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Outbreak of the Living Dead (Book 1)

Page 32

by Guerra, Aaron

  “Oh really?! Then you tell me when it’s time to panic!” Roxanne said to the soldier. Sarah and Kim made it to where the two were arguing at.

  “What the hell is going on?! We have to go! Now! Get in the damn car!” Sarah had said. She smashed the rest of the glass out of the window with her pipe and threw it inside. She opened the door from the inside and went down below under the steering wheel.

  Crystal opened fire on two of the creatures that finally made it to them first. They collapsed to the road at first, but they got back up to try again. Kim reached inside and unlocked the backdoor for her and Roxanne to climb in. The engine kept trying to start when Sarah pressed two different wires together.

  “Come on! Work damn it!” Sarah told herself. The soldier in black went up to the nearest one and kicked it twice in the gut to push it back. She then held the machine gun up with one arm and blasted the other’s head off with the remaining ammunition in the magazine.

  “I have one left,” Cindy said. Her hand gripped the only Magazine that was attached to her belt and jammed it into the gun after she threw out the empty one. The thing down below struggled to get up with her foot stepping down on it’s chest to keep it at bay. She had aimed down to it’s head before pulling the trigger. When she was done firing, the monster below was twitching with it’s upper head turned to mush. Cindy glanced to the side to see the others finally passing the corner.

  The two women in the backseat cheered when Sarah finally got the car to start up. She sat up in the seat and slammed the door shut before reversing the vehicle. The car had stopped beside the soldier that was firing at the dead. Cindy opened the passenger’s door and hopped into the vehicle before slamming it shut.

  “Go Go!” Cindy said with excitement. Sarah shoved her foot down as hard as she could onto the gas pedal which accelerated the car. They drove past the horde of revivals that were still chasing after them. Kim was punching the air a few times from the over excitement of escaping.

  “We did it!” she said with a cheer. All of the women were able to calm down and show happiness for surviving. Cindy placed her gun down on her lap before moving a hand up to her face to hide the smile she made.

  “Good Job officer. We really should recruit you into the OPC,” she told her. Sarah looked over to her for a second then back to the road.

  “Doesn’t sound like my kind of thing. I’m just a cop, like my father before me,” she said proudly.

  Roxanne was looking at all the buildings they were driving past. She never had the chance to learn what they were since she moved there.

  “So, you’re a science teacher, right?” Kim had asked her. She turned her attention to the girl sitting with her in the backseat.

  “Yes?” she replied. Kim scooted a little closer so the two could hear each other a little better.

  “What’s your view on what’s going on? Cindy mentioned something about an Alien that caused all of this,” she had revealed. The soldier in the front narrowed her eyes with her fists tightening.

  “Hey Kim, that’s classified. I shouldn’t have told you to begin with either,” Cindy said with an angered look on her face.

  Sarah pressed the break which caused the car to come to a complete stop.

  “Explain yourself. What does she mean by, Alien?” Sarah had asked the soldier. Cindy looked out the window to ignore the officer beside her. But Sarah wasn’t going to have any of that. Not after she lost so many people that she cared about. “Listen here, secret woman of the government. You tell me what the hell it is that’s taken away all of my friends! Now!” she demanded. Cindy combed her fingers through her hair while preparing herself from everything she was told two days ago.

  The soldier was about to speak when her walkie-talkie started to go off. An unfamiliar voice was coming through it.

  “Hello?! Is anyone there?! Over!” a girl’s voice had said. Cindy clicked the button down and brought the device up for whoever it was on the other end to hear.

  “Identify yourself. Over,” said Cindy. Everyone leaned in closer to hear who it was that was coming through the walkie-talkie.

  “This is Marilyn! We found this radio on the ground near some dead soldiers. Over,” she said through the walkie-talkie. Cindy looked over to the three for answers.

  “Do you know who this is?” she asked them. Sarah closed her eyes for a moment to take it all in.

  “I know I‘ve heard that name recently, but nothing is coming to me right now,” said Sarah.

  The device started up again with a man’s voice coming through this time.

  “This is Matthew, and I’m here with my girlfriend Marilyn. We just escaped from the hospital and now we’re held up at the police station. Please, if you have a vehicle or anything. Come get us! We don’t want to die in this town. Over,” he said. Sarah quickly grabbed the little machine out of the soldier’s hand and pressed the button down to talk through it.

  “This is Officer Sarah! I was the one that took you two to the hospital the other morning! Over!” she happily said.

  Matthew was sitting on the Sheriff’s desk as Marilyn searched the room for anything they could use.

  “Right! We remember you! The evil that followed us from Crimson Falls has made it’s way here. Please, you have to come and get us out of here! There’s something out there…something new! Over!” he said frantically through the radio.

  Marilyn was excited to find a box under the desk he was sitting on.

  “Look!” she said to her love. She placed it beside him before opening it up to see what was inside. “This looks pretty useful!” Marilyn said. The woman pulled out a long looking magnum with a small box of ammunition for it. “I doubt I could use this…it would break my wrist,” Marilyn said to herself. She handed the heavy gun to her lover which he took gladly.

  The walkie-talkie in his hand started again with the first voice coming on.

  “Report! What do you mean by ‘New’? Is it tall, pale and white? Bigger than the normal ones that are out there? Over,” Cindy said through the walkie-talkie. Matthew walked over to the window to pull one of the blinds down to see through it. There it was.

  “No,” he told her. Marilyn stood near the window and did the same to look through it.

  “It found someone to eat, didn’t it?” Marilyn asked him.

  The image they saw was something from their nightmares that came to life. It was a large black beast with unrecognizable features known to man. It had a business woman in it’s long hands as she screamed for help. The thing had pulled her close to it’s body with a large mouth filled with teeth coming out. It immediately swallowed her whole with blood spilling out of the lines where the mouth was located.

  “I think it’s a demon. A large black devil. Over,” he had said to the person on the other end of the radio.

  Chapter 7

  The car was parked a block away from the police station. Kim and Roxanne were on top of a roof nearby that had a perfect view all around them. The Soldier and Officer were on foot, heading to the police station where the two survivors were hiding out. The college student brought the walkie-talkie up before speaking through it.

  “Okay, they’re almost there. I want you two to get ready to leave. Over,” Kim said through the device. Within the walls of the Police Building, Marilyn and Matthew were grabbing what they could to use against the monsters outside. There was a Riot Shield next to the wall.

  “Looks like someone left this here. Must’ve been in a hurry if they didn’t have the chance to take it,” said Marilyn. She lifted the shield up and held it close to her side. Matthew found a heavy police bag and slid the strap over his shoulder to carry. The magnum they found in the Sheriff’s office was in his right pocket, which felt like it was weighing his pants down.

  “I think we’re ready to get out of this mess,” said Matthew. He looked over to his love, whom was peeking through the window again while holding onto the walkie-talkie, hearing Kim speak through it. She pressed the button down while
staring at the creature that was still lurking outside in the parking lot.

  “They need to be careful. It’s eating some of the dead ones that were walking near it. Over,” she said. Marilyn closed the blinds and went back to stand beside the one thing that made her feel safe in this place. “How long do you think it’ll be until we can finally be safe?” she asked. Matthew placed a warm hand on her cheek before leaning in to give her a kiss on the lips.

  “Not soon enough, but soon indeed,” he said.

  Cindy started to climb up a tree to get a better view of the new abomination that was up ahead. It was slimy looking with random human body parts sticking out of it’s black flesh. There was no eyes, only a few wrinkled lines near the front of it. She watched as Sarah quietly snuck around each vehicles that were left there by the officers. Luckily one of them was open with a little something inside for her to take. She pumped the shotgun once which caught the attention of one of the creatures walking near by. It slowly came across the hood of the car to see that there was nothing there for it to eat. The thing growled and turned away with it’s jaw hanging on the side of it’s face.

  Sarah quickly but quietly slid out from under the car to stand back up. She was able to see the walking corpse limp away.

  “That’s Kevin! Well it was Kevin,” she said. The large black beast quickly slithered it’s heavy looking body towards the car that she was standing next to. The officer dropped down to her knee’s with her eyes closed from the sight of it‘s fast movement. It grabbed hold of Kevin and swallowed him whole with parts of the businesswoman sticking out of it’s sides now. Sarah had a hand to her own mouth to make sure that she didn’t let any sound escape from her. All she could hear was the thing disgustingly chewing on the dead with blood splattering all over the side of the vehicle.

  Still up on the tree, Cindy watched as the monstrosity turned around and slithered back to where it first was near the entrance of the police building.

  “I don’t know why they just don’t escape from the back of the building. Shouldn’t there be a back exit or something?” Cindy asked herself. She had only been in their once after she saved little Kim from being run over years ago. But she never had the chance to go in any deeper to see the whole place. The soldier quickly dropped down from the tree and landed safely on the muddy surface below her. What Sarah needed was a distraction for her to get the survivors out of there. She ran past some of the cars to the opposite side of the parking lot. Cindy stood behind three turned over vehicles with their lights still flashing around. Her hands went through each pocket that she had on her vest before they went down to her pants. The woman in black had crouched down beside the hood of one of the cars for cover. She was able to find her last grenade from the back of her belt, since Kim decided to use one earlier in the sewers. “Alright, let’s see if this can do some damage to it,” she said. Cindy left the unneeded items on the ground since there was no point in taking them any longer. She stood up while facing the monster that was already eating another dead person that had walked close to it.

  Kim watched from the rooftops to see Cindy climb up on one of the turned over police cars. She was standing on top of it with her gun aiming over to the ugly beast that was feasting on random things on the ground. The soldier open fired on the thing which caught it’s attention. It started to shake with it’s mouth opening up wider than what they’ve seen already. It stood up nearly twelve feet tall with two large arms coming out from the fat flab that surrounded it’s sides. The roar from the first beast didn’t compare to the one that was released just now. It was a loud screeching sound with blood splashing out of it’s wide open mouth. Sarah felt as though she might’ve gone deaf from the loud high pitch scream that it made. Cindy just stood there and continued to shoot until the gun in her hand had ran out of bullets. A few empty clicks came out of the machine gun before it was tossed away. She quickly pulled the pin out of the grenade and held it firmly in her grasp. The moment the beast opened it’s mouth wider to scream, she threw it. The grenade spiraled in the air until it finally landed deep inside it’s mouth.

  “GET DOWN!” Cindy had shouted as she jumped back behind the car. Sarah immediately crouched back down to cover herself from the blast.

  The black beast roared once more before it’s body rejected what it just swallowed. The grenade flew up into the air and exploded with a loud bang echoing throughout the town. The sinister creature slithered away towards a manhole that lead to the sewers. It’s large body easily went down the small hole without a struggle.

  “What the hell?” Kim said to herself. She had watched the thing flee from the scene after it rejected the explosive. “Is it running away?” she asked. Roxanne was located on the other side of the rooftop.

  “Oh no…” Roxanne quietly said to herself. From the distance she could hear them returning to the area. Most of the ones in the front were in the same black uniform that Cindy was wearing. “Kim! We’ve got company!” Roxanne said as she was pointing down towards their direction for her to see. Kim pulled up the walkie-talkie again and pressed the button down hard while yelling in it.

  “GET OUT! WE HAVE TO GO NOW! TELL THEM TO HURRY! OVER AND OUT!” Kim screamed through the device.

  Roxanne and Kim ran to the side where the long ladder was located. Kim went down first as the science teacher followed after her. The doors to the police station opened up with the survivors running out with the shield and bag in their possession. Cindy and Sarah joined up with them as they made their way back to the car that was down the street. Matthew held onto Marilyn’s hand tightly as they ran to their getaway vehicle. From the distance they could see a whole army of different versions of the creatures. Some had a bizarre smog around their mouths while others were large compared to the normal sized ones.

  “It’s Crimsons Falls all over again!” he said. Marilyn used her shield to bash one of the reanimated OPC member’s away from her. Matthew aimed down with the magnum before blasting it’s head clean off. Cindy tried her best not to look at who it once was, instead she took the identical machine gun she had earlier and the magazines from it‘s body.

  “Alright, get in the car! Sarah you start it up and I’ll go secure a path for Kim and Roxy!” Cindy had told her.

  The soldier placed the strap around her shoulder so that the gun could hang by her side when not in use. Sarah got in the driver’s seat again and started to turn it on once again. Marilyn was sitting on Matthew’s lap in the middle of the backseat as the car finally started up. They could hear gunshots come from around the building before the three were running back to the vehicle. Sarah stuck the shotgun out the window and blasted one of the revival‘s away from the car as she drove up closer to them. Cindy opened the back door for the others before climbing into the passenger‘s side for herself. Kim jumped into the back and sat next to Matthew with Roxanne slamming the door shut before the creatures could pull her out. They started to bang against the window to get inside but Sarah pressed the gas pedal down as hard as she could to get them out of there. The car’s speed went up the longer she had her foot down on the pedal until she slowly lifted her foot up. Marilyn looked at the two new faces in the car and smiled with a big expression on her face.

  “Let’s get out of here!” she said with a soft giggle leaving her at the end.

  The sun had set as darkness took over the entire large town once again. Crystal was sitting on the ledge of a second story window with her legs hanging outside. She watched as the poor hungry creatures down below tried to reach up to grab her.

  “Why are we here again? We could’ve continued to drive on out of here with those two hanging in the back of the car like I wanted,” said Crystal. Velski glared over to the woman that said that, but she turned away and continued to look at the map she found in the building. Rebecca was cleaning the disgusting blood off of her sword while Tristan was resting with his back against the door. He could hear and feel everything that moved on the 2nd floor since the building was quite old a
nd flimsy. Valerie was sitting in the corner with her gun resting in her lap. She was keeping a very close eye on her leader.

  “Here!” Velski said as she pointed down to the corner of the map. Tristan opened his eyes before slowly getting up to join her at the table.

  “This it?” he asked. She pointed at the same spot again with her knife this time.

  “What is this place?” Velski asked him. Tristan tried to remember exactly what it was, but nothing was coming to mind.

  “I honestly can’t recall. What’s in that location?” he asked.

  Rebecca put the sword back in it’s sheath and stood between the two.

  “That’s where the old factory is, if I’m not mistaken. Luke told me about it a few years ago when I asked him about his home town,” she said. Crystal climbed back inside before bashing her fist against the table with her eyes staring directly at Tristan.

  “I don’t recall joining you and that bitch in finding a factory!” Crystal said in anger. Rebecca pulled out a small torn piece of paper from her pocket and placed it down for the others to see. It was an image of a black tissue in a clear tank. “What the hell is that?” she asked. Crystal picked the paper up and looked closer at it. “This is what we’re looking for?! Some rotten piece of meat?!” she said with a displeased look. She crumbled it up and threw it back at Rebecca before returning to the window.

  “Yes, it’s the rotten meat I’m looking for you moron. This is a tissue sample of an alien life form that the CDC picked up earlier this month,” said Rebecca. Velski grabbed Rebecca by the neck and slammed her onto the table.


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