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The Finale

Page 10

by Leigh Walker

  I joined Tamara, Shaye, and Blake at their table, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl. I listlessly turned it over. “Hi,” Blake and Shaye said, both sounding tentative. I must have looked a mess.


  Tamara tossed her raven waves over her shoulder and scrutinized me. “Ooh, someone’s in a cranky mood. I’m sure it’s difficult, watching what you want slip through your fingers.” She held up her left hand and inspected it in the light. “Speaking of fingers, I can’t wait to see what the royal engagement ring looks like, and I really can’t wait to see it on me!”

  “Didn’t we just talk about this?” Blake scoffed. “Decent Human Being Lesson Number One—Don’t be a cow!”

  Tamara shrugged. I noticed that her peach lip gloss precisely matched her gown, and for some reason, this enraged me. She waggled her perfectly groomed eyebrows at me. “I can’t wait to see your tape, to see how badly you screwed up this time.”

  “Who said she screwed up?” Shaye frowned from across the table. Even with her dour expression, my friend looked lovely in a deep-rose dress, her hair in an artfully messy updo.

  “Of course she screwed up! She got shipped home early. Everyone’s talking about it.” Tamara leaned forward, her eyes sparkling. “My maids said the king himself called off the date. He didn’t want his son anywhere near her. I guess you’re too much of an urchin, huh, Gwyn? Neither you nor your family are good enough for His Highness.”

  Something inside me snapped.

  “Don’t you ever talk about my family like that!” I grabbed Tamara’s hair and yanked her head backward. She yelped, and I got in her face. “Say another word and it’s bye-bye, bouncy waves. I’ll rip them right out of your head.”

  “Gwyneth.” Shaye leaned forward, looking nervous.

  “I say go for it.” Blake popped a bite of granola into her mouth. “She deserves it. And here I was, trying to give her Decent Human Being lessons.”

  Tamara tried to elbow me, but I caught her arm and squeezed. “Let me go, you lowlife!” She struggled against me and almost got free—all that working out had made her quite strong.

  But adrenaline thrummed through me, helping me keep my grip. “Say you’re sorry, at least for what you said about my family. I care very little what you think about me.”

  Her gaze turned steely. “I’m sorry.” She didn’t sound like she meant it, but as I really had no idea how to relieve her of her hair, I let her go.

  She immediately jumped up. “You’re going to pay for that, wench!”

  “Oh, do sit down.” Blake motioned to Tamara’s empty seat. “Let’s not turn this into any more of a circus—it’s already close enough to being one, with just a few days left. Everyone needs to relax.”

  Tamara put her hands on her hips. “It’s not my fault that she’s coming unhinged.”

  “I’m not coming unhinged, you wanker.”

  Tamara opened her mouth as if to argue, but the common room door opened. Perhaps as a sign from the universe that I really should prepare myself for a crap day, Tariq sauntered in. He strolled to our table and inspected us slowly, one by one, his gaze finally coming to rest on Tamara. “What’s going on? I heard yelling from down the hall.”

  Tamara pointed at me, her chest dramatically heaving. “She pulled my hair!”

  Tariq’s gaze found mine. A small smile hid under his mustache. “Gwyneth?”

  I knew I should locate my game face, but it seemed woefully out of reach. I scowled at him. “She insulted my family. And I didn’t actually hurt her.”

  “Physically assaulting the other contestants is in direct violation of the competition’s code of conduct,” Tariq scolded. “I might have to take this up with the king.”

  “You’ll do no such thing!” Blake slammed her spoon down on the table, making us all jump. “Tamara was being a cow to Gwyneth. She got what she deserved. Bullying is also against the code of conduct, I reckon, and Tamara’s a textbook bully. Do you want me to report your little pet?”

  Tariq cleared his throat, then smiled tightly at Blake. “That won’t be necessary, my dear. I think we all need to take a step back. Tensions are running high this close to the end of the competition.”

  Tamara looked sour. “That doesn’t make it okay for her to put her filthy urchin hands on me. She should be punished.”

  “Of course she should, my dear. But we’ll all be punished for our wrongs in the end, so take some comfort from karma.” He fluttered his eyelashes at her. “But for now, let’s move on. I have several announcements.” He cleared his throat, apparently waiting for us all to hang on his every word. “First things first, I’d like to congratulate Miss West on her visit home with the prince. I’ve watched the tape, and it’s quite compelling. You did very well, Miss West.”

  Tamara narrowed her eyes at me. If she were a cat—or perhaps a snake—she would’ve hissed.

  “Of course, your visit was cut short because His Majesty required the prince back at home. Such a pity.” Tariq’s eyes glittered, and I wondered exactly what the king had told him.

  The royal emissary cleared his throat and continued. “Shaye, you have the next home visit. You’re headed to Twenty-Four with the prince this morning. It’s a long journey, so we want to send you off as soon as possible.”

  Shaye’s cheeks heated with two hectic spots of color. “Of course.”

  Tamara arched an eyebrow at her. “I sure hope His Highness enjoys a nice mud hut and maybe a savory rat stew.”

  Blake jerked her thumb in Tamara’s direction? “D’you see what I mean? She’s a bully!”

  Tariq frowned. “Tamara, please. Behave yourself. Sour grapes make you sound like a sore loser, not a front-runner.”

  She looked unsteadied by his negative remark but recovered quickly. “It’s just that I’ve missed His Highness since we visited Eleven. We were so, so close—touching every second, stealing kisses every chance we got. Not seeing him for the past few days hurts terribly. Lovers aren’t meant to be apart.”

  It took every ounce of my strength not to lunge at her. Don’t do it, Blake mouthed.

  Oh, but I longed to.

  “Come. You have an etiquette lesson with Ms. Blakely, ladies.” Tariq motioned for us to follow him. “The cameras will join us for the rest of the morning. You might want to try to behave yourselves.”

  Blake tucked in next to me as we headed down the hall to one of the salons. “Don’t let Tamara get to you. She’s a drama queen. She’ll stir up a hornet’s nest and leave you to get stung.”

  I sighed. “I know you’re right. I’m having a problem with impulse control today, I suppose. She doesn’t usually get to me like this.”

  Blake shrugged. “It’s the death of a thousand cuts.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “It means she nagged you bit by bit over the past few weeks. Now tensions are running high, and you’re on the verge of snapping. It happens.” She patted my back. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Uh… Thanks. How has the last day been?”

  Blake yawned. “A bit boring, actually. Obviously I’m crap at giving lessons on how to be a decent human being. And I had my walk with the queen, which was basically a disaster. She barely said two words to me. Ooh, but the prince’s brother is supposed to be coming to town. It’s all my maids have been talking about.”

  “Austin? Do you know when he’ll be here?”

  “No, but I suspect we’ll know as soon as he arrives. The rumor mill’s fired up these days. Everyone’s on edge because of the end of the competition.”

  We came even with Shaye, who was closely watching Tariq and Tamara ahead of us, whispering to each other. “Those two are up to something.”

  “Aren’t they always?” Blake asked. “Two peas in a pod, they are.”

  I turned to Shaye. “Are you excited to go home and see your family?”

  “Yes, absolutely. I can’t wait. I’m nervous about what the prince will think of my hometown, of course. It is a bit muddy.
But we don’t eat rat stew.” She jutted her chin. “At least, not with company.”

  “Don’t let Tamara get to you,” I scolded. “The prince is hardly a snob. He doesn’t care what your house looks like or what’s in your cupboards. He cares about the people in your settlement and what he can do to help them.”

  Shaye relaxed a little. “Is that what you learned during your visit?”

  “Yes. He was very generous with Four. He started a community center there, with a medical clinic and a place for people to go back to school. It’s quite magnificent, really.”

  “Do you think he’ll do that in my district?”

  I took Shaye’s arm. “He wants to do them in every settlement. The center in Four had only been open for a few days, but there was so much activity there. They were already helping people.”

  “It would be wonderful if we could have one. Our people have been hurting since the war.” Shaye looked hopeful.

  “He’ll do it. I know he will.”

  Tariq delivered us to the salon and nodded at Shaye. “It’s time, Miss Iman. I’ll escort you to your chambers.”

  Shaye smiled at us nervously. “Carry on, then.”

  “Good luck.” I squeezed her hand.

  “Have fun.” Blake winked at her.

  “Don’t choke on a rat bone.” Tamara tossed her hair and turned on her heel without another word.

  “I might pack some stew in a thermos for her.” Shaye narrowed her eyes. “A little souvenir might be just what she needs.”

  “Yes! I’ve been waiting for this.” Blake held out her hand for a high five.

  “Waiting for what?” Bewildered, Shaye slapped her hand.

  “For you to get pissy about something. You’re so good all the time.” Blake reached down and hugged her. “It’s nice to see you’re human—although still better than the rest of us.”

  I hugged Shaye when Blake released her; I was going to miss my friend. “You are better than the rest of us. Have a good trip. Safe travels.”

  When I released her, Shaye’s eyes shone with unshed tears. “Stop it, you two! I’m already upset about having to say goodbye to you at the end of the week.”

  “Don’t think about it.” Blake winked at her. “Unless you want to think about saying goodbye to Tamara, then by all means, proceed. Or better yet, pack her a savory rat stew. I agree, it might be just what she needs.”

  Chapter 15

  The Prince From The North

  I kept digging my nails into my palms so I wouldn’t fall asleep. The cameras were right next to us, and I couldn’t very well get caught snoring on film. I was already in enough trouble.

  Still, I struggled to pay attention. “It’s imperative that you accept the serving dish from the left. Keep your hands in your lap, if that helps you. The point is, do not interrupt the flow of the dinner service. The dining room maids will have a fit.” Ms. Blakely droned on and on, and I desperately wished I were back in the hotel bed with Dallas. That wouldn’t be boring…

  We were interrupted by a knock on the door. Tariq poked his head inside. “I’m so sorry to interrupt. However, His Royal Highness Austin Black has a break in his schedule. He’d like to meet the contestants.”

  “Of course!” Ms. Blakely looked excited for us. “Go ahead, ladies. Class dismissed.”

  Camera crew in tow, we quickly followed Tariq down the hall. Burning with curiosity to meet Dallas’s younger brother, I found that my pace almost outstripped the royal emissary’s. “Where are we meeting him?” I asked, a bit breathlessly.

  “In the gardens. His Highness has requested to inspect each of you out in the sunlight.”

  “Inspect us? Why?” Tamara asked, looking perplexed.

  “He said he wants to get a good look at the ‘crazy human girls’—his words, not mine—who would marry his brother.” Tariq coughed. “His Highness has his own way of doing things, as you’ll see shortly.”

  “Yay?” Blake said as we followed him outside to the courtyard.

  The three of us stopped dead in our tracks when we saw the man who must have been the younger prince. He was in the center of the courtyard, shirtless, performing combat training with a sentinel. His large muscles rippled, the sun glinting off his pale skin, as he went on the attack.

  “Yay.” Blake fanned herself.

  Austin and the sentinel were sparring, each wielding a long stick exactly like the one I’d seen Eve practice with. The prince twirled his stick, then lunged at the sentinel. Their weapons cracked together fiercely. Sweat poured down Austin’s chiseled physique. Like Dallas, he was tall and strapping; his skin glistened in the sunlight. But Austin was slightly shorter than his brother and perhaps more powerfully built. I cursed myself for not seeing Dallas’s chest while I had the chance, back in our hotel room. Then I would’ve been able to properly compare them.…

  Tamara wrinkled her nose. “Seems a bit rabid, doesn’t he?”

  “Maybe a bit. Hmm, today’s gotten more interesting.” Blake seemed positively cheerful. “I do love a good fight.”

  Austin grunted and ducked as the soldier swung at his head. Crouching on the ground, Austin surprised the guard by suddenly pressing his weapon into his chest, heart center. “Gotcha.”

  The sentinel cursed and threw down his stick.

  “You have to anticipate this move, Timmy. It’s your undoing when you think you have the upper hand. I would’ve skewered you if this were a real fight.” Austin got up, wiped his hands on his trousers, and shook his opponent’s hand. “You’ll get me one of these days.”

  “You’ve been saying that for years.” The soldier laughed.

  Austin turned and caught sight of us staring. “Looks like we’ve got an audience.” He held out his hand, and another nearby guard handed him his shirt.

  He pulled it on, his muscles rippling, and Blake groaned. She leaned closer and whispered, “Make him take it back off. That’s a bloody crime against nature!”

  The younger prince strode toward us, and although his physique and coloring were similar, his eyes were different from Dallas’s. My prince had dark-brown eyes. Austin’s were a brilliant, unusual mixture of amber and hazel. His gaze raked over each of us. “You’re a crazy lot, aren’t you? Or desperate.”

  Frowning, Tariq bowed. “Your Highness. These are three of the remaining contestants. The fourth has just left with your brother for Settlement Twenty-Four.”

  Austin frowned back at Tariq. “Yes, yes, I know. My brother and his motorcade and press secretary have fled. Can’t say I blame him.”

  Tariq cleared his throat. “Moving right along, let me introduce you. This is Miss Gwyneth West from Settlement Four, Miss Blake Kensington from Settlement Fifteen, and Miss Tamara Layne from Settlement Eleven. Ladies, please allow me to introduce you to His Royal Highness, Prince Austin Black, Crown Prince of the United Settlements.”

  We curtsied as Austin glared at the royal emissary. “I’m not the crown prince of the settlements, you bloody whinger. I’m the prince of the North.”

  Tariq fake-smiled so hard I thought his face might break. “Of course, Your Highness.”

  Austin jerked his chin at him. “Leave us. I’ll get to know these ladies without you sniveling about.”

  A dark shadow passed over Tariq’s face, but as soon as he could control himself, it passed. “Yes, Your Majesty. The cameras will have to keep filming, though.”

  Austin snorted. “Let ’em. I’ll quite enjoy it.”

  Tariq looked as though he might be having second thoughts about leaving the cameras with the outspoken younger prince. But as he was clearly outranked, he stalked off without another word.

  “Now that I can breathe without smelling His Cloyingness, let’s get to know each other, shall we?” He stepped forward and bowed. “I’m Austin, Dallas’s younger brother. I’ve been called down here so that I can watch one of you loons get engaged to my brother. Come. The servants have set out some tea for you. Let’s see what’s going on inside your heads.” />
  Blake looked excited, Tamara looked suspicious, and I reminded myself to be careful as we followed Austin through a path in the garden to a large table set with tea, biscuits, and a bottle of red wine. “Would anyone care for something stronger?” the prince asked as the servers poured our tea.

  We all politely declined.

  The three of us sat, surrounded by servants, the film crew, and the rose bushes. Austin stalked around the table, inspecting each of us. “I’ve watched all the episodes. I know each one of you.”

  Tamara sniffed prettily, as though she were trying to subtly marginalize the prince while simultaneously flirting with him. “Oh, really? And what is it you think you know?”

  “You,” he said, pointing at Tamara. “You’re the snobby rich one. The one who’s always eye-snogging the cameras.”

  Tamara cleared her throat primly, even as she instinctively stuck her chest out. “I beg your pardon.”

  “Oh, I can tell, just by looking at you, that you don’t need my pardon. Just keep sipping your tea with your pinky out, wearing your fancy clothes, and you’ll land on your feet.”

  Tamara frowned at her hand. Her pinky was indeed extended.

  “And you. You’re the one my brother hasn’t kissed.” Austin came closer to Blake and looked her up and down. Blake’s thick, long blond hair tumbled around the shoulders of her pale-yellow gown.

  She chuckled, her pretty face lighting up with good humor. “Yeah, that’s my claim to fame.”

  “What’s his bloody problem?” Austin shook his head, as if this did not compute. “Stand up for a minute if you would, my lady.”

  Without a second thought, Blake raised herself to her considerable height. Austin stalked closer toward her. They were each six feet tall, their eyes meeting at the same level. “Are you checking to see if you’re taller than me?” Blake frowned.


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