieces like there was nothing to it at all. Klara was deep in thought over another move, Jack had only six pieces remaining, and he couldn't wait any longer.

  "Klara, will you miss me when the war is over?" he asked, watching her slide a black checker forward.

  "Please, don't..." she said quietly, shifting uncomfortably, her eyes glued to the board.

  "Don't what?"

  "Don't talk about that..."

  "I'll miss you." he said quickly, not allowing her the opportunity to stop him. He needed to say it, he needed to say it all.

  Klara looked up for the first time during the game, her green eyes glistening with tears. "I'll miss you too." she sniffed. "Now can we please get back to the game?"

  Jack moved another piece, but continued. "I'll miss your eyes, your smile, your laugh, the way you wash the dishes with your hips swaying back and forth. I'll miss you songs, your scent, the curves of your face. I'll even miss taking cold showers if it means you aren't there to use all the hot water. I'll miss your strength, your stubbornness, even your anger. I will miss every ounce of you, every stitch that makes you who you are."

  He paused, looking up for the first time, unable to do so before, he saw Klara's eyes still glued to the game board, unblinking, her hand frozen on a black checker. He continued, not trusting himself to stop now, afraid he'd never be able to get the rest out. "So, as I realized how deep a hole losing you would leave, I knew I couldn't do it, I knew I could never let you go." He reached across the board, lifting her chin, forcing her eyes to meet his. "Klara, I love you more than I thought I could ever love anyone, and I know I should have told you sooner, but I was so afraid to hear you say it was all just pretend. That I was nothing more than a fake husband, helping you to avoid the notice of the Germans, someone you'd be happy to be rid of at the wars end. And while that still could be your response, I think I would always regret not asking this one question."

  "What question?" she whispered, her eyes wide.

  "Will you stay married to me? After the war is said and done, will you stay with me, will you be my wedded wife until death do us part?"

  Tears were falling down her cheeks, a mingled expression on her face. "Whatever your answer, I will be your husband for as long as I live, and I will cherish, protect, honor and serve you until the day I die. For quite some time, you've been the perfect wife I've imagined raising my children with. No one else could ever be suitable."

  Klara let out a half sob then pulled herself across the checker board, destroying their game. Without answering, she welded her lips to his, kissing him with a passion he had never felt before. He held her tightly, his mind and soul lost in the woman he adored. Suddenly she pulled away, just far enough to break her lips from his.

  "Yes," she whispered with a giggle, "I've loved you since before Grandmere died. I thought when you pulled away from me that night, that you were trying to say you didn't feel the same way about me. I was discouraged, which was why I was so angry with you, it was easier to be angry, than hurt. But then, these past few weeks, I've been feeling entirely different, and I know you were just trying to protect me. And, to hear you say you love me..."

  Jack couldn't help himself, letting his mouth fall on hers again, smothering her with kisses. After another moment, she broke free again, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. "When can we be married?"

  Jack stood, then bent down to pick Klara up from the ground. He looked into her eyes, a sly smile on his face. "That's the beauty of it...we already are."

  "Are you sure that's not sinful somehow? We were just pretending then, we didn't mean it." she asked, concern in her eyes.

  "Well, we are married in the eyes of the law, we have the document to prove it. And if it will make you feel better, we can find a pastor tomorrow and say our vows again if it's God's eyes you're worried about, and mean them."

  She shook her head, "I don't need a pastor, but I would like to mean them."

  Jack understood her meaning and set her down. He straightened his clothes, took Klara's hands and cleared his throat. "I, Jack Barrett Eiffel, take you, Klara Ann Kemp to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, until death separates us, I pledge to you my love and faithfulness." Jack dug into his pocket and pulled out the ring that had been lingering there. Klara gasped as he slid the blue sapphire on her finger.

  "Grandmere's ring!"

  He nodded, "The girls found it today, while they were playing dress up, Grandmere would have wanted you to have it." Klara stared up at him, unable to speak, then she turned around and dashed up the stairs without a word. Jack was left in the parlor, confused for only a second before she returned, taking his hands in hers.

  "I, Klara Ann Kemp, take you, Jack Barrett Eiffel to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, until death separates us, I pledge to you my love and faithfulness." Klara too reached into her pocket, taking out a gold band, sliding it on Jack's finger.

  "Where did you..."

  "It's Grandpere's, Grandmere would have wanted you to have it."

  Jack smiled at the amazing girl before him and whispered, "May I kiss the bride?"

  Klara smiled coyly, "She would be upset if you didn't..."

  Jack placed one hand firmly behind her knees, the other behind her back and swept her into his arms. He kissed her once soundly on the mouth then carried her upstairs to the bedroom, her fingers wrapped in his hair, her head n
estled into his neck. They were as quiet as they possibly could be, closing the door and locking it to make sure the girls would not be able to enter without them knowing. Jack laid Klara on the bed delicately, her hair spread across the quilt seductively. A flicker of uncertainty graced her face for one second, and then it was gone, relaxation and desire replacing it. Jack pressed a kiss to her lips and knew they were both finished pretending, forever.

  Chapter 21

  Sun streaked into the bedroom, it's light dancing on Jack's face, he breathed deeply, enjoying Klara's scent. He cracked open his eyes, finding her curled delicately next to him. Her bare shoulders peeked out of the comforter, the rest of her covered modestly. Her hair pooled to one side, unbrushed waves looking perfect. She sighed happily, her eyes flicking beneath her closed lids.

  Jack hated that he had to get up and go to the office, getting out of the warm bed was his least favorite moment of the day. The moment he left the house meant he wouldn't see her for eight hours, he spent the rest of the day counting down the minutes until he would see her again. He rolled out of bed, trying not to disturb her, the girls were still asleep, which meant Klara could spend a little extra time in bed.

  He tried to tuck the covers around her, only to see her eyes flutter open, a smile immediately flooding her lips. Unable to resist their seductive curve, he pressed a kiss to them, feeling her smile widen. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him back into the bed. He pulled back, knowing he couldn't fall into her embrace, knowing he had to go to work, knowing he had to leave her.

  "Go back to sleep beautiful, the girls are still asleep."

  "Don't go..." she whispered, one hand still stroking the back of his neck.

  "I have to, believe me, I don't want to. But, go back to sleep while you can, you had a late night." he winked.

  A beguiling blush painted her cheeks and she smiled again, no doubt remembering the events of last night. Jack leaned in for another quick kiss, then fled from the room, knowing she could keep him captive all day if he didn't break free now. He showered and got ready, then went down stairs to find Klara dancing around the kitchen. She had made him an egg and bacon sandwich for the train ride to work, and packed him an excellent lunch in his tin. Before allowing him to leave she pressed another kiss on his lips, clutching him in a hug as though she needed him to stay. With one more heart wrenching separation, Jack left, walking backward down the street until he couldn't see her any longer.

  * * *

  "What's going on in there Erik?" Jack asked as he sauntered into the office.

  "Not exactly sure, but they are having major trouble with Jews getting over the boarder to Switzerland. Hitler is outraged, and since we're a communications office, some of the top Generals are here to speak with the Major."

  "What kind of trouble?" Jack asked with little emotion, despite the fear that was currently gripping his heart.

  "Well I know they think that Germans are hiding and helping Jews over the boarder. They are going to set up a task force to find them out. They not only want to find the Jews, but those responsible for their flight."

  "And how are they getting them to Switzerland?"

  "We aren't very far from the border now are we? It seems like they're sneaking them to cargo ships in boxes. The dogs aren't picking up the scent of them in the boxes, so our soldiers haven't been checking the ships. We don't know how to fix that, so we need to find the Jews before they're transported. I don't know what they are going to decide on, but that's what Major told me they were coming for."

  Jack's heart sunk, they were looking for his father. Not just his father, but the group of people he was working with. He knew that Erik had been describing exactly what his father was involved with. When they had come to the basement at Klara's house months ago, his father had described the entire process. If the Major got even the smallest hint that his own father was involved with the transportation of Jews, Jack would be questioned, Klara and the girls would be in danger.

  "Eiffel, you alright?" Erik asked, leaning over his desk.

  "Actually I'm not feeling very well..." Jack admitted, unable to hide his worry.

  "Why don't you go home?"

  "I can't, there are far too many officers here, and we have work to do, don't we?"

  "Not really, they'll probably be in there all day. We don't have any tips to look into, and, if someone asks where you are, I'll tell them you're looking into a tip. I just really don't want you to throw up in the office, you throw up, I throw up."

  "If you're sure you can cover, I would love to go home. I'm sure it's just something I ate, I'll be better tomorrow."

  "Get going, let that pretty wife of yours take care of you."

  "Thanks Erik, you're a good man." he shook his hand. "I'll see you tomorrow."

  Jack walked out of the office quickly, not wanting to linger where danger could be lurking. On the train ride home he made up his mind and knew exactly what he had to do when he got home. He walked slowly, dreading his arrival for the first time in weeks. Usually he would be imagining Klara's excitement when he planted a kiss on her cheek, but today, he couldn't envision it.

  He walked through the door, careful to close it without making a sound. He heard Klara in the parlor with the girls, they were working on arithmetic. He pulled off his boots and went to the parlor, leaning casually against the doorframe watching as Klara helped Emmaline add blocks on the table in front of her. It took a minute before Klara realized he was there, he held a finger to his lips, and she nodded in recognition. He slipped into the kitchen and heard her instruct the girls to work in their composition books then go up to their rooms and make their beds before lunch. She sauntered into the kitchen, a huge smile on her beautiful face, and collapsed gracefully into Jacks lap.

  Her arms were instantly around his middle and her lips were fixed to his. Her kiss was sweet, and managed to relax him and increase his worry all in the same moment. He pulled back, brushing a hand through her dark hair.

  "What's the matter?" she asked instantly. "You look so...unhappy. And, why are you home so early?"

  "You're not going to like this Klara." he cautioned.

  "What?! Maman and Papi? Are they ok? Did something happen? Did you hear something at work!?" She peppered him with questions, jumping off his lap, worry seizing her features.

  "Not yet, nothing happened yet, but I'm afraid something will. They're looking for a group of men helping Jew's over the boarder into Switzerland. Erik explained how they are doing it, and it's exactly what Papi told me they were doing. They are looking for my parents. As soon as they discover them to be involved, they'll question me to find them. They are really angry about the whole thing Klara, when they find out about my father...I don't know what will happen."

  "Surely they won't suspect you of anything! You've been a faithful soldier, a good officer." she defended.

  "Klara, I've been throwing tips away for a year and a half! I've been talked to about my lack of contribution several times. They've even threatened sending me to the camps! I don't think they'll hesitate to question me like a criminal if my father's name comes up. And once I'm in question, I'm afraid they'll come after you."

  Klara tensed, her face covered with unbelief, "Don't ask me to, don't you dare ask me to."

  "Klara, you have to."

  "I won't leave you! I won't leave and not know what's going on, I won't lose you this way, not after everything. I love you, I won't leave, I can't!"

  "You have to. I can't risk the girls being in danger, if I go with you, they'll hunt us like animals, and they'll know of our guilt. If you take the girls and I stay, we'll all be safer, they may never discover that Papi's involved. I won't let you put yourself in this kind of danger." he said quietly.

  Klara lowered her head, dropping back down into Jack's lap, pressing her forehead against his, gripping his hands in hers. "I will do whatever you ask me to do," she whispered, "but please don't ask me to leave you. Please."

  "I don't want
you to go, but how would I go on if something happened to you? I want to live with you forever, I want to have children with you, and grow old with you. I have to protect our future, I have to protect you. And the only way I can do that right now, is ask you to take the girls, and go somewhere safe."

  Klara leaned into him, her head resting on his neck. He held her close, memorizing the smell of her hair and the feel of her body in his arms. She was crying softly, and there was nothing he could do, wanting to cry himself. "We should go get you packed."

  "What!" she cried, locking her eyes to his. "Not yet, surely I don't have to go yet if you've only just heard about it."

  "The sooner you and the girls are safe, the better. Is there anywhere you can go? Do you have any family nearby?"

  "My brother lives in another part of France, an unoccupied bit. I'm sure he and his wife would take us in. I haven't talked to him since moving in with Grandmere, what with the war, but I think he'll welcome us."

  "You have a brother? You never said anything about having a brother."

  "Well, we've only really been married for two weeks, I'm sorry that it never came up, we're not exactly the best of friends, my brother and I. We were never home the same time. He went to boarding school while I was home, and he was home while I spent my summers with Grandmere."

  "Very well, let's get you packed, and the girls too, we'll all have lunch, and then we'll be on our way. Better to go in the daylight so they don't think we're up to anything sneaky. I have a friend at a border crossing who will let you go past if you're my wife. We'll just tell him the truth, you're going to visit your brother."

  "Just visiting my brother..." she said softly, as if trying to make herself believe it would just be a short visit.

  Chapter 22

  Klara had finally gotten everything into one small suitcase while Jack was making dinner for the girls. She had stolen one of Jack's t-shirts to stick in her bag, something to remember him by, she wasn't sure what she would do without his touch or without smelling his cologne when he walked through the door. With a final sweeping glance of her bedroom, she closed the door, setting the suitcase in the foyer before entering the kitchen.


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