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Withstanding Me

Page 3

by Crystal Spears

  I sigh as I pick up my handbag to head out for my date with Randy. I’m hoping that I can grow to like him more than just a friend because my love for ZZ is gonna get me nowhere.


  Chapter Four


  Damn that daughter of mine. Where the fuck is she? Why the shit does she keep taking off? I don’t know what the hell has gotten into her. My sweet innocent Tatiana is no longer sweet; she’s a pain in my damn ass. Not to mention my shit with Storm. Hell will freeze over before I let any motherfucker touch her before I get to. I want her, and I always get what I want. My damn head is spinning in all kinds of fucking directions as I race down the winding road on my bike, my hands gripping the handlebars tightly.


  I seriously need to stick my dick in a nice warm cunt.

  I don’t even bother backing up my bike as I speed into the clubhouse parking lot. Ten to one, I’m getting back on my lady in a few minutes anyways. Shadow starts walking towards me as I stand up and toss my helmet onto the seat of my wife.

  “Alright Shadow, start talkin’. You’ve been followin’ my baby girl around for a bit now. What’s the little shit up to now?”

  I watch as he adjusts the leather black bracelet around his wrist, before lighting up his joint. He sucks in his first hit, cutting his black eyes straight at me.

  “She’s in some shit, ZZ.”

  I run both hands through my hair and lean against my bike, crossing my legs. “Just fuckin pull the scab off brother.”

  “She’s… fuck… brother she’s pokin around in my neck of the woods.”

  My entire body shoots forward as Shadow starts to back away slowly.

  “No man, not me.” He says sucking in another puff.


  “You had me babysittin her ass. I followed her; she didn’t go in. She did however meet up with a guy in the parking lot though.” He shrugs as if this isn’t a big deal. He’s fuckin’ head over heels for my daughter, and yet here he is acting as if this isn’t a big deal. The only reason I don’t want Shadow with my daughter is because of his side lifestyle. If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t give a shit. He’s a good dude, a great brother.

  “How in the hell did she even discover this shit? I mean, seriously? She’s eighteen years old!”

  Like I ain’t got enough shit on my plate, now I gotta worry about my daughter being someplace she shouldn’t even know about?

  “That’s fucked, brother. Ain’t nothin fuckin wrong with the other part of my life; watch your fuckin daughter your goddamned self. I got better shit to do.”


  I watch as my young brother shakes his head and walks away. Fuck man. I overstepped my boundaries, like he ain’t got enough demons. I don’t stop him, I can’t. He needs time to cool off as I would too. I spot Rap messing with his bike and figure it’s best for me to send him on the search for Tatiana. If I find her, I know I’ll say and do something I’ll regret.

  “Prospect… I need you to hunt down Tatiana. Get her last whereabouts from Shadow.”

  Rap drops his wrench, stands, and nods his head in understanding. It’s time to vote him in. I mark it on my mental list to speak with Braxxon and Pyro about it. I dig out my prepay and dial Storm, my fingers clench around the piece of shit flip phone when she doesn’t answer. She hit the fuck you button on me, silencing my call. I’ve heard about that being done, but no one has ever been brave enough to silence me. I shake my head in disbelief and look at my phone, checking to make sure the call wasn’t just dropped.


  Well baby if you wanna play games, I’m revving to go. I smirk to myself as I walk back towards m’lady. I’m coming for you Storm.


  I made one phone call. That’s all it took to locate Storm’s whereabouts. I’m standing outside the snooty ass restaurant breathing on the glass window in front of me with my arms crossed and my blood boiling. Why the hell won’t she just give me her pussy a few times and be done with it? Fuck all that heart bullshit talk. A man like me doesn’t give his heart away. A man like me only cares about one damn thing, and that’s straight hardcore fucking. That’s all I care about. Ass and titties. I place my hand on the glass; damn does she look pretty. I watch as Randy wraps his fingers with hers on top of the table.


  I fling open the restaurant door and begin making my way past the greeter. I almost don’t notice how hot the little red head is until her little hand wraps around my arm, stopping me in my place. Well hello gorgeous!

  “Sir, you need a jacket to enter the dining area,” she squeaks out.

  Awe baby, you done ruined it. A woman showing attraction and nervousness is a weakness, and a weakness I’ll play on. I look down at her hand wrapped around my arm and then back up at her, putting on the full watted grin. I flick my tongue ring out and begin running it along my bottom lip, causing her eyes to widen. Her hand quickly falls from my arm, and she scoots back to her podium. Bad call darlin’.

  She tries moving further away as I lean up against her little station.

  “Do I scare you gorgeous?”

  Green-eyes nods her head ‘no’ quickly.

  “Do my looks intimidate you?”

  Again, her head moves in a ‘no’ motion.

  “Do you know who I am?”

  Her head shakes up and down quickly.

  Good. I run my forefinger up and down her small delicate hand, causing goose bumps to rise on her arms. My eyes ignore the wedding band on her finger. That little piece of material means jack shit to a man like me.

  “Who am I darlin?”

  Redhead goes to speak, but nothing comes out. She clears her throat and tries again.

  “Mason… Mason Dillan…, but you… you don’t go by that,” she says quietly as her eyes drop to watch my finger trail her hand.

  “What do I go by, baby?”

  “ZZ,” she murmurs.

  “And why can’t I enter the dining room without a jacket?” I ask seductively.

  “Because… I would get written up for allowing you to pass thru without one.”

  These fucktards rich bastards. I mean fuck the clubs rich and we don’t fucking act like stuck up prickass bitches.

  “I’ll tell you what darlin’. Leave my name for the boss and if he gives you shit, you tell him you’re gonna tell me, and I can guarantee baby after you say that, he’ll drop it.”

  Her green eyes snap to mine, and she gulps as she quietly asks. “What if that doesn’t work?”

  I smirk. How cute.

  “Grab that pen, darlin’.” I nod to it.

  She reaches for it with her free hand.

  “Now write down your number on that there napkin along with your name. I’ll give ya a call in a few days to make sure all is good, baby. Promise.” I smile and cross my heart with my other hand.

  Redhead hesitates, lookin’ down at her wedding band, and then back at me. Whatever her inner battle was, she writes the information down anyways. She hands me the napkin, and I look down at it. Lorene. Not the name I was expecting but like I really give a shit.

  “Are you… are you really going to uh call me?”

  This green-eyed beauty really is just too cute. Unfortunately, I don’t do cute that often.

  “Do you want me to call you?”

  Again, her eyes flick at her wedding band for a brief moment. “Yeah, yeah I really do.”

  “Then I’ll call.”

  I don’t really plan to but if things don’t work out with Storm, my cock might protest that.

  “I’ll talk to you soon,” I say looking down at the napkin. “Lorene.”

  “Okay.” She smiles as I let her hand go free.

  Thank fuck, now back to the task at hand.

  When I leave the redhead with a nod and a grin that hurts from faking it, I make my way over to Storm and dickhead Randy. I watch as her entire body stiffens. She can feel me, another reason why we need to just fuck an
d get it over with.

  “Storm,” I chuckle as I squat down at the side of their table.

  “Mason,” she spits.

  “Uhh… am I missing something here?” Randy laughs uncomfortably.

  Yeah fucktard, you’re missing something all right. You’re trying to fuck the woman I’m trying to bed.

  “As a matter of fact you are Randy. This here woman belongs to me until I can get my fill of her.”

  I almost cringe because I know I just dug myself into a hole deeper with Storm. She hates being objectified as just a piece of ass.

  “Zig Zag, I swear on all that’s holy if you don’t get up and walk away, I’m never speaking to you again,” she whisper yells.

  I love when her voice rises in that high-pitched note. Fuck, it makes my dick hard.

  “I’m going to use the gentleman’s room so you two can work this out,” Randy mumbles standing up and walking away.

  “Pussy.” I chuckle.

  “ZZ!” Storm snaps.

  I throw my hands up in mock surrender as she shakes her head back and forth at me in disgust.

  Her head stops shaking back and forth, and her eyes pierce mine, and all the joking manner is set aside.

  “ZZ… look… I want you, you know I do, but not in the same way you want me. I want more,” she says, quietly reaching up and placing her hand on my chest, and I swear all the breath leaves my windpipes at once. “I know you can give me this. I just know it, but I’m tired of waiting. I’m ready, damn am I ready, but you never will be even though you can be. Baby I’ll be your best friend. I’ll be the voice you need to hear, but I won’t be the body you want to be near. Because baby, you just want a few nights and I want more than that from you.”

  I gulp. Fuck, I’m no romantic, but she just laid her heart out there for me. I wrap my left hand around hers, the one lying across my heart and nod, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear with my right hand.

  “Friends.” I croak.

  “Best friends, Mason.”

  I groan internally because when she says my given name, it makes me want her so much more than I already do.

  “Go have a few drinks baby. I love you, and I’ll call when I’m finished with my date. I wanna know what’s going on with T, okay?”

  I close my eyes as she says I love you; it’s not the first time she’s said it. She tells me every once in a while. We’re good friends; it feels natural coming from her. But it’s not just those three words that get me. It’s the fact she wants to know what’s going on with Tatiana. My daughter. And it’s not lost on me how Storm’s voice got quiet and serious with that statement either. She’s letting me go as a romantic interest, and that causes my chest to constrict.

  “You’ll call?” I say opening my eyes.

  “I’ll call.”

  I’m reluctant as I stand and lose the feel of her skin against mine.

  “Enjoy your date, Storm.” I say honestly as I walk away. I feel like I just fucked shit up and it doesn’t feel good.



  As I watch him walk away, I grab my chest as my entire body starts hyperventilating. I can’t believe I just did that! Why did I let him go like that? Oh my god! Can I just be friends with him? It’s so hot in here. What did I just do? Oh god!


  I hear my name, but it’s foggy as if it’s far away. I look up finding the source as my hand clutches at my chest.

  “Are you okay?” Randy asks.

  “No, no I’m not. I would like to go home please.”

  “Sure thing. Do you need a doctor or something? I could take you to the ER.”

  Dammit. Why does he have to be so sweet?

  “No, it’s just a panic attack. I’ll be fine.” I croak.

  Randy takes a moment before signaling for our check. I need to get outta here. I need air and lots of it.

  As he waits for his credit card to come back, I excuse myself to go outside ahead of him. I can’t breathe, and I need to get it under control. As soon as my body hits the fresh air, I move over to the right side of the building and lean up against the bricks, gasping for breath and closing my eyes. I feel him. I slowly open my eyes and find ZZ standing in front of me. I can’t decipher his look, but my breathing is coming back steadily. He says nothing as his body presses up against me and his forehead drops to mine. I close my eyes again and just breathe him in. He smells so good.

  “I need you to open your eyes, baby. Please?”

  His voice is gentle as if he’s trying to caress me with it. I’m a nervous wreck, and I need my anxiety meds quickly.

  “Please?” He pleads.

  I inhale and slowly reopen my eyes. Whatever he sees causes him to sigh and drop his head to the crook of my neck. His hands rub up and down my arms causing me to shiver.

  “I’m so fucking sorry,” he mumbles against my skin.

  Tears start falling freely from my eyes as I reply to his apology. “I know.”

  His hands fall from my arms and grip at my hips. I’ve never seen ZZ like this. I don’t know how to respond.

  “This is shit, baby,” he mumbles again against my skin.

  The sound of a throat clearing draws us away from whatever this is, and ZZ’s hands squeeze my hips tightly as he growls against my shoulder and neck.

  ZZ ignores Randy’s throat clearing and straightens himself to look into my eyes. “Did you mean it?” His chocolate eyes beg for the truth.

  “I did.” I reply. I don’t need him to specify his question. I know what he’s asking. He wants to know if I truly love him. It’s not the first time he’s asked, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.

  “Text me when you get home.” He demands.

  “I will.”

  He steps away shaking his head, but not before giving Randy an evil look. I watch as ZZ walks to his bike parked in front of the building. I don’t even notice Randy’s movement until he places his hand on my lower back drawing my attention to him. I peer one more time at ZZ and watch as his head drops in his hands as he sits on his bike.

  “SHIT!” ZZ roars thru his hands.

  Another tear leaks slowly down my cheek as I let Randy lead me to his car to take me home. It makes me feel like shit knowing this is bothering him so much. We’ve grown close, and I think he’s worried about our friendship fading. That just encourages me more to make this work. He needs my friendship, and I love him so much. That’s exactly what I’ll give him, even if it kills me to do so.

  “I’m ready,” I say quietly to Randy.

  “Will you be okay?”

  “I’ll be fine Randy. I just need my anxiety medicine is all.”

  I have a feeling he wasn’t talking about my anxiety. I respect him enough not to talk about my business with ZZ even though it would be nice to get it out. I decide I’ll talk with Winter and Piper tomorrow at work.

  Chapter Five


  Storm’s been moping around all day. I can tell something’s bothering her. During the wedding planning, she’s barely said two words. She was more excited about my wedding than I was, so I know something is digging at her fucking bad.

  “Angel,” Braxxon breathes from behind me.

  I smile as I turn around. “Hey baby,” I coo.

  “You were thinkin’ pretty hard there babe. What’s up?” he asks while wrapping his arms around me.

  “Somethin’s up with Storm. She’s been quiet all day.”

  Braxxon cringes in my arms causing me to pull away. He’s hiding shit from me. He only cringes when he doesn’t wanna tell me he knows shit I dunno.

  “Talk,” I demand, pulling away and crossing my arms across my chest, raising my tits in the air more. What? I never said I fight fair. He might need a little incentive.

  “Stop pushing those tits up; it’ll just make me wanna fuck you,” he growls.

  I roll my eyes. “You always wanna fuck me. Now talk!”

  “You’re right. Dammit! ZZ asked me what it felt
like to be in love last night at the club.”

  Oh? My eyes widen. I motion with a go on gesture.

  “I swear babe I will fuckin’ take away eating your pussy for a month if you say anything!”

  Oh yeah fucking right! That motherfucker can’t go two days without tasting my juices. But still I appease him.

  “Cross my heart,” I tease.

  “Baby I’m serious. He’s my fuckin’ brother. This shit is supposed to stay confidential. Dammit woman, you make me break all kinds of fuckin’ rules!”

  “Yeah, yeah I got it. Now fuckin’ talk; you’re pissing me off!”

  “Testy little bitch today.” He chuckles at me.

  Most women would get pissed if their man called them a bitch and I used to, but now it’s fuckin’ hot as hell.

  “Fine. Storm admitted that she loved him, and he’s all fucked up about it.”

  I don’t see what’s so different about any other time she’s told him. Maybe it’s just now getting to him? I throw my head to the side searching out for where Storm went off too. I’m not liking this.

  “Braxx,” I whisper.

  “Yeah baby?”

  “This could be bad. I can’t lose another friend. What if she decides to leave because he can’t love her back? Oh, shit! She will, she will totally fuckin’ leave me!”

  Braxxon throws me against his chest cooing at me to calm down and I can’t. I lost Lana. I can’t lose any more friends. I just can’t do it.


  I hear Storm’s reluctant voice say my name as if it’s a question. Shit!

  “Talk to her baby.” Braxxon lets his strong hold fall.

  “Okay,” I choke. “Where are you gonna go?”

  Braxxon’s gorgeous face contorts into anger and I know he’s pissed.

  “I’m gonna go knock the block off my road captains shoulders. That’s where I’m goin. Love you, Angel.”

  He kisses me briefly and softly as I mumble it back.

  I wait a few moments before turning my attention completely to Storm. She looks utterly devastated. Storm, Piper, and Tatiana are like my sisters. Just like Lana was and it kills me when they’re hurting.

  “You wanna talk about it,” I ask wiping away tears.



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