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Conquered by the Captain (The Conquered Book 1)

Page 11

by Pippa Greathouse

  She began to cry.

  His hand paused, above her bottom. "Arabella, I'm serious, and this is a sobering matter. Remember to count. If you don't, I'll start again. Do you understand me?"

  The curly blonde head nodded, and he reached down, bringing her hair over one shoulder. Then, he brought his hand down with a crack. She gasped and her head came upward. "Oh!" Then, there was silence.

  "You have two seconds to count, young lady."


  "The next time, I won't remind you." Another crack across her lower cheeks sounded in the room.

  "T-two, sir!"

  "Do you understand why I'm doing this?"

  "Because you enjoy it," she grumbled under her breath. He brought down three more in rapid succession, and she cried out, "Oh! I didn't mean it!"

  He waited a moment. "I believe that remark means we go back to one."

  "No, sir! You're being mean!"

  "Am I?" Another hard blow, and she was squirming and whimpering.

  Gregory looked up as a huge shadow landed on the table in front of him.

  Cooper sat there, glaring across at him. Gregory attempted to ignore him.

  "Young lady? Are you going to count? Or are you prepared to be spanked like this for the rest of the evening?"

  "One," she said with resignation. "Sir."

  "All right, then."

  He spanked as she cried out in distress. When he glanced back up, Cooper's glare had increased. The huge cat turned and, with his paws, kicked several of the star charts off onto the floor with a flourish. Then, he jumped down onto the floor and took a leap to the window. With one last glare, the animal turned its back on Gregory, head held high, and refused to look at him.

  "Damned cat." He glanced down at Arabella. "You have three more to go, young lady." He gave one, then two more, in rapid motion.

  She was slumped over his lap, now, and seemed penitent. Her enticing little bottom was bright red, and he stopped to lower his hand to it and rub. She gasped when she felt his touch.

  "How many was that?" he asked, leaning over to her ear.

  "Nine, sir?"

  "It was ten. You're finished."

  He couldn't help but smile at her relieved sigh. "Do you understand what will happen if you do something like that again?"

  Her voice was trembling. "You'll spank me again."

  "Indeed, I will. Never doubt that." He patted her bottom and brought down her skirts, reaching under her waist to lift her upward. Turning her, he cradled her gently. Her eyes were closed.

  She had turned her face into his chest and was weeping, and he lifted her higher. "Shh, Arabella. You're forgiven."

  Her arms reached around his neck, and he brought her closer. "Thank you," she whispered.

  Gregory gave her a chance to relax in his arms. A few moments later, he leaned down, talking into her ear. "Arabella, I need to speak to you about something."

  Her brow raised in question, and she gave a slight whimper. But as he opened his mouth to speak softly to her, he saw her eyes close.

  "Arabella?" He tapped her cheek softly.

  She was asleep.

  He rose and carried her to the bed, preferring to let her sleep there rather than to carry her back to her cabin in view of the crew. He had no doubt she was completely exhausted.

  Kissing her forehead, he stared down at her for a moment. There was no way he would be able to leave her on the dock, in the presence of a scoundrel like Picou. He had to discuss it with her.

  And soon.

  Chapter 12

  Making Amends

  Taking a deep breath to stiffen her resolve, Lily set off to do as Earl had ordered. Unconsciously rubbing her still-tender backside, she winced. It was quite unkind of the commander to take that horrid strap to her. She'd felt guilty enough for almost costing Bella her life. Remembering the look of terror on Bella's face as the captain carried her down had melted the block of ice encasing Lily's heart. People could label her many things, but 'killer' would not be one charge linked to her name.

  She needed to make amends, and it was best to do it in private. Earl had given her a choice, and Lily had hoped to catch the two women alone so there would be no witnesses. It still smarted to have to admit she was wrong. Smiling, she thought Earl would no doubt be impressed when he discovered she made amends on her own, before he could force her hand. Why pleasing him mattered, she didn't quite understand, but it did.

  She approached Bella's cabin. But hearing female voices on the deck, she turned.

  She could see that the girls stopped at the opening to the lower levels and paused. Arabella was looking around cautiously before nodding to Chloe to proceed down below. Lily went through an inner battle, the likes of which would rival the British war with the states. Finally, she had her competition for bride in a compromising situation. All she needed to do was alert the captain to what was happening. But if Earl discovered her intent, he would come after her with the strap again.

  She shook her head. She might be slow, but she was definitely not stupid.

  Besides, after discussing her situation with Earl, she had come to understand Bella was likely a hostage in Picou's sick game. Bella had told her she was being wed despite her misgivings. No, Lily would not fight to take Bella's place in Picou's life. In fact, if Bella deserved anything, it was sympathy for being stuck with him. At least, she, Lily, was used to surviving on her own. Climbing down the ladder, she decided to make good on her promise to apologize.

  When she reached the bottom, she checked in both directions. "No!" she whispered. She'd lost them! She had wasted too much time second guessing herself.

  It was damp and chilly on this level. The hair on her arms stood on end as she started down the long passageway linking large rooms. She felt as if someone was watching her, but when she turned around, she could find no one there.

  Upon finding a room filled with fruit and other food provisions, she came to the conclusion it was better to give her apologies before the entire crew than to stay in this creepy level a moment longer. She started to back out of the room, when a man's voice startled her.

  "Well, what do we have here? A soiled dove from England, left alone on the long journey?" A large man blocked the exit. His face was hidden in the shadows, but she knew his voice. It was the same man who had brought her trunks aboard the first day of the journey. She thought she remembered him saying his name was Miller.

  "Don't you worry, beautiful. I am one of you. No one cares what becomes of me, either. Bastard sons, even first born, amount to nothing in polite society. Pirates could waylay a man, and his family won't even bother to come looking for him." He took a step toward her and staggered a bit. He smelled of whiskey. "Are you lonely, dove? If so, I'm just the man to take care of your needs."

  Lily stared at him. There was something about him that made her feel sorry for him. She refused to cower at his words. She had faced men like him before. Thanks to Claude Picou, she would no doubt face many more. Pulling herself up as tall as possible, she adopted an air of distain. "I assure you, Mr. Miller, I have no needs you are fit to take care of. The captain asked me to come down here and fetch a few apples. If I don't return with them quickly, he will send someone down to find me. Does he know you have been draining the whiskey supply? He won't be pleased, if I mention it to him. Be gone, and I will forget I ever saw you down here."

  Praying he would believe her bluff, she reached into an open crate and pulled out a few pieces of fruit. As weapons went, they were marginal at best, but if he tried to grab her, she would pelt him with them and perhaps gain a few seconds of time.

  But instead of moving aside, the great man began advancing.

  Bile rose in the back of her throat as she realized she was trapped down here with no one around to hear her pleas.

  A lopsided smile crossed his mouth. "I just left the captain. He wanted to know why I left my post. But I assure you, he never once mentioned apples. He did imply I needed to find a place to sober
up, though. Never could handle my whiskey." His voice was as gruff as his smile as he towered over her, swaying. Then, his expression changed.

  "I've been at sea a long time, little dove. If you're willing, I'll do my best to please you. Do you like it rough? A lot of women do, you know. We don't want to chance messing up those pretty clothes by accident. You'd best take them off before we get acquainted."

  Her frightened scream pierced the air as he reached her. Backing up, she found herself trapped between the crates stored high in the room. He stumbled over his own feet and reached out to steady himself, his hand clutching at the collar on her gown. The huge man appeared just as startled as she was when the material ripped downward with one careless motion, exposing her corset and shift. His face actually showed dismay.

  His bloodshot eyes widened. "Whoa. Sorry about that, love. I'd buy you another one, but, since I'm poor as a church mouse, I can't." His gaze lowered. "Forbidden fruit."

  Lily tried to cover her chest, apples still clutched tightly in her hands.

  "Nice," he growled. "I'll bet they taste sweet, too."

  Lily gasped. She knew he was not talking about the fruit in her hands.

  Another crooked smile crossed his mouth. "Just one little nibble? I promise not to bite." Grabbing a fist full of Lily's red hair, he tugged her toward him, laughing. "Unless you like biting. If that's the case, old Miller will aim to please," he said, his face inches from hers. "Me? I love to bite. You're not a virgin, are you, missy? I draw the line at bedding virgins. Even bastards like me have standards."

  Lily was shivering with fright. Dared she tell him she was a virgin? She jerked her head away from him as she heard footfalls echoing down the hallway, but her would-be-lover didn't even pause as he stumbled forward and accidently pulled her to the floor with him.

  "Someone is coming," Lily pleaded, praying it was Earl. He would save her from this humiliation.

  "I was here first," the large man said, bending down to nibble on her throat.

  "Let her go, this instant!" a little voice cried out furiously.

  Lily's wide eyes searched for her savior. But it was not the commander. It was petite little Arabella who stood over them.

  Lily's captor looked up and grinned. "Don't go fretting, missy. I'm a man in my prime. When I'm finished with this one, you'll be next. I don't need to ask if you like it rough, eh? You've been in the captain's cabin, often enough. From what I heard coming from inside, I bet he does, too."

  "Bella, run!" Lily pleaded.

  "No! I won't leave you here alone with this bastard!" Bella's eyes were blazing with fury. Her fists were clinched, and she was looking desperately around for something to use as a weapon.

  Slowly, the attacker got to his feet. Suddenly, his eyes seemed to clear of the effects of the whiskey, but it was replaced with a resentful expression. "Bastard, eh? Not good enough for the likes of you? If my father had bothered to wed my mum before she passed on, I'd not be forced to work on a ship. Chits like you would be throwing themselves at me, hoping to become the next Duchess of Lancashire." He turned to glance down at Lily. "But I must admit, I much prefer redheads."

  Lily had jumped to her feet now. Bringing her fists full of fruit back, she threw the apples in her hand at Miller's head. One by one, they bounced off his skull. Miller only shook his head and laughed. He glanced between the two women, his eyes crinkling, and his mouth curled, giving them the indication that he was highly amused.

  When he moved toward Lily, Bella took a running start and jumped onto his back. Her arms clasped around his thick neck, and she held on tightly. But her frame was far too small, her weight too light, to make an impact. With one mighty shrug, he sent her flying to the floor. He seemed startled at his own actions.

  Something caught Lily's eyes and she blinked, trying to make sense of what she saw in the dim light. Realization dawned on her at once, and she moved toward his right.

  Her expression changed suddenly. No longer did she look terrified. Her eyelashes fluttered at him as she appeared to take on the appearance of a temptress. Her glance up at him was seductive.

  "Come and get me, Mr. Miller," she said, a velvety softness to her voice. "I have a surprise for you."

  The change in her demeanor surprised him, but he turned. Shaking his head as if to clear it, Miller started toward her, following exactly the path she had wanted him to take.

  It was the last step he took before a screech and a meow pierced the air. Miller's yell of pain had joined it, as Cooper, the cat, leaped on his head, claws digging deep into the side of his face before jumping away. A few trickles of blood began to make their way down his jaw.

  "Run, Cooper!" A third female voice shouted.

  Miller looked upward. His loud grunt rent the air, seconds later, as a crate full of apples landed on top of him and he toppled to the floor.

  Chloe peeked over the top row of crates. "Did I hit him?"

  "Oh, Chloe," Lily breathed, before rushing toward Bella. "Thank you."

  Chloe quickly leaped down from the crates to join her. Bella shook her head side to side, trying to clear her focus. "Good Lord, not the apples. Captain Smythe will be most put out to have lost more apples."

  "What the hell is going on in here?" A roar from the captain's voice filled the room as he came rushing into it, Earl fast on his heels. His eyes wandered from the broken crate, to the apples then to the prone sailor moaning on the floor.

  "See what I mean?" Bella whispered. "Chloe, you were right. We should never have come down here to find Cooper."

  Earl took one look at Lily's torn clothes and let out a colorful string of curses. He kicked the crate off the sailor and took hold of him by the collar, lifting him to eye level. Miller was still out. Earl held him there a moment.

  "Wake up, you bloody bastard. I can't hit a man when he's out!" But when Miller didn't respond, Earl dropped him unceremoniously back to the floor. He landed with a thud.

  Other crewmen came running, as Chloe and Bella pushed Lily behind them to hide her state of undress. But she peeked out from between them, watching with awe, as the commander stood over the unconscious seaman. His gaze moved back to Lily.

  "What did he do to you?" he demanded.

  Her reply was a mere whisper. "Nothing, sir. Bella and Chloe stopped him. And Cooper."

  Miller was groaning by now, and he opened his eyes. When he saw everyone standing over him, he waved at them.

  "You boys got tall," he said. But when his eyes focused on Lily, he began to try to get up. "You, little lady. I think we didn't finish what we start—" He got no further before Earl tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned, the commander's fist smashed into his jaw, and he crashed to the floor and stayed there.

  "That's better," Earl growled with satisfaction.

  "Enough, Commander," Gregory ordered. He looked toward the crew. "Take Miller to the brig."

  Lily watched them disappear with him and peeked out from behind her friends. "I don't think he meant to tear my dress," she said, when Gregory frowned at her. "He was drunk, and he stumbled, and..." Her face crumpled suddenly, and she began to cry.

  The three women turned to face each other. Lily started to apologize and thank them but was so overcome, she ended up grabbing them both in a tight hug and sobbing. Now that the stress of the event was behind them, all three broke out in tears and began talking at once.

  "You saved me! I couldn't…" Lily started.

  "And when you threw the apples at him…" Bella added.

  "I was so worried," Chloe said next. "I was afraid I would hit one of you. It was impossible to see where I was pushing it—and Cooper—"

  "Enough! What happened down here?" The captain's perturbed voice broke up their conversation.

  "Miller attacked Lily," Bella answered simply.

  "And he planned to attack Bella, next." Lily added. She found she was actually glad to see the fury that crossed both men's faces. "But Chloe and Cooper saved us all."

  The command
er reached between Bella and Chloe, taking Lily's hand. "Are you hurt?"

  She shook her head.

  "Wait here," Gregory disappeared for a moment and came back with a blanket in his hand. He handed it to Earl, who reached through them and pulled Lily to him. Turning her away from him, he wrapped the blanket around her from behind before bringing her back to face him.

  She looked up, knowing her eyes were shining.

  "Thank you, sir," she said softly.

  "Come, Miss Collingwood," he said gently. "Let's get you back to your cabin."

  Gregory had put his arm around Bella and brought her next. He paused on the way to the ladder. "Miss Tucker? Are you all right?"

  She had opened her mouth to speak, when an insistent meow sounded in the room, causing them all to turn and laugh.

  Cooper was sitting on the top crates of apples. He appeared quite pleased with himself.

  Chloe reached up to him, and he instantly jumped into her arms and began to purr loudly.

  Lily went meekly to the cabin, in Earl's arms, waiting until she was inside before bursting into tears. It had been so close. If Arabella and Chloe—and Cooper—hadn't been there, what would she have done? She'd have been ruined.

  She had turned to throw herself onto her bed, with her hands covering her face, when she heard Earl's gentle voice behind her. She hadn't even remembered he was in the room. Looking up with watering eyes, she threw herself, instead, into his arms.

  "Tell me, Lily. Did he hurt you?"

  "No." She closed her eyes. "He would have, if it hadn't been for all of you. He seemed to think I wanted him to… He was drunk, and I was so scared." Her voice failed, and she began to weep.

  "Shh," he whispered into her hair. "You're all right. I have you. But never, ever go down below, unless either the captain or I am with you. Is that clear? Because if I find out you have, you'll be in trouble—with me. Clear?"

  She nodded, whispering back, "Yes, sir. But I'm so thankful Bella and Chloe were there. And I don't know what we'd have done, if not for you and Captain Smythe."


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