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California Homecoming (Crimson Romance)

Page 6

by Casey Dawes

  In the middle of the afternoon, Sarah heard a yell from the foot of the stairs.

  “Sarah!” Mandy called up. “Look what I found wandering outside.”

  Sarah leaned over the upstairs railing and looked down to the entry hall.

  Hunter. The man couldn’t take the “no” she’d given him the week before for an answer.

  A shriek came from one of the three upstairs bathrooms and a small girl ran out of the room, and tugged at Sarah’s shirt. “My mommy’s all wet. She says she needs help.”

  Sarah looked down at Hunter who was looking bewildered. “Work party. You’re just in time. We seem to have a plumbing problem. Come on up.”

  Her heart sank as she watched Hunter peer at the stairs before beginning the climb. His progress was laborious.

  The things I take for granted.

  “You really don’t need to fix this. I’m sure I can figure it out,” she said quickly.

  “No you can’t.” Mandy yelled. “I’ve seen you after you’ve changed a washer, remember?”

  “So have I,” Hunter added. “It’s not a pretty sight.”

  Mandy chuckled and Hunter joined in. Sarah gave a mock groan and gazed at the small army of workers who were scraping wallpaper in the five upstairs bedrooms. Mandy was a miracle worker.

  Hunter reached the top of the stairs. “Let’s see what the problem is.”

  She led him to the bathroom at the end of the hall. A young blond was attempting to stop the water spraying from a jury-rigged shower head with little success. Everything in the room was wet and rags littered the floor.

  “I followed the instructions,” the woman said. “But they must be wrong.”

  “You got a crescent wrench?” Hunter asked Sarah as he maneuvered himself into the big clawfoot tub that dominated the room.

  Sarah put the wrench in his hand.

  “Did you turn off the water?” Hunter asked the blond.

  “I thought I did, but … ” She waved her arm at the mess.

  He peered over the edge of the bathtub. “Turn the knob the other way. You’ve turned it on full force.”

  The woman’s face reddened as she complied. As soon as she was done she glanced at Sarah. “I’ll leave you two to the plumbing.”

  “You don’t have to — ” Sarah said, but the woman was already leaving the room.

  Sarah pushed stray hairs from her face and glanced in the mirror. Good thing she wasn’t interested in this man. Dirt smeared her face and her T-shirt was covered in cobwebs. If she looked closely, she could see a little bulge in her belly.

  “You look cute when you’re working,” Hunter said, fiddling with the shower head.


  He tightened the fixture and said. “I need you to come closer so I can give you something.”

  “What do you need?” She stepped toward the tub.


  He bent down and took her head in his hands. His lips met hers in a lingering kiss.

  Her first instinct was to pull back; she didn’t need this. But his lips seduced her and whispered of strength and maturity. Hunter was a man to depend on.

  She pressed her mouth to his, longing for the experience she’d read about in books, but had never had.

  “Ahem.” Mandy stood in the doorway. “Plumbing done?”

  Sarah’s face flushed and she stepped back.

  Hunter knocked on the shower head. “Good as new.” He had a big grin on his face.

  Her temper rose.

  Stupid. That’s what she was. Easy pickings for any man. She glowered at the man climbing from the tub.

  Her feelings changed from anger to concern when she saw the awkward stance as he worked to keep from slipping on the wet, uneven surfaces.

  “Thank you.”

  “Yes,” Mandy echoed. “Boy, have we got work for you.”

  “I’m sure Mr. — Mr., um, Hunter has more important things to do.” Sarah turned to him. “Don’t you?” She needed him to leave. The kiss was too real.

  She looked up at him and a breath escaped her.

  He was studying her as if he’d never seen her before.

  Mandy cleared her throat.

  “I’ll be glad to help any way I can,” Hunter said. The words were layered with meaning. “How about I take you out to dinner after all this is over?”

  Sarah took a step back and pressed against the damp sink. “No, that’s okay. You’ve done enough already. Besides, I’ll be too tired.”

  He stepped toward her. “I’d really like to take you out.”

  “I’m not dating.”

  He braced his hand against the wall and towered over her. “Not dating at all? Not dating men? Or just not dating me?”

  “Not dating men.”

  He cocked his head. “You didn’t strike me as a lesbian.”

  Mandy laughed. “Hardly! She’s being stubborn though. Sarah, go out with him. All you do is work on this house. It’ll be good for you.”

  Some friend. “I can’t go out and you know why.”

  She would not allow her gaze to drift to Hunter.

  “That’s no excuse,” Mandy said. “Go out with him.”

  “What’s the best restaurant in town?” Hunter asked.

  “The Blackbird” was Mandy’s quick answer.

  “Okay. The Blackbird it is. We’ll make it tomorrow night so you’re not too tired. I’ll pick you up at seven.” Again he brushed Sarah’s lips with his.

  She glared at him.

  He smirked and looked at Mandy. “Now what else needs doing around here?”

  • • •

  On Sunday morning Sarah woke in her childhood bedroom at her mother’s to the stark realization she had a dinner date.

  What in hell had she been thinking?

  Exhausted the night before from the work party, she’d fallen into bed without a thought about anything or anyone.


  He’d been an amazing help the day before, adding expertise and knowledge to the dozen people who were long on enthusiasm, but short on skill. He’d even spent time with Mandy discussing how to get the kitchen in shape to be certified with the least expense.

  He’d offered to help with the installation. He only wanted a room. His old room at the top of the stairs.

  That puzzled her. Why would someone who found navigating stairs difficult, want a room at the top of them?

  The question reminded her of the cardboard box that was still in her trunk. Mandy had gotten it down for her before the first helper arrived and they’d taken a quick look. The contents looked to be handwritten letters from over a decade ago, when people still did such things.

  Chills had run over Sarah’s skin and she’d closed the box and asked Mandy to put it in her car.

  A pain cramped her side and she curled into a fetal position, breathed steadily, and waited it out. The doctor had told her there didn’t appear to be a problem, but to avoid stretching and lifting anything too heavy and try to get a few naps in each day.

  The woman had obviously never tried to open an inn. Still, Sarah had tried to modify her behavior a little bit. The party had definitely helped move the project along.

  Sarah smiled. Mandy had been true to her word. So much had gotten done. In fact, between the hard work and Hunter’s plumbing talent, the master bedroom was ready for her.

  She looked around her childhood bedroom. The space was comforting, like macaroni and cheese or a kitten’s soft fur, but it was time for her to create her own life and security.

  She sat up and straightened her shoulders. That would be exactly what she’d portray at dinner tonight: confident, secure, and in need of no man.

  Even one who kissed like the very devil himself.

  She threw back her covers, stepped out of bed, and looked around the room. It would only take one truckload to get her furniture to the inn. The master bedroom was as ready as it was going to get.

  Mandy had a friend with a pickup and it was time to move.<
br />
  Sarah hadn’t counted on her mother.

  “What do you mean you’re moving today?” Elizabeth asked when Sarah told her the plans. “You need to rest. You spent all day yesterday at the inn. I was planning on pampering you today.”

  “Isn’t Marcos coming today?”

  Her mother blushed. “Not until later tonight.”

  “See,” Sarah said with a grin. “You should be glad I’m moving today. You and Marcos can have the whole house together without any prying children.”

  Elizabeth smiled. “I never minded having you around.” Her voice softened. “I thought when you went to college my heart would break, but this feels even more permanent. Can’t you wait until the baby is born? What if something happens? You’d be totally alone.”

  The comment stopped Sarah. The pains had been brief and the doctor had told her not to worry, but what if the doctor was wrong? Her mother had a point. She’d be totally alone.

  “I’ll keep my cell phone on me at all times.”

  “I’d feel better if you were here.”

  “Mom, I’m alone at the inn all day. I only sleep here. I’ll keep nine-one-one on speed dial.” She grinned at her mother, hoping it was reassuring.

  Elizabeth frowned. “I wish there was a man in your life. Raising a child is hard to do alone. Are you sure you and Rick can’t make it? Maybe he needed some time to adjust to the idea. He might come around.”

  Sarah’s muscles tensed. “I don’t think I’ll ever hear from Rick again.”

  “But if you did?”

  “No. Not interested.”

  “It would be better for your child if you were together.”

  “Like you and Daddy? No thanks, Mom. I’ll be fine.” She took a deep breath. Her mother was only trying to help.

  Putting her arms around her mother she said, “It’ll be okay, Mom. I know you mean best, but please let things be the way they are.” She released her mother and said. “Besides, I promise to come home once a week to do my laundry and have a real meal!”

  Elizabeth laughed, but the sound was forced.

  • • •

  “You sure picked a heck of a day to move,” Mandy said as she placed a box of linens into the back of her friend Paul’s pickup. In contrast to the day before, Sunday was cold and damp, the worst of Northern California winter.

  Paul had turned out to be a broad-shouldered sound engineer, his long dark hair neatly tucked into a braid. He didn’t say much, but moved with the assurance of someone who knew his place in the world.

  Mandy’s eyes followed his every step.

  Sarah smiled “It’s the middle of February. What do you expect? Only a few more months ’til spring.” Spring meant gardens. She was going to have to find a gardener.

  She frowned. Too many details to running an inn.

  “Now what’s wrong?” Mandy asked as she took Sarah’s suitcase from her hand.

  “Just thinking of the garden. I need to find someone who can garden.”

  “My mother does gardening for other people,” Paul said. “She’s a little strange.” He shrugged. “But she’s good.” He looked at Mandy. “Ready for the mattress?”

  Sarah felt helpless as she watched the pair manhandle the unwieldy object out of her mother’s door and up into the truck. The box spring followed.

  As soon as her meager belongings were packed, Paul and Mandy snugged a tarp over the contents.

  They work well together.

  A pang of jealousy went through Sarah. It was the kind of relationship she’d hoped to have with Rick.

  “We’ll meet you at the inn,” Mandy called out as she hopped into the passenger seat.

  “Okay.” Sarah turned back into the house. Damp cold seeped into her bones.

  She gave her mother a hug.

  “Are you sure about this?” Elizabeth asked.

  Sarah nodded. “Besides, it’s a little late now.” She pasted a grin on her face. “Just wait until I invite you for dinner!”

  “I’ll bring take-out,” Elizabeth said. Her eyes watered. “Now get out of here.”

  Sarah walked out the door. Everything was changing.

  Chapter 8

  A bouquet of red carnations in his hand, Hunter arrived at Sarah’s Inn at seven Sunday evening.

  He shook his head as he walked to the door. What the hell am I doing? No woman in her right mind was going to want anything to do with a one-legged, unemployed man who succumbed to dark moments of depression, no matter how handy he was.

  When she opened the door and smiled up at him from a too-pale face, he knew why he wanted to be around her. She was full of life and determination no matter what the cost, exactly as he’d been before he’d become a statistic, a casualty of war.

  Her dark hair was loose around her shoulders and stone-encrusted baubles dropped from her ears, but there were dark shadows under her eyes. She’s probably exhausted. He wanted to take care of her, erase the cares from the lines on her face.

  Instead, he handed her the flowers. “Hello.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “That’s sweet. Come in while I put them in water.”

  Daisy sniffed him once, wagged her tail, and disappeared down the hall.

  He followed Sarah to the kitchen, admiring her swinging hips barely covered with a long purple sweater-dress. Her slim legs were encased in black skin-tight leggings. His libido stirred.

  “Thanks for your help yesterday,” she said as she looked blankly around the kitchen.

  Damn. Of course she didn’t have anything to put them in.

  She finally grabbed a red hardware store bucket and shrugged. “At least it matches.” She laughed as she placed the flowers in the bucket and added water.

  It was a nervous laugh. Probably first-date jitters. He certainly had them.

  Once she was finished with the flowers, he took her hands. “Relax. We’re simply going to dinner. I’d like to get to know you.” He put his finger under her chin, lifted her face, and brushed her lips with his. “And see if something develops.” He kissed her again and then stepped back. No sense in scaring her off.

  “Sure,” she said, smoothing her unwrinkled dress. “Um … can we hold off on the kissing thing? I’m not sure I’m ready for this.”

  The faint blush on her cheeks told him she wasn’t totally adverse to his gestures, but wanted to slow things down.

  “Sure.” He had all the time in the world to court her.

  Court her? He was getting way too ahead of himself. “Shall we go?”

  “I’ll get my coat.” She walked back out of the kitchen, putting ample distance between them when she walked by him.

  Maybe it was a bit more than pre-date nerves.

  Once they were settled in the Jeep, he asked, “When do you think you’ll open?”

  “Oh, God.” She groaned. “I’d hoped to do a slow open in April. You know, rent out one or two rooms and get the kinks out. Make an arrangement with Gayle’s or something to deliver breakfast. Then maybe do a full open in July or August or … ” She became silent.

  He glanced over. Her lips were pinched in a frown.

  What’s up with her?

  “But now Annie wants to have her wedding here in June,” she added.

  “Can’t you tell her that’s not possible?”

  “She’s my mother’s best friend.”

  “Oh.” He understood her problem.

  “Oh, indeed.” She laughed, a more relaxed laugh this time.

  He pulled the Jeep onto Highway 1 northbound, grateful the car handled well on the rain-slicked roads.

  “How long were you over there?” she asked. “If you don’t mind telling me.”

  “No.” He set his jaw. “One tour. I was about to come home for some rest before I re-upped when … ” He gestured to his leg and forced the image of Lauren being blown to bits from his mind.

  “What happened?”

  Everyone always wanted to know, but few people asked. Of course, Sarah had to be one of them. Ho
w little could he get away with saying? Their relationship was too new for gory details.

  “IED — mine — exploded.”

  She was silent. Would she let it go? Or want more.

  “I’m ready for spring,” she said. “Of course that will mean a whole lot more gardening.”

  The tension left his body. “Do you need to do it all yourself?”

  “I have to watch the funds. But gardening may be beyond me. Just like cooking.” Her laugh was rueful. “My friend, Mandy, may know someone. I’ll definitely need someone from August on when I — ”

  “When you — ?” he prompted.

  “Um … when I … um … need to prepare for the wedding.” She finished in a rush.

  They pulled up next to the restaurant. Hunter got out and went to the passenger side of the Jeep to help her out. He reached up to place his hands on her waist to help her jump down.

  “Don’t!” Her words were harsh and he pulled away so fast she almost fell out of the vehicle. She grabbed his arm to steady herself. Panic was scrawled across her face.

  “It’s okay.” He tried to reassure her. “I didn’t mean anything. I was trying to help.”

  She took a deep breath. “I know.”

  “Then why? What’s the problem?”

  She shook her head and rewarded him with a dim smile. “I … um … I pulled a muscle yesterday and it’s very sore, that’s all.”

  She couldn’t look him in the eye.

  This was becoming one of the weirdest dates he’d ever been on.

  “Sure.” He offered an arm. “This okay?”

  She let her breath out. “Yes. Thanks.”

  He led her from the dark rain to the pale yellow warmth of the small restaurant. The polished wooden floor creaked under his feet as he followed the hostess and Sarah to a small table in the corner. The hostess seated them, handed them menus, and cleared the extraneous table setting from the white tablecloth.

  “Thank you for coming with me,” he said. “For giving me a chance.”

  She smiled and picked up her menu. “The food’s really good here.”


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