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Vampire Claim: Real Men of Othercross

Page 6

by Kyle, Celia

  “And is that a bad thing?”

  “No, not at all,” he said, a smile spreading across his lips. Cupping her face with one hand, he leaned in and crushed his mouth against hers. They kissed feverishly, their bodies demanding the proximity, and only then did he take his lips to her neck. She closed her eyes as she felt his fangs grow against her tender flesh, and then held her breath as they pierced her. There was a momentary stab of pain, like being pricked with a needle, but the pain was quickly replaced by a tidal wave of pleasure.

  She felt ecstasy filter into her veins as he drank her blood, tiny droplets trickling down her neck, and her magic pulsed inside her as if it were dancing around the ancient powers of the vampire.

  “Rafe,” she breathed out, their bond finally becoming something tangible. She trembled as he pulled back from her, his fangs leaving her flesh, and then he rested his forehead against hers. Returning his gaze, she smiled. “I wish I could return the favor,” she continued after a slight pause, barely believing what she was saying. If she sucked his own blood after what they’d done, she’d turn and become a vampire like him.

  “There’s nothing I’d like more.” Looking down, he let his eyes take in the round shape of her belly. “But not right now. Not while you’re carrying my child. It’d be too dangerous.”

  “I know. It doesn’t matter,” she whispered, placing one hand under his chin and forcing him to look back into her eyes. “What matters is that I’m now yours.”

  “As I am yours.”

  “But if you ever leave me again, I—”

  “That’s not going to happen, mi amada,” he cut her short, placing his index finger over her lips. “I will never leave your side. It just won’t happen.”

  “Promise it.”

  “I promise.” With one hand on her face, he brushed his lips against hers. “Your magic has bound your soul to mine, Iris, and my bite has claimed you as my Beloved. There’s nothing in this universe that’d be able to keep me away from you.”

  “Enough of words,” she told him, her instincts once more taking the steering wheel. Now that she had accepted the inevitability of their bond, she wanted to enjoy the perks that came with it. Smiling, she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him in, forcing his hard member to go all the way in. He groaned as he did it, and then flames of lust danced in his eyes once more.

  “Yes,” he whispered, “enough of words.”

  Holding her close, he started thrusting like a man possessed, each and every one of his movements designed to unleash unspeakable pleasure. He ravaged her with all the savagery that was only possible in a man that was a living and breathing myth, and all she could do in return was close her eyes and enjoy the ride. It only took a couple of seconds before she felt like she was about to explode, her muscles tensing up as her inner walls tightened up around his thickness.

  “Yes,” he whispered into her ear, “don’t hold back.”

  She didn’t.

  Hissing through her gritted teeth, she placed both hands on his chest and clawed at his flesh. She arched her back as she came, the wildfire of ecstasy incinerating every cell inside her body, and for a moment she felt as if she was about to collapse. She had never experienced anything quite like this, and the best part was that Rafe still had more left to give.

  Once her muscles relaxed, he slid his erection out and placed his hands on her hips. Carefully, he rolled her to the side and made her jut her backside up. Knowing what was about to come, she placed herself on all fours in front of him, feeling more exposed than ever before. She didn’t mind feeling like that. In fact, she relished the fact that Rafe’s eyes were devouring her naked figure. Of course, she also knew that he was going to use more than just his eyes on her.

  “Oh,” she moaned as he closed in on her. Using one hand, he angled his cock down, its tip traveling down her ass cheeks until it found her wet inner lips once more. This time she took the lead and, before he could do anything about it, she thrusted back and impaled herself on his length, the sudden sensation of being filled up by his manhood almost enough to make her come again.

  Struggling to hold herself together, she matched each and every one of his movements as he started to thrust. Her backside slapped his powerful thighs over and over again, the sound of flesh on flesh filling the entire bedroom, and that sweet symphony was enough to push her straight to the edge. The same was happening with Rafe, his hard member somehow becoming even harder with each of his thrusts, the tension of his length against her inner walls a tell-tale sign that he was preparing himself for the grand finale.

  Of course, when that tidal wave of ecstasy swept over them, they were everything but ready.

  Rafe stopped all movement with one final thrust, his entire length buried deep inside her, and a fraction of a second later his warm seed was flooding her insides. Dropping her head, her hair cascading down her shoulders, she let that be the final straw and exploded with him, that searing pleasure enough for her to forget about the real world that existed around them.

  In that moment, nothing but their naked bodies existed.

  In that moment, they were Resonate and Beloved, bound together by magic and love.

  “This was even better than I thought it would be,” she breathed out as she collapsed on top of the mattress, breathing so hard that her lungs felt like two balloons about to pop. Forcing her eyes open, she rolled to the side and propped her chin up with one elbow. Rafe lay next to her, eyes closed and a satisfied smile on his lips.

  “You sound surprised,” he replied, turning his head to the side so that he could look at her. “Don’t be. Next time we’re together, I promise you it’ll be even better. I like to surpass myself, especially when it comes to you, mi amada.”

  “Mi amada,” she repeated softly, realizing for the first time that she had no idea about what that meant. Rafe always used those two words when talking to her and, as lovely as his accent sounded, she now wanted to truly understand him. “What does that mean?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” He chuckled gently. “It means my Beloved.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Contact her supervisor, Tomás,” Rafe said softly into his cellphone so he wouldn’t wake Iris. “Tell him she won’t be in today.”

  She was his and he hers. She’d ceded to him the right to take care of her, and with that right, he’d decided his Beloved was taking the entire day off. She might think she was going to work the remainder of her pregnancy, but he disagreed. This time should be for her to rest, bond with the baby, daydream, and prepare for motherhood. Not continue to grind daily against the whetstone of Othercross Arcane Judiciary.

  Hanging up on his second-in-command, Rafe watched his sleeping Beloved, his amada. Her dark hair covered the pillow in supple waves, a few tendrils drifting across her forehead in the most adorable way. The dark circles that had settled under her eyes were but a memory, and the sweet slumbering smile she wore spoke to her happiness.

  He hoped.

  “Mi amada,” he murmured against the citrusy scent of her hair, then placed his hand over her belly.

  The life growing inside her bumped against his palm, a sensation he’d never tire of. “Do you know me, mijo?” Or mija, he reminded himself. Iris wanted to keep the gender of the baby a surprise, and what she wanted, he wanted. “I’m your father and we will do wonderful things together.”

  His one-way conversation with his unborn child was rudely interrupted by the sound of someone pounding on Iris’s front door. Rafe’s head snapped around but Iris didn’t so much as stir, thank the foresires. Carefully extricating himself from her body, Rafe rushed to the front door, furious at whomever dared disturb her rest. The snarl was already on his lips before he yanked open the door. He was damn lucky the sun was on the other side of her building at that moment.

  “What!” he snapped at the person standing on her doorstep.

  It took a moment for him to recognize the man. Brodie Sinclair, the werewolf who’d thought he could take
Rafe’s Beloved from him.

  Brodie growled, shoulders swelling and face much more furry than normal. “What the hell are you doing here, bloodsucker?”

  “You suffer under the delusion you have the right to question me, furball.”

  When Rafe moved to slam the door in the shifter’s face, Brodie stuck a foot out to stop him.

  “Where’s Iris?” he demanded, pushing his fuzzy head inside. “Iris!”

  Rafe hissed and released the door, allowing Brodie to stumble forward. He righted himself quickly but not quick enough to evade a Master vampire. Rafe shoved him into the hallway, closing the door behind them with a flick of his foot.

  “Iris is asleep, alpha of beasts. You will not disturb her. What do you want?”

  “I want to talk to her. I’m her—”

  “You’re her what? You’re nothing. She’s my Beloved and if she needs care, I’ll provide it.”

  Brodie was silent for a moment, clearly stunned at the news. “That’s… impossible.”

  Rafe smiled, cocking his head at the wolf in an admittedly smug manner. “Think what you like, it’s true. When she wakes, she can tell you herself.”

  “I want to see her now. Get out of my way or I’ll—”

  “You’ll what?” Rafe stepped forward, aggression rising. His fangs slipped from their sheathes as Brodie growled, the rumble filling the hall.


  Iris stood in the hallway outside her bedroom, dressed in her robe, with her arms crossed and glaring at the pair of males ready to fight for her. Rafe smoothed his furious expression, taking care to retract his fangs, then smiled at her.

  “Mi amada. You’re awake.”

  She gave him her hard, inscrutable look. “Don’t play innocent with me, Rafe Santos. Why are you and Brodie in my hallway about to start a clan war?”

  Brodie shoved past him. “Iris, when you didn’t come into work this morning, I got worried. Are you okay?”

  Iris stared at the werewolf a long moment, then finally sighed. “Brodie, I’m fine. Listen, we need to talk, but this isn’t the best time. Can we have coffee later today?”

  Over Rafe’s undead body!

  “That’s not necessary, Beloved. You don’t need to expend a single drop of your precious energy on explanations or justifications for why this dog isn’t good enough for you.”

  Her beautiful brown eyes narrowed at him in a way that made him nervous. A Master vampire nervous!

  “I’m sure that came out wrong,” she said, voice icy.


  “Never mind.”

  Brodie moved between them, his expression pinched and confused. “He said you’re his Beloved. Is that true?”

  “I didn’t want to do this now,” she said, approaching them. “Or in my freaking hallway, but if you insist.”

  Rafe held his breath as he waited for Iris to choose one of them. He had the connection with her, but he’d also left her the night they’d met. This Brodie furball had been wooing her ever since. Rafe honestly wouldn’t blame her for choosing the man who’d steadfastly remained by her side, though it would destroy him. In the end, she ducked easily under Rafe’s arm, letting it drape over her shoulders.

  “It’s true, Brodie,” she said, her voice full of empathy for her would-be lover. “I’m sorry to hurt you, but Rafe and I are destined for each other.”

  Rafe returned Brodie’s sneer with a smug grin, his rage fading. He got the girl, after all. He could afford to be gracious. Besides, he had to grudgingly admire a man who would take on someone else’s child so selflessly. Not that he’d admit it to the guy.

  “Then why let me think we had a chance?” Brodie asked, embarrassment flashing across his face. Pain, interestingly enough, seemed to be missing.

  “Because I thought we did. I had no reason to believe Rafe would return and, as I told you before, he left before he knew I was pregnant.”

  “And you’ve reconciled, just like that?” Brodie demanded. “What makes you think he won’t take off again?”

  Iris smiled up at Rafe. “He won’t.”

  He didn’t even have to defend himself, she sounded so certain. It was a good thing she didn’t want him to speak because at that moment he couldn’t. There was nothing but absolute trust in her voice. Trust that he would be there for her, that their bond was certain. That she believed him to be a worthy mate and father for their baby. In that moment, Rafe vowed to spend eternity proving her right.

  Brodie opened his mouth, and Iris gave him a look, forestalling him by pulling aside the collar of her robe. His mouth snapped shut. Her mating scar stood in stark relief against her neck, indisputable proof she and Rafe had mated. Nothing further could be said.

  The alpha’s shoulders slumped. Then he cursed and threw Rafe a glare. “Fine. I don’t think he’s good enough for you, but I can’t argue against a bond.”

  “There will be someone for you. You’ll make a wonderful mate and father, Brodie.”

  Iris disentangled from Rafe’s hold and stepped forward. When she pressed a sisterly kiss on Brodie’s cheek, a spark of possessiveness came to life inside Rafe’s heart, but instinct stopped him from objecting.

  “And when the baby is born, I hope you’ll do us the honor of standing as godfather.”

  Rafe opened his mouth then closed it, jaw clenching. Whatever his Beloved wanted, even if it seemed ludicrous. Brodie sensed his outrage and grinned at him, amused malice flashing in his eyes.

  “I’d be honored.”

  As the would-be couple said their final goodbyes, Rafe comforted himself with the knowledge he would have plenty of time to talk her out of such a ridiculous idea. Before the door even closed on the werewolf’s ass, Rafe turned to her.

  “How could that walking fur coat ever think he had a chance with my Beloved? Please tell me you two never…”

  Iris smirked up at him, then waddled—there really was no other word for it—toward the kitchen without a word. Pulling open the door of the fridge, she took out an orange carton and drank from it. With a satisfied sigh, she leaned against the fridge, her eyes twinkling as she drew out his torture.

  “What would you give me to find out?” she asked, waggling her eyebrows at him.

  “Iris.” Warning hung heavy in his tone.

  Her laugh sounded like a cheerful, babbling brook. “Don’t worry, you ruined me for other men. But Rafe, you need to know that Brodie is a good man. He offered a chosen mating when I was facing all of this by myself. He was willing to take care of me and the baby when…”

  Her words trailed off, but Rafe knew what she’d been about to say. “When I wasn’t, is that about right?”

  Iris winced. “I never pictured myself raising a child alone.”

  Rafe’s heart nearly broke in half at the pain and fear she must have felt for the last several months. No wonder she’d sought the comfort of another man, even if the man in question had failed to seal the deal. Obviously, because Rafe and Iris were fated to be together, but Brodie hadn’t known that. A sliver of pity for the shifter wedged inside his heart, but just a sliver.

  “Yet you chose to have the baby anyway,” he said softly, gratefully.

  Iris looked down at her belly, her free hand caressing it as a mother’s smile played at her lips. “Of course I did. This little Bladder Squasher is yours.” She met his gaze, and he felt every ounce of love pouring out of her. “And you’re mine. Forever.”

  He wasted no time in crossing the room, never breaking eye contact. He took the juice container from her hand and set it on the counter, then wrapped his hands low around her back.

  “Forever,” he whispered.

  Their lips met in an explosion of emotion. Nothing had ever felt more right to him, more natural, than kissing the devil out of this witch that had stolen his heart. No, his soul.

  She pulled away too soon, resting her head on his chest, no doubt hearing the thundering of his heart. “Since it seems I took the day off… wanna go back to bed?�

  “That sounds lovely,” he growled, looking forward to showing her how much he loved her.

  Spinning on her heel, Iris headed out of the kitchen, pointing at the living room as she went. “Good. You can bring the TV into the bedroom then. And could you bring me some Pringles? Gotta have comfort food if I’m going to watch chick flicks all day.”

  Ah! So it was going to be that kind of day off. Rafe sighed his disappointment but smiled in anticipation anyway. A long day of cuddling his Beloved while watching whatever she wanted sounded like perfection.

  “Anything you want, mi amada. Anything.”

  * * *

  Did you enjoy Vampire Claim? Not quite ready to let go of these characters? We couldn’t let them go either so we wrote a fun bonus scene for you guys and you can get it FREE here:

  * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from book 3 in the Real Men of Othercross series, Vampire Siren…

  Cora Murphy glanced at the clock and grimaced. Lunchtime, yet she wasn’t hungry. Pulling the band out of her golden hair, she shook her head to let it fall around her shoulders, then efficiently smoothed it back into a perfect ponytail.

  This was troubling. She should be hungry. On a normal day, her stomach would be growling up a storm, but not after a week of battling yet another virus. Her lack of appetite was just another sign of her slowly deteriorating health. One more thing to keep from her mother or she’d never hear the end of it.

  Cora glared at the files on her desk, mood darkening. There was nothing to be done about it, it was the curse all sirens bore. And the same choice as always lay before her. Drop the glamour and give in to her nature in order to find a mate, or wither and die at a relatively young age.

  Cora sighed and straightened. “Holly!”

  Her assistant, Holly Woodbriar, appeared at the door of her Othercross Arcane Judiciary office a moment later, along with Kelly Holloway, Cora’s new intern.


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