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The Finale

Page 3

by Leigh Walker

  “Thank you.” I clutched the letter to my chest and eagerly tore it open once she’d left the room.

  My Dearest Gwyneth,

  Thank you for a lovely walk this morning. Mother approves of you. Even more importantly, I believe she likes you.

  I’m sure the subjects she brought up were a bit nerve-wracking. If you want to talk further about anything we discussed, I am all ears. (And no, I do not mean the bloody werewolves.) But I don’t want to pressure you. We’ll do it when the time’s right.

  About my visit to Settlement 11. I’m sure it’s unpleasant for you. Were the tables turned, I imagine I would be miserably pacing a hole in the floor—or much worse. But I will be thinking of you while I’m gone. I want you to know that, even if it isn’t fair to the other girls for me to say so.

  Sometimes fair is overrated.

  Stay safe while I’m gone. I look forward to my return so that I may see you again. I will make arrangements for the visit we discussed as soon as I’m back at the castle.


  Your Dallas

  I hugged the note against me. No matter what my brother and father felt, this was my happiness. The prince was my happiness.

  And I believed to my core that he was worthy of my heart. My loyalty. My trust.

  I tucked the letter under my pillow, then headed down to dinner, feeling much, much better.

  Chapter 4

  The Royal Stallion

  The next morning, Shaye, Blake, and I enjoyed French toast with fresh berries, whipped cream—and a side of no Tamara. “It’s so soothing without her here. Ah, the sounds of silence. I feel like I’m at a spa.” Blake chuckled and helped herself to thirds.

  “It’s kind of too quiet, though. Tamara can be a bit much, but she does keep us on our toes.” Shaye fiddled with her teacup. “What do you think she and the prince are doing?”

  “Having breakfast in Tamara’s mansion, being waited on hand and foot by adoring servants, while her parents list all of their daughter’s undeniable assets to the prince? And perhaps Tamara is strutting about in her workout gear?” I guessed, grimacing. “Not that I’m sour or anything.”

  Blake pulled a face. “No, of course not.”

  One of the kitchen maids bustled over and curtsied. “My ladies. You’re wanted in the formal salon in the east wing.”

  Blake hastily cleaned her plate while Shaye and I watched her shovel her food. She looked up and found us staring. “What?”

  “You eat like every meal’s your last.” Shaye giggled.

  “It is my last week at the palace. I have to stock up.”

  Shaye arched an eyebrow. “His Highness might choose you, you know. You do have that hot supermodel thing going on.”

  “The prince has kissed all of you—the closest he’s come to me is slapping me a high five.” Blake snorted. “I am not a love match for him. I think he’s kept me around to make sure the three of you don’t scratch each other’s eyes out.”

  We giggled and chatted as we headed to the formal east salon. But inside, my heart ached. I had only one week left with my friends, whom I’d grown to genuinely love. I couldn’t bear to think of us all separated. One of us would be staying at the palace, but only one. I swallowed hard as we made it to the room.

  Tariq waited inside, rubbing his hands together. “Good morning, ladies.”

  We curtsied and took our seats.

  “I want to thank each of you for the excellent job you’ve done so far as finalists. We’ve gotten lots of great footage for the next episode. We will be broadcasting every night this week so that the audience is watching in almost real time. We want to heighten the excitement, the drama, leading up to the finale.”

  The royal emissary paced in front of us, looking slightly overcaffeinated and positively gleeful. “First things first, let’s discuss how the rest of the week will proceed. It’s going to go fast. We have the home visits, and as you know, each of you will have a meeting with the queen. You will each also have a final date with the prince before the finale, when he chooses his future wife. We’ll arrange these events around the royals’ schedule. It’s going to be hectic. Do your best to get plenty of rest and be prepared to be summoned at a moment’s notice.”

  Tariq grabbed a remote and turned on the large flat screen. “The prince and Tamara will be returning from their trip to Settlement Eleven this evening. I want to share footage with you from the visit thus far.”

  Shaye, Blake, and I exchanged a quick glance. “We’ve got film back already?” I asked. “They only left last night.”

  “I know, but Mira’s just sent the footage. Remember, this is the rough cut. It hasn’t been edited yet. But the production crew is going to get to work straightaway so that the episode can go live. Now I want you to pay attention, because Tamara nailed this performance. Your home visits are coming up quickly—in fact, one of you will be leaving with the prince first thing tomorrow morning.”

  Shaye raised her hand. “Can you tell us who?”

  “I’m finalizing things with the production team in a bit. You’ll know as soon as I do.” He hit a button on the remote. “Really, you should be taking notes. Once you see this, you’ll understand what I mean. It’s a game changer.”

  My stomach dropped as the film rolled, showing the front of the palace. Dallas and Tamara stood on the stairs, their hands firmly entwined. Dallas looked tall, dark, and devastatingly handsome in his steel-gray ceremonial uniform. He stared straight ahead, his jaw tight. Tamara wore a dark-blue dress and traveling coat, her hair in an elegant chignon, her sapphire earrings catching the light. She looked graceful and sophisticated, genuine princess material.

  Mira Kinney stood next to them, smiling widely for the camera, her white teeth flashing in contrast to her high-collared black coat. “Good evening, and welcome back to the Pageant! We’re here with His Royal Highness Prince Black and Miss Tamara Layne. We’re heading into the final stretch of the competition: the home visits. The prince and Miss Layne are traveling to Settlement Eleven to meet with Miss Layne’s family.”

  Mira turned to Tamara. “Miss Layne, how are you feeling about going home?”

  Tamara beamed as she leaned toward the microphone. “I’m thrilled, Mira, really. I’ve missed my family so much. I’m so excited for them to meet Dallas.”

  I grimaced at her use of his first name. “I just know they’re going to love him as much as I do,” she gushed.

  Mira’s eyeballs almost popped out her head, but she recovered quickly. “Your Highness, what are you most looking forward to?”

  Dallas smiled for the camera. “It will be an honor to meet Miss Layne’s family and to hear about their charitable work in Settlement Eleven. I’m anxious to visit Eleven itself and to learn more about the people who live there.”

  I took cold comfort in the fact that he’d called her “Miss Layne” and that he hadn’t listed snogging her face off as one of the things he was excited about.

  “Excellent.” Mira turned back to the camera. “I have a special treat for the viewers at home. The prince has allowed us to film the happy couple during their car ride, so you’ll be able to take the journey with them, literally. It’s so very generous of His Highness and so exciting for us! Stay tuned for all the private moments between His Highness and Miss Layne.”

  As this was an unedited version, the next scene abruptly cut to the backseat of the car whisking the prince and Tamara to Settlement 11. Tamara scooted next to Dallas, smoothing his jacket. “There, that’s better.” Beaming up at him, she was the cat who had cornered the canary. “We can’t have you looking rumpled for Mother and Father.”

  “Thank you.” Dallas sat back and turned toward her, putting a small amount of space between them—much to my relief. “Why don’t you tell me more about them?”

  A genuine smile lit up her beautiful face, making her look like the angel she was not. “They’re just lovely. My mother was the president of a large bank before the war, and my father owned hi
s own company. Brilliant, both of them.”

  “It sounds as if you have much to be proud of.” Dallas’s eyes darkened. “But what have they done since then?”

  “You don’t have to be worried. Both my mother and father are at peace with the sacrifices they’ve made,” Tamara assured him. “My family fully supports yours. We knew it was time for a change. The settlements were struggling, people were suffering. You have the Layne family’s loyalty, Your Highness. We are very vocal about it.”

  His face softened a fraction. “Thank you. That means a lot. Now, please tell me more about your life at home.”

  She cleared her throat and continued. “When the war came and continuing in their former professions was no longer an option, my parents threw themselves fully into charity work. They’ve privately funded a school in Eleven and have established multiple scholarships. Before I joined the competition, I tutored needy children every day after my own lessons.” She lifted her chin proudly. “I daresay I have a bit of a cult following in my settlement. I hold the record for most students who’ve passed their exams.”

  Dallas’s smile was genuine this time. “That’s quite admirable.”

  Tamara looked pleased. “Thank you, Your Highness. I enjoy the children. They make me fan art. It’s quite adorable, really.”

  Blake made a gagging gesture, but it didn’t make me feel any better. Tamara was killing it. Who didn’t love someone who helped needy children?

  Tamara frowned at Dallas coyly. “You seem surprised, Your Highness.”

  The prince’s face darkened. “Forgive me. I’m afraid I underestimated you.”

  “It happens all the time.” Tamara shrugged prettily. “People judge me based on how I look. They think because I’m wealthy and successful that I don’t understand hardship. Or that I don’t want to help. It’s quite the opposite. My life’s mission is to carry on my parents’ vision and expand upon that. I would love to see each settlement in the land working together to help our youth. The children are our future, really. It’s a simple fact—we can’t move forward without them being positioned for success. I for one want to do everything in my power to see the coming generations of the settlements prosper.”

  “She’s quite good at this,” Blake muttered.

  Dallas seemed to agree. He regarded Tamara seriously, as if seeing her for the first time. “I would love to work with you on this issue. I think it’s a fantastic idea.”

  Tamara preened at his compliment, her eyes sparkling. “Thank you, Your Highness. That would be an honor. Now.” She scooted closer, closing the distance between them. She smoothed his jacket again, keeping her hands firmly planted on his broad chest. “How else can we get to know each other on this trip?” She gazed up at him with a mixture of adoration and thinly veiled lust.

  The prince cleared his throat. He looked like a rabbit about to get caught in a snare. “You could tell me about your hobbies?”

  “Ah.” She arched an eyebrow. “I did have a favorite pastime as a young girl.”

  He watched her warily. “Yes? What was it?”

  “I always dreamed about growing up and becoming a princess. Perhaps dreams do come true.” She slid onto his lap and straddled him, her beautiful face inches from his. They stared at each other, and I watched his expression change from wary to strained. I could almost feel the heat between them.

  Sharp pain pierced my heart. I wanted to turn away, to close my eyes, but I couldn’t.

  It’s a show. A game. It’s political. I clenched my hands into fists as the moment between them stretched out inexorably, intolerably.

  Finally, Dallas recovered. He chuckled as he gently moved her off. “Miss Layne. I thought you didn’t want me rumpled?”

  Undeterred, she put a finger under his chin, drawing his face close. “I can fix you afterward. I quite enjoy having my hands on you, Your Highness.”

  “I have to be a gentleman.” He captured her hand under his. “I value your honor, my lady.”

  “Then trust me, I won’t do anything I don’t want to do.” She pulled him in for a deep, passionate kiss. Dallas put his hands on her back just as the screen went black.

  I struggled to catch my breath. I’d seen Dallas kiss both Tamara and Shaye in the other episodes, but this hurt. I didn’t want him in a bloody car with Tamara all the way to Settlement 11. I didn’t want him in her bloody house. I felt as if someone was using my heart like a voodoo doll, a pincushion for rusty, sharp little needles.

  Tariq bounded to the front of the room, his eyes glittering in triumph. “See? I told you—A-Game, ladies. She was flawless.”

  Blake snorted. “She was something, all right.”

  “Now, now.” Tariq clucked his tongue. “Don’t let your emotions get in the way of your judgment. Mira said so herself when she sent the tape—Tamara is hitting the right notes. She’s showing herself as a potential leader. The viewers are getting to know the things that are important to her and would be important to her as a princess. And you don’t doubt that she has sincere feelings for the prince. That’s the standard, girls.” He pointed at the screen. “If you can’t do better than that, you can kiss His Highness goodbye.”

  His gaze found mine. “No matter what you might’ve believed, understand this. The prince will choose the winner based on what he believes is best for the settlements. If that’s not you, you’d best prepare to pack your bags. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to meet with the production crew. You’re off to your lesson with Ms. Blakely. I’ll check in with you later.”

  I watched his back as he hustled from the room, a bitter taste in my mouth.

  “Well, that was…illuminating.” Shaye looked thoughtful as she gathered her things to head to our lesson. “Who knew Tamara was such an amazing politician?”

  I frowned. “I suppose the prince wasn’t the only one who’s underestimated her.”

  Shaye frowned back. “So what do we do?”

  Blake sighed. “I think the only thing we can do is be ourselves. The prince is going to choose one of us. Now, I don’t believe for a moment that it’s going to be me, and I can live with that. I like His Highness, but I’m not emotionally attached to him. So just be yourself. If he likes you best, he’ll choose you. It’s pretty simple when you think of it that way.”

  I nodded, slowly following them to the hall as we headed for our lesson. But as much as I wanted to believe Blake—to believe that the prince’s choice was simple—part of me feared it would be based on factors more complicated than his feelings. And I worried that I was going to end up on the wrong side of that.

  The packing-your-bags side.

  “Are you all right?” Shaye asked quietly.

  “Yes, of course.” But even my easy answer had me wondering.

  Was I lying to Shaye? Or was I lying to myself?

  Chapter 5

  Cold As Ice

  I barely touched my dinner, a fact that did not go unnoticed by my friends. But I escaped their worried glances, returning to my room early, all the better to pace and fret alone.

  I read and reread Dallas’s letter. I will be thinking of you while I’m gone. I want you to know that, even if it isn’t fair to the other girls. Was he thinking of me as Tamara straddled him or when she was espousing the benefits of helping underprivileged children?

  Or was he thinking that she was hot and that she’d make a fantastic princess?

  I tried to calm my rioting thoughts. This was not the first time my jealousy had gotten the better of me during the competition. I was human, after all. But this felt different. We had so little time left, and the end was coming for me, whether I was ready or not.

  I understood that choosing a bride was complicated for someone in Dallas’s position. I also understood that I might not be the best choice for a princess. Although I could grasp the logic of that, I couldn’t bear to face the truth behind it.

  I couldn’t bear to think of leaving him.

  After wandering around my room for hours, I finally ma
de myself get into bed. But not long after I’d fallen into a restless sleep, I heard a knock on my door.

  “Miss, I’m so sorry to wake you in the middle of the night, but the sentinels are here. They said they’re waiting to bring you somewhere, and you must get up and get dressed.” Evangeline bustled in and peered at me, her pretty face creased with worry. “Is everything quite all right?”

  “Yes, of course.” My heart raced with anticipation. “Is the prince back?”

  She nodded. “I had word that they returned late last night.”

  I looked out the window, but it was still black outside. “What time is it?”

  “Four a.m., miss.”

  “I’m so sorry that they woke you. Please tell them I’ll be right out—I’ll be quick.” I grabbed a dress and headed for the bathroom. I threw the dress on, brushed my teeth, and splashed some cold water on my face, my nerves thrumming. Balkyn. The prince must have arranged for me to see my brother.

  When I came out, Evangeline had the fire roaring, and she’d neatly made my bed. “Evangeline, thank you. But go back to bed. You don’t need to start your day now. It’s still night.”

  Her face pinched with obvious concern. “Are you sure everything’s all right?”

  “Of course it is. I’ll see you at tea. Thank you for everything.”

  She curtsied, and although I knew she was curious as well as worried about me, I didn’t say anything further. No one but the royal family, the Black Guard, and some of the royal advisors knew what had happened with the rebels. I hadn’t told my maids or any of my human friends about Balkyn. I didn’t want to put their safety in jeopardy or have the royals find out that others in the palace were privy to information that had been kept from them.

  After Evangeline left, I took a deep breath, hesitating. I desperately wanted to see Balkyn, and yet… We’d parted on such bad terms. I recalled some of his last words to me. “You have sold your soul to the devil… I only know you are no sister of mine.”


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