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Page 10

by Leora Gonzales

  “Pixie, I would rather have bits and pieces than nothing at all.” Licking his lips, he scanned up and down her body. “I need to taste you.” Placing one hand at the top of the bow, Dathrow got ready to pull them down at her agreement. “Say yes.”

  Biting her lower lip, Pixie knew that she wouldn’t be able to tell him no. Probably not ever. “Yes.”

  With that, she gasped loudly when he quickly pulled the soft material down her legs in a fast, jerking motion.

  “Next time, I will just rip them.” Dathrow smiled as he pulled the scrap of material past her ankles and tossed it onto the table in front of the couch. Lifting her lower limbs off his lap, he widened the gap between her legs to kneel between them.

  Pixie was now angled slightly so Dathrow could rest on his knees beside the couch, his shoulders propping up her legs to open her fully to his gaze.

  Feeling his breath on the most heated part of her body, Pixie jumped slightly when Dathrow’s voice broke through the fog that had taken over her brain.

  “I believe we discussed needing to make a decision,” Dathrow mused as he rubbed his cheek along the inside of her thigh.

  Pixie shook her head at him. Make a decision? What the hell was he thinking? She could barely breathe, much less think right now. Tightening her legs, Pixie arched her hips closer to his lips.

  Dathrow teased the sensitive skin around her thighs and the top of her mons before speaking again. “Don’t you remember, my sweet? We needed to decide if you liked my new grooming habit or not. Does the beard bother you?” As he rubbed his cheeks around and around, Pixie thought she was going to have a heart attack.

  “I like it! I really do! Please, Dath, lick me.” Hearing the whine in her voice but not caring one bit, Pixie reached down to grip his hair.

  “My pleasure,” was the only warning Dathrow gave her before diving in.

  Feeling fingers separate her lower lips, she was grateful she’d gone to her waxing appointment the day before she’d arrived on the ship. As the tip of his tongue started tracing her opening, all thoughts of waxing or anything else that didn’t have to do with his wonderful lips and tongue flew right out the window.

  “Sweet Jesus.”

  Leaning back from her to lick his now-slick lips, Dathrow gave her a sexy smile. “No…sweet Pixie.”

  “Just don’t fucking stop,” she instructed as she guided his head back down with her grip on his silky hair.

  Soon Pixie was lost in the swirls of his tongue and the nips of his teeth. Gentle yet firm, he methodically attacked her most private area with his mouth. Unable to stop her hips from moving close to his face as he leaned back to catch his breath, Pixie watched him as he eyed her up and down.

  “Take off your top.” Dathrow’s voice had deepened to an octave she’d never heard come from him before. “I need to see your tits.”

  Pixie paused for a moment, struck by the dirty words coming from his mouth. She wasn’t sure he could get any hotter than he was right now. Feeling her pussy clench as he teased the opening with his fingers, she scrambled to bare her breasts. Unable to remove her shirt while she was lying on her back, she compromised by raising it above her bra and pulling the cups down. The tight garment acted like a shelf, lifting her nipples up toward the ceiling as she panted. Waiting for Dathrow’s next instructions, she lay still until he moved his gaze from the newly uncovered flesh.

  “Pinch your nipples for me.” When Pixie didn’t move, Dathrow growled low in his chest. “Pinch them for me now.”

  Pixie had no choice but to fulfill any demands he made at this point. Her body fluttered with every stroke of his eyes as if they were his fingers. Pinching the swollen tips between her fingers, she arched her back at the pulses of pleasure that went from her crests all the way down to her center.

  “Keep squeezing and twisting them. I will taste you now, but if you stop, then so will I.” Dathrow lowered his head back down and watched her above the triangle of hair above his nose. As he rooted and licked, his eyes glittered when he saw her following his instructions.

  “I’m so close,” Pixie panted as she felt the familiar tightening of not only her stomach but also her thighs.

  “Do not come yet,” he ordered into her sensitive skin.

  “I have to…let me,” she pleaded as she ground against his strong lips.

  Letting go of her thigh, he moved one hand up until his fingers reached her nipples. Nudging her hand out of the way, he gripped the nub. With his thumb and forefinger, he rolled it back and forth before giving it a sharp pinch.

  “Fuck!” Pixie shouted, sure that she was about to have a heart attack.

  “You may come now.” Dathrow gave her the reprieve as he thrust his tongue up and into her channel in time to catch the ripples that tore through her pussy, threatening to tear her apart with their power and force, forcing her to ride the tsunami of pleasure that engulfed her.

  As Pixie fell back onto the couch, she reveled in the man who was hers and hers alone. What was it about these warriors that made them sex on a stick? She felt giddy with pleasure as she tried to gather herself. Even now she was limp and so satisfied she could simply drift off into sleep. Opening her eyes, she watched as he leaned back on his knees and wiped a hand over his mouth. Licking his fingers to clean them of her juices, he growled again when he saw she still had one hand on her breast.

  “What is your decision?”

  “Decision?” Pixie mumbled softly, unable to use the energy to speak loudly or coherently.

  “Yes, how did you like my facial hair?”

  Dathrow winked and started laughing when her gaze shot to his face to see if he was serious or not. At his laugh she couldn’t stop the giggles that erupted from her.

  “Well…I may need more data before I make a decision,” Pixie teased back, smiling when she realized their humor was similar.

  “My pleasure, but first, a nap. I believe I may have tired you out on your first day.”

  Standing up, Pixie noticed his cock tented the front of his leather breeches. “Can I take care of that?” she asked, pointing to his front.

  “Not right now. This afternoon was for you.” Taking her hand to lead her to the bedroom, he turned once they reached the side of the bed.

  “I would like to sleep naked again, if that is okay with you?” Before waiting for an answer to his question, Dathrow started to pull off the shirt that was still balled up under her armpits.

  As he removed her bra and then his own clothes, Pixie couldn’t help but admire the man in front of her.

  Lying down on the bed, he spooned himself in behind her body and wrapped his free arm around her waist. “Rest, my sweet.”

  “Dathrow?” Pixie asked.

  “Yes?” he whispered as he smoothed her once-tame hair down.

  “Thank you.”

  “As I have said before, it was my pleasure.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Waking up from a nap was always extremely hard for Pixie to do. She was the type of person who was normally more tired after napping than before and she was usually cranky and groggy. Stretching and moaning as she tried to wake up, Pixie realized she was alone on the big bed she’d snuggled into with her alien husband-to-be.

  “Well shit.” Sitting up, Pixie allowed the sheet that had been tucked around her to fall to her waist. “Dathrow?” Calling out into the quiet apartment, Pixie rolled off the bed and noticed her clothes were folded next to it.

  Pixie grimaced when she caught a whiff of herself. She smelled like sex. She also felt sticky. Knowing that a shower was called for, she decided to go ahead and grab a fresh set of clothes on her way to the bathroom. While cleaning up, Pixie wondered where Dathrow had disappeared to. She couldn’t have possibly slept more than an hour or two during her nap. Part of her had hoped that when they woke up, she would have the chance to show him her own brand of attention.

  As she dressed in a tunic and tights, she figured she might as well put on a little bit of makeup while s
he was at it. She didn’t know what their plans were for the rest of the day she didn’t want to seem like a slob if she met any more of Dathrow’s friends. Pixie was putting the final touches on her mascara as she heard the front door tone. Unsure if it was a signal someone was coming in or waiting to be let in, Pixie made her way to the living room.

  Standing in front of the door, she waited for it to open by itself.

  “Ummm…okay.” Talking to herself while she stared at a closed door wasn’t going to get results.

  “All right, I’ll just wave my bracelet over this thingy here…” Pixie mumbled as she moved her wrist to the glowing blue pad to the right of the door. Smiling when the door beeped an answering tone and slid open, Pixie waited to see who was visiting.

  The extremely large unknown warrior in front of her was not who she was expecting. Sure she would have remembered the man in front of her if she’d been introduced, Pixie stepped back, unsure if she was supposed to have opened the door or not.

  “Why doesn’t this place have peepholes?”

  “Excuse me?” The low voice belonging to the warrior in front of her startled Pixie until she realized she’d yet again been speaking out loud.

  “Who are you?” Pixie winced when she realized how rude that came out. Hopefully this big guy was a friendly.

  “I am Behyr, and from the resemblance to your sister, I can assume that you are Pixie.” Stepping inside, he seemed to take up even more space.

  “Behyr? That name sounds familiar but I’m pretty sure I’ve not met you before.” Realizing he held out his hand for her to shake, Pixie smiled up at him as she met his grip.

  Man, did they build these warriors right. Behyr was even taller and wider than Dathrow if that was possible. It was as if he had muscles upon muscles hidden underneath his leather outfit.

  “Poppy has sent me here to escort you to her apartments since Dathrow was called away to an unexpected meeting,” Behyr explained as he folded his arms in front of him, in what Pixie assumed was the basic warrior’s stance.

  Taking a couple steps back into the living room, Pixie scanned him up and down. “How do I know you’re who you say you are?”

  “I almost forgot. Your sister said to give you this.” Patting down his leather vest, he finally found the pocket he’d been searching for and pulled out a yellow piece of paper.

  “‘Quit stalling and follow this hunk of burning love’,” Pixie read aloud. An embarrassed cough coming from the hunk of burning love in question caused her to glance up in time to see a red tinge spread across his cheeks.

  “Which do you prefer? Hunk of burning love or Behyr?” The mortified expression that came over his face at the thought of being called anything other than his name made her start to giggle.

  Folding his arms over his large chest again, Behyr raised his eyebrows at Pixie. “I can already see that you and your sister are more alike than I originally thought.”

  “And I will take that as a compliment, Mr. Hunk.” When Behyr started to protest at her new nickname for him, Pixie grabbed her bag and slipped into her shoes. “Cool your jets, Behyr. I was only teasing.” At his obvious relief, she decided to admit, “You need to loosen up a bit if you’re going to find yourself a bride.”

  As they walked out the door to head to Poppy’s, Behyr placed a guiding hand on Pixie’s back.

  “I actually already have a bride.”

  “Congratulations! Who is she? Where’s she from? When will I get to meet her?” The questions tumbled from Pixie one right after the other.

  “You are exactly like your sister.” Behyr chuckled and shook his head at her. “Her name is Hannah and she is at the apartment with your sister waiting for us to arrive.”

  Pixie stopped in her tracks, “Wait…Hannah? As in the chick who tried to steal Wheaton?”

  Rubbing his hand down his face, Behyr had a look that resembled he tasted something bad. “Yes and that was a misunderstanding.”

  “Well, that’s…interesting.” Unsure of how that situation had played out, Pixie figured Poppy would spill on the details once they were alone.

  Walking down the hallways, Pixie noticed Behyr seemed to shield her whenever another warrior passed them. The first time it happened she didn’t notice it, but as it happened again and again she started to become uncomfortable and feel on edge.

  “What’s with the body blocking?”

  “I am sorry?” Obviously not understanding what she was referring to, Behyr glanced at her in question.

  “Every time we walk by someone, you shield me. What’s that about?” Hiking her thumb over her shoulder to the man they’d just walked past, Pixie waited for an answer.

  “One of the reasons why Dathrow was called away this morning was concerning a possible security breach,” Behyr explained as they reached what she assumed was Poppy’s apartment door.

  Swiping his wristband over the glowing blue pad on the side, he waited for the portal to slide open. As they stepped in, Pixie could hear one of her favorite scary movies blaring from the small living area. Pushing Behyr slightly behind her, she realized the three women on the couch had not noticed them yet and she turned to hold her finger up to her lips to keep the man behind her quiet.

  Waiting for the part she knew was just a few seconds away, Pixie rubbed her hands together.

  “Ahhhh haaaaa!” Pixie yelled just as the killer had grabbed the poor blonde co-ed he was going to mutilate.

  All three women on the couch jumped and screamed in unison. The blonde on the end of the couch went as far as to cover her head and wiggle behind Poppy who had thrown a half-eaten bowl popcorn into the air.

  “You bish!” Poppy yelled as she set her now-empty bowl down onto the coffee table. Standing up with her hands on her hips, she laughed and shook her finger at her sister. “I’m going to get you back for that.” Poppy then shook her head in disappointment at the woman who’d tried to use her as a human shield. “Really, Hannah? Using a pregnant woman to protect you?”

  The look of horror at what she’d done had Hannah stuttering out apologies quickly. Everyone was silent for a few seconds before Poppy and Pixie started laughing hysterically. Realizing she was being teased, Hannah covered her hot cheeks with her hands and laughed along.

  “That was mean,” Behyr said in an amused voice as he went to help Hannah off the couch.

  As the sisters hugged, the rest of the group started picking up the spilled food. Pixie finally noticed who the third woman on the couch was.

  “Val!” Pixie hollered as she went forward to get a hug. “Holy shit, you’re knocked up!”

  Valerie laughed and patted her belly, which still had a few random kernels stuck to it.

  “I’m due not too long after Poppy,” she said as she brushed the pieces away.

  “I knew you were here but I didn’t know you were pregnant already.” Eyes wide, she smiled at the woman whom she’d considered a friend from the moment they met. “Congratulations. Who’s the lucky daddy-to-be?”

  “I’m married to Thorne,” Val practically gushed. “I can’t wait for you to meet him.”

  As Valerie talked about her new husband, Pixie noticed Behyr had moved to Hannah’s side and seemed to be comforting her. Nodding over at the couple, Pixie whispered to Poppy, “What’s going on with them?”

  A sad look came over Poppy’s face when she turned to see what her sister was talking about. “They haven’t gotten pregnant yet…Hannah’s having a hard time dealing with it.”

  “But it’s only been a couple of months. That’s normal. Hell, sometimes it can take a year or two before it happens.”

  “Well, it seems that the majority of the brides who accepted their husbands were able to conceive within the first few weeks if not the first time they did the deed,” Poppy admitted while stroking her hands over her baby bump. “Hannah’s been stressing out lately and poor Behyr doesn’t know what to say other than it’ll happen eventually.” Bumping her shoulder into Pixie, she added, “That’s act
ually why I wanted us to have a girls’ day. Hannah seems to be surrounded by preggos and I think it’s making her twitchy.”

  “I can understand that.” Pixie was somewhat concerned about her own fertility. After a surprise pregnancy when she was younger and the miscarriage that followed shortly after, it was a thought that was always in the back of her mind. All her doctors had assured her the miscarriage rate was higher than many people knew and also that there was nothing to prevent her from having a successful pregnancy. Hearing the same words over and over again had done little to alleviate the concerns that plagued her when she thought about starting a family. What if it happened again? She’d barely been conscious of her desire to finish her previous pregnancy…what happened if a pregnancy that was planned and wanted from the beginning didn’t make it?

  Pixie had been a mess for a solid month after she’d lost the baby. Friends had tried to lessen the pain with statements like “you weren’t very far along to begin with” or “God has a reason for everything”. Not one of those awkward conversations had made her feel any better. In truth, the majority of the standard condolences had made her angry. Was she not supposed to feel loss because she’d been only a few weeks’ pregnant? Simply because she hadn’t been showing or decorating a nursery yet hadn’t made the baby any less real. In the end, the greater part of her friends hadn’t wanted to talk about it, leaving Pixie with the only option of visiting message boards to talk to others who’d experienced the same situation. Poppy had tried to help during that time and Pixie would be eternally grateful for the support she’d received from her sister, but the fear it could happen again was very real.

  Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Pixie walked up to Hannah where she was cuddled next to her husband. The two of them made an extremely striking pair. Hannah resembled blonde perfection with her hair in bouncy waves and the perfect shade of pink tinging her gorgeous cheekbones, while Behyr was a gigantic tan mountain of muscles surrounding her as if to protect her from the threat of even a stray breeze.

  Pixie recognized the look Hannah cast her way as she drew closer to the pair. Yep, she was one stressed-out chick on the brink of a meltdown. “So…should I call you Hannah or would you rather I go with one of the more creative names I’ve heard from my dear sister?” Pixie smiled as she delivered the question. Humor had always been the best way to make someone relax and it seemed to be working.


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