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The Vampire's Submissive

Page 4

by Violet Gray

  Alexander finished the second pint and tossed it on the table. Maybe he would leave now. Alexander shook his head.

  Jackson’s thrusts became more forceful, and he sucked harder and harder at her neck. Her head began to spin. “Oh, Jackson, please!” She didn’t know what she was begging for, but he kept eating, kept fucking. Her release slammed into her with the force of a runaway bus, and she felt herself falling. Jackson tightened his grip on her back, holding her up, his mouth still at her neck. Finished, he kissed the tiny wounds and tucked her head against his shoulder. “Rest now, angel,” he whispered against her ear. She felt herself drifting. “Oh, but I need to help you two plan…”

  “Shh,” Jackson coaxed and tucked her snugly against him.

  “Now, tell me how you and I are going to kill those bastards, because I won’t have her endangered any further, no matter what she says.”

  “You’re going to make her very angry, my friend. Denying her the opportunity to fulfill her destiny.”

  “She may be immortal, but just like us, she can die, yes?” Jackson demanded.

  Alexander nodded.

  “The plan. Now.”

  Alexander raised an eyebrow, no doubt unused to being spoken to in such a manner. Still, when the treasure in question was Jackson’s woman, Jackson felt he had every right to speak as he thought best.

  “True, true. She reminds me of my Matilda. So headstrong. Determined.”

  “Yes, well, I’m determined to keep her safe.”

  “What are you going to do, Jackson? Lock her in the basement? You can’t protect her from everything. That’s not the way life works.”

  “This from the man who lived with the love of his life for nine hundred years.”

  “I was blessed, indeed. I still can’t believe she chose to… No, enough of that. Very well, we could approach them, encourage them to leave town. We could organize a team to take them out. We could use her as bait.”

  “Hell, fucking no! Didn’t you hear anything I just said? I’m protecting her not putting her in harm’s way.”

  “Why so possessive, Jackson? We both know you don’t do commitments. Not since Belinda’s death.”

  “I don’t know. I just…I can’t lose her.”

  “And you won’t. She’s not powerless. She’s powerful.”

  His sweet, docile little flower had decimated a demon. Dear god. Where would this new power lead her? To her destiny? Away from him?

  “Trust her, my friend.”

  “I do. I just don’t trust Fate.”

  “Why?” Katy asked, her voice muffled by sleep.

  He sighed. “Because of what happened to my wife, Belinda. She was human. She wouldn’t let me turn her. We’d been together ten years when another vampire…”

  “Oh, darling, I’m so sorry.” She pressed her lips against his cheek. “I’ll be fine, though. I promise. I trusted you last night. Now, it’s your turn to trust me.” She paused, her eyes gleaming with unnatural light. “Jackson? What effect does fire have on a vampire?”

  “It kills. Why?”

  “Because that’s what they’re planning, to set fire to the house at dusk.” She peered at the clock. “Two hours. We have two hours.”

  “So what’s it going to be, Alexander? Do we sit here and wait or do we go to them?” Jackson wanted to know.

  “This is your turf, Jackson. I’m simply here to assist.”

  “There are five now,” Katy said. “I don’t know how many I could take out. My powers are still rather untried.”

  “No kidding,” Jackson exclaimed. “Sorry. I’m sorry. I just can’t lose you, Katy.”

  “You won’t,” she assured him, tucking her hand in his. “If only there was a way to get behind them without alerting them to our movements.”

  “There is a way,” Jackson said, blowing out a frustrated breath. “There’s an old tunnel which runs from the basement to the middle of the forest. We could attack them from behind. Alexander can move without sound. I’m pretty decent at it, but you, Katy, what if they hear you?”

  “Simple. I’ll ride on your back. Or Alexander’s, if you think that’s better.”

  “Don’t mess with my head, little girl, or your pretty ass will pay when this is over.”

  She smiled. “Oh, Jackson, you’re so cute when you’re frustrated.”

  He slammed his palm on the table. “Be serious, Katy. This. Is. Serious. It’s life or death, and you need to quit messing around.”

  She shook her head, beginning to feel frustrated herself. “I do take this seriously, Jackson, but if these are the last two hours of my life, I’d rather spend them smiling than fretting.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I just wish I could tuck you away safe and sound until we deal with this mess.”

  Sighing, she reached out and ruffled his messy brown hair. “I’ll be careful, Jackson. I promise.”

  Alexander reached for his phone and tapped the screen before holding it to his ear. “Peter? How far are you from Sweetwater? Tupelo? Good. Get your ass to Jackson’s place. We’ve got five demons camped out in his woods plotting to roast us like marshmallows.”

  “There’s more I could tell you, but I don’t want to talk over the phone. When can you be here? Forty-five? Good. See you then.” He disconnected the call. “Peter Ambrose is in Tupelo. Well, by now, he’s probably halfway to Amory. He’ll be here soon. No one else is close enough. Four against five. Not the best odds…”

  “I could call William. He’s always moving around though. No telling where he is.”

  “Try,” Alexander said.

  Jackson went to find his phone, and Katy stood and put her dishes in the sink. She tossed Alexander’s empty blood bags in the trash. “How do demons fight?”

  “Excellent question. Fire balls for the most part. And hand to hand.”

  She worried her bottom lip with her teeth. “How does an energy ball stand up to a fire ball?”

  “Stands up just fine. They destroy each other.”

  “Wow, okay, so this is either the most complex, surreal dream I’ve ever had, or my life is never going to be the same.” She hoped it was the latter.

  “You’ll be fine. You’re a tough cookie.”

  “Jackson doesn’t think so,” she said.

  “He’s just scared, Katy. He doesn’t want to lose you.”

  “But he doesn’t do relationships, so if he lost me, it wouldn’t be like when he lost his wife.”

  “I saw the way he looks at you, Katy.”

  She shook her head, disbelieving. “It’s okay. It’s not like we’re in love or anything.” She’d love to make a life with him here, but he’d been forthright…that wasn’t in the cards.

  “Sure, you tell yourself that if it helps you sleep at night, little girl.”

  She felt the fogginess creep in again, same as before when she’d had the vision of the demons setting fire to Jackson’s beautiful home. “They’re arguing. Two want to move now. The other three want to wait. Oh, that was not pretty. One’s dead.”

  “Four against four. I like it.” Alexander rubbed his hands together.

  “Make that five against four. William is on his way. He was in Oxford visiting an old friend of his.”

  “Excellent,” Alexander said, applauding. Jackson joined in, clapping his hands and trying to smile.

  Katy shook her head. Boys.

  Chapter Six

  Shaking her head at the silliness of centuries’ old men, she said, “I’m going upstairs to change clothes. I don’t want to risk ruining my skirt.” She nodded to Alexander and blew Jackson a kiss then bounded up the stairs. What did one wear to a battle with demons? The black T would work just fine. Maybe short or jeans? Jeans. In her room, she found a pair of her jeans in the closet. Slipping the skirt down her legs, she didn’t hear Jackson walk in the door.

  “You don’t have to do this.”

  She jumped, startled, and pressed a hand to her heart. “Jackson, don’t sneak up on me like that

  “Sorry,” he mumbled.

  She moved to stand before him, wearing only her black T and black lace boy shorts. “I’ll be okay, Jackson. It’s not like I’m doing it alone.”

  He slammed the door shut behind them. “Panties off. Now.”

  She backed up a step, then another. “Jackson, I have to get ready. In less than two hours…”

  “Now.” His voice had changed, taking on a stern, yet dangerous, tone. “O-kay,” she whispered. Slowly, so as to drive him mad, she dragged the panties down her legs and tossed them on the bed. “Anything else, sir?”

  “No, that will suffice.” He grabbed her upper arms, spun her around, and pressed her up against the door. Shoving two fingers into her pussy, he groaned. She was wet. Very, very wet. “Does all this talk of fighting demons make you horny, lover?”

  She shook her head. “No, but you acting all possessive in front of Alexander certainly does the job.”

  With a feral growl, he tipped up her chin before covering her mouth in a bruising kiss. Her eyes drifted shut. She could hear the zipper of his pants descending. Oh, dear god, he would take her. This really wasn’t the proper time, she wanted to tell him, but found she couldn’t speak. All she could do was surrender to his mouth’s brutal assault, opening her lips so his tongue could slip through. He gripped her hips, his fingers bruising her flesh, and lifted her up against the door. “Wrap your legs around my waist, baby.” A heartbeat later, he rammed his big rod into her slit.

  “Ahhh!” she screamed, surprised by the sudden, violent invasion.

  He fucked her, pounding into her with passion and anger and something that felt very much like fear. Brushing her hair out of the way, she bared her neck for him. “Please,” she murmured against this mouth.

  The stark hunger in his eyes terrified and aroused her. He bit her. Hard. She screamed, the mix of pain and pleasure too much for her to stand. As he fed on her, he fucked her, thrusting deeper and deeper, driving her to the edge of her release. When she came, his mouth still sucking her neck, she felt herself crumble into a million little pieces. If he hadn’t been holding her, she would have fallen to the floor.

  “Oh, god, Jackson!” He pumped into her one last time, filling her with his hot cum, and she wondered as it spurted inside her, how he would taste. Would they live long enough for her to find out? Or would this be the last time they made love?

  Placing his hands under her arms, he lifted her free from his cock and set her gently on the ground. Cupping her face in his hands, he whispered, “Please be careful, Katy girl.”

  She nodded. “You, too.”

  He nodded briskly and walked to the door connecting his room to hers. “See you downstairs.”

  She went to the bed and fell onto it, landing on her back, her legs hanging off the side of the bed. How on earth was she supposed to keep her head while she was fighting demons when all she could think about was Jackson fucking her and feeding at her neck? She gave herself a few minutes to rest then she stood and dressed, pulling on jeans, socks, and tennis shoes. Moments later, she hurried downstairs and found them all in the parlor.

  Brown-haired Jackson and blond Alexander had been joined by two black-haired men. The one chatting with Alexander was of average stature but his silver eyes warned he wasn’t to be messed with. Must be Peter. William, who looked to be a full six feet, six inches, stood talking with Jackson. When she walked in the room, all mouths shut and all eyes went to her. Wow, being a Star had its bonuses. She chuckled lightly to herself, and strode over to William, holding out her small hand which he took in his and kissed.

  What the hell?

  “My lady, it’s an honor to make your acquaintance.”

  O-kay, she could get used to this.

  Peter came to stand beside William and offered his own hand, which she took. He pressed a rather long kiss on her palm. Wow, these guys were dangerous.

  “My lady. ‘Tis an honor.”

  “Thank you both. My name is Katy Foster.”

  They nodded, and William spoke. “You’re our Star.”

  “My. Star.” Jackson interrupted.

  She tucked her arm through his which seemed to calm him. “Are we ready to move?”

  Alexander nodded. “Lead the way, Jackson.”

  “Fine.” A swirl of emotions passed across his face, and Katy was left to wonder what he was thinking.

  She walked with Jackson down into the basement. Cold and damp, the air made her shiver. At the base of the stairs, Jackson lifted a trap door. Descending into the tunnel, Katy couldn’t help but wonder if she’d lost her mind. Her traveling companions were three vampires and a demon. If she survived this, she should have her head checked.

  The tunnel was dark but her friends had no trouble maneuvering. She on the other hand tripped and fell twice. Jackson lifted her from the ground. “Are you sure you want to do this? You can wait here. We’ll come get you when it’s over.”

  “No, Jackson, I may not be two hundred years old, but I know a few things, and I’m pretty sure running from one’s destiny is considered bad form.”

  The other men chuckled lightly. “Told you she was something else,” Alexander said.

  On their way once more, they soon stopped. Jackson climbed a ladder and pushed up hard on another trap door, this one covered with moss and leaves. His friends followed him out and she was last up the ladder. For a moment, Jackson looked like he wanted to slam the door closed, but instead he reached out a hand, helping her out into the fading daylight.

  “They’ve cleaned themselves up,” Katy said, as the fogginess descended for a third time. They’re wearing jeans and white T-shirts. Two of them are wearing jackets. They’re gathering their supplies. Oh, god, they have gasoline. Maybe you guys shouldn’t…”

  “What the hell, Katy?” Jackson whispered angrily. “Are you going to take them on yourself?”

  “You’re not the only one who gets to worry, Jackson Wainwright,” she whispered back. “Okay, so I’m going to take the guy holding the gasoline. You guys take the others.” Katy began to walk south, not quite sure how she knew this was the right way to go. Why weren’t the leaves crunching? She peered down at her feet and nearly fell backward on her ass when she realized she was moving about three inches above the ground. She turned to the men and grinned. “Well, now, that’s a handy little trick.”

  “I can’t believe my girlfriend is leading us into a fight!” Jackson muttered to his friends. Katy’s heart leapt. Since when did he consider her his girlfriend? She’d have to ask him about that later.

  About thirty yards out, she spotted the four demons in a clearing. No sneaking up on them now. One was sure to turn and see them plain as day. She tucked her hands behind her back and visualized an energy ball. She placed it in her left hand and visualized another in her right. “You guys hang back, so they can’t see you. I want to take them off guard.”

  “Oh, hell no!” Jackson muttered.

  “Jackson, you and your friends can move fast as lightning. As soon as I get things started, you can move on top of them.”

  “Damn, your girlfriend is H-O-T. Hot,” William murmured appreciatively.

  “Stay.” She instructed the four, dumbstruck men.

  Exiting the somewhat safe confines of the forest, she lowered herself to the ground and walked normally. “Excuse me!” she called to the demons. “I’m lost. Could you tell me how to get to the nearest road?” By now, she was several yards from the four men, none of whom she would have taken for a demon two days ago.

  “Sure thing, sweetheart,” said demon number one. Demon number two tried and failed to hide the gasoline can behind his back.

  “Aww, y’all are so sweet!” she crooned before bringing her arms from behind her back and hurling the balls at demons one and two. Their friends screamed in anger as their compatriots burst into ash.

  “What are you, you crazy bitch?” Demon number three demanded, a fireball already glowing in his palm.

grew another energy ball in her hand, preparing to hurl it any second. “Just your average Southern belle,” she told them in a pretty tone, even going so far as to present them with a curtsey.

  “You mocking us, bitch?” Demon number four growled.

  “’Course not. Just being ladylike seeing as I’m in the presence of gentlemen.” Where were Jackson and his friends? Then, in her mind’s eye, she saw them. Well, damn. A second group of demons had set upon them and the cries coming from the woods did not bode well for anyone. The noise distracted demon four but demon three kept his fireball at the ready. “You’re dead, bitch.”

  “You know, that’s what your other friend called me the night he attacked me. He smelled like dead fish.”

  “Murray? You killed Murray?” He reached back and hurled the ball towards her head at the same time that she released the pretty white ball. She visualized the two balls colliding and seconds later, they did. See it to see it. Nice trick.

  Demon three stalked toward her and she hurled herself upward, flipping in midair and forming a fresh ball at the same time. She dropped it on his head and watched him poof into nothingness.

  “I’m gonna get you, bitch!” Demon number four declared and set about hurling a score of small fireballs into the air. She dodged them. Barely.

  She heard Jackson scream, “Katy!” He came running at demon number four. The fireball was out of the demon’s hand in a millisecond, hurtling toward Jackson. Borrowing the demon’s maneuver, she pelted the air with energy balls before considering whether an energy ball could kill a vampire. Jackson dodged them. The demon did not. Gold dust and ash littered the grassy field. She lowered herself to the ground and brushed her hands on her shirt.

  “Well, that was easy,” she said with a smile.

  Paler than any healthy vampire should be, Jackson looked like he might faint.

  “Please tell me your friends are okay,” she said.

  He nodded. “Yeah, fine. There were only three, so I didn’t even get to kill one.”


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