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Aster Wood and the Lost Maps of Almara (Book 1)

Page 5

by Cantwell, J. B.

  “Maybe he could get better,” I said, my hopeful tone betraying my resolve to sound like a grown-up.

  “Maybe,” she said, stroking my cheek with her fingertips. “But I don’t think so, hon. Some people just…can’t.”

  Maybe. Maybe the disappearance of his only son would be enough to call him back from the edge of…of what? Insanity?

  No, I thought, it was better to not expect a response at all. He was gone, my dad, and he was never coming back. Now I had to stay focused on staying alive and getting back to the people who did care about me. My mom. Grandma.

  As I sat, a strange tingling sensation started to move across my skin. It felt itchy, and I shook both of my arms out, trying to release the unfamiliar tension. Soon the feeling began to penetrate deep into the muscles of my legs, and my heart beat hard and strong in my chest, willing me to my feet after only resting a few minutes. The feeling was unusual, something I didn’t often feel: energy. Bottled up inside my motionless body, it had suddenly come to the surface, demanding to be released. I tossed the rest of the apples into the basket and walked out of the grove to the hard dirt path.

  Suddenly, a long, slim hare leapt right into my path, stopping directly in front of me. I froze five feet away from him, surprised out of my thoughts by his arrival. We each stood completely still, mid-stride on the path, and looked at each other. He didn’t seem scared of me, just curious, so I knelt down and put out my hand to see if he would let me touch him. His twitching nose tested the air around us.

  His coat looked like a soft, puffy cloud, and my fingers ached to touch the silky fur. My eyes held his gaze, but he didn’t come forward to my outstretched hand. I had always had an affinity for animals, though I rarely saw any at home. Pets were a luxury for the rich. I murmured to him softly, “Come here, little guy.” But the sound of my voice startled him and sent him scampering into the bushes on the side of the trail.

  “Awwww,” I complained. “Come on, little guy.”

  I walked over to the bushes, but he was long gone. Remembering the rich stew from earlier today, it occurred to me that I was probably lucky to have seen him at all. It would appear that rabbits around these parts might frequently be in danger of a quick death followed by a long simmer in Kiron’s cook pot.

  The sun was starting to sink behind the trees and the light in the sky was shimmering gold by the time I reached the acorns. The oak wasn’t with the other trees that were near the trail; it was way out in the middle of a field, standing alone amidst wild grasses and shrubs. I made my way down a gentle hill and started through the grass.

  The tree was enormous. Or maybe it wasn’t. My experience with trees was, admittedly, nonexistent. I picked up an acorn and twirled it around in my fingers. I wondered why he wanted acorns, of all things. Native Americans had harvested acorns and ground them into flour. Were these for us to eat? I tentatively placed my teeth against the hard skin of the nut and tried to bite it, quickly spitting it out when the bitter taste touched my tongue. I hoped Kiron had some other plan in mind for my foraging.

  A brigade of squirrels battled me for the tiny treasures, which were spread out all along the base of the tree. The fluff-tailed creatures came down the trunk in pairs, stuffing the hard seeds into their mouths and darting back up, disappearing into the dark folds of the trunk. I moved over the ground and collected as many as I could as the night began to descend. I filled and filled the basket until I could no longer discern the acorns from rocks on the ground in the gathering darkness. I hoped I would have enough as I started back towards the house.

  I was downright proud of myself. This morning I had been sure that I wouldn’t be able to make it the whole day out in the wilderness on my own. But here I was, a heavy basket half full of the requested nuts, and I was barely even tired.

  That was when I heard the first call.

  Through the twilight came a single, lone cry. I stopped in my tracks and listened. At first I was entranced by the sound, and more excited than nervous. Was it a coyote? A wolf? The closest I ever got to nature was the reptile room at the science museum, an inadequate dose of our lost world. I imagined a sleek fox getting ready to hunt in the night. He would catch the scent of a squirrel, or a rabbit, maybe, and burst forth on its trail. The picture in my mind was almost beautiful as I imagined nature taking its course, the hare devoured, outwitted and outrun by his opponent.

  But as I walked out of the field and up towards the apple grove, the first voice was joined by another. And another. Soon a chorus of howls seemed to fill the air on all sides. Too many of them were out there to fit in neatly with my serene nature story.

  My skin began crawling with energy again, but this was of an entirely different sort. Without even giving thought to the internal injury I could sustain, I bolted.

  Immediately, the howling increased. The yipping of what sounded like dozens of animals echoed through the night, and I pushed my legs to run faster, faster than they had ever moved in my life. I blew through the field and up the small incline to the apple grove. There I paused, looking back for just a moment to get a glimpse of my pursuers.

  I should not have done this.

  There, bounding through the grass at top speed and headed straight for me, was an enormous pack of…what were they? Wolves? Hyenas? I had never seen, in a lifetime of browsing nature books, an animal that resembled these. Two feet tall, four legs, and the snarling snout of a dog combined with the tusks of a wild pig. Their silvery, wired hair stuck up haphazardly from their bodies in stiff tufts. There had to be at least fifteen of the beasts, and with each stride they took they released more howls, calling more and more to the hunt.

  I turned and ran as the first of the animals was making the hill below me. In seconds the leader was snapping at my feet. I pushed myself harder and broke away from him, the huge, awkward basket bouncing violently against my back. Around me the woods came alive with sound. Squirrels scampered up, snakes slithered down, and all the while the pack pursued me. I wasn’t yet tired, but as the threat increased I moved faster. And faster. Soon I left the pack behind, but I did not stop. My breathing was even, my heartbeat impossibly steady.

  I focused intently on the trail, barely visible now with only the moon lighting the path. At first my feet slammed into the packed dirt, but as the minutes passed they seemed to barely touch the earth at all. Fifteen minutes passed like this as I flew across the countryside.

  When I finally did stop near the giant petrified tree, the land around me was silent. I was ok. My heart beat hard, but strong, and my chest was unclenched and open. The cold night air felt refreshing against my hot cheeks.

  My breath slowly quieted as I listened for sounds of pursuit. I heard nothing. Not even the howls of the hunt could reach my ears here. Where had they gone? Had they given up?

  I leaned against the ancient, solid trunk and suddenly realized that it had taken me many hours to make the distance between it and the oak tree. How had I gotten back here so fast?

  Then the truth hit me so hard it almost knocked me down.

  I had outrun the pack.

  I had outrun the pack?


  It wasn’t possible. I hadn’t hit the ground at even a jog since I was five. The beasts must have fallen back, maybe distracted by a different source of dinner. But the proof was all around me. The wolf-pigs were nowhere to be seen, and I had already reached the ancient, towering tree, which should have taken at least two hours. I stood listening, still trying to make sense of the fact that I was alone.

  “ASTER?” I heard the distant call of Kiron and turned towards the sound. Barely visible in the faint moonlight, a curl of smoke rose from the cottage. I moved away from the trees and towards the homestead at a quiet walk, surprised to still be alive, and with a mind full of questions.

  The chickens had already been locked in their coop for the night. Through the two windows in the house a faint, warm light flickered. As I approached the door, I was unsure about whether to knock
or just open it. But right as I made the top step it flew open in front of me. Kiron’s hand dashed out of the opening, grabbed onto the shoulder straps of the basket I was tied to, and pulled me inside.

  “My boy!” he bellowed. “Where have you been? I thought I had lost you for sure.”

  “You almost did,” I said.

  “I told you to be back by sunset, did I not? There’s reason to stay inside after dark around these parts.”

  “I met some of those reasons while I was out,” I said, dropping the awkward pack to the floor.

  Inside the room it was stifling hot. The enormous dog was sprawled out next to the fire, clearly exhausted from following Kiron around with whatever he had been up to all afternoon.

  “You did, did ya?” Kiron asked. “Still alive, I see.”

  “Yeah,” I said, pulling out one of the heavy wood chairs at the table. “They chased me. A big pack of wolves or pigs or…I don’t know what they were, but they chased me back from the oak tree.”

  “Ah, that would be faylons. They chased you, eh?” He crossed to the other side of the room and began stirring an enormous cauldron that was perched precariously over the fire. “All the way back from the tree? I thought you were sick…” He glanced up at me, smirking.

  “Yes, they did,” I replied, annoyed. I poured a cup of water from the jug on the table and gulped it down. “You might have told me what was out there.”

  “Well, you mighta listened to me in the first place and been back before sundown. Anyways, you made it back in one piece, didn’t you?”

  That was the weird part, I was still in one piece. And I felt better, healthier, than I could ever remember feeling in my life.

  “I don’t get it,” I said. “I feel, well, I feel pretty good.”

  “That don’t surprise me none,” he said. “You’re Triadesh, I told ya. You belong here.” He picked up my pack and dumped its contents onto the table.

  I stared at the pile of acorns. I belonged here? In a place where the ill can outrun monsters in the night?

  Kiron studied each acorn carefully, his face hovering just an inch off the tabletop.

  “Ah, here we are,” he said after a few minutes, selecting a clean, fat nut. He held it up to the light and turned it around and around, inspecting it from all sides. Then he turned back to his pot. “Come look at this.” He walked to the fire and plunked the acorn into the brew unceremoniously. The contents of the pot sizzled and spat.

  I looked down at the large pile of remaining acorns, abandoned. Not good enough, apparently. Then I pushed back the chair and stepped over to the edge of the fire. Now that I was closer, I could see that the pot was lidded with a strange dome, almost like a huge soap bubble. Inside the pot a clear liquid boiled, dissolving the acorn almost instantly. The liquid looked like melted glass, clear as a diamond. Next to the fire was a raggedy canvas backpack, stiff an cracked. Kiron motioned to me to look into the cauldron, as he was doing.

  “That was it,” he said, “the last ingredient.”

  “What is it?”

  “This,” he said, “is a brew of veiled truth.”

  I peered in at the liquid. “Um,” I said, “what’s it for? Do we drink it?”

  “No! No!” he exclaimed. “Never drink a brew of veiled truth! Once taken, you will be invisible for life. There is no going back!”

  “Alright, ok!” I said, taking a step backwards. Invisible for life? “But what’s it for?”

  “The brew,” he said, “is for this.” He picked up the backpack and, spearing the handle onto a long branch of wood, slowly dipped it into the pot. As the fabric touched the liquid it gurgled and fizzed. When he raised the stick out of the pot again, half of it was gone and the backpack had vanished. I looked into the pot and saw nothing but the clear, shining liquid.

  The dog growled. My jaw dropped. Kiron looked at me expectantly. It took me a minute before I could finally speak.

  “How did you do that?” I asked.

  “Years of practice, my boy, years of practice. There are all sorts of treasures around this farm that ain’t visible to the naked eye.” He moved the stick away from the cauldron and the brew dripped off the bottom of the invisible pack onto the floor, where it hissed on the wood planks. He held the stick out to me.

  “Touch it,” he said. “Go on!”

  I held out my hand and felt around in the empty air where the pack had been moments before. Hot, wet canvas met my fingers, though I could see nothing. I pulled my hands back abruptly and inspected my fingers, half expecting them to disappear, too.

  “It will only vanish what’s within the dome,” he said, inclining his head towards the pot.

  I grabbed with both hands and slid the pack off the stick, amazed.

  “And the best part,” Kiron said, “is this!” Setting down the stick, he picked up two apples from the hearth, took the bag from my hands and proceeded to drop them into it. They instantly vanished. I gasped. The dog was on his feet and gave two warning barks, alarmed.

  “Oh, shut it, you!” he said to the animal. The dog whined and growled, and finally retreated back to his napping spot, groaning as he settled himself back down on a heap of blankets.

  “Now,” Kiron said, “it ain’t limitless. You can only carry what you can fit into the bag. But whatever goes inside it’ll become invisible, and the pack will never weigh you down while you travel, not even with the heaviest ore in the land packed to bursting within it.”

  “What happens if I take it off?” I asked. “What if I lose it? How am I supposed to find it again if it’s invisible?” I felt a little panicky being entrusted with such a prize.

  “Calm down! You ain’t gonna lose it. You can’t. I’ve tied the pack to your aspect.” His eyes sparkled; he was clearly proud of himself. “A tricky bit of enchantment, if I do say so myself. There are two commands that only you can give to make the pack disappear and reappear. Speaking the command obscure makes the pack invisible, and reveal is the command to, well, to reveal it. Go on!”

  My heart was still racing when I said, “Uh, ok. Reveal.”

  The now familiar diamond and star symbol appeared, floating above Kiron’s hand, and came to life. The symbol didn’t just glow, it positively burst with light. The pack then materialized all at once with a “pop.”

  “Obscure!” I said, smiling and eager now.

  The pack rotated in midair and then collapsed inward on itself, like the spiral of a tornado. It disappeared again.

  I gaped. This was insane.

  “But why didn’t it appear and disappear when you said the commands?” I asked.

  “I told you, I’ve joined it with your aspect,” he answered.

  I looked at him blankly.

  “Your aspect! The energy force that surrounds you. I used a piece of the bed linens you slept in last night to tie it to you. It held your vestige.”

  “Right,” I said slowly, trying to hide that I had no idea what he was talking about. “Well, that’s great! It’s amazing.” And it was, whether I understood it or not.

  Seeming satisfied by my response, he hung the pack over the mantle to dry and poured us both mugs of tea. I accepted the one he held out to me, but when I took the first sip I almost spit it out, it was so bitter.

  “Ugh!” I couldn’t help but exclaim. “What is that?”

  “Mulberry tea. Here, put some honey in; it helps with the flavor.” He handed me a jar with a spoon stuck fast in golden sugar. “Keeps me young!” His eyes had a manic glint that shone in the firelight.

  I’ll bet, I thought. But I didn’t argue. Whatever this guy was feeding me was at least partially responsible for my surviving this day. I stirred two large spoonfuls of honey in the mug and took another tentative sip.

  He brought out the now cold pot of stew from this morning. The dog was up again, wagging and drooling, as we dug into our meal. The temperature didn’t much matter; I was ravenous, and the stew was still delicious. My body felt oddly empty as I dug in, like I hadn�
�t eaten in several days.

  “So what’s the plan?” I asked between mouthfuls. I was still feeling exhilarated by my escape from the faylons, and worries about my heart were getting further and further from my mind.

  “You ain’t ready yet. Tomorrow I’ll start teachin’ ya what I know. Depends on you, I guess. We’ll see what you can do.”

  “Where am I going? I mean, after that?”

  “How am I supposed to know?” he answered gruffly. “I ain’t never followed no maps of Almara. Nobody has! That’s the whole point, ain’t it? You’re the first.”

  I stared hard at the bowl as I scraped up the last bits of meat. Why me? Why hadn’t it been Brendan? I wondered what my life might have been like if Brendan had made it back home to Aria, if Brendan had followed the path I was now on. Would I have ever even existed? And if so, would my body have been so weak and sick, like it had been on Earth? Or would I have felt, from birth, this strange strength that was now coursing through me? I felt better now, trapped in a world that I didn’t understand, than I had ever felt back home.

  I shook my head as these thoughts swirled around inside it. I needed to stay focused and get home. The fact was that Brendan had stayed on Earth, and that I was born on Earth, not here. My mom was back there, probably worried beyond belief that I had disappeared. And Grandma, too. I couldn’t just leave them there, alone and frightened, while I stayed here on Aerit. My dad would be no comfort to them. He probably wouldn’t even care if he found out I was gone. I grimaced at the thought of him. No, he would be no comfort to my mother.

  I had to go back.

  I contemplated the task in front of me: to either find Almara using the maps he had left behind, or find someone else powerful enough to send me home.

  I tried to stifle it, but a large yawn escaped from my throat. Kiron put the remains of his stew on the floor for the dog. “Time for you to sleep,” he said.


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