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by Tristen Kozinski & Keegan Kozinski

crevices, and it was spreading like a virus, giving rise to heroes and legends. It was into this miasma of violence, with both sides teetering on the edge of collapse, that Maevos Avenar arrived.

  The Weshac raiders swept in from the sea overwhelming the paltry Andaur forces protecting the coast. In a matter of days, they had liberated hundreds of cities and villages, crippling the spine of Maribor Andaar's empire. Panic stricken, Andaur's host fled back to Karos'Myyr with the western forces in pursuit. Starvation, exhaustion and the constant harassment from the western army and rebelling citizens lead to such heavy attrition that Maribor Andaar's army returned as a shadow of its former self. The two invading armies met outside Karos'Myyr's terrible iron gates soon thereafter.

  Presided over by Tiberius Wyite, the besieging commanders gathered to discuss their assault. There, for the first time in decades, Maevos spoke with his kin. A half-dozen Avenar Princes had accompanied the western army in this war to cleanse the East, and they now learned of Taelan Muntalabac's involvement with the Andaar Kings. Together they mourned the loss of Elaya Avenar and Maevos's mother who had died in the initial conflict with Andaur.

  As the day broke in the heavens, the Avenar Princes dispelled the eternal, suffocating black mist from the countryside and all of Maribor Andaar's howling could not avert this change. Deep in the bowels of Karos'Myyr, Taelan Muntalabac meditated on the corpses of his sons. Across the dark fortresses entirety there was not a spark of light to be found in any crevice, chamber or hallway. Nor did anything not of Andaur's darkest heart live, from the vermin in the dungeons to the insects in the straw everything had been devoured to augment the Dread Lord's power. He waited in the darkness eager to destroy the Avenar that hunted him. This was not the first time he had been cornered; he was too old, too powerful for an Avenar to challenge him. Even his initial defeat by Maevos was inconsequential, derived more from the Avenar's mental assault than any power Maevos might possess. Feeling the dawn break early in the heavens and the black mist burn away, Taelan Muntalabac stood high on his black throne and grinned.

  Karos'Myyr fell with the day, its towering sable walls cast down by a torrent of wizardry, prayer and mage-craft. The last of Maribor's legion were slain without mercy; throughout the conflict, however, neither Maribor Andaar nor Taelan Muntalabac revealed themselves. Tremors of malice in the earth warned Maevos where the Dread Lord lingered, and, calling two of his brethren to him, he descended into Karos'Myyr. Tiberius Wyite entered in his wake, taking a different route toward Karos'Myyr's rotting heart.

  Tiberius Wyite found Maribor Andaar seated high upon the skull throne, dressed only in the blood and bone of those he had slaughter, rival and ally both. Rising up, the Mad King struck at him with witchcraft, but, when the onslaught faded, Tiberius stood uninjured. He struck the Mad King down with a word and a gesture, breaking his power and his body. He did not kill Maribor, knowing it was impossible; instead, he bound the last Andaar king in light and would later bury him in the roots of Karos'Myyr as the final Andaar Burrow.

  As Tiberius Wyite battled Maribor Andaar, Maevos searched for Taelan Muntalabac. The Dread Lord stepped from the shadows of Karos'Myyr's deepest scar, taunting his three foes with the deaths of their beloved ancestors, naming every Avenar he had slain. Furious, Maevos's brethren charged Taelan Muntalabac without thought for his warnings. They were aged however, the natural brilliance of their spirits diminished by the sorrow and misery of their eternal conflict. The Dread Lord crushed them in his hands, devouring their blessed spirits before casting aside their tainted bodies. He advanced on Maevos Avenar, his body swollen huge on the dark energies of Karos'Myyr and those he had just slain.

  Maevos did not yield to the raw malice of the Dread Lord; he was young, and his spirit remained strong, full of hope and light. Lifting a hand toward the heavens, he called a name and the Dawn Spear answered, shearing through rock, iron to drive into the earth at his feet. Taking up the Dawn Spear, weapon of the Avenar Lord, Maevos attacked Taelan Muntalabac. They warred with all the violence of gods, breaking the roots of Karos'Myyr and shattering the earth. The Dread Lord fought with no weapon, nor did he require one for such was his ancient power and will. No matter how he struggled though, Taelan Muntalabac could not crush the light from Maevos Avenar. His clawed hands rent Maevos's face, his terrible darkness broke the Avenar's limbs, but he could not defeat him. At the end of his strength, Maevos Avenar's light burned away Taelan Muntalabac's darkness. The Dawn Spear finally drank Taelan Muntalabac's blood, killing him for the last time. His body broken, Maevos Avenar died in solitude amidst the storm brought by Taelan's death.

  Andaur fell and Karos'Myyr was destroyed, the iron of its doors and towers melted and buried in the ocean and its stones crushed to dust. The besieging army disbanded, returning west to their many holdings, except Tiberius Wyite who lingered in the East to ameliorate the fallout from Andaur's collapse. The surviving Avenar Princes returned to the DawnHold and there mourned the dead. Maevos and Elaya, brother and sister, were buried together beside their mother. Thus ended one of the sacred Avenar Bloodlines.

  Short stories - Death's Backdoor, A Crime of Honor

  Novels - The Darkness That Slept

  Coming soon - The City of Locked Doors.

  Sneak Peek

  The Darkness That Slept


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