Withstanding Me

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Withstanding Me Page 9

by Crystal Spears

  He lays my body on the counter and flips on the light as he shuts the door. The entire time, he moves in and out of me, his breath coming down hot, smelling of whiskey. Mason runs his hand down my leg, gripping my ankle and slowly moving my leg up to rest on his shoulder. The angle makes his cock hit my g-spot, and I start coming. My entire body starts to shake and break out with sweats as I cry out in pleasure.

  “Fuck,” he roars. “That is the sexiest fuckin thing I’ve ever seen!”

  I look at him and watch as his mouth turns up in a devious grin and he brings his thumb to his lips, wets it, and moves it back down to my clit.

  “Oh god,” I moan as his thumb starts rubbing me.

  “You were born to come, baby. I need to see that again.”

  I turn my head to the side and stare at myself in the mirror. I watch as my body moves up and down.

  “Baby… look at me.”

  I shake my head no. I just want to feel this.

  “Fine,” He growls, pushing deeper inside of me as his body collides on top of mine, our cheeks pressed together and our eyes locking in the mirrored reflection. “Put your other leg on my other shoulder. Be careful; it’s still healing, darlin.”

  I do as I’m told and my heart breaks a little more at him knowing my leg is still a little messed up. His pace picks back up and he turns his head, pressing his forehead against my temple and closing his eyes. Sweat starts dripping from his body, and he begins to shake as my pussy squeezes his cock. When I start screaming out and trying to push him off of me because the building orgasm is too intense, his body locks tighter against mine and I come along with him. I’m left gasping for air, my chest heaving up and down reflected in the mirror. His head moves back and forth in a no motion, and he collapses completely on top of me. Moments go by, and nothing is said. His right hand smacks down on the counter beside my face and his lips pucker and kiss my cheek as he slowly slides out of me. His come trickles out of my body as he leaves me. He turns away, not looking at me as he searches out a washcloth. Once he finds one, he helps me sit up without even making eye contact with me and turns on the faucet, wetting the rag. He cleans me up, again without looking at me. I smack his hand away and slide off the counter, adjusting my panties and smoothing out my dress. I turn away from him, open the door, and walk out.

  I’ve just had the best sex ever, and it’ll probably be the only time and the guy couldn’t even look at me when it was over.

  “Apple,” he calls out softly as I leave. I don’t turn around. I just keep walking away towards my room.

  Chapter 15


  Four weeks and some odd days later…

  The guys keep telling us this is the worst lockdown in Breakneck history. Even Tatiana has stopped running off for now. Emotions are high strong. There are basically two places we’re allowed to be. The club compound and Club Sated. If we need anything, we have to take at least three patched brothers with us, which makes them pretty grumpy. So, us women don’t overdo it with leaving.

  The night I slept with ZZ, shit hit the fan. Winter and Braxxon had torn the compound up looking for bugs and cameras. They found a total of thirty-two of them, and they were all in Winter’s items her uncle had shipped to her.

  Berry, Bom Bom, and Creamy had cooked a mean breakfast and made pot after pot of coffee that night to wake everyone up out of their drunken and high states so that everyone could help them sweep the compound.

  Braxxon and the brothers chose to tell very few of us what was going on. Even though I’m glad they decided to let us in, it’s also sad because it’s a faithful reminder about what happened to Eagle, Lana, and Haley. Last time we had an unexpected visit from the Russians, we lost three of our own.

  So to say we’re all a little high strung is putting it mildly. To add fuel to our fucking mess, Travis from the Gunners is still showing interest in Tatiana. She’s been through two phones and is now only going in and out of the compound to come to Club Sated. Both of our classes in business management have been put on hold. I had to drop out this semester and my second one as well, while Tatiana had to drop out of her semester that was starting when my second one was. She’s not really broken up about school though, but I can say I am. I’m going nuts having only two locations to travel back and forth to. I had to fight to go to the drugstore the other night. I had the older men take me so they wouldn’t follow me down every single isle.

  When Tatiana enters the office, I sigh in relief and toss my pen down on the desk. I need some company to keep me awake.

  “Hey babe,” I greet her.

  “Hey Storm,” she sighs, sitting in one of the chairs in front of the desk.


  “What’s up?”

  She fiddles with the corner of her sweater. Whatever it is, she’s deep in thought. I hate seeing her this way. The tension between her and Shadow is fierce; even though they’re friends, it’s definitely so thick you can cut that shit with a knife.

  “Am I too young for Shadow?”

  “What? He’s barely over three years older than you, Tatiana. He’s my age. Where is this coming from? You’re not a child.”

  She leans back with a frown. “But if you count his sexual experiences and what he’s into, I’m young. I don’t know shit.”

  “Tatiana… what do you mean by what he’s into?”

  Now I’m worried.

  “I’ve checked it out, you know. I’ve even tried it a few times.” She mumbles.

  What in the hell is she talking about?

  “Dammit, Tatiana!”

  She sighs, giving in. “Getting pain. I’ve tried it during sex. I met this guy at this club Shadow’s always at. I followed him once. I went in… and well I left with a guy. I kept meeting up with him a few times for a few weeks, but then all of this shit happened, and you know.” She shrugs.

  “No, I don’t know.”

  “It’s not like he’s a Dom or anything. Everyone at the clubs says that he just likes giving out pain during sex. He doesn’t take on slaves or whatever; he just likes to dish out pain.”

  What the fuck!

  “He’s a sadist you mean?”

  No wonder ZZ doesn’t want them getting together; it all makes sense now.

  “Yeah, if that means he likes dishing out pain.”

  Fuckin clueless!

  “Tatiana,” I sigh. “If you haven’t heard shit from Shadow’s mouth, don’t take what others say seriously.”

  “Not you too! It’s not that bad; it’s actually sexy and hot.”

  Oh good lord!

  “Promise me that you’ll look more information up about that lifestyle before you go digging any deeper and trying shit. And talk to Shadow, please Tatiana,” I beg her.

  “Fine. I will. Chill Storm,” she laughs.

  Honestly, I find nothing about this information funny. Nothing against Shadow’s lifestyle if that’s what he’s in fact into, but Tatiana doesn’t have a damn clue about this shit.

  “Well anyways… you ready? Everything is done out there. Club is cleaned up, and the employees are leaving.”

  Thank god! I’m flippin tired.

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  I follow her, scared shitless at the thought of her doing something stupid just to gain attention from Shadow.


  Chapter 16


  Angel’s legs are sprawled across mine as a laptop bounces up and down while she clicks through the webpages. We’re sitting in the old clubhouse on the couch looking for land to build us a home. She’s so fuckin hot when she talks about prime land purchases. She’s so damn knowledgeable. It makes my dick hard thinking about how she really is deadly determined to take over Jamaica, Nevada. She’s talking about kicking out the local Chinese gang, who just so happens to own a number of restaurants and nail salons in our town. She’s gone so far as to already draft up plans for a new spa. I told her the Chinese just live here, like a home base. Their business is in Las Vegas, but so
mehow, Angel still wasn’t happy about that. When I said I don’t know about makin enemies that don’t need makin, she replied with, “This is our town. They want to live here peacefully, then they’ll pay up.” On that note, I shut the fuck up. What can I say? I’m a dude, and I love money and power.

  “Jesus baby, how much land you lookin to buy?”

  “All of it,” she says simply as she picks her notebook off of the couch and starts writing down more information.

  “We can’t afford to buy it all at once, Angel. You may have a lot of money and the club may have a lot of money, but it goes fast, believe me.”

  “We have a lot of money,” she corrects.


  “You said you have a lot of money, and I said we have a lot of money.”

  “My fuckin point is that it will go fast.”

  “Silly man… you think I haven’ been investing?”

  “Uhh…,” I say because technically, I don’t know.

  “You forget all of our money is legal. The club’s may not be, but ours is. I’ve got things in play. Oh, and check this out.”

  She starts pulling up certain things on her computer, smiling and biting her lip. I lean in as she points to what looks to be a map. “See, all that outlined in yellow is already ours. We built on the surrounding lots for the new lockdown building. This over here is all the property that your club already owns.”

  She’s fuckin amazing. Another reason my Angel is perfect for me.

  “What’s the blue line?” I point out.

  “You don’t recognize the path of the blue line on the club land?”

  I look back at it. Trying to study it, figure it out, when it suddenly dawns on me. She’s fuckin brilliant!

  “It’s our underground tunnel here on the compound. So you’re tellin me you wanna burrow it to connect with our land that we buy?” I ask in disbelief.

  “No, just from Club Sated. Realistically, it would be hard to do it from all the land I wanna buy. I want my girls to be able to run if they need to…” she trails off.

  And now I get it. With all the shit happenin, she wants a safe harbor for the dancers she has.

  My phone rings, disturbing my time with Angel.

  I hate when we’re interrupted, but when I see the unknown number, my anger turns to curiosity.

  “Breaker,” I snap into the telephone.

  "It's Cage. Break... neck. Fucking breakneck."

  My body sits at full alert and I grip the piece of shit cellphone tightly. I haven't spoken with Cage in years. Not only has he just called Breakneck, but his voice is tight and laced with an extreme amount of worry and anger.

  "Cage, brother. What's up?"

  "Cuts me fucking deep needing to make this call, Braxx. Got a situation and it isn't a situation I can take care of."

  Oh shit. Cage is straight as they come legal wise. I met the dude on a charity ride years back. It was a dark time for him. He just got outta the service, and the dude was fucked up. He was grieving his sister. I can't imagine a pain like that, nor do I wanna.

  "Name it, brother." I say to him as I kiss Angel on the forehead, lifting her resting legs off of me so I can stand.

  "My girl, fuck...there isn't enough time to explain the six degrees of fucked up I found myself in. My girl’s nephew. The other grandparents took him, snatched him right out of bed, and didn’t leave anything pretty behind. Her mother is critical and questionable. Best I can find is they took him your way. Braxx, I won't let anyone hurt what is mine. Never again. This ends." Cage's voice comes out over the phone very lethal and deadly calm. I look over at Angel and see curiosity written all over her face. With the lockdown and shit, this is a bad time, a really bad fucking time. But Cage is a brother from my past, and I can't turn my back on him.

  "Cage, brother, I need you to say what you need from me?"

  "I'll be in Vegas in twelve hours tops. Got to find my boy and bring him home. I wouldn't be making this call if I didn't need you. Turn that shit red, Braxx."

  Turn that shit red? With fuckin pleasure.

  "It's done, Breakneck. Headed that way. Dial me again when in Vegas."

  "As soon as I land. Owe you big, brother." Cage says into the phone before hanging up. He doesn't owe me shit. But we don't have time to argue semantics right now.

  I hang up my phone with a small groan. Angel and I just got married, the club is on lockdown, and my wife has a damn hit her ass hired by her own fuckin flesh and blood. I have no idea how she’s gonna take this blow.

  “I’ve gotta go outta town, baby.”

  I wait for my words to sink into her beautiful fuckin head.

  “You’ve gotta go outta town?” She repeats my words slowly. “This is a shit time for a road trip!”

  I need to explain this to her.

  “Baby… the friend of mine I just got off the phone with, he needs me. He’s like one of the brothers… only he’s straight laced. Sometimes friends call on me to do what they can’t. You feel me, Angel.”

  I start to sit down next to her when she jumps up, her laptop falling to the floor with her quick movement. Shit, she’s pissed.

  “Braxxon, do I need to remind you we just got married last month? That I have a hit on my ass and that my mother is due here in just a few weeks? Does my life being in danger mean that little to you?”

  I growl like a fuckin lion about to rip apart its prey as I grab her by the shoulders. “Your life is the only one that counts. My brothers, my family, our family won’t let anything fuckin happen to you! Do you fuckin think for one second I would leave you here if I didn’t trust them with your life?”

  She sighs, realizing my words are nothing but the truth. She wraps her arms around me and slams her body to mine, digging her head into my chest as her fingers clutch at my cut.

  “He’s that good of a friend?” She mumbles, her voice muffled against my body.

  I pull her away, forcing her sexy gold eyes to mine.

  “Angel, he is. He’s like us, trying to build happiness in his own little fucked up world. And right now his happiness it being threatened. I can fix this for my brother, do you understand?”

  “How long?” Her voice trembles with her question. She’s so fuckin strong but what it all boils down to is that I’m her weakness and she is mine.

  “A week tops. You know me baby, your man gets shit done fast,” I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. She nods and I can see everything that’s rippin through her mind fly across her eyes as they continue to search mine. “I’ve gotta call chapel and get shit in order. Do you think you can handle packin your husband’s shit?”

  “Yeah, where do you keep your saddle bag?” She asks, pulling away from me.

  “In my old room in the closet, bottom right corner.”

  She smiles slowly and takes off to grab it before turning around in thought.

  “What sorta things should I pack? Clothes wise?”

  I narrow my eyes. “Dark shit I can burn before comin home. Angel?”


  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Go handle the brothers while I act all domestic and shit.”

  I shake my head laughing. She’s back. She’s done wallowing. Fuckin love the shit outta my wife. My laughing stops as I watch her walk away. I swear to fuckin all hell in back my brothers better not let even a fly so much as land on her while I’m gone.



  I fucked up. It’s been weeks since Storm, and I fucked. Shit’s just now getting better. I’m still fucking angry at myself for slipping up. I almost lost her and our friendship, over what? A fantastic fuck? No matter how good it was, it’s not worth losing her over. My brain is on over drive now that I know I’m gonna be constantly around her because Braxxon just took off to help a buddy out. Yep, right in the middle of a fucking lockdown his ass just took off. So now, all of us brothers are on women watch duty. I don’t know what’s going on with me. Ain’t nothin I do sittin right. I sn
ort a little coke, nope that don’t help. Drink a little whiskey, nope that definitely don’t help. What’s left for me to do to get back to who I was? Maybe fuckin? I’ve never went weeks without sex. Maybe that’s it? Maybe I need to try and rectify this shit…

  Chapter 17


  I’m putting away a case of tequila when Winter comes barreling into the storeroom of Club Sated.

  “I’m goin nuts Storm, like fuckin nuts. It’s been three fuckin days. I just want him home already.”

  I stand up straight and lean against one of racks. “He’s Braxx. Badass mofo. He’ll be back in a few days. No need to worry about him.”

  I giggle, turning around to finish stocking the alcohol.

  “It’s not just that. I’m ovulating, and he’s not here to get me knocked up.”

  At the words knocked up, the bottle in my hands slips, shattering all over the floor.



  I walk over to get the dustpan and broom. We keep spares in here because a broken bottle or two happens about once a week.

  “What was that about?” Winter asks slowly.

  I start sweeping the wet broken glass into the dustpan and answer her question lightly. “I’m pregnant.”


  I sigh, looking up from the mess I made. “I’m pregnant. We didn’t use a condom. I took a shit load of tests. All positive. I have a bun in the oven.”

  “How… how do you feel about that?”

  My entire body slumps using the broom as a crutch.

  “Fuckin scared shitless. How fuckin cliché’, we don’t use a condom our one and only time, and here I am gonna be spitting out a baby in like eight months.”

  “Does he know?”

  I laugh. Of course, I fuckin laugh. Does he know? Fuck no he doesn’t know, and I don’t wanna tell him either. We just started talkin again. I’m tired of losing him. So I answer truthfully and shake my head ‘no’ as I stand and finish cleaning up my mess.


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