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Z-Day Chronicles (Book 1): Genesis

Page 8

by Williams, Kameron

  Tyrese turned the key, and the Hummer made enough noise to attract the horde of zombies. The group quickly drove back to the building where Nick and Brandon. While Tyrese and Jake gave covering fire, Dylan hurried inside to get the two.

  “Brandon! Nick!” Dylan shouted. “We gotta hurry up and get out of here! The Hummer is attracting the zombies to us!”

  Nick helped Brandon up, and the three of them hurried to the Hummer. Brandon was using a Barrett 50. caliber sniper rifle he found in the rubble as a crutch and firing at the undead with the sidearm that Jake gave him. As soon as Dylan, Nick, and Brandon stepped foot in the vehicle, Jones stepped foot on the gas, and the group drove away from the aftermath of Fort Benning.

  Chapter 18

  After the group was long gone from the base, Brandon looked in the back of the Hummer.

  “There’s hardly anything back here,” Brandon started. “All I see is a couple ammo boxes, a small first aid kit, an empty 50 gallon barrel, and three MREs.”

  “We didn’t have enough time to look for any supplies,” Jake replied. “The zombies were right on our tail before we could search for anything. All we got were a couple rifles we picked up while making a run for the Hummer. We’ll have to stop somewhere and get food and equipment.”

  Jake then turned his attention to Tyrese, who was on the wheel.

  “Hey, Ty. Where exactly are we going?”

  “The NAS Joint Reserve Base in Fort Worth, Texas,” Tyrese answered. “Just in case things went south at Fort Benning, the orders were to transport the civilians there as a last resort. Received word that Fort Worth and Fort Benning were the last survivor outposts. Now that Benning is gone, Fort Worth is all that’s left.”

  “Wait a minute,” Dylan interrupted. “Are you saying ‘That’s it?!’”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying. All of our remaining military, political personnel, acting U.S. President, and survivors are there. If Fort Worth becomes overrun, there will be nothing left in this country. Any remaining survivors will have to start over from scratch if they are able to.”

  Tyrese paused for a moment.

  “Fort Worth, Texas, is America’s final hope.”

  “Well if we’re ever gonna make it to Fort Worth,” Nick interrupted. “We’re gonna need to find somewhere to fuel up. The Hummer looks like it’s almost out of gas.”

  As the group drove south on Highway 165, they come across a gas station in Russel County, Alabama. They pulled into the driveway and began siphoning fuel from the pumps, filling up the Hummer and the barrel that they had in their possession.

  Jake, Dylan, and Tyrese suited up to search the building for supplies. They grabbed their weapons and headed for the front door, keeping an eye out for any sign of undead. Jake looked through the window of the gas station and saw three zombies roaming around inside.

  “Alright, fellas,” Jake replied. “Ya ready to sweep this building.”

  “In and out,” Tyrese answered. “Dylan, you take the left side of this building, and I’ll take the right side. We clear any undead out before grabbing supplies, understood?”

  Dylan nodded and gripped his shotgun tightly. Jake grabbed the door handle, waiting to bust through. Tyrese patted Jake’s shoulder, and Jake flung the door open. Tyrese darted inside first, moving to the right side of the shop. Dylan followed, moving to the left side of the building. Jake was the last inside, rushing straight through the middle of the shop. They fired immediately, not giving the zombies a chance to turn their attention to the three-man group.

  Jake, Tyrese, and Dylan cleared the gas station, from behind the cash counter to the freezer, eliminating any lifeless threats. They began grabbing canned goods, bottled water, all the food, candy, and snacks that were non-perishable. They also grabbed medicine, tools, clothing, and supplies for the vehicle such as oil, antifreeze, and gas cans. They carried the supplies in baskets they found at the entrance, making a couple of trips back and forth to the Hummer.

  Dylan was carrying a bag out when he looked over and saw Tyrese filling up a bag with snuff and cigarettes. Tyrese paused and looked over at him.

  “What?” Tyrese asked. “I smoke and dip, and I’m pretty sure the Gunny does too.”

  “I was just gonna ask if you could throw me a pack of menthol's.”

  Tyrese threw Dylan a pack of Marlboro Menthol cigarettes and a lighter, then continued filling his bag up. Dylan popped a cigarette in his mouth and lit it, deeply inhaling the fresh tobacco smoke.

  “It’s not weed, but it’ll do,” Dylan joked. “Man, just when it was finally legalized, too.”

  After grabbing all of the supplies from inside the gas station, Jake, Dylan, and Tyrese walked around the building, searching the empty cars for supplies and weapons. They were able to find some canned foods and weapons in some of the vehicles. Jake found another 50 gallon drum behind the station and filled it up with fuel, giving the group enough gasoline to take them straight to Fort Worth, Texas.

  Chapter 19

  After stopping at different gun stores, surplus stores and food marts across the country, the group arrived at the outskirts of Dallas, Texas. They were almost out of fuel and some supplies, but they were all so close now. Everyone was ready to get to the base. Although he was used to the splint that he fashioned out of sticks found alongside of the road and a wrap, Brandon needed proper medical care for his leg. Dylan and Nick wanted to get to some sort of civilization that was not infested with walking corpses. Tyrese wanted to regroup with what little of his squad may be alive. As for Jake, he was so anxious to be with Cassandra, and reveal to her that he was still alive and not lying dead inside a helicopter. They decided to keep pushing on I-20 until they arrived at the base.

  “Guys, look!” Brandon alerted the group as he was pointing up in the sky. The group looked to the direction Brandon was pointing, and saw a bright ball of a reddish orange color in the sky.

  “Flare,” Tyrese replied. “Could be survivors over there.”

  “Or it could be raiders setting us up,” Dylan added. “They might have flares too. Can’t risk it.”

  “We’re still search and rescue soldiers,” Jake replied. “We may be heading to base, but it’s our priority to rescue and retrieve all who may be in danger. Do we have a flare we can signal them with?”

  “Yes we do,” Nick answered as he pulled out a flare gun.

  Nick opened the door to the roof of the Hummer, pointed the gun in the air, and pulled the trigger. Immediately, a ball of fire rocketed towards the clouds, then slowly started to shrink. It was only seconds later when the group heard three quick gunshots fired in the distance, then three shots spread apart, and then three quick shots again.

  “SOS,” Brandon replied. “They need help.”

  The group started traveling to the direction the noise was coming from. As they were taking the exit to get on I-635, they heard a flurry of gunshots.

  “Oh no,” Jake whispered. “The survivors are in trouble. We need to hurry.”

  “What if it’s a hoard?” Nick asked.

  “Whatever it is,” Tyrese answered. “We have enough firepower in the Hummer to combat it.”

  The group had more than enough firepower to take on any threat that they would soon face at their new destination. They have raided a couple of empty armory depositories and vacant police stations. Brandon’s sniper rifle was full of rounds and he was carrying an ammo box full of extra clips. The turret on the Hummer was restocked with a full clip, and the group had five extra clips for it. They also carried a stash of extra rifles and shotguns, extra ammunition, and a couple of grenades.

  The group arrived at Town East Mall, where the distress signal was coming from. They kept their distance because there was a heavy shootout taking place at the front of the mall. The people inside of the mall looked like they were defending it from raiders. One man came from around the back of the mall, holding a woman in a headlock, nearly dragging her to the front of the mall.

  “Let me
go!” the woman grunted. “Help!”

  Just then, the firing stopped. One rough looking man, who was probably the leader of the group of raiders, walked up to the trapped woman. Jake and his group heard nothing from their distance, but saw the man brush his hand against the woman’s face, then the woman spat in his. Seconds later, the man struck her with the butt of the revolver he was holding. He then snatched her from her captor’s arm, and tightly grabbed her by the neck and held the gun to her temple. The man finally spoke.

  “Listen up, Pandejos!” the man shouted. “If you don’t want this bonita’s brains to color the pavement, you will lay down your guns, and set all of your food and water outside of the door!”

  “Looks to be about fifteen raiders,” Jake told Tyrese.

  Tyrese then turned to Brandon. “Ready to try out that crutch you’ve been using?” He was referring to the 50. caliber sniper rifle that Brandon was holding.

  “I’ve been itching to pull the trigger since Benning, Sir.” Brandon answered. Brandon opened the latch to the turret and slowly inched his way to the gunner’s seat. He picked up his sniper and peered through the scope. The leader’s head was right in Brandon’s cross-hairs.

  Tyrese was ready to step on the gas, and Jake, Dylan, and Nick pulled out their rifles and readied themselves against a window in the Hummer. Brandon positioned himself on the turret and rested his sniper on the roof of the Hummer. He adjusted his sights, took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled.


  The bullet flew out of the barrel and punctured the henchman behind the ear. His head flew towards the doors, and his stiff body followed, flipping in the air and sliding on the concrete ground. The woman jumped to the side and hit the floor, covering her head with her hands.

  With the rest of the raiders stunned, the group reacted quickly, speeding into the driveway next to the woman. Brandon gave covering fire on the turret, while Jake and Nick darted out of the vehicle and carrying the woman into the vehicle, shielding her from the bullets that were flying.

  The raiders began firing at the armored Hummer. Brandon fired back on the turret, and the rest of the group took cover and began shooting.

  Pow! Pow! Pow!



  The raiders began dropping, piece by piece, until the remaining left running.

  The woman was in a slight shock, but she was quickly calmed when the firing stopped. Everyone got out of the Hummer, and Tyrese handed the woman a bottled water.

  “Miss,” Tyrese started. “Are you alright?”

  “I think so,” the woman answered. “Who are you people?”

  “We’re Z-Corps, Ma’am,” Jake answered as he introduced himself and the rest of his group. “We got your distress signal. We’re here to help your group.”

  “My name’s Amanda,” she answered. “Wait; are you the guys I’ve been hearing about? From Fort Benning?!”

  “We’re from Fort Benning.”

  Before Jake could say any more, Amanda called out to everyone inside the mall. A hand full of people exited the mall. A man leading the entourage reached out to shake Jake’s hand.

  “My name is Malachi Watson,” the man started. “Thank you so much for saving us from those raiders.”

  “No problem,” Jake replied.

  “Please come inside. We don’t have much food, but it’s enough for a good while.”

  “That’s fine. We have plenty of food, water, and some extra weapons. You’re welcome to some of it.”

  There were eight survivor’s in Malachi’s group. Some helped bring in the supplies and weapons. Two survivors helped Brandon out of the Hummer and inside the mall. Malachi sat down with Jake and Tyrese.

  “It’s a miracle you guys came,” Malachi replied. “That was our last flare. I lost contact with you guys not too long ago. Don’t know if our radio was messed up or what was going on. Tried to signal some helicopters flying over us, but they didn’t see us.”

  “You tried to contact us?” Tyrese asked.

  “Or one of you from Fort Benning. Nobody at Fort Worth to contact.”

  “You sure about that?!” Jake interrupted.

  “Last time I checked. We were in Reno, Nevada, when we lost contact with them. We arrived and it was abandoned. That was two weeks ago. Didn’t check out Fort Worth since. ”

  Jake turned his attention to Tyrese.

  “This is not good,” Jake whispered. “That means that the only people left are the ones from Benning.”

  “This changes a lot of things,” Tyrese responded. “We have to get to Fort Worth as soon as we can. That’s gonna be risky with the raiders and the possible hoard out there.”

  Malachi then changed the subject. “Now, where is this Miller fella? He’s the person from Benning that I’ve been staying in touch with.”

  There was a brief, awkward silence in that space of the mall.

  “Chief Miller was killed in Fort Benning,” Jake answered. “Along with many others. It was overrun by undead.”

  “Oh no,” Malachi sighed. “Explains why we lost contact. Do you know where the survivors are now?”

  “They’re supposed to be in Fort Worth. Probably those helicopters you saw.”

  Malachi was surprised. “This makes things a lot easier for my group. We can get to civilization much easier and faster. I’m gonna try to contact them and let them know we’re still alive and well. You’d best come with me so you can let them know you’ve survived as well.”

  Jake and Tyrese followed Malachi to the rooftop of the mall, where a small radio outpost was set up under a tent. Malachi sat down and turned to the base’s channel. He then picked up the handle.

  “Dallas to Zulu One, come in.”

  There was static on the other end of the line.

  “Zulu One, this is Dallas. Are you there, Zulu One? Over.”

  There was a brief moment of silence.

  “We read you, Dallas,” A man on the other line replied. “Apologies for the delay. We’re still getting set up. Benning was compromised, so we moved to Fort Worth, which I was informed is not far from your destination.”

  “Yeah, I was just informed of this by a few people that were over there when that mess went down. I have one here that you might wanna speak to.”

  “You have survivors from Benning?! Please put him on the line!”

  Malachi handed the radio to Jake.

  “This is Captain Jaycob Riley of the Z-Corps responding to Zulu One.”

  There was a brief moment of silence again, then another man on the other line began to speak.

  “Jesus, Riley! I can’t believe you’re alive!” the man started. “Everyone over here thought you was killed in the fire. Are you the only survivor or are there others?”

  “It’s me, Officer Tyrese Jones, Officer Brandon Peterson, and two civilians,” Jake answered. “To who am I speaking to?”

  “This is Chief Trystan Xavier. I was recently appointed as acting Chief of the Z-Corps due to the circumstances. What about Officer Stewart and Chief Miller? Did they make it out alive as well?”

  “Both were killed in Benning.”

  “My God! That’s terrible.”

  The man paused for a moment.

  “Then this means that, since you were Miller’s right hand man, you are acting Chief of the Z-Corps, Sir. And I’m pretty sure that many of us over here, including the President himself, can vouch for that.”

  Tyrese then intervened after hearing this. “I guess you know what this means, Sir. What are your orders?”

  “We haven’t made it to safety yet,” Jake replied. “Until that happens, I cannot accept that position.”

  Jake proceeded to talk in the radio again. “We have ten civilians that need evac, and Officer Peterson needs medical attention. How soon can you send a chopper to this location for extraction? We’re not requesting ground troops with all of the undead and raiders running around.”

  “Our choppers were badly damaged in Benning,” T
rystan answered. “It will take at most a day to repair and refuel them. We will have them up and ready to bring you guys home ASAP. Private Stone will be taking back this radio. If you need anything, feel free to let him know.”

  “Sure thing. We’ll hold our position on this end. Stay in touch.”

  “Yessir,” Trystan finished. “Zulu One out.”

  “I’ll let Gunny and the rest know about your plan, Jake” Tyrese said.

  “Please do,” Jake replied. “With all this anticipation, it’s bound to be a long night.”

  Chapter 20

  The sun was setting over the vacant city of Dallas. Tyrese and Malachi went back to the ground floor of the mall, while Jake stayed on the rooftop in silence. His head was resting on his clenched hands, as if he was praying. He then picked up the radio.

  “Private Stone,” Jake started.

  “Anything you need, Chief?” Stone responded.

  “You don’t have to call me ‘Chief’ right now, bud.” Jake responded. “Just ‘Jake’ will do.”

  “Yessir,” Stone responded. “So you need anything, Jake?”

  “Does anyone over there have any records containing the remaining soldiers and survivors?”

  “I have the records with me. Want me to look up someone?”

  “Yes I do. Cassandra Carter Riley?”

  “Yessir, I can do that.”

  There was static on the other end of the line for a moment.

  “Mrs. Riley is on this list, Jake. Is she your wife, Sir?”

  “She is,” Jake answered. “Can you get someone to locate her? I just wanna talk to her; let her know that I’m ok.”

  “I can arrange that. It will take about ten minutes.”

  “Thanks, Private.”

  Nick and Dylan checked up on Jake. Brandon followed them, using his sniper rifle as a crutch. Tyrese followed Brandon, bringing a few cooked MREs with him.


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