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The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race

Page 4

by Len Kasten


  W.W. Elwood

  1st. Lt. U.S.A.F.

  Assistant Adjutant

  From Project Blue Book

  Teletype message concerning salton sea, California Case—November 20, 1952.


  A Soldier’s Story


  According to a recent, controversial interpretation of the Mayan calendar, we are now in the final two years of a cycle that began on January 5, 1999, and will end on February 9, 2011. This conclusion was reached by Carl Johan Calleman in his book The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness. He claims that the keynote of this period of time is “galactic consciousness,” and that by the time it ends, the human race will have achieved the eighth level of consciousness and will be prepared to move on to the ninth and final level—“universal consciousness.” It certainly is true that serious thinking about our galaxy did begin right around the time this period began. The Hubble Space Telescope was placed in orbit in 1990, but the spectacular pictures it produced, and the resulting astronomical data, didn’t filter into mainstream awareness until about nine or ten years later. And the ominous doomsday prophecies about December 21, 2012, when they say that our sun will line up with the galactic center, have everyone scrambling to learn more about the implications of life in the Milky Way.

  Without doubt, the full achievement of galactic consciousness must necessarily be dependent on the definitive revelation of the extraterrestrial presence and the attendant release of information about civilizations in other parts of the galaxy and beyond. This, it seems, also began right on time. Coincident with the placement of the Hubble was the emergence from the shadows of former government, military, and intelligence officers who have decided to step forward and reveal top-secret information after decades of silence. It is indeed fascinating that these disclosures began, for the most part, in the early to mid-1990s, just prior to the advent of Calleman’s twelve-year period of galactic consciousness. Dr. Steven Greer launched Project Disclosure on January 1, 1997, through his organization, the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI). I covered that development in my interview with Greer in 2004 for Atlantis Rising in which I said, “By early 2001, they [CSETI] had an army of several hundred such witnesses covering every branch of the armed services, the NRO, DIA, CIA, and NASA . . . Virtually all of these people are prepared to testify before Congress.” So it seems that powerful forces were set in motion in the 1990s to expand human awareness to encompass the galaxy, seemingly validating Calleman’s theory.

  One of the most important whistle-blowers to step forward in the 1990s was someone who was in Greer’s “army,” but whose story, all by itself, could potentially blow apart the entire sixty-year government suppression program. He is retired Army Command Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean. His testimony, if it could be given the mainstream exposure it deserves, would also go very far in helping us understand our place in galactic society. Dean, who is now over eighty years old and has been called the grand old man of ufology, did come to public attention in July 2009 when he appeared as a featured speaker at the widely anticipated European Exopolitics Summit 2009 in Barcelona, Spain (for a comprehensive discussion of exopolitics, see part 2). The advance website for this conference said, “This summit will . . . present the evidence of the extraterrestrial presence through vast intelligence and military testimonies compiled by such authorities in the field as Dr. Steven Greer, Nick Pope, Dr. Michael Salla, Alfred L. Webre, Paola Harris, Klaus Dona, Stephen Bassett and Robert Dean.” So, very appropriately, Dean found himself in the company of the brightest lights in the exopolitics movement. The conference was announced and covered by mainstream media all over the globe. Exopolitics representatives from France, Germany, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Spain all gave presentations at the conference, which turned out to be a breakthrough event. This summit placed the concept of exopolitics squarely in the limelight on the world stage, with eighteen months still to go before the expiration of Calleman’s era of galactic consciousness. Dean’s presentation was riveting and had much to do with the success of the conference. It also succeeded in catapulting him into the public eye.


  In view of Dean’s key role in this breakthrough, I requested an interview with him. He agreed, and I met with him over three very congenial dinners near his home in Phoenix, Arizona. Over the course of the interviews, I became deeply impressed with the depth and breadth of his experience and knowledge. In the strange anticipatory way that things sometimes happen, it turned out that his seemingly impractical “ivory tower” college studies in ancient history and philosophy ultimately prepared him for the role he was to play in later life, but with a twist that he never could have imagined.

  Dean had completed only two years at Indiana University when the Korean War broke out in 1950. Since he was financially unable to continue for his degree anyway, he enlisted in the army and wound up in 1951 as a second lieutenant on the front lines at the age of twenty-two. He was in the thick of the action and received several decorations, including the Purple Heart. When his company commander was killed, he took over that role. He considers it miraculous that he survived when so many around him died. He described one incident in which he was sitting around a battlefield campfire with about six older men who were recalled World War II veterans, when he stood up and walked away for a few moments. While he was gone, a mortar round hit the group, and when he returned, all the men were dead. It was the emotional impact of this event that started him thinking about the futility of war.

  Dean finished his six-year enlistment in 1956 as a first lieutenant after spending three years in Nuremberg, Germany, running a U.S. Army hotel for visiting Allied occupation personnel. Under the terms of the Reduction in Force (RIF) program then in effect, he was not allowed to retain his commission when he reenlisted because he did not have a college degree, and he was reduced to sergeant first class and assigned to Fort Huachuca near Sierra Vista, Arizona. Dean was the program information director at Huachuca from 1957 through 1963, an interim period at the historic fort before it became the home of the Strategic Communications Command in 1967. During that interval, it was under the control of the U.S. Army Signal Corps.

  Command Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean


  In 1963 Dean was selected for what, in military parlance, is known as a “plum assignment.” He was transferred to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in Rocquencourt, France, just outside of Paris, to work as an intelligence analyst and was given a Cosmic Top Secret clearance, the highest at that time. SHAPE is the military arm of the North Atlantic Treat Organization (NATO) alliance. It was there, in 1964, that his inner transformation from innocent “good soldier” to disillusioned, concerned citizen took place. As he relates it, he was working one night on the graveyard shift at 2 a.m. There was no activity, and he was bored to distraction. The colonel in charge thought he would enjoy shocking Dean back to attention by giving him a Cosmic Top Secret document from the vault to read. It was simply and deceptively titled An Assessment. Even the subtitle, An Evaluation of a Possible Military Threat to Allied Forces in Europe, revealed nothing about the contents. By the time Dean finished reading that book, the old, highly structured, and predictable world he had taken for granted all his life was in shambles all around him as he contemplated an entirely new, incredible reality.

  An Assessment was strictly a military study by SHAPE triggered by a UFO incident on February 2, 1961, that Dean says almost started World War III. About fifty UFOs, flying in formation, emerged from Russia, flew over Europe, and then turned north toward the pole, all observed on radar. An Assessment was a thorough investigation of the history of UFO phenomena all over Europe written over a three-year period from 1961 to 1964. Dean says that the document itself was only about one inch thick, but the annexes and appendices added another eight inches. The conclusions of the study were earth shaking
. According to Dean, the authors determined, with absolute certainty, that we have been actively visited by representatives of at least four extraterrestrial civilizations for thousands of years.

  Some of the events reported in the book were so open that there was no question of their authenticity, such as the case where a disc landed on a runway in Italy and a very human-looking ET emerged and spoke to the traumatized Italian soldier on duty in perfect Italian. In another case, a Danish farmer interrupted his dinner to run out into his backyard to check on a noisy ruckus by his animals, to discover a large disc sitting there on three legs. Then a door in the craft opened, and (again) a humanlike alien invited him, in perfect Danish, to take a ride. The excited farmer didn’t hesitate. He threw down his napkin and scooted aboard. His incredulous wife watched as it took off, and then she called the police, who called in the military. When the joyride was over, they all watched with mouths agape as the ecstatic farmer bounced out of the craft and it closed up and zoomed up into the sky. The couple was debriefed for three days. It was cases like these, involving ETs that were human look-alikes, that really electrified the military. That meant that aliens could be walking down the corridors of the Pentagon unrecognized.

  The conclusion of the report stated, “Evidence collected and studied in this report indicates that there is some kind of process or plan unfolding . . . and this survey [of earth and humanity] has been going on for a very long time; possibly thousands of years.” It stated further, “There did not appear to be a major military threat involved . . . but if they were either hostile or malevolent, there was absolutely nothing that we could do.” Dean claimed that most of the research and writing was attributed to Great Britain, the United States, and Germany, with the British contingent, led by Air Marshal Sir Thomas Pike, previously chief of the Royal Air Force, responsible for the lion’s share of the work. He says that only fifteen copies of the document were produced, of which two ended up in U.S. hands. One was given to U.S. Army General Lyman Lemnitzer, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe at that time, and the other was placed in the vault at the Supreme Headquarter Operations Center. The original was given to the secretary-general of NATO, who at that time was Dirk Stikker from the Netherlands. All of the remaining copies were distributed to the other European members of SHAPE. Since there were fourteen other members, presumably one NATO nation did not receive a copy.


  As with Major Jesse Marcel at Roswell (see chapter 4), Dean honored his national security oath and remained silent about An Assessment for the rest of his military career, which ended twelve years later in 1976, when he retired after twenty-seven years of service. He then embarked on another career in Tucson, Arizona, working for Pima County Emergency Services Management, which eventually was brought under and partially financed by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). And he kept his silence for another fourteen years until he retired from that career, as the director. Finally, in 1991, at the age of sixty-two, and now really retired, he decided it was time to come forward with his story. He claims that his decision was based on outrage over an incident involving a friend who was a former Air Force fighter pilot, who had been ill treated because of his UFO interests, but that was just the “final straw.”

  In reality, from the time of reading that remarkable document at SHAPE, Dean had spent twenty-five years in obsessive research on UFOs and extraterrestrial influence and had made countless connections and friendships all over the world in a tireless effort to validate An Assessment and to unearth the whole story. One of those connections was one of the most prominent and credible ufology figures in the world, with firsthand knowledge of ET contact, and he just happened to live right across the street from Dean in Tucson! That person was ex–Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Wendelle C. Stevens, who spent an entire year with UFO contactee Billy Meier in Switzerland and allegedly has the most comprehensive collection of UFO photos and videos in the world.*4 This type of “coincidence” that brought Dean in contact with the very people who could give him the answers to his questions characterized his research from the beginning. And over the course of that twenty-five-year investigation, his resentment over the suppression of this information by the U.S. government grew and grew, as he learned from his contacts in the military and intelligence agencies about the secret development of incredible technologies derived from ET sources and the draconian ways that they dealt with anyone who tried to make the information public. So it was in 1991 that Dean had had enough and began speaking out.

  What began as simply another voice for disclosure of UFO secrets quickly became a crusade. Since 1991, Dean has given presentations at meetings and conferences in over fifty countries and has been interviewed countless times by the alternative media. In a video interview in March 2009 with Project Camelot*5 that was subsequently posted on YouTube, he mentioned that he had just reached his eightieth birthday. As a result of that revelation, he was amazed when congratulations poured in from all over the world, some from countries he had never heard of.

  In 1996, Dean produced and starred in a DVD titled The Greatest Story Never Told, which has since achieved worldwide circulation. In that video, Dean decries the fifty-year (at that time) military cover-up as he holds a copy of the Constitution with “We the people” prominently displayed. Based on the official party line that release of UFO and ET secrets would create social chaos, Dean says that our constitutional rights have been violated by individuals who have not even been elected. He professes great faith in the American people and their ability to comprehend and deal with even the most bizarre facts and circumstances. Furthermore, he believes that we have already been deliberately exposed to the extraterrestrial presence by Hollywood and that the majority of Americans already believe in UFOs and ETs. This, he claims, is not accidental, but rather the result of the efforts of conscientious military and intelligence “good guys” who have leaked the information.

  Over the forty-five-year period since Dean first read the document that changed his life, he has accumulated a vast amount of information, most of it from very reliable sources. He talks about the spacecraft that we are already building and concurs with the famous claim by Ben R. Rich, president of the Lockheed-Martin “Skunk Works” from 1975 to 1990, that “anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.”†6 Dean claims that a separate and distinct entity called the U.S. Aerospace Command (USAC) has existed since 2002 for the express purpose of conducting space operations. He says that this organization is staffed by Air Force, Army, Navy, and Marine Corps personnel from the U.S., U.K., and Canada and has an annual budget in the trillions! It is currently under the command of a U.S. four-star Air Force General. The mission of USAC is both military and diplomatic, just as in Star Trek. In addition to planetary defense and exploration of space, USAC deals with ET visitors and exopolitical relations. Military astronauts specially trained at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Ohio make routine trips to a military space station and to the moon and Mars out of Vandenberg Air Base in California, Groom Lake in Nevada, and the Dugway Proving Ground in Utah using antigravity spacecraft. An anonymous source has claimed that the moon base is located at the edge of the Jura mountain range and houses a rotating crew of twenty military personnel. Dean showed me a Mars probe infrared image of a “city the size of Chicago” under the Martian surface, and clear Soviet photos of buildings on Mars.

  Back on Earth, Dean himself stood beside one of the forty-foot tunneling machines in Nevada that have created a spider’s web of tunnels under the United States, allegedly accommodating Mach-2 bullet trains. And like Dr. Michael Wolf, he personally vouches for the fact that we have been working side by side with ETs in underground facilities. Dr. Wolf, who died of cancer in 2000, was a member of MJ-12 and the National Security Council (NSC). He was at the very apex of the secret, or “shadow,” U.S. government, or what he called the “satellite government,” holding the highest possible security clearance. His book, The Catchers of Heaven, published in 1996, is
a fictionalized version of his life working with ETs. He claimed to have worked primarily on joint human/ET scientific projects in underground locations alongside alien scientists from several different star systems. Wolf described the underground facility at Area 51 as “a sprawling city, the size of Rhode Island,” with shopping malls, swimming pools, and gymnasiums, in which eight different “black programs” are being worked on, with a total annual budget of over $2 billion.

  Although he was not a participant in any of the government sponsored remote-viewing programs,*7 Dean has knowledge of the techniques through his military affiliations. He himself has practiced remote viewing, and about his clairvoyant adventures he will only say, “The Federation exists.” Presumably he is referring to the Galactic Federation of Light, an alliance of advanced, spiritually oriented civilizations in this galaxy and beyond reported to exist by many contactees. Lest there be left a shred of doubt about his information, Dean claims that he himself has been on board extraterrestrial craft. While the government would like us to believe Jack Nicholson’s famous line from the movie A Few Good Men, “You can’t handle the truth,” Dean prefers the quote by Jesus, believed to have been the motto of the Knights Templar, Veritas vos Liberabit—“The truth will set you free.”


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