Enclave: A Novel of the Zombie Apocalypse
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Of the forty Enclaves that were ready by the time the Rise was out of hand, the thirteen were in positions of danger, being above ground installations, rescue, and salvage operations were run by the military. The civilian government handled non-military training and was involved in any decisions that dealt with bringing in rescuees and expansion of the Enclave itself. It was to these Enclaves, when possible, that survivors were brought, checked and sent on to safety, to one of the twenty-seven underground Enclaves where civilization was protected and, in its way, flourished. The underground Enclaves locations were kept secret as long as possible, the better to keep the Lazarites from harassing the populaces within. Underground facilities were used for training new military as well as the important civilian positions. Of the underground Enclaves, only Enclave 10, located within Mount Rainier was under assault by Lazarite forces. This siege was eventually lifted when more aggressive patrolling was instituted. The subterfuge used by the Enclaves worked as no underground Enclave ever fell to the enemies of humanity. Of the above ground Enclaves, only one fell to enemy action, and the Lazarites paid a terrible price for it.
There were several ‘unofficial’ Enclaves, areas that remained for the most under human control, but few of these survived to the end of the war.
Below is a partial list of the Enclaves.
Partial List of Enclaves and areas of Responsibility
Enclave 1 – Enclave Command.
(Below Ground)
Fort Knox, Kentucky. AO: Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas
Flight Capabilities: Helicopters only
Ground Capabilities: Heavy and light Armored vehicles
Enclave 2 – Near Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
(Above Ground)
AO: Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, All Eastern Canada
Flight Capabilities: Jet Aircraft, Helicopters
Ground Capabilities: Light armored Vehicles
NOTE: Captain Augustus Jones and his unit, the “Deadheads” operated out of this Enclave.
Enclave 3 – Near Devils Lake, North Dakota
(Below Ground)
AO: North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Manitoba
Flight Capabilities: Heavy and light cargo aircraft, Jets, Helicopters
Ground Capabilities: Heavy and light Armor
Enclave 5 – Appalachian Mountains, Virginia and West Virginia Border
(Below Ground)
AO: West Virginia, Virginia, Ohio, Maryland
Flight Capabilities: Limited Helicopter
Ground Capabilities: Light armor, limited heavy armor
Enclave 9 - Near Phoenix, AZ
(Above Ground)
AO: Arizona, New Mexico, southern Utah and Southern Colorado
Flight Capabilities: Helo’s only
Ground Capabilities: Light armor
NOTE: Enclave 9 was the only Enclave destroyed during the war. It was never filled to full capacity, due to the scarce population in its AO)
Enclave 10 – Inside Mt. Rainier Park, Washington State
(Under Ground)
AO: Washington, Oregon, Southern British Columbia
Flight Capabilities: limited helos
Ground capabilities: Self armored trucks, some APCs.
Enclave 11 – Outside Carson City, NV
(Above Ground)
AO: Nevada, California
Flight Capabilities: Unlimited
Ground Capabilities: Heavy/Light armor
Enclave 13 – Near Elmira, NY
(Above Ground)
AO: New York State, Pennsylvania, Part of South Eastern Ohio, New England, as far as the Massachusetts border)
Flight Capabilities: Helos
Ground Capabilities: Light Armor
Enclave 15 New Mexico –
(Above Ground)
AO: New Mexico, Eastern Arizona, Western Texas
Located only 100 miles from Enclave 9, it was the earliest built. In a rather desolate part of New Mexico, it has a large fleet of helicopters and is fairly out of sight out of mind of the Necs. The Survivors of Enclave 9 were relocated here.
Enclave 16 – Outside Abilene Texas
(Above Ground)
AO: Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Eastern New Mexico
Flight Capabilities: None
Ground Capabilities: Light armor, self armored trucks
Enclave 18 – Rock Springs, Wyoming
(Above Ground)
AO: Wyoming, Colorado, Utah
Flight Capabilities: Fighters, Helicopters, small Cargo planes
Ground Capabilities: Some heavy, mostly light armor
Enclave 24 – Located near the Alabama/Georgia border
(Below Ground)
AO: Alabama, Georgia, Florida
Flight Capabilities: Helicopters
Ground capabilities: Light Armor, Armored River and swamp boats
Enclave 27 – Outside Billings, Montana
(Below Ground, part of old Titan Missile silos incorporated)
AO: Montana, Idaho, Saskatchewan
Flight Capabilities: All aircraft, including AC-130 Gunships (four remaining) and two in flight tankers.
Ground Capabilities: Heavy and Light armor
Enclave 32 – Inside Denali National Park, Alaska
(Below Ground)
AO: Alaska, British Columbia (shared)
Flight capabilities: Unlimited
Ground Capabilities: Heavy armor, snow vehicles
Sea Detachment 1: USS Nimitz and group.
AO: Support for East Coast
Flight Capabilities: F-18’s, A6’s, SA-6’s
Support: Naval Artillery, Tomahawk missiles
Ground Attack capabilities: 1st Marine Amphib Group
Sea Detachment 2: USS Enterprise and Group.
AO: Gulf of Mexico
Flight Capabilities: See Detachment 1
Support: See Detachment 1
Ground attack capabilities: Limited number of Marines for rescue hit and run attacks
Sea Detachment 3: USS Lincoln and Group
AO: On loan to England
Flight Capabilities: See Detachment 1, plus Harrier Jump Jets (after being rescued from Norfolk Navy Base, it had no air group of its own. The British supplied one and the vessel remained in European waters for the duration of the war.)
Support: See Detachment 1, plus various Royal Navy ships
Ground attack capabilities: Two battalions Royal Marines, used for rescues and Hit and Run attacks.
Appendix 3: Chronology
Prior to the Events of “Enclave”
September 1, 2020 – The Manila Accords, outlawing the manufacture of Bioweapons is signed by over Forty nations, among them, the United States.
13 June 2024 – Fire at BPC research facility. CR-II is revealed to reanimate the recently dead.
14 June 2024 – Horace Benton makes the decision to continue research on the CR virus. He hopes to see it weaponized so he can sell it to the US Military.
10 March 2028 – Horace Benton makes his only trip to Keystone.
29 April 2028 – Dr. Mark Graham attempts to steal a sample of CR-IV. He is revealed to be a Lazarite, and pays the price for his attempted perfidy.
30 April 2028 – Dr. Mahan reviews Grahams turn from co-worker to subject.
14 July 2031 – Howard, grown bitter, assists TriPharm Mercs into the Keystone facility. This results in the initial release of CR-IV. Forester is killed on orders by Horace Benton. But before this happens, alerts the FBI.
15 July 2031 – The FBI goes into action on Foresters message.
13 August 2031 – Anders, PA is attacked by the zombies.
17 August 2031 – State troopers responding to a call from Carlston, PA, put out a statewide emergency after encountering zombies.
2 September 2031 – First outbreak in Germany.
7 September 2031 – Outbreak in La Paz, Argentina.
23 September 2031 – The FBI HRT team finds and enters Horace Benton’s Penthouse.<
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18 October 2031 – The President puts Operation: Enclave into effect. He also declares the Order of Lazarus an enemy of the state. He and his staff are killed while escaping DC.
04 February 2032 – Destruction of the Verrazano Bridge.
11 February 2032 – Prelude to the Battle of Governor’s Island.
13 February 2032 – Battle of Lower Manhattan, taking of the SI Ferry building.
15 February 2032 – Prelude to the battle of Governor’s Island
17 February 2032 – Assault on GI starts.
28 February 2032 – The last of the Lazarites on GI is captured. GI is declared secure.
04 March 2032 – Taylor and troops head downtown on a rescue mission.
05 March 2032 – The Convoy sets out for downtown.
06 March 2032 – The final stage of the rescue mission begins. Taylor is wounded.
09 March 2032 – Taylor is recuperating at a field hospital in Brooklyn, NY.
03 April 2032 – The BodySnatchers, Taylor’s unit, goes on a specimen gathering mission that ends tragically.
22 April 2032 – The Bodysnatchers head to Brooklyn on a rescue mission.
23 April 2032 – The Bodysnatchers reach their objective just before dawn.
24 April 2032 – conclusion of the Brooklyn mission.
28 April 2032 – Lazarites invade Hoover Dam.
29 April 2032 – A reaction force from Enclave 31 assaults the dam.
05 May 2032 – Hoover is under Enclave Control.
15 November 2032 – The Deadheads, a team from Enclave 2, are salvaging equipment and personnel from a hospital in Chicago.
16 November 2032 – the last of the hospital staff is evacuated from Mother of Mercy.
17 November 2032 – The Lazarites break the barricade. Some of the troops from E2 escape to fight another day.
22 March 2033 – Salvage Convoy sets out from E9. On the way, they are attacked from a farmhouse.
23 March 2033 – The Convoy goes into Kraal for the night. They are attacked by zombies and Lazarites.
24 March 2033 – The convoy reaches its objective. Lazarites contest their arrival, but not for long. The warehouse is destroyed due to zombie infestation.
12 September 2033 – A particularly vicious cell of Lazarites, led by a woman named Veronica, is on the loose.
13 September 2033 – A reaction team from E5 rescues a lone survivor. Word goes out about Veronica.
15 September 2033 – Veronica learns of the survivor, decides to leave Ohio.
17 September 2033 – Veronica’s band wipes out a small band of survivors.
19 September 2033 – A reaction team from E13 arrives too late to assist.
23 September 2033 – Veronica sacrifices one of her own.
25 September 2033 – Veronica overcomes another small group.
27 September 2033 – Never’s comes up with a plan to deal with Veronica.
02 October 2033 – Veronica plans for more death after het lover is killed.
05 October 2033 – Operation Trojan Horse ends Veronica’s reign of terror.
07 October 2033 – The Trojan hamlet is destroyed.
11 October 2033 – Moreau relives a terrible nightmare.
05 November 2033 – An E9 convoy is taken by Lazarites.
06 November 2033 – Enclave captives are tortured for information that isn’t supplied. They contact their man inside E9.
07 November 2033 – with the help of a traitor, Lazarites and zombies enter E9.
08 November 2033 – The Battle of E9 ends with some survivors evacuated, but the Enclave itself falls to the enemy.
13 June 2034 – A landing party from the Nimitz group is ambushed at Virginia Beach, VA.
17 June 2034 – Sergeant Joe Taylor reports aboard the Nimitz for temporary duty.
19 June 2034 – Taylor discovers that the Virginia Beach landing party was betrayed. There are two traitors on the Nimitz.
28 June 2034 – Taylor accompanies a landing party to Roanoke Island on a scouting missing.
01 July 2034 – Taylor heads back to E13.
15 May 2037 – Flanders arrives at E13.
16 May 2037 – Flanders debrief begins.
17 Mary 2037 – Flanders debrief ends.
18 May 2037 – The Enclaves begin moving on Flanders information.
23 May 2037 – A team from E13 assaults a Lazarite lab, recovering their great secret, the pills.
31 May 2037 - The pills, having taken effect, the assault on Keystone is prepared.
02 June 2037 – Keystone is assaulted.
03 June 2037 – The CR-IV counter virus is taken, Keystone is destroyed.
01 November 2047 – A look back at the past decade from Never’s journal.
Authors Note on The Lost Chapter.
I love this chapter, I really do. And it was very hard to chop it out of the main narrative of Enclave. But in the end, due to certain ideas contained within, as well as it being in the first person, it had to go. That’s one of the reasons. The other is that it has a unique zombie in it, a zombie who, in the original draft, I tried to save. YES! I said save. I think some people may just get a tear in their eye when they read this particular chapter. I know I was choked up at the end. BUT, it would have also opened up some questions, questions like, “If there’s one unique zombie, shouldn’t there be more?” So in the end, for the best, this chapter was clipped. I hope you all enjoy it.
A final thought, for those wondering – this chapter was written long before the Billy Connelly movie, “Fido”, was released. The names are a coincidence.
Fido: The Lost Chapter of Enclave
21 August 2032
Evac team
Outside of Montgomery, Alabama
I don't know how long we'd been fighting and mostly losing to the things. It seemed like months. I remember when the rising started, all the stories that I thought were bullshit. We'd watched the newscasts and laughed, thinking it was a lame way to promote some new horror movie.
Then the horror got real, fast. The first corpses made their appearance in Atlanta when a group of living dead, they were always in groups it seemed, savaged, and devoured a group of tourists. Some amateur video nut shot as much as he could before he took off. The pictures were disgusting. One female tourist had been cornered and while it looked like two of the zombies were kissing her, they were actually chewing off her face after tearing off her scalp. I still get the sweats when I think about how they literally peeled her face off.
It wasn't long after that National Guardsmen were fighting it out with religious fanatics (they called themselves Lazarites) in the streets of Montgomery and zombies were moving freely through the city, killing and eating anyone they could catch. The death toll was unbelievable and in a matter of days, Montgomery was a war zone, just like the cities in the east.
I was an Army reservist, a lieutenant in charge of a weapons squad when the shit hit the fan. When my unit was mobilized, we were given a list of people and told to take them to a designated area for evacuation. It turns out that Enclaves had been set up in advance for these people so that civilization could survive. We got our quota and were heading out when disaster happened. The pilot of our helo had a heart attack. To keep up with her mission assignments, she'd been popping pills. She'd taken one too many uppers and the strain popped her heart like a zit. Without warning, she slumped over the stick and we crashed right into the streets on the outskirts of Montgomery. Our units stretched thin, we were flying short handed, our Co-pilot knew enough to bring us in on a dead stick landing, barely enough for most of us to survive it.
We evaced the chopper quick; leaving the co-pilot who, chest crushed by the console, was dead. The dead pilot, also crushed by the console, I was going to take the time to blast each of them but, seeing as they weren’t going to be able to get free, decided to save the rounds. I scrambled the team and our civilians and we headed away from the wreck. The smell of avgas was heavy in the air. Not wanting to get barbequed
, I hurried the people up. We were about fifty meters away when the chopper went up in a ball of flame. What caused it, we’d never know. Taking a second, I glanced back and saw several zombies approaching the now burning bird. If we were lucky, the fire would block the whole street.
But we didn't have time to watch. Other zombies were coming. Some of them way too close. I could smell them, the scent of their rotting flesh making me gag.
"We've got to get to that car lot!" I shouted. "Take them down!"
Keeping our civilians in the middle of us, so they didn't catch a stray bullet, we opened up. The closest zombies went down like wheat before a thresher, either the heads destroyed or their backbones shattered. But we didn't have an unlimited amount of ammo and couldn't keep this up for long. There was the added problem that the noise we were making was surely going to attract more of them.
One of the zombies had actually gotten close enough to grapple with one of my troops. Cpl. King, my M-60 gunner, let her weapon swing down on its sling and kicked the creature in the chest knocking it backwards. I could hear its sternum snap as it flew back. King, taller than average and well muscled, stomped its skull. Her heavy booted foot crushed its head, leaving a splatter of curds and whey looking brains on the street.