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Page 28

by Leora Gonzales

  Wheaton turned around and quickly stuck his head back in the opening. “We have two shuttles with senior council members getting ready to land.” Casting a glance at the guard standing by the door, he ordered, “Don’t let anyone in or out.”

  “Yes sir,” the guard answered quickly.

  When the door slid closed, the women collapsed onto the couch.

  “This is like a bad soap opera,” Pixie said.

  “No joke,” Poppy agreed. Rubbing her belly, she grimaced when her stomach growled. “Do we have more brownies?”

  “Seriously? Are you a fracking pit?” Pixie glared at her sister but still got up to get her what she requested.

  “I’m growing an alien!” Poppy snapped back, snatching the offering before her sister could withdraw it.

  “Pops?” Pixie said after they had both been quiet for a few moments.


  “Do you think everything is going to be okay?” Pixie asked.

  “Like with your pregnancy or with Dathrow?” Poppy leaned forward and patted Pixie’s knee.

  “Shit. With everything. I hadn’t even had time to worry about the pregnancy.” Pixie groaned and put her hands over her face.

  “Crap. Sorry, sis.” Poppy grimaced. “I didn’t mean to give you something else to worry about.”


  “Chill out. The stress can’t be good for you right now,” Poppy pointed out. Moving closer to Pixie, she slung an arm over her shoulder.

  Pixie grunted at the weight of her sister’s arm landing across her. “Stress? What stress do you speak of?” Pixie said, her voice full of sarcasm.

  “That’s the spirit,” Poppy tried to joke.

  “Can my life get any more fucked right now?” Pixie leaned her head on Poppy’s shoulder, absorbing the comfort she offered.

  “Shhhh…don’t say shit like that out loud.”

  Pixie rolled her eyes. “You’re right. I might jinx us.”

  “Exactly,” Poppy agreed, missing the eye roll.

  Both women turned their heads toward the door when they heard a thump.

  “What was that?” Poppy whispered.

  “I don’t know.” Pixie whispered back, unsure why they both felt the need to be quiet.

  “Go check.” Poppy nudged Pixie on the side.

  “You go check, heifer! It’s your door.” Pixie pushed her sister back.

  “Don’t call me a heifer, heifer!” Poppy snapped, then quickly shut her mouth as another loud thump sounded at the door.

  “I don’t have a good feeling about this,” Pixie said as quietly as she could. “Do you know how to seal the door?”

  “No, Wheaton did it last time and I didn’t pay attention.” Poppy shook her head and clutched her stomach protectively.

  “Dammit!” Pixie stood up. Moving toward the door, she made sure to avoid stepping heavily on the floor.

  “Do you remember?” The whispered question in her ear caught Pixie off guard causing her to jump with a squeal.

  “Holy ballz, Pops,” Pixie snapped, glaring at her sister.

  “Sorry, I thought you knew I was there.”

  Pixie studied the message center. She knew which red light had to illuminate for the door to lock but wasn’t sure what she needed to push to make it happen.

  “Remind me to talk to Wheaton about getting cameras installed at the doors so we can see what’s happening outside,” Poppy said quietly.

  “Good idea. No help right now, but a good idea.” Pixie studied the symbols on the keys and bit her lip. “You don’t remember what any of these mean?”

  “No, Dathrow was teaching me but that was a while ago and I lost the list he made me.”

  “That’s perfect.” The women both jumped when the door tone announced someone was about to enter.

  “Get to the bedroom! We can lock ourselves in the bathroom,” Poppy said quickly as she tugged her sister toward to the door on the opposite side of the room.

  Pixie and Poppy broke into a dash as they neared the door, hearing the swish of the main entry behind them.

  “Poppy? Why are you running? Are you getting sick again?” Wheaton’s voice was worried as he rushed forward just as the women were entering the bathroom.

  “Wheaton?” Poppy gasped.

  “Conan in a cab! I almost had a heart attack.” Pixie leaned against the door, the adrenaline from their freak-out draining from her body.

  “What the hell was that thumping noise?” Poppy demanded while she tapped her foot at a confused Wheaton.

  “I apologize. I was adjusting my boot,” the guard who was still at the door said while blushing.

  The women were silent as they stared at the guard, then at Wheaton. Finally looking at each other they both burst into laughter.

  “Are they all right?” the guard asked.

  “They are never all right. You’ll get used to it.” Clapping the man on the back, Wheaton excused him for the night.

  “Ladies, I have some bad news,” Wheaton announced.

  “Oh no. No bad news is allowed, Wheaton.” Pixie covered her ears and turned her back as if she could physically block whatever he was about to say.

  “Just let it out. Better to take the rip-Band-Aid-off approach,” Poppy said, crossing her arms and sitting down.

  “The council has landed safely but we have another problem. Councilor Tharon has issued a statement accusing Dathrow of secretly being a Verge operative.”

  “What?” Pixie screeched, angered that anyone could even think it was a possibility.

  Wheaton was shaking his head, his expression one of exhaustion. “Dathrow wasn’t on the shuttle when it detonated so they are concluding that he planted it and then left.”

  “This is such a mess,” Pixie groaned.

  “Didn’t I say you were gonna jinx us?” Poppy threw her hands in the air dramatically.

  “Don’t you put that evil on me,” Pixie snapped at her sister.

  “We need to head to the council chambers. They are bringing Dathrow up now for questioning.” Wheaton ignored their bickering and knelt down to help Poppy slip on her shoes. “Both of you need to stay silent unless you are addressed by the council. Understand?”

  “Yes sir.” Pixie mockingly saluted him as he stood up from his place at Poppy’s feet.

  As the group left the apartment, Pixie’s hands started to sweat. Nervousness from being able to see Dathrow after their separation was making her jittery. Thankfully, the trip to the council chambers was quick and didn’t give her too much time to get worked up.

  “Remember, stay silent,” Wheaton instructed once more before opening the door with his band.

  The sisters walked in behind him as he moved toward the group of men gathered at a set of round tables.

  “Councilors.” Wheaton nodded to the men, addressing them all as one.

  “Councilor Wheaton, thank you for meeting our shuttle,” said a large council member who came up to shake his hand.

  “Pixie, this is Councilor Kaine. He is a trusted friend of mine.” Wheaton kept his words simple but Pixie understood the meaning behind them.

  This was a man she could trust.

  Nodding in greeting, Pixie shook the hand offered by the large warrior. If she had to guess, he would be slightly older than both Wheaton and Dathrow but he carried it well. His hair was in long dreadlocks but there wasn’t a strand of gray amongst the length.

  “You may call me Kaine,” he said.

  “Thank you. It’s nice to meet a friend of Wheaton’s.” Pixie relaxed at his laidback demeanor.

  “Let us get started.” The loud voice came from a man Pixie had begun to loathe. It was compounded when Tharon turned the guards and added, “Bring in the prisoner.”

  As the doors opened and Dathrow was led inside, Pixie stomach clenched. He looked awful. The normal warm brown tone of his skin had turned sallow. His eyes were surrounded by bruising that showed he’d not been sleeping during his imprisonment and his hair was mess

  “Is this really necessary, Councilor Tharon?” Kaine asked, once he saw the restraints on Dathrow’s limbs. “And why is the man gagged?”

  Wheaton had gripped Pixie’s arm the minute Dathrow had entered the room. He must have known how she would react when she saw her husband. The only thing holding her back from going to him was Wheaton’s grip on her wrist.

  “Wheaton.” Pixie hissed the word quietly.

  “Calm, sister. All will be well.” Wheaton’s voice was low but overheard by Kaine who nodded in her direction.

  “I call for a full release of the prisoner.” Kaine’s words echoed in the quiet room. For a few seconds, there was no movement as his statement was absorbed by the men. The first to start to protest was Tharon.

  “And why would we do that?” Tharon asked with a hollow laugh.

  “He was a volunteer for that mission,” Kaine answered. “We have all heard the recordings and Taron verbally took responsibility as head security officer before Dathrow left the shuttle. He did not abandon his post.”

  “But he also did not get approval from the council to change lead on that mission,” Tharon argued.

  “It was not necessary, nor did time permit. The shuttle orders were for it to depart as soon as the prisoners were secured. If he had waited, it would have gone against the original orders,” Kaine argued.

  “But—” another council member sitting next to Tharon started.

  “He also did not have sufficient access to the shuttle to be able to plant the explosive,” Wheaton said before the other man could protest.

  “What right did he have to decide against keeping his post?” The question was voiced by yet another member of the Tharon squad.

  “Pixie, please tell the gentlemen why he was needed by your side,” Wheaton said loudly over the grumblings of the other members.

  “Now?” Pixie asked out of the side of her mouth.

  “Yes.” Wheaton looked at her with an expression that Pixie could only interpret as “spit it out”.

  “Well…I actually called Dathrow before he was ever on board the shuttle because I needed to tell him something,” Pixie stuttered out.

  Tharon smirked at her, “And what is so important that he needed to leave council business to come to you?”

  Pixie barely held back the growl that was threatening to erupt from her. Clearing her throat to hide the sound, she gazed at the man she loved.

  “I am pregnant,” she stated clearly. “Dathrow couldn’t leave on the mission because we are having a baby.”

  Pixie held her breath after she said the words. The entire room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

  The council members started talking all at once. Pixie was startled when Poppy took her hand in her own and squeezed it. The contact knocked Pixie out of the surreal moment she’d been lost in.

  Locking eyes with Dathrow, she felt tears gather at her lids as she saw the pure joy appear on his haggard features. With the hot drops gathering quickly, Pixie blinked to clear her vision.

  “Dath,” Pixie said softly. “I’m pregnant.”

  Poppy sniffed at her side and gently pushed her forward.

  Pixie walked to her husband, who was still secured between two guards. They didn’t stop her when she reached up to touch his pale cheeks. Tracing her fingers over the strip of material over his mouth, she gently removed it.

  “I’m pregnant,” she repeated.

  “We’re pregnant?” His voice was husky from being silenced.

  “Yes.” Pixie moved close and lifted his handcuffed wrists over her head so he could wrap his arms around her. Leaning into his chest, she breathed deep.

  “A baby,” Dathrow said with wonder.

  Pixie was startled to feel something wet hit her forehead. Leaning back, she saw a few tears had slipped down Dathrow’s cheeks, the moisture something she’d never expected. Pixie tracked the liquid with her fingers.

  “I love you, sweet one,” Dathrow whispered, closing his eyes and leaning his forehead against her own.

  “I love you too,” Pixie answered. “I’m gonna drive you crazy sometimes…you okay with that?”

  Dathrow grinned down at her with a twinkle in his eyes. “I would have it no other way.”

  As the two were locked in their own little world, the council members argued around them.

  Nothing could interrupt this perfect moment.

  “Anyone bring any snacks to this shindig?” Poppy’s voice enquired.

  Well, almost nothing.


  “Pops,” Pixie panted. “I don’t know if I can keep this up for much longer.”

  “Shut up, bish,” Poppy gasped out. “You’re still smaller than me. If I can do it, so can you.”

  As the song ended, the women bent over, trying to catch their breath.

  “Okay, executive decision…no more Shut Up and Dance. I can’t keep up,” Pixie said as she began to cool down.

  “That’s the point of antisocial Zumba. If we went with your playlist, we’d be swaying around the room to Vance Joy,” Poppy countered, wiping the sweat from her neck.

  “Hey now! Lay off my second husband. Vance can sing to me anytime he wants.”

  Poppy lowered her round body onto the couch. “On second thoughts, swaying to him may not be a bad idea. This belly is getting harder to hold up.”

  Pixie sat beside her sister and placed her hand on the large bump. “I can’t believe you haven’t given in yet and asked the docs what you’re having.”

  “You haven’t either!” Poppy pointed out with a laugh, the chuckle coming out winded since she was still panting for air.

  “I know, but Dathrow wants to wait and he bribed me. Wheaton is chomping at the bit to find out what you guys are having.” When her sister was going to open her mouth again, Pixie held up her hand. “I know, I know. You want to be surprised.”

  Poppy stood up awkwardly, “C’mon, heifer. One more song and then we can eat a cookie.”

  Pixie laughed at her sister. “Seriously?”

  “Don’t judge me!”

  Pixie hit the Play button on her playlist after finding the new Macklemore song.

  “I like this one! Turn it up!” Poppy shouted.

  For the next few minutes, both women lost themselves to the beat of the music. Singing out loud to the music, they laughed at the lyrics. Once the song ended, they noticed a thumping noise coming from the door.

  “What the hell is that?” Pixie asked, her hair sticking to her forehead.

  “I don’t know. I thought the guard was gone for the day since Wheaton is on his way,” Poppy replied, moving for the door.

  Pixie followed close behind, tilting her head when the knocking continued. “Why would he knock? Is the door broken?”

  Poppy shrugged.

  “Use the new camera, doofus,” Pixie said as Poppy continued to stare at the door.

  “Sorry. Baby brain seems to be creeping up on me lately.”

  “Just lately?”

  Pixie dodged the swat Poppy flung her way. Both women froze in place when the screen lit up with the image of what was outside the door.

  “What the fuck?!” Pixie exclaimed.

  Poppy hit the button to open the door.

  The woman who had been pounding on the door practically fell into the room. Barely catching herself, the dark, curly-haired woman looked around wildly. Grabbing Pixie by the t-shirt, she seemed crazed as she gripped her tightly.

  “You have to help me!”

  “Whoa, whoa. What’s going on?” Pixie asked calmly, trying to get the woman to loosen her grip on her shirt. Pixie’s eyes widened when she noticed part of a tattered rope around the wrists and ankles of the woman.

  “I’ve been kidnapped!” she yelled while panting for breath.

  “Kidnapped?” the sisters echoed.

  “By an alien! You have to help me before he finds me!”

  Pixie and Poppy stared at the woman as she dashed frantically around the room
as if searching for a place to hide.

  “Pixie…what the fuck?” Poppy asked, rubbing her baby belly as if trying to soothe the tiny life inside.

  “I don’t—” Pixie began only to be cut off when her shirt was pulled yet again.

  “Why aren’t you doing anything? I’ve been kidnapped!” the woman yelled.

  Her raised voice startled Pixie out of the shock she’d been in since opening the door.

  “Calm down, everything is gonna be okay. Let’s get this rope off you and figure out what’s going on.” Pixie put her arm around the woman’s shoulders. “Poppy, I brought your scissors back and put them in that drawer. Grab them.”

  Poppy rushed over to the drawer and carried the scissors over to Pixie. “Do you know what the name of alien was?”

  “Finch! His name is Finch and he’s crazy!” the mystery woman cried.

  “Finch?” Pixie asked, her voice incredulous. Looking over at her sister, Pixie could only stare open-mouthed while Poppy stood silent with shock on her face.

  “No…just no,” Pixie’s voice finally squeaked out.

  “There has to be a mista—” Poppy started, shaking her head.

  “I’m not crazy. Finch kidnapped me from my apartment two nights ago and kept me tied up in his bedroom! I was able to untie myself from the bed while he was gone but I’m not sure how long before he comes back,” the woman said with her voice breaking. “You have to help me.” Holding out her hands for Pixie to cut off the rope, she started to cry.

  Pixie moved forward slowly and spoke slowly. “We know Finch. There’s no way he would ever hurt anyone.”

  “So he’s not gay?” Poppy’s question caused Pixie to glare at her sister.

  “Bad timing, Poppy,” Pixie gritted out.

  Pixie moved to sit beside the woman and patted her on the back. There was something about this woman that seemed familiar but Pixie couldn’t put her finger on it. Then, looking at her closely, she realized where she’d seen her before.

  “I know you!” Pixie blurted out. “You worked in the intake center.”

  “I’m Claudia.” The frazzled woman reached forward to awkwardly shake her hand. “I did work at the intake center but that was before it blew up and I was kidnapped.”

  “Blew up?” Pixie and Poppy both asked in unison.


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