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Forbidden Lust (Tales of the Forbidden)

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by Jaden Sinclair

  Forbidden Lust

  Tales of the Forbidden

  Book Four

  by Jaden Sinclair

  Published by

  Melange Books, LLC

  White Bear Lake, MN 55110

  Forbidden Lust, Copyright 2013 by Jaden Sinclair

  ISBN: 978-1-61235-585-6

  Names, characters, and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published in the United States of America.

  Cover Art by Caroline Andrus

  Forbidden Lust

  Jaden Sinclair

  Darius Alistair never thought he would live the happily ever after life. Privately, he lusted after the one girl that could destroy all of his friendships, but like most things in his life, Darius is willing to lose everything to have this one woman. Makayla!

  Makayla Tabor wants nothing more in her life than to be stable and stay home, but her brother in law has other plans and keeps her from the only home she’s ever known. On a rare visit, she gets one of many shocks in her life. She’s taken to the ‘Compound’.

  Now married to one of the four rogues of Cane, she must deal with her feelings and a past that Darius has kept hidden far too long. But as much as he might try to shield her from things left buried, he is unable to shield her from his lust, no matter how forbidden it might be.

  Table of Contents

  "Forbidden Lust"

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  About the Author


  Chapter One

  Darius Alistair stood in the yard of his new home, feeling a new sense of accomplishment at all the changes happening in his life. He’d been gone from Treece for a year. Blaine had checked in, so had Devon, but not Dane. Dane knew why Darius had left; knew why he always came back, and knew what he wanted. Makayla. That knowledge put a strain on their friendship—a strain that bothered Darius big time.

  “Mr. Alistair!” The contractor came out of the house, a big smile on his face. “Welcome home.”

  Welcome home. A short statement that had Darius grinning while he stared up at his new house, which he’d designed specifically for shock value alone, and for a fresh start—a new life for him in Treece.

  A three story house—four, if you included the basement—had been built, walls structured oval-sided, high vaulted windows and, without a doubt, was something to look at. Darius made it a point to build the house in an isolated place and, unless you knew where to look, precisely, you wouldn’t find it. He’d bought up as much of the surrounding land as he could get his hands on, then had all the roads taken out, leaving only one way in, and one way out.

  The home had a tropical feel to it and fit perfectly on the property. Rock covered the whole front of the house, and sand stone the rest of it. So far, what he saw on the outside exceeded all of his expectations.

  “Please, follow me,” the contractor said.

  The entrance stole his breath away—all open space, and a light airy feeling. In the center of the room was a huge Persian rug with matching white sofas facing each other, end tables on each side, and a long table in the middle. A set of marble stairs curved to the second floor. Looking up, Darius saw that the house, indeed, had three stories, only you couldn’t tell it from the outside.

  “The second floor has the five bedrooms you wanted, each with a bathroom of its own.” The contractor headed for the stairs and Darius followed him up. All the way around to the left side of the house they walked until the contractor paused before a set of double doors then opened them with a flourish. “The master bedroom,” he announced.

  “Wow!” Darius gasped, going inside.

  The oval-shaped bed was built in the middle of the room, with a curving wall behind it with a dresser built into the walls and facing the large floor to ceiling windows. A built in sofa hugged the oval wall under a window, night stands matching the oak wood were positioned on either side of the bed. The bed happened to be up one step and at the foot of the bed was a built in television encased in wood.

  “Sir.” The carpenter stood off to the left, his arm out for Darius to follow him.

  They went through a wide hallway that also turned out to be a walk through closet. On one side were built in dresser drawers, the other side a place to hang his clothes. The room which connected to the closet led into the bathroom.

  A large, oval-shaped tub with jets had been set in front of a window, a walk-in shower beside it and toilet. Opening the door, Darius found himself back out in the wrap around, balcony style hallway.

  “I must say, I’m liking it, so far.”

  “Then by all means, let me show you the rest of the house.”

  The carpenter escorted him through a large dining room and kitchen, a den and a workout room. In the basement was a wine cellar, another bathroom with shower and a built in spa per his request. Everything was, without question, worth the money he spent. Now all he had to do was finish it by bringing Makayla home. That was going to be a challenge all its own.

  Darius spent most of the rest of the day moving in. He had people to interview that would staff the house—not too many, though—three to work inside and two outside. They were to start at the end of the week, leaving him alone to get settled in.

  He hung up his clothes, stocked the wine cellar, went out for food to stock the kitchen and watched a crew of moving men deliver and set up his gym on the top floor. All in all, the move had been productive, and completed in a day.

  With drink in hand, he moved around the house, music drifting up to the rooms from below. He sipped his drink while the sun began to set. Everything was moving into place and now, as so many had remarked, he could settle down in a place truly his own.

  At midnight, he decided to call it a night. Coming down to the second floor he stopped when he saw lights flashed into the windows. Moving to the balcony on the second floor, he opened the double set of glass doors and watched as a car pulled into his driveway. When it stopped, and the driver turned off the engine, the car door opened. Darius saw someone he hadn’t expected to see step out of the car.

  Darius grinned when he recognized the man. “Why am I not surprised?”

  Devon Noved looked up and smiled. “Got a drink?”

  Darius gave a quick nod. “Come on in.” He went back inside, turned left and went down the small hallway that had a spiral staircase going up all three floors. He went down and met Devon just as he was coming inside.

  “Impressive,” Devon said.

  “Thanks.” Darius went over to one of the small wet bars he’d set up a few hours ago. “So how’d you know I was back?” He poured Devon some scotch, put two ice cubes in it before turning and handing it over. He ambled over to a sofa and sank into it with a sigh.

  “Small town, you know that.” Devon followed him, taking a seat across from him. “And word got out about the staff you just hired.” He took a drink. “Dane knows your back also.”

  “And is that why
you came all the way out here? To let me know that Dane knows I’m back.”

  “Naw, I wanted to see the new place.” Devon added, “Sort of watched them build this place, and I have to say I didn’t see this coming as the end result.” He looked around. “Still can’t believe you tore the old house down.”

  “Out with the old, in with the new.” Darius watched Devon closely. On a sigh, he sat forward, put his glass down on the table in front of him and looked Devon right in the eye. “Okay, out with it.”

  “With what?”

  “Don’t bullshit me, Devon. It’s too damn late for this to be a social call. Give.”

  “Don’t do it, man.”

  “Shit,” Darius groaned, standing back up. “Is this why you came over so late? To tell me not to go after her?”

  “Already you and Dane are on opposite sides here. He looks at Makayla like a little sister and knows your past. Can you really blame him for not wanting you messing with her with the kind of record you have?”

  “Since when did he become so damn honorable?” he snapped back.

  “None of us are,” Devon groaned. “And I think that’s why he’s so against this shit. He knows firsthand what happens in there and knows what kind of man you are.”

  “He can’t have it both ways.” Darius moved over to the back windows, staring out at the night with hands in pockets. “He can’t keep her out of town all the time, and not expect me to try if I get an open window.”

  “And you can’t expect me to not try to come out here and keep the peace.”

  Darius huffed, “No I can’t do that.”

  “You both are my best friends. The two of you put me and Blaine in a very awkward position and I’m telling you right now we’re not going to take sides.”

  “I’m not asking you to take sides.”

  “No, but your actions are.” Darius looked over his shoulder with a deep frown at Devon. “Tell me what you’d do if you were in my shoes.”

  Devon also stood up put his glass on the table and shoved his hands into his pockets. “The same thing I know you’re about to do.”

  Darius watched him turn and head for the front door. Nothing more was said. Devon walked out of the house, back to his car and simply drove away. Darius turned back to the window, staring out at the night. His mind once more went back to her. He wondered what she was doing, who her friends were and if by some crazy chance, she ever wondered about him.

  Hell, he knew that when she came home he was never around and the others were. Did that make her question it? She had to know that they all were good friends, or at least at one time, they were. He knew that as soon as Dane figured it all out the friendship would come into play. But he also didn’t think Dane would let it get this far. He thought their friendship meant more to him. Boy, wasn’t Darius wrong there?

  Soon Makayla would be twenty-two. His gut told him that Dane’s grandmother, Berdina, would be sneaking her into town for her birthday. Twenty-five was the cut off for the Compound, and already he heard that the woman was doing all she could to make sure Makayla stayed out of town until she was too old. The big twenty-first birthday party happened to be something special, but right after Makayla’s party ended she’d been whisked away. He hadn’t even had the chance to think about having her summoned.

  Oh, he knew that Dane and Samara had her come home here and there, and that they kept it very quiet. Dane didn’t want Darius to know she was back, for fear that he would have her summoned, just as Dane had done with Samara.

  Samara happened to be just fine with the idea, but not Dane. For some strange reason Dane didn’t think Darius could change his bad boy ways, nor did he think he was good enough for Makayla. That knowledge had put a big strain on their friendship.

  Since Dane had decided when it came to Makayla, the rules of the game would be played differently. He wouldn’t give Dane any heads up just like Dane wasn’t giving him any. Besides, Darius had his own contacts, his own method of getting information.

  His cell buzzed in his back pocket. Pulling it out, Darius didn’t bother with seeing who it might be.

  “Yeah,” he answered.

  “She’s packing to go home.”

  Darius closed his eyes, his gut felt like millions of tiny flies were flying around in it. The only other time he ever felt so nervous over doing something was his first time having sex. Now he felt that way all over again.

  “When?” he asked.

  “The car just got here. She should be at the house very early in the morning and is only staying for a couple of days. They’re flying her out of the country for a world-tour vacation and she won’t be back until after she’s twenty-five.”

  “How many know she’s heading back?” Darius turned away from the window jogged to the stairs and took them two at a time up to the second floor. He raced to his new office with the cell still up to his ear.

  “No one that I know of.”

  The clock on the wall showed it was one in the morning. Makayla’s school was three hours away. Figuring quickly, he estimated that she would be home between four and five in the morning. They’re moving her out faster than what I’d planned.

  “This isn’t like them. They don’t send for her so late at night,” he said.

  “I know. They called here an hour ago and the whole place has been quickly packing her up. It looks like she isn’t coming back.”

  No she isn’t. “Okay, thanks.” He hung up, took a deep breath and pocketed his phone.

  He sat down behind his new desk and picked up the landline phone dialed the number and waited for someone on the other end to pick up. Of all the things he’d ever done in his life, this happened to be one of the hardest. He felt selfish, excited, and like he was betraying everyone he knew at the same time. He half expected to be here in town for a few weeks before making this call, but clearly Dane didn’t want to give him the chance to summon her. Guess he’d underestimated Darius once more. After all, why wouldn’t he track her down and get someone on the inside to work for him and give him reports all the time on Makayla?

  “This is Darius Alistair and I’m requesting pick-up of a Makayla Tabor at the Knight home in the morning.” Another deep breath. “She’s being snuck in, so I don’t have much time.”

  “Sir, you are aware that the next celebration isn’t for another month.”

  “Yeah, and I’ll pay the extra cost to have her taken to the Compound and kept there.” His answer was silence. “Pay anything. I really need her taken in the morning, or she’ll be gone for good.”

  “Hold, please.” The wait wasn’t long. “Mr. Alistair, I have put your request through and it has been granted. How long would you like for us to hold?”

  Darius thought about that. How long did he want Makayla to sit in the Compound waiting to see if Dane or Berdina would come to rescue her? What would she think when it was him that came to her and not them?

  “At least twenty-four hours,” he answered. “And please call me the moment she’s ready and I’ll be there. Expense is irrelevant. I want here there tonight.”

  “Yes, Sir. Our men will be heading to the Knight household first thing in the morning.”

  “Better make it tonight and have them wait there. Not sure what time on arrival.”

  He ended the call and sat back in the chair, propping his feet on the desk. His hand shook, a nervous feeling hit and before he could talk himself out of it, Darius was up and heading out of the house to his car. He couldn’t sleep knowing that soon she would be here. There wasn’t a chance in hell he would get any sleep tonight.

  He drove to Berdina’s home. Since the burning down of Dane’s house, the man had decided to move back in with his grandmother. Darius didn’t understand it, but then again he didn’t understand how one girl could change the cold heart of that woman. Makayla had. She’d changed the women, softened her up, and made her almost human.

  The town was dead, not many out. He found a spot to park his car, concealing it from all yet aff
ording him a clear view of the house. He turned off the engine and sat back to wait for her. The lights in the house were all on, breaking through the night. That told him that the call he got was, without a doubt, true. Makayla was coming home for a very short visit.

  He felt like a stalker. Darius sat in his car, watching the house, seeing everything that went on inside through the windows. He watched as Samara straightened up, waiting for their guest. When the lights did go out he told himself that he should go home, get some sleep and get ready for the impending fight that would land on him. But he didn’t. He couldn’t leave, not when he knew she was coming. He started to drift off to sleep only to wake up with a jolt when lights hit his face. He glanced at the clock on the dashboard, saw it was four in the morning and sat forward in his seat as the car that woke him drove up to the house.

  The front door opened, light spilled out, and Samara Knight came outside to greet her sister. Darius watched Makayla get out of the back seat, rush over to Samara and the two hugged tight.

  Makayla’s hair had grown longer since the last time he saw her. It now hung down to the middle of her back. She wore jeans and a jean jacket. He couldn’t make out her face, only her delightful backside.

  Fisting his hands tightly around the steering wheel, Darius kept his eyes locked on the two. They talked outside, Samara holding Makayla while the staff took her bags out from the trunk and into the house. Damn. He wished he could hear what they were saying. He wanted to hear her voice.

  When the two went inside, he lowered his head down to the steering wheel and sighed. He felt guilty now over what he was doing and wished like hell he could go about it all in a different way. He wished right then that he could’ve gotten lucky with finding the one for him without ruining a friendship. Fuck, Darius just simply wished he were someone else.

  Sitting back up, he started the car, put it in gear and pulled away from the house as exhaustion set in. He headed back home. Off in the distance a soft glow of light started—the hint of sunrise.


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