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Holiday Magic

Page 2

by Nikki Jefford

  A champagne cork popped in the background.

  Lee stood in front of the window keeping her back to the activity—i.e., Adrian—in the kitchen.

  Gray joined her, holding two champagne flutes filled with bubbling red alcohol. Her smile widened when Lee looked at her.

  “One for you and one for me,” Gray said merrily.

  Lee took the flute. “Thanks.”

  “It’s called a kir royale,” Gray said. “Champagne and crème de cassis. It’s yummy. You’ll love it.”

  Gray would know.

  “The French like to drink an aperitif before dinner,” Gray continued.

  Lee eyed the flute. She needed to keep her wits about her. Then again, the trip over had left her exhausted. Damage control could wait until the morning. One more night wasn’t going to make a difference.

  Lee lifted her flute. “Cheers.”

  “A santé,” Gray said. “It means wishing you good health.”

  They clinked glasses and tilted them back nearly in sync. Lee swallowed. A delicious crisp, bubbly berry flavor slid down her throat.

  “That’s tasty,” she said.

  “I knew you’d love it,” Gray said, her grin widening.

  Raj joined them at the window with what looked like a rum and coke in his hand.

  “No bubbly?” Lee teased.

  Raj shook his head. “Not my taste. But I did want to say cheers to a successful first semester.”

  For a moment, Lee forgot Gray and Adrian. There was only Raj standing beside her, green eyes bright against his naturally tan skin.

  Lee lifted her flute. “To our first semester of college.”

  “How do you like college?” Gray asked.

  “So far so good,” Lee said.

  Actually she loved it. She loved the independence and higher learning. She was making lifelong friendships and she got to see Raj every day. Attending university was a dream come true, which was why she didn’t want to elaborate over much with Gray—she knew that had been her duplicate’s dream, too.

  “That’s wonderful,” Gray said. “Do you still plan on doing a semester abroad?”

  Lee kept forgetting how easily Gray could get inside her head. She didn’t require mind magic for that.

  “Yeah, probably.”

  Lee had always wanted to visit Spain and try out her Spanish speaking skills. Gray had gotten that chance when she took off to Barcelona that past summer, but she hadn’t finished out the season thanks to Adrian.

  How could she trust a man who had gone out of his way to perform in the same city Gray had fled to in order to get away from people like him?

  Adrian just couldn’t resist appearing at a theater in Barcelona, waving around his magic wand and stirring up all kinds of trouble. Everyone claimed it was his nan, and not him, who put the love spell on Gray, but did it really matter? If not performed by him, then on his behalf. Same difference as far as Lee was concerned.

  “Say, Raj, could I get a hand with something?” Adrian asked.

  Raj turned slowly from the window. “Sure.”

  He joined Adrian in the kitchen where they whispered before walking out and disappearing into another room.

  “What are they doing?” Lee asked. She didn’t trust Adrian with Gray and she sure as hell didn’t trust him with Raj.

  Gray shrugged. “Beats me.”

  Lee turned suddenly to Gray. Raj could take care of himself. She ought to take advantage of her momentary privacy with Gray.

  “So how are you really doing?” Lee asked.

  Gray’s smile reached nearly to her eyes. “Lee, I never would have believed it was possible six months ago, but I am simply bursting with happiness. Isn’t it crazy? Me and Adrian—living together, performing together in France. I’m learning French. Hard to believe.”

  That was just the thing. Lee really couldn’t believe it. “Bursting with happiness”? Hello? Red flag!

  She drank down the rest of her flavored champagne.

  “What is it about Adrian that makes you happy?”

  “For one thing, he respects me.” She smiled. “Notice I said respect before love?” Gray pointed from her forehead to Lee’s. “One mind, remember?”

  Lee set her empty champagne flute on an end table and folded her arms. “Do you respect him?”

  Not possible. As Gray said, one mind.

  “Very much so,” Gray said without hesitation. “He’s an incredible performer and you should see him around kids—what a softie. Who would have known? He always has my best interests at heart and he’d do anything for me.”

  “Is that what you want?” Lee asked. “For him to do anything for you even if it means hurting someone else?”

  Gray’s forehead wrinkled. “Of course not. Adrian would never hurt anyone. I already told you on the phone, he’s changed his ways.”

  Lee raised one eyebrow. “And you believe that?”

  “Yeah,” Gray said voice rising as though answering a challenge.


  “Yeah, really.”

  Lee shook her head. “I don’t see how you can trust him.”

  Lee and Gray stood face to face, eyes locked—the seconds ticking by in silence. Suddenly, Gray’s shoulders relaxed.

  “You know, I almost forgot how I used to feel about him. I’m glad you’re here because now you’ll get a chance to see for yourself how sweet Adrian really is.” Gray waved her hand in the air as though the matter was settled. “Want another drink?”

  Lee shook her head. “I’m good.”

  “Come on,” Gray said, nudging her shoulder. “You’re on holiday break.”

  “I guess. If you’re having one.”

  “Heck, yeah. I could drink these every day.”

  By the time they’d finished their second kir royale—in front of the window, a view wasn’t something to be wasted, after all—Adrian and Raj reemerged.

  Lee gave Adrian a good long stare. He entered the room with a self-satisfied smirk and scratched the scruff on his chin.

  Nope, she still saw him as naughty, not nice. Maybe it wasn’t a love spell at all, but the champagne Gray kept drinking. A guy could look really good with enough bubbly.

  Adrian set two empty glasses inside the kitchen sink. He kept his distance as though sensing Lee’s hostility the way Raj could read a person’s aura.

  “Where should we dine?” he asked.

  Gray clapped her hands lightly. “The pizzeria on Saint Denis. You know how Lee and I love pizza.”

  Adrian smirked. “It’s Lee’s first night in Paris and you want her to eat pizza?” He made a show of considering the request, twisting his lips to the side, tapping his lower lip. “Comme tu veux, mon amour,” he said. “As you said, I know how much you two love pizza.”

  Lee hated that Adrian knew so much about not just Gray, but by default, her. She had to disentangle Gray from the sneaky warlock before she and Raj left France.


  Despite her misgivings, Lee had to admit the pizzeria Gray chose was adorable. Each table had a light bulb dangling above with a cheese grater acting as a lampshade. The tables were tucked into little nooks and crannies. Super cozy. And the pizza was the thin crisp kind Gray and Lee were crazy about. They devoured their pies at nearly the same rate.

  Adrian chuckled from across the table. “Is one enough?”

  Gray leaned back in her chair. “I could have eaten another slice.”

  “Allow me.” Adrian snapped and a large slice of pizza appeared on her plate.

  Gray’s jaw dropped. She elbowed Adrian. “You promised to behave.”

  “I also promised to make you happy. Food makes you happy.”

  Gray laughed instantly. “You’re too much.”

  “You don’t want the extra slice?” Adrian asked, arching a brow.

  “Of course I want the slice. What about you? Your cocktail looks a bit low. Let me fix that for you.”

  Gray snapped her fingers. Adrian’s glass filled so suddenly it
spilled over. His face dropped and his hands jerked forward in an attempt to stop the spillage.

  Gray snickered.

  Raj cleared his throat.

  Gray stopped laughing abruptly. Her eyes darted toward Lee then away. “Oh, right. Sorry.”

  “Raj,” Lee said. “It’s fine.”

  But it wasn’t. She wished her mom would have joined them in Europe for the holiday. Then they could be normal together. Mrs. Perez had also given up her powers to save Gray—to save Lee. She hadn’t realized the full extent of that sacrifice until she followed in her mother’s footsteps.

  Losing her magic sucked, plain and simple. Somehow the holidays made it worse. More likely, Adrian and Gray made her feel worse with their playful use of power.

  Once upon a time, Lee had loved performing magic more than anything. Now she was normal. Just another college girl who had to get up and dress herself in the morning. She used to be able to snap her clothes on and off. It was practically Magic 101. And she could do much more, even turn herself invisible. Now here she was for the world to see—nothing special or extraordinary. No longer Graylee. Simply Lee.


  Back at the apartment, Gray asked if they wanted anything else before bed. Adrian had disappeared into his bedroom and Lee was eager to escape to her own.

  “We’re fine,” Lee answered quickly. She couldn’t wait to be alone with Raj.

  “Okay. I’m so happy you’re here. Bonne nuit.” Gray gave Lee a quick hug.

  After mumbling “good night” to Gray, Lee hurried to the guest room, shutting herself inside with Raj. He bent over to unzip his suitcase, rummage around, then straightened up.

  “Well?” Raj asked. “What’s your first impressions of Paris?”

  Paris?! Lee didn’t want to discuss Paris. She wanted to formulate a plan to free Gray from Adrian’s spell.

  Raj’s fingers caressed the buttons on his shirt. Lee focused on each one as he freed them from their fabric holes. She tilted her head, wishing he’d snap the shirt off already.

  It had been sexy when he used to do that. Lee was getting fed up with the walking on eggshells routine Raj did around her.

  “I thought you said the love spell was broken,” Lee said.

  Raj’s shoulders slumped. “It is. Why do you say that?”

  Lee threw her arm out toward the door. “Obviously Gray’s still under a spell.”

  “Lee, Gray’s not under any magical spell.”

  How could Raj be so sure? Lee frowned. “Then why is she acting all gooey around that jackass?”

  A smile spread over Raj’s lips. He made his way over to Lee carefully and reached out his hand, cupping her chin delicately.

  “It’s called being in love.”

  Lee grimaced and took a step back.

  Raj’s smile fell. “Lee, are we good?”

  The hurt on his face stabbed at Lee’s heart. She loved Raj beyond words, but sometimes she worried that she wasn’t the woman he’d fallen for. She didn’t look a thing like her original self, and she’d lost her powers. How could she forget the reason she caught Raj’s eye in the first place? By sneaking into class late as Invisa-Girl then reappearing before his eyes.

  Most women would kill to have a body like the one she now possessed, but Lee had appreciated having her own unique look and style.

  Gray had never been one of those girls who wished she belonged to the popular crowd. She’d certainly never looked at Stacey Lee Morehouse and wished for even a second she was her.

  Lee considered herself the real Graylee Perez. Her duplicate hadn’t been awakened until nearly a year later, yet she got to look like herself and perform magic. But those were the simple facts. Lee had come to terms with it. What irked her now was that after everything they’d been through together back home, Gray had chosen to fling herself into the arms of Adrian Montez.

  How could Gray love someone Lee loathed?

  They liked the same food, the same beverages, the same clothes… at one time, the same men. Gray had kissed Raj behind Lee’s back. She was happy her duplicate had moved on. She just wished it had been with anyone other than Adrian.

  Lee sighed.

  Raj stood still watching her.

  “Of course we’re good,” Lee said. “It’s just hard being here, pretending like everything’s great after what Adrian did to all of us.”

  Raj’s shoulders relaxed slightly. “I understand more than anyone. The first time I came here it was to help take him down. But a man can change.”

  “Can he?” Lee asked, arching her brows.

  “I did,” Raj said.

  Lee stepped up to Raj and slid her arms around his neck, suddenly tired of the arguing. They were standing inside their own private bedroom—something they’d never had before. No sneaking into dorm rooms.

  “I’m not so sure, McKenna,” Lee said, lowering her voice. “Are you telling me there isn’t some old part of you who would like to snap my clothes off?”

  Raj stared at her lips as she spoke. His eyes blazed with supernatural brilliance the way they did whenever he was turned on. Lee untangled her arms from around his neck and took a step back then another until she was nearly against the edge of the bed.

  Raj’s gaze drifted down her body and back up. “You’re playing with fire, Lee,” he warned.

  Lee bit down playfully on her lower lip. “Then why don’t you light me up?”

  Raj’s lips lifted into a grin that appeared more devious than playful. His hand rose slowly. His fingers rubbed together in a leisurely caress before he snapped.


  “Happy Christmas Eve,” Gray called out when Lee emerged from the guest room the next morning.

  Her duplicate stood in the kitchen wearing a gray tank top over pink, white and gray pajama pants with little white poodles printed all around.

  “Cute PJs,” Lee said as she walked up to a barstool in front of a counter opposite the kitchen. She’d dressed in skinny jeans and a fuzzy pink sweater before coming out of the guest room. She didn’t feel at home enough to lounge around in her pajamas.

  “Thanks,” Gray said. “There’s a lingerie shop on practically every street corner of Paris, but you know us…”

  “We like our comforts,” Gray and Lee said in unison.

  Lee broke out into a grin and they laughed. Gray turned to the stovetop.

  “I’m heating some milk to make us mochas.”

  “Oh my god, I love you,” Lee said.

  Gray chuckled. “Told you we’d have a great Christmas together.” Gray measured some brown powder from a tin into the pan and started whisking.

  “Can I do anything?” Lee asked.

  “Nope, it’s almost ready.”

  Less than a minute later, Gray had the steaming beverage poured into two mugs and set one in front of Lee.

  Gray drank hers standing, or slouching rather, against the counter.

  “Did you sleep okay?”

  “Fine,” Lee replied quickly, feeling a blush coming on.

  “It’s wonderful seeing you and Raj so happy together. He’s a great guy.”

  Lee nodded and took another sip of mocha. She got the feeling Gray was fishing for a return compliment, but she wasn’t biting. She wouldn’t lie to her own duplicate.

  Gray watched her a moment before lifting her mug to her lips. She set it back on the counter.

  “There’s so much I want you to see while you’re here, but a lot of the attractions are closed today and tomorrow so we’ll have to wait until after Christmas. Adrian thought you might enjoy walking along the Champs-Élysées to see the beautiful holiday decorations.”

  “Sounds good,” Lee said.

  “Then it’s a plan… as soon as the guys get their lazy asses out of bed.” Gray laughed before returning to her mocha.


  When it came to holiday décor, Paris went all out. Little white Christmas lights glittered off every tree along the avenue of the Champs-Élysées all the way down to the Arc
de Triomphe. Shimmering decorative balls circling soft blue glowing orbs lit up the parks between shops. Lee felt as though she were walking through one very lavish winter wonderland. It was nothing short of dazzling. Best of all, it put Lee into the holiday spirit.

  She gave Raj’s hand a squeeze. He looked over with a grin and squeezed back.

  “Mulled cider, anyone?” Adrian asked, nodding toward a cart along the curb.

  “Yes, please,” Gray said, rubbing her hands together.

  “Lee? Raj?”

  “Not for me,” Raj said. “But I’m sure Lee would like one.”

  “Sure,” Lee said in the friendliest voice she could muster, which wasn’t particularly friendly.

  While Adrian and Gray were at the cart ordering, Raj turned to Lee with a frown.

  “What?” Lee asked.

  Raj took a deep breath before speaking. “Adrian’s trying. You’re not.”

  Lee frowned. Since when did Raj play nice with Adrian? Those two had as much bad blood between them as Adrian and Lee, if not more. If Raj could move on, perhaps Lee ought to make an effort. What better time than Christmas?

  Lee sighed. “Okay, I’ll ease up, but you can’t expect me to feel warm and fuzzy around the guy.”

  “You and me both,” Raj said. He gave Lee a quick kiss on the lips.

  She smiled back before joining Adrian and Gray at the cart.

  “Thank you, Adrian,” Lee said.

  His eyebrows shot up as though startled to see her beside him.

  “You’re welcome,” he said, handing her a steaming Styrofoam cup.

  Lee took it and moved away. Okay, pleasantries over. She sipped delicately at the spiced wine to avoid burning her tongue. Drinking alcohol at eighteen in public was yet another novelty of Europe.

  Gray joined her side.

  “Thanks for bringing us here,” Lee said. “It’s nice to see all the decorations.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed them. We should probably head back soon. Charlene’s coming over for dinner.”

  “Charlene?” Lee asked, nearly spilling the hot wine. “Why would you invite Charlene over?”

  “Because it’s Christmas Eve and she’s our sister.”

  “She killed us.” Not that Gray required reminding.


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