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Outbreak of the Living Dead (Book 1)

Page 18

by Guerra, Aaron

  “What’re you, five? Release us! We need to get out of here before more of those things come back,” Tristan had said to Crystal. Nicole grabbed Valerie by the waist to hold her back. The woman that chewed the bubble gum tried to kick him in the face for what he said about her age. “You are suppose to be cops! Why are you doing this to us?! Shouldn’t you be out there saving lives?! The town needs you right now,” he continued to plead to them.

  Crystal had snapped her fingers which made the two officers stand up straight. He felt as though she was more rotten in the inside than the things that were eating the living outside were.

  “You are absolutely right, Mr. Mutt. We should be helping people… if we really were the police,” said Nicole. Valerie tore the badge off her shirt with a wicked smile stretched across her face.

  “This uniform was on a corpse here, same with the other two beside me,” said Valerie. Nicole slowly walked over to the girls that were tied up in the back. She gently caressed Kim‘s cheek with the back of her hand.

  “I want to play with them now. Can I wake them up?” Nicole asked. Crystal waved her hand in the air to call her off.

  “Not now! First we must play with him a little more! He‘s resisting his…arrest,” said the leader, Crystal.

  Valerie and Nicole reached down to their belts to undo the belt buckles. They didn’t belong to the psycho’s in the first place. The uniforms belonged to the officers that served the people in this town.

  “Nicole, you go first! Make sure he’s still alive for Valerie to have a turn,” said Crystal. Nicole mocked the casual police salute which ended up making her laugh. It was the same twisted laugh that caught Tristan off guard earlier. She sat firmly on his lap with her arms sliding past his neck. She was imitating a position that one of his previous lovers would’ve done. Nicole smiled down to Tristan, but with that psychotic cold look still in her eyes.

  “Hello little birdie! Do you want to have some fun with me?” Nicole had asked him.

  Tristan brought his head back as far as he could before bringing it back with full force. The woman that was sitting on top of him had fell back onto the floor. The powerful impact she received from his head caused blood to leak out of her busted lip. Valerie couldn’t help but laugh hysterically to their side.

  “Looks like he doesn’t like you either! You slut!” said Valerie. Nicole quickly stood up to kick the man back with the whole chair falling over. He was down on the cold wooden floor while staring up at the ceiling. Tristan was able to see a large fan spinning slowly.

  Crystal walked around the bleeding woman to kneel down beside the man that was bound to the chair. She gently placed her hand on his face before delivering a couple of intense smacks to it.

  “That was a big mistake you little mutt!” Crystal said to him with a confident smile. Just a snap of her fingers made Valerie come over to her like a trained pet.

  The one that was chewing the gum had jump up onto the chair. She stared at Tristan before climbing down on top of him like a slithering lizard. Valerie had licked his check where she left her scratches earlier. She then sat on his chest while swallowing the blood that she licked up.

  “Can I kill him now? He hurt Nicole pretty bad!” said Valerie. The deranged girl had looked over to Crystal with his blood still on her lips. The leader shook her head with her cold eyes staring down to him.

  “No, No it’s not his time yet. Remember that he has to be alive when we play with the girls. Don’t you want to see the look on their faces when we put a bullet in his head? Their screams at the ending is what I’m going to enjoy the most! It’ll be worth every moment my dear, so please try to keep him alive until then,” said Crystal. She stomped her heel into his arm to cause some excruciating pain before turning away from him. “I’m going to go check the front of the police station. We wouldn’t want his screams to attract unwanted guests, now would we?” Crystal said with a sly smile forming. Valerie ended up blushing like a high school girl when her leader walked to the door.

  “Y-Yes! I shall keep him busy until the girls wake up for their special activities,” Valerie said in a cheerful manner!

  At that time Nicole was searching the same room for a rag to use for her busted lip. The blood from her lip was starting to stain her new uniform. If she ever got a stain on her clothing when she was young, she would’ve easily gone crazy and attacked whoever did it to her.

  “You Asshole! When I’m done getting cleaned up, you’re a fucking dead man!” said Nicole. She left the room to follow after Crystal as Valerie remained in the room. It just had to be the one crazy girl that was still sitting on his chest, chewing her bubblegum.

  “Listen, why are you doing this? Who exactly are you?” Tristan said in pain. The woman slowly leaned closer to him to whisper in his ear.

  “Don’t you recognize us little boy?” she said. Tristan’s sight was still a bit blurry from the few hits earlier, but it was true. They did look quite familiar, but he knew that this was the first time he’s met them in person.

  “YOU! You’re the three crazy bitches that are wanted for burning down that hospital in Travis!” he said to her face. She started to clap her hands a few times but suddenly stopped when her gum suddenly fell out of her mouth. The piece of gum landed on his face which really disgusted him on so many levels.

  “BINGO! That’s us! We’ve been on the run this whole time. When we arrived in your cozy little town it was already overrun by the freaks! The perfect play place for me and my beautiful friends!” she said with a bright smile. Valerie had quickly dug into her pocket to pull out a small box of gum. “Want one?” she asked him politely. She removed the gum from the wrapper and forced it into his mouth. “Chew! Don’t swallow! That’s what my daddy use to say to me before he’d whip me good each night!” said Valerie.

  Tristan’s eyes narrowed from what she had just said. The image of a little girl being attacked by her own father had entered his mind.

  “Now I know why you’re fucked up,” he said in a cold low voice. The woman had hopped up once before landing hard onto his chest with some force. The gum that was in his mouth popped out and landed on the floor beside him.

  “That was a WASTE of GUM!” she had screamed at him.

  He knew that he had pushed her button this time. Her eyes became like the killer’s that was all over the news just a few weeks ago. Cold, large and full of death within them. Blood was now covering his vision from all the punching he was receiving from her in that brief moment. She kept going and going, with some of his crimson colored liquid splashing against her face. Valerie finally felt exhausted from her little tantrum.

  “You-You better be alive or Crystal will whip me good too!” she said in fear. Tristan coughed up some blood after she said that to him. He slowly turned his head to the side so that the blood would leave his eyes and mouth. “That’s a good boy,” she said as she slapped him once more. Valerie slowly climbed off of him before fixing her skirt.

  Sarah was standing outside the cafeteria with Luke and Roxanne. Chris Reeve and Joe White decided to stay inside the large room with the students.

  “Well, what’re are we going to do now Sarah?” Roxanne had asked while her hands were in her long white coat’s pockets. Sarah looked around the main hall to see that the bodies they put down earlier were still lifeless.

  “We need to check every room here in this school to see if there are any other survivors that are still trapped,” said Sarah. Luke walked over to the main doors that led outside. They were already locked when he tried to push them open. Someone from within must‘ve been exposed to the sickness when they decided to put the school on lockdown.

  “There are five sections to this old school. The Gym, Class Hall A, Class Hall B and the Faculty Building that connects to the Library,” said Luke as he turned over to see that Roxanne was quite impressed with his knowledge of the school‘s layout.

  “You seem to know this place quite well mister,” said Roxanne. The man had waved the pi
pe in the air while smiling at her. “I think now it’s okay to just call me Luke,” he said.

  The science teacher couldn’t help but blush as she agreed with him.

  “Luke, the Class Hall A and B are broken into four sections. So there’s a total of seven areas we have to check out. I think we should split up and check two places each. Doing so should help us cover more ground,” Roxanne explained. Sarah moved her hand up to show that she wasn’t liking the idea of splitting up.

  “It’s too dangerous for us to split up right now! We don’t know exactly how many of those things are in the school. Why don’t we all just go together? It’ll be slow I know, but at least we’ll be ready for anything that might come up,” said Sarah. Roxanne looked up at the clock on the wall. It was already three in the morning.

  “We’re running out of time Sarah! If we don’t act with haste the sun will rise and give these monsters a better way to see us in the light,” Roxanne said. Luke was interested in her theory.

  “How do you know that?” he asked.

  “If you can see them up close, you can examine that their eyes are white and blood shot,” Roxanne explained. She walked over to the coach’s body that Sarah had put down earlier. Sarah and Luke followed her to make sure the thing was completely dead. “See, the eyes show that it’s blind. They don’t just go after the sounds they hear, right? They actually come after you because they can see you just as well as we can see each other. They just have the physical attribute of a blind man, when they can see just as well as I can in these glasses!” Roxanne said confidently.

  Luke was scratching his head as she tried to explain it to them again. He already felt as though a headache was forming due to all the thinking he was doing. Sarah had walked over to the two doors that would take you outside to the front entrance. She could hear some movement coming from the other side of the door in front of her. Her eyes opened up wide when she saw a terrible sight through a crack in the barricaded window beside the door.

  “Guys, we have a big problem heading our way,” said a terrified Sarah.

  In front of the school building lurked the whole football team. They were standing outside the gym earlier when it was raining hard. But now that the rain stopped, they could hear again with their rotting ears. Roxanne’s brief explanation must’ve been loud enough for them to hear from the outside. Each of them had growled with blood spilling out of their mouths when they turned to face the school. Some of them had their helmets off as most of the others were wearing the complete football outfit. Luke had pulled Roxanne away from the window before telling her to return to the cafeteria. She took off running to the cafeteria when she heard the monsters tackling against the locked entrance of the school.

  Sarah and Luke started to run away from the school’s entrance. Roxanne finally entered the cafeteria before locking it from the inside. The last thing she saw was the revived football team running to her. Sarah stopped near another door that led to a different section of the school. She could hear the creatures hitting against the door that Roxanne just used to escape them.

  “We have to draw their attention away from them! If we don‘t do something now, the cafeteria doors will go down and everyone there will be killed!” Sarah said. Luke used his metal pipe to smack against the lockers to his right. The two entered the entrance to the Class Hall A after making some distracting noises. The hallway was empty as far as they could see. Sarah turned around to notice that they were finally being chased by the football players.

  Luke stayed behind to close the two doors that they had just entered. He locked them as Sarah continued to run down the long hall. The monsters collided with the doors which ended up breaking down easily from the their force. The man barely made it out of the way to escape them when they had fallen over after entering the hallway.

  “NO WAY IN HELL AM I DYING HERE!” Luke had yelled. Sarah turned around to see the creatures getting back up from the floor. When she had turned back to face where she was heading, a rotting beast suddenly came out of the opened classroom door to her right. It grabbed her by the neck and pinned her against the wall. She was kicking it in it’s stomach as hard as she could but that terrible stench escaped it’s mouth which blew into her face. Like Harvey and George, she was losing her focus and strength from the decaying smell.

  The thing had opened it’s mouth wide and came in closer to her face. Before it could take a bite out of her skin, Luke tackled it down to the floor. His pipe was used to impale it’s skull with it’s disgusting smell shooting up at him. Sarah had finally came too after it’s gross death breath almost got her killed. She looked down to see that it was already dead. Though her eyesight was still a bit fuzzy from that disgusting smell he used against her.

  “W-We have to keep moving!” she said as she grabbed Luke’s arm firmly. They started to run further down the hall together. The rotting football players were getting closer after they had finally got up from the floor at the entrance of the hallway. Luke knew he was slowing her down now since that gas attack hit him pretty bad. He couldn’t regain his composure like she did when that creature blew that stuff in her face. The man grabbed Sarah by the hand and leaned in very close.

  Her eyes had opened up when she suddenly felt his lips press against hers. Confused, she didn’t know what to say or do. But before she could say anything he pushed her through the exit of the building. She had tried to open it up for him to escape with her, but he had already locked it from the inside. Banging hard against the glass, she attracted a few of the creatures outside that were lurking in the dark. The last time she saw him was when he had ran back to the horde in the hallway with his metal pipe high in the air. She couldn‘t understand why he didn‘t come outside with her. The image of him giving her a kiss kept replaying in her head before one of the creatures grabbed her arm tightly. She used her strength to swing it over to the brick wall, causing it‘s head to smash against it.

  The woman that had escaped the destruction of Crimson Falls stopped her vehicle near some wrecked cars on the side of the road. It was dark, but she could still see some of the rotting bodies walking to Little Bow‘s direction.

  “I can’t catch a break here, but still,” Rebecca said to herself. The woman looked through the rear-view mirror knowing that where she had just came from was completely destroyed. “I have to go to the town where the Sheriff was from. It just might’ve found it’s way over there while I was locked up,” she said to herself. A few creatures came to the car with their hands sliding against the windows. “Sorry boys, but there’s no time to play,” she said to them. She had pressed the gas pedal down again to leave them behind on the road as she continued to drive down Route 45. There was a few officers with the same uniform that the Sheriff was wearing when she drove past a run down house on the side of the road. There was a little girl holding a hatchet in the yard as she swung it around at a couple of them. “Should I help her?” Rebecca asked herself. The girl let out a final scream before she was taken down by the officers. “Too bad. But I must be on my way,” said Rebecca. The woman continued to drive down the road until she looked down at the watch on her wrist. It showed that it was around three in the morning.

  When she had brought her eyes back to the road she had quickly turned the wheel fast to the right. The vehicle had spun around into the darkness off the road. Immediately she stomped on the breaks to stop herself from toppling over.

  “What the hell was that thing?!” she said while holding the steering wheel tightly. Rebecca looked back through the window to see a tall creature in a torn white coat stand in the middle of the road. It was just standing there, staring at her with red deadly devilish eyes. “T-That’s got to be him!” Rebecca Lee said as she quickly moved her hand down between her legs to retrieve one of her guns. When she had looked back outside through the window, it was already gone. “You have got to be kidding me,” Rebecca said with a sigh escaping from her. The woman had reached over to the passenger seat to turn a flashlight on. Nothing
but those mindless drones could be seen walking around when she shined the bright light out the window. Whatever It was, it was gone. For a brief moment she found whatever it was that she was searching for. “It must be heading to Little Bow. I‘m glad I was able find it, but how the hell will I catch it?” she said to herself. Afraid to admit it, the sight of the creature made her tremble with both excitement and fear. Rebecca had started up the car once again as she drove off the dirt and back onto the long road.

  Kim awoke to the sound of laughter. Her head was ringing and it didn’t feel pleasant at all. She tried to move her hands and legs, but was unable to. The woman looked over to the right to see Susan tied up. The teenager was still unconscious. What caught Kim’s attention was an officer sitting on a knocked over chair. She knew now that the insane laughter was coming from her. Kim was about to speak up when two other officers came through the door in front of her. She lowered her head to pretend as though she was still out cold.

  “So Valerie, did you end up killing the fun toy already?” Crystal asked. The woman stood behind Valerie with a smile on her face.

  The officer that was chewing gum took a step back to reveal whoever it was on the knocked over chair. Kim tried to peek through her somewhat closed eyelids but it wasn’t good enough. All she could see were the three officers standing around the chair that was on it’s back.

  “He wasted a perfectly good gum! So I had to teach him a lesson like my daddy use to teach me when I was little,” said Valerie. The blond woman took a step away when the tallest officer smacked her across the face. Even Kim couldn’t help but flinch from the sound that was made when the girl’s hand had connected with the other.


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