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Ride: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 21

by Roxie Noir

  Jackson sighs.

  “Lee fro-mayge do-ray,” he says. “Happy?”

  I just laugh.

  In a few minutes, we’re in another part of Vegas entirely. It’s not as massive as the Strip, but as we get out, I realize that it’s just as flashy. The street has been closed to cars, and it’s lined with older casinos, neon signs, and some kind of lit-up ceiling.

  “Downtown Vegas,” Jackson says. He puts his hand on my lower back as we both stand there, looking up, gawking like a couple of tourists.

  “I didn’t know there was a downtown,” I say.

  “Hopefully, neither does anyone else,” he says, and winks at me. “Come on.”

  Le Fromage Doré is one of the fanciest places I’ve ever been inside. I’m sure there’s nicer places in New York, but I’ve never been there. The tables have long white tablecloths, multiple forks, and candles. It’s dark. There’s a live piano player in one corner.

  Everyone is dressed way more nicely than the two of us.

  When Jackson gives his name, the hostess almost smiles at him, even as she eyes our clothes, clearly unimpressed.

  “Just one moment,” she says, and then walks away.

  Jackson and I exchange glances. The hostess goes to one of the servers and whispers something in his ear. He looks over at us, and he’s not impressed either. Each table setting has two wine glasses and a lot of forks, and that much stuff always makes me nervous.

  “How much do you really like French food?” I murmur to Jackson.

  He looks around the restaurant.

  “I have no idea,” he finally admits. “I thought it sounded fancy.”

  The hostess finally starts walking back toward us. She’s still not smiling.

  “I can’t believe they’ve started allowing people to wear street clothes,” says a voice behind us.

  I turn and look. It’s a middle-aged woman who’s pretending to talk quietly enough that we can’t hear.

  Screw this, I think.

  “We passed a brewpub on the way here,” I whisper to Jackson. “Last chance to change your mind.”

  “This used to be a destination,” the woman behind me says.

  “Let’s go,” Jackson says.

  I pull on his hand just as the hostess walks up to us, and I push back through the exit. Some nicely-dressed people look offended, but then we’re outside on the sidewalk, and I pull Jackson around the corner like I think someone’s gonna come after us.

  “I don’t think we need to hide from a snooty French waitress,” he teases me.

  “Shh, they’ll hear us,” I say, fighting back a laugh.

  “I can’t take you anywhere,” he says.

  “You couldn’t even pronounce the name of that place,” I tease back.

  “Why do you think I chose it?” he asks. “That means it must be good.”

  We walk to the brewpub, holding hands. It feels weird but good to be together in public, even though I’m scanning every face to make sure I don’t recognize someone. It’s a nice night, even though it’s December, cool but not cold.

  The brewpub is crowded, but somehow we get a small corner booth. As we push our way through the crowd, Jackson keeps his hand on my lower back. It’s sweet and a little protective and it makes me want to shout he’s mine, everybody!

  I mean, I think he’s mine. Pretty sure. It’s on my mental docket for discussion.

  The menu has five appetizers, three burgers, three sides, and two desserts. The rest is beer. The booth is one circular seat and we sit together in the middle, Jackson’s arm around me.

  I’m pretty sure a couple of women look over as we sit down and give Jackson the up-and-down. I fight the slightly insane urge to sit on his lap, make out with him, and flip them off.

  “You still don’t drink, right?” he asks.

  “Why, is Boone’s Farm on the menu?” I say.

  Jackson laughs and I look at a chalkboard on the wall that lists dozens of beers. Jackson drags his fingers in little circles over my upper arm, unconsciously, and it sends tingles up my spine.

  This happened anyway, I think. You still had sex with Jackson, whether you drank and did everything right or not, and it turned out okay.

  Better than okay.

  “Fuck it,” I say out loud. “I’m getting a drink.”

  “Who in tarnation are you and where’s Mae?” Jackson says.

  “Sometimes I have beers and drop f-bombs,” I say defiantly.

  “What a rebel,” he teases.

  “At least I don’t say tarnation,” I say.

  “At least I don’t say f-bomb,” he counters, grinning.

  “I thought you liked it when I cursed,” I say.

  “I like it when you talk dirty,” he says. “I’m just surprised you know all those bad words.”

  “I know way more than bad words,” I say.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t have gone out in public,” Jackson says, leaning toward my ear. His voice is going low and dangerous and it sends a spike of warmth straight through me.

  “Am I embarrassing you?” I murmur.

  “I might embarrass myself,” he says, his lips barely tickling my ear.

  A woman clears her throat, and we both look straight ahead. Heat rushes to my face.

  “Hi welcome to the Fremont Brewpub my name is Mandy can I get you two anything to drink?” she says, looking completely bored.

  We get the ten-beer sampler and an order of fries.

  “I don’t know what I was thinking,” Jackson says. “I have to control myself all day.”

  “You were thinking that it might be nice to see the parts of Vegas that weren’t your hotel room or the rodeo arena,” I say.

  “My hotel room is awful nice, though,” he says. “Particularly after hours.”

  He’s driving me crazy. Up until we sat in this booth, I was doing okay, but now that he’s whispering things in my ear with his arm around me, I feel like someone’s taken a match to a pile of dry kindling inside me.

  “You’re the one who insisted on a dinner date,” I say. “I was just going to sneak over later tonight, like anyone having a torrid affair.”

  “Torrid?” he asks, grinning. “I haven’t ripped even one bodice, Miss Guthrie.”

  “Only for a lack of bodices,” I say. “Don’t tell me all my foundation garments would be in proper order if I had any.”

  “Foundation garments? I’m outta my element,” he says.

  “If I had a bodice I’d let you rip it off,” I say.

  The beers arrive. They’re all in little glasses, arranged from light to dark. I pick up the lightest one and Jackson grabs a beer from somewhere in the middle. We clink them together.

  “To our torrid affair,” he says, and we both take a drink.

  Turns out I like beer a lot better than I remembered. It doesn’t take more than a few sips of each before I’m starting to get tipsy, even though Jackson is stone cold sober.

  The brewpub keeps getting louder and louder as everyone gets drunker. It’s Friday night, after all, and sitting in this booth, I feel borderline invisible.

  Mandy the waitress comes back and we order burgers. Jackson orders another sampler of ten different beers.

  I narrow my eyes at him.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk?” I ask.

  He just laughs.

  “I haven’t tried at all,” he says, eating a french fry. “This was all your idea, Lula-Mae. I just wanted to try a couple beers.”

  “Public,” I say, wrinkling my nose.

  He slides his hand around my hip.

  “Not that public,” he says.

  “Just don’t let me talk you into doing something we shouldn’t,” I say. “You know my track record with drinking when you’re around.”

  I’ve got one hand on his upper thigh and I can feel the hard muscles beneath the dark denim. It’s driving me more than a little wild.

  “I’m not sure I can be trusted with that kind of responsibility,” he says, gri
nning. “I don’t think you’ve got any idea how persuasive you can be.”

  “Oh, you can turn down a drunk girl,” I tease.

  “I can turn down most drunk girls,” he corrects me.

  I take another sip of some delicious beer.

  “You could turn me down,” I say. “Want to practice?”

  “No,” he says.

  I slide my hand up his leg anyway, but before I get to the zipper of his jeans he puts his own hand over mine and looks down at me.

  “You’re the one who doesn’t want to get caught,” he murmurs, our eyes locked.

  My spine liquefies.

  “I thought you didn’t want to get caught either,” I whisper.

  “I don’t want you to get fired,” he says. “I don’t care who knows about us otherwise. That was just in Oklahoma.”

  I swallow. All this sneaking around, all these rules and secrecy and hotel rooms across the city are just for my benefit.

  “Oh,” I say. “Thanks.”

  I don’t know what else to say.

  “It’s kinda fun playing Romeo and Juliet,” he says. “Sneaking around and shit, not getting caught.”

  “They died at the end,” I point out.

  “Then pick a happy story about secret lovers,” he says.

  I bite my lip and think. Jackson frowns.

  “Madame Bovary?” he asks.

  “I think she dies,” I say. “You’ve read Madame Bovary?”

  “I got hidden depths, Lula-Mae,” he says. “It can’t all be bulls, bourbon, and bunnies.”

  “What else don’t I know?” I ask.

  “I make an amazing pineapple upside-down cake,” he says. “I memorized my grandma’s biscuit recipe.”

  “What else?”

  “I think it’s your turn now,” he says, grinning. “I’ve got a reputation to uphold and my baking secrets can’t be getting out.”

  “My older brother used to buy my friends booze when I was in college and underage,” I say.

  “You’re a badass,” he says, totally straight-faced.

  “I usually didn’t pay him back, even when I said I would,” I admit. “I once wrote a paper for someone else for a hundred bucks.”

  “I’m gonna call the cops,” he teases me.

  “I streaked once,” I say.

  Jackson grins.

  “Go on,” he says.

  “It was past a couple dorms,” I say. “I think I had one drink and someone said she thought I was boring, and I took the bait. It was just the once.”

  The new beers come. We drink up. I’ve probably had the equivalent of two drinks, but it’s the most I’ve had to drink since I was eighteen, so I’m pretty drunk.

  That’s probably why I grab his hand and put it on my knee, then slide it under the hem of my dress. He doesn’t move it up, but he doesn’t take it off, either.

  “Nobody’s looking,” I say.

  “I’m starting to think maybe you shouldn’t drink,” he says, a slow smile spreading across his face.

  “I’m starting to think maybe I should drink all the time,” I say.

  “Am I still supposed to keep you from doing something you shouldn’t?” he asks. “Because that ain’t fair, Lula-Mae.”

  “Public,” I whisper.

  “You put my hand up your dress,” he whispers back. “I’ll call you what I want, Lula-Mae.”

  I can’t help myself. I slide my hand up his thigh toward the bulge in his pants, and he strokes the inside of my thigh with the pad of his thumb.

  Just as my fingers are about to touch his cock, he takes his hand off my thigh and locks his fingers around my wrist, stopping my hand.

  I try to move my hand up again, but he’s got his fingers locked around my wrist and I can’t move it. I try again. No matter how hard I try, he’s in control.

  Holy hell, it’s hot. I feel like something just explodes into flames inside me.

  I look at my hand and then up at Jackson.

  “Let me go,” I say, even though there’s nothing I want less.

  “Can you behave yourself?” he asks.

  “Can I ever?”

  I think I forget to breathe as I try to move my hand again and he still doesn’t let me, his strong hand around my wrist. Our faces are inches apart.

  “You’re making it worse,” I whisper, my voice throaty and raw.

  “Don’t try to talk me into doing something we shouldn’t,” he says.

  “I wasn’t talking.”

  “You’re impossible,” he says.

  I kiss him. I press my lips to his gently and he presses back, hard and urgent. Then he pulls away.

  “This is gonna end with you bent over a bathroom sink if you don’t stop,” he says.

  “Promise?” I whisper.

  I pull at my hand again but his grip is like a vise around my wrist.

  “That’s a guarantee,” he growls.

  I lean forward and bite his earlobe. I don’t give a shit that we’re in public. It’s not like anyone here recognizes us. We’re just some drunk people making out.

  “That better not be an empty threat,” I say.

  “When have I ever promised you a good fucking and not followed through?” he rumbles. It sends a shiver down my spine.

  I swallow hard and squeeze my thighs together, like that will somehow make me less desperate to have him right now.

  “Jackson,” I say. “Don’t be gentle.”

  His hand tightens on my wrist. My breathing quickens.

  “Right,” I say. “Like that.”

  “Walk to the women’s room and don’t look back,” he says, and releases my wrist.

  I take another swallow of beer for courage and then leave the table. I barely notice all the other people in the pub as I push past them, because all that matters is the pure, hot ache that’s filling my entire body.

  The women’s room is empty, and by some miracle, it’s just a toilet and a sink, no stall doors. I don’t know what to do, so I grab a handful of paper towels and wipe the sink off, my heart beating so hard I’m shaking.

  I throw them in the trash can. The door swings open and Jackson steps in, locking the door behind him. He’s got his blazer off, his sleeves rolled up, and an enormous bulge in his jeans.

  We lock eyes in the mirror.

  “I told you I couldn’t control myself,” he says, a smile around his eyes as he locks the door.

  “Sorry,” I say, but he’s already behind me, his mouth on the back of my neck as he pushes my skirt over my hips and grabs me. I watch his fingers sink into my flesh in the mirror as he pulls me back against his erection, my hands still on the sink.

  I make a noise and arch my back, trying to rub myself along his erection, even clothed. He runs his thumb along the thin fabric strip between my legs and I gasp, biting my lip to keep from making too much noise.

  Jackson grabs the side of my thong and pulls hard, the muscles in his forearm bulging. After a moment it gives way and tears off and he spins me around, sits me on the counter. The marble is cool against me but before I can say anything Jackson’s head is buried between my legs and he’s sucking at my clit, flicking his tongue back and forth across it.

  I lean against the mirror and put one hand on his head, stroking his hair as he eats me out, every swipe of his tongue sending a jolt of pleasure through my whole body.

  “I love it when you eat me out,” I say. I close my eyes and lean my head back. “Jesus that feels good.”

  He keeps going, sliding his tongue from my clit to my slit and back as I moan, edging closer and closer to climax as Jackson licks me.

  “I’m close,” I whisper. “Fuck, Jackson.”

  His tongue slows, and I hold my breath until he’s just tracing a slow circle around my clit, not even touching it any more. I hear myself whimper, but then he’s standing and pulling me off the sink.

  Jackson crushes his mouth to mine and I can taste myself on him, even though I’m still feeling shaky and high from almost co

  “I can’t see you without wanting to taste you,” he growls. “Every single time. You should know that, Lula-Mae. Every time we talk I think about putting my face between your thighs and licking you until you scream.”

  He kisses me again, deep, and I can still taste myself.

  “You’re a goddamn distraction,” he says. “You should be illegal.”

  “Do you ever stop talking?” I ask.

  I tug on his belt but he grabs my wrists in his hands and spins me around so I’m facing the mirror. My pussy throbs, hot and wet. I watch Jackson unbutton his pants and take his cock out in the mirror.

  He strokes it once, slowly, and I watch him. There’s just something about a nice hand on a nice cock.

  “Are you taunting me?” I ask.

  “I thought you liked watching,” he says. He puts one hand on my lower back and leans into me, his lips against my ear.

  “I can watch you jerk off from New York,” I say. “But I’m right here now.”

  He slides his hand through my hair and then grabs a handful, just hard enough to pull my head back a little.

  “Tell me what you need,” he says into my ear.

  “I need you to fuck me already,” I say. “I’ve been waiting for this since last night.”

  He pushes inside me with one hard, smooth thrust, crushing my hips against the hard marble. My eyes slide shut and long, low groan comes out of my chest.

  “Holy fucking Jesus,” I hear myself say. He’s still holding my head by my hair, making me arch my back as hard as I can.

  Usually we start off slow but not this time, because Jackson is already fucking me hard and fast and deep. I’m up against the sink and he’s completely in control. It’s all I can do to hold on.

  “Is this what you wanted?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I gasp.

  “Balls-deep and bare in a bar bathroom?” Jackson says.

  “Balls-deep and bare anywhere,” I gasp.

  The heat is already gathering in my core, and it’s not going to be long before I just explode.

  “You’re dirty as hell and I love it,” he says.

  We lock eyes in the mirror, his head behind mine. He’s pounding me, anything but gentle, and it feels so good that I think I might be splintering apart around the edges.

  “Fuck me harder and make me come,” I whisper.

  Somehow, he does, and I just moan as he thrusts impossibly deep.


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