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Redeeming The Billionaire (The Sherbrookes of Newport Book 5)

Page 5

by Christina Tetreault

  “The sooner the better, Addison.” The sound of her name in his deep sensual voice washed over her like a warm caress.

  “I could have some preliminary designs for you by Friday.” It would require a late night or two, but she could get it done.

  “Friday, my day is booked solid until about six o’clock. Would that work for you?”

  She’d have to ask Chloe to cover her shift at the bakery, but that shouldn’t be a problem. She’d covered for her cousin more than enough in the past. “I’ll have some ideas ready for you by then.” She powered down her laptop prepared to leave.

  Trent smiled. “I look forward to seeing what you come up with and perhaps we can discuss another project then.”

  It took all her will power to push down the excitement surging forward. He’d not even seen her work yet, but already had another project in mind. She couldn’t screw this opportunity up.

  “I understand you do interior design work as well as decorating,” he began.

  Addie nodded. “Yes, although lately I’ve done more decorating and staging.”

  “Last year I purchased a home in Newport. I’m interested in having it redesigned. If you’re interested I’d like to get your ideas for it as well.”

  Her hands shook as she slid her laptop into her bag and she bit down on her lip to keep from blurting out an answer. While she wanted the project he proposed, she didn’t want to come across as too eager.

  “I’d need to see the home first, but I’d be happy to come up with some designs. I have some agreements with contractors who do fabulous work. Just so you know, a project like that involves much more than this one. There are building codes that need to be adhered to and structural attributes that come into play sometimes making certain things impossible.

  Trent nodded when she finished. “When we meet on Friday we can agree on a time for you to see the house.”

  Trent saw her eyes light up the moment he mentioned his home in Newport, but much to her credit she didn’t overreact. Rather, she remained polite and professional, if not a bit restrained. Perhaps a bit too restrained. He’d enjoyed her sense of humor the other day in the bakery and hoped to see more of it today. He’d tried to coax it out of her, but all he’d managed was a smile from her. He figured that made sense. This was a business meeting not a casual conversation.

  With her bag packed up, she slipped its straps over her shoulder and pushed her chair in. “I’ll see you on Friday night.” She crossed to the door, but he got there first and opened it for her.

  “I’ll walk out with you. I need to grab a quick lunch before my next meeting. Would you care to join me?” Only twelve o’clock, he figured she’d not had a chance to eat yet either.

  She fiddled with the strap of her bag. “Thank you for the offer, but I have an appointment in Warwick at one.”

  He walked alongside her and into the elevator. “Some other time perhaps.”

  She gave him a small tentative smile as the elevator doors closed behind them and it began its decent. When they reached the ground floor he allowed her to exit first and then followed her outside.

  “Enjoy your lunch. I’ll see you on Friday,” she said before heading down the sidewalk, the sun glittering off her chestnut-colored hair.

  For a moment he remained in place, his eyes following her as she walked away. When she turned the corner and disappeared from view, he crossed the street toward the Indian restaurant, which, in his opinion, served the best Indian cuisine he’d tasted outside of New Delhi.

  “Mr. Sherbrooke, it’s so good to see you again,” the restaurant owner said, his voice heavily accented. “Please follow me.” The restaurant owner led him to a corner table and handed him a menu.

  Trent didn’t bother to look at it; he already knew what he wanted. As he waited for his waiter, he mapped out his plan for winning over Ms. Addison Raimono. From their few meetings so far he’d learned much about her. She had a witty sense of humor but strived to maintain a professional appearance. She didn’t seem taken by his family name or reputation. Despite the invasion of privacy the pictures in the paper had caused, she hadn’t lashed out or pointed fingers in his direction.

  His instincts told him a subtler, gradual approach was the way to go with her. On Friday after their meeting he’d invite her out for dinner. That would be a good way to start his pursuit in earnest. Then he’d invite her to visit his home in Newport on Saturday or Sunday. The more time they spent in each other’s company, the better.


  Addie reached for the bottle of cola on her desk and took a sip. Although she preferred flavored seltzer water to cola, this afternoon she wanted the extra pick me up the caffeine and sugar would give her. The previous night she’d spent a few hours putting together the final touches on the project proposal for the Burleys and worked on the models for her meeting with Trent tonight. By the time she’d crawled into bed, the clock read three. Despite the hour, her mind refused to cooperate and turn itself off. Instead, it had raced with thoughts of her upcoming appointment with Trent. If he accepted her ideas and hired her, he’d be her first high profile client. The mere thought made her as giddy as a child on Christmas morning. But would her ideas be good enough? She’d spent hours agonizing over them, but what if he didn’t like them? Then not only would she not get this project, but he’d also withdraw his offer regarding his home in Newport. While her company wouldn’t collapse if she lost those projects, she knew she might never get another chance at such a client. At the same time, if he hated her designs she may never see him again. As much as she hated to admit it, that fact had just as much to do with keeping her awake. If he didn’t hire her, she’d have no reason to see him again.

  That’s the least of your concerns. She took another sip from her drink and checked the time. If she left now, she’d get to his office five minutes early. She’d read somewhere that was an acceptable amount of time to arrive before a meeting.

  After tossing the empty soda can in the trash under her desk, she grabbed her bag and headed outside. Although the weather channel claimed temperatures today were lower than yesterday, the air remained thick and muggy. The only real difference she noticed from the rest of the week was the dark clouds in the sky. The meteorologist on the morning news warned that heavy showers and thunderstorms would pass through the area tonight, and from the looks of it, she’d gotten it right. With any luck, however, the storms would hold off until she got home.

  Just as Addie stepped inside the building, which housed Sherbrooke Enterprises and The Helping Hands Foundation, the first rumble of thunder filled the air stopping her in her tracks. She hated thunderstorms. As a child she’d hide whenever a storm came through. She’d grown out of that habit, but the rumble of thunder and the flashes of lightning still set her on edge.

  There’s nothing to be afraid of. In the elevator she pressed the button for the tenth floor and repeated the statement over in her head. Thunder was nothing more than noise caused by changes in the weather. As for the lightning, the worst that could happen was that the power would go out for a short time.

  When she stepped out of the elevator and into the reception area, Trent’s secretary remained at her desk, her eyes focused on her computer screen oblivious to the flashes of light outside the windows. “Excuse me. I have an appointment tonight at six o’clock.”

  The woman looked up at her and smiled. “Please have a seat. He’s on the phone at the moment.”

  With no other option, Addie sat and waited, her full attention on counting the seconds between the flashes of lightning and the thunder. Although not a truly scientific method, the counting gave her a general idea of how close the storm was to her. Judging by the sound of it, the storm was getting closer rather than farther away.

  When another rumble of thunder filled the silence, the secretary looked over at her. “Looks like the news was right. It said we were in for storms this weekend. As much as I hate the rain, we need it.”

  Addie nodded in agreement
. “It has been a dry summer.”

  “I just hope the rain holds off until I get home. I hate driving in it and I need new windshield wipers,” the secretary said as she began to shut down her computer.

  From her seat Addie glanced out the floor-to-ceiling windows. So far not a single drop of rain had fallen, but the sky warned it was just a matter of time.

  The door opened behind Shirley, and Addie looked away from the window. “I’m sorry to keep you waiting. That call took longer than I expected.” Trent stood in the doorway to his office. He’d rolled up the sleeves of his white dress shirt, but otherwise looked like the perfect model for corporate America.

  “Please come in,” he said as he took a step into the reception area and stopped next to his secretary’s desk. “Shirley, have a good weekend. See you on Monday.”

  Shirley gathered up her belongings. “There were some last minute changes to your schedule for next week. I updated everything on your calendar, Mr. Sherbrooke.”

  Addie passed by Trent and entered his office but could hear Shirley as she continued to speak to him. As she waited for him to join her, she glanced around. A suit jacket matching his pants hung over the back of his desk chair. Several documents remained on his desk, as did a mug. A laptop remained open on his conference table along with several file folders.

  Behind her the door clicked, causing her to glance in that direction. “Please have a seat.” He gestured toward the chairs around the conference table. “I expected that call to be over in under ten minutes.” He closed his laptop and moved it and the folders off to the side. “I hope you weren’t waiting long.”

  Taking the seat facing the door, Addie pulled out her own laptop. “I just got here,” she reassured him. “Now, I have two different proposals for you today. Please keep in mind that I can make changes to either of them or start over altogether.” She logged into her computer and brought up the files containing her plans for Trent’s office. “I tried to keep with more traditional materials but at the same time keep the look masculine and contemporary. At least in my opinion, often when a decorator strives for a more contemporary atmosphere it becomes too feminine.” Her body sensed his proximity as he took the seat next to her.

  “Sounds like you’re describing my father’s office since he let my stepmother redecorate.”

  “It can be hard to find that right balance. Anyway, this is my first proposal.” She turned the laptop so he could see the screen better. “I picked a dove gray for the walls. It’s light enough to go with any other colors in the office but gives the walls just enough color, Mr. Sherbrooke.” In her personal opinion, anything was better than the peachy beige that covered the walls now. “And I found a carpet a few shades darker that would complement the color.”

  Trent pulled the laptop closer to him, his arm brushing against hers. As if struck by the lightning outside, she pulled her arm away and hoped the heat she felt didn’t show on her face. “I kept this conference table but replaced the chairs. The ones you see are in forest green, but they also come in black as well as brown. I replaced the desk with a larger ebony-colored one, but if you prefer something lighter I found a similar one in a nice shade of walnut.” Addie went through everything in her proposal explaining what she’d chosen. Next to her, Trent remained silent, not giving her any hint of his thoughts on her ideas. By the time she finished, her mouth was dry and a tangle of nerves sat in her stomach.

  “Like I said, Mr. Sherbrooke, this is just a preliminary idea. Anything can be adjusted or changed.” Under the table her fingers drummed against her thigh.

  “Please, call me Trent.”

  Trent transferred his gaze from the screen to her, meeting her eyes as another flash of lightning filled the room. Unable to stop herself, Addie flinched and took a deep breath. The storm was getting closer.

  “Are you okay?”

  She heard the concern in his voice and pasted on a smile. “Fine. Just not a huge fan of thunderstorms.” She reached for the computer, prepared to bring up her second proposal for his office. “I have another proposal if you’d rather see that one.”

  “No need. I like this. How long will it take to get it all done?”

  Addie blinked as his words sunk in. “Once work begins it shouldn’t take long. I have a painter and a floor company that I work with. I can call them tomorrow and schedule them. I already checked with the manufacturers and the furniture can be here in two weeks.” At first they’d claimed a month, but when she’d informed them the furniture was for a Sherbrooke, they’d changed their tune.

  “Excellent. Send any invoices to my secretary and she’ll take care of them. And if you have a contract prepared already, I’ll sign it tonight.”

  She pressed her lips together to keep the smile that wanted to break free hidden. “I do have a copy of my standard agreement.” She reached for her bag and the folder inside. “As soon as I have everything arranged I will let your secretary know.” She passed the agreement to him. Although short, it contained all pertinent information and protected her and her business.

  “At our last meeting I mentioned my home in Newport. If you’re interested, I’d like to arrange a time for you to see it.” Trent read the contract as he spoke.

  Now that was a stupid question if she’d ever heard one. “Just let me know what works for you.”

  Trent scrawled his name on the contract and then grabbed his phone. “This weekend is open for me. Does either day work for you?”

  “Saturday I am free.” In order to get Chloe to cover her Friday night shift she’d promised to cover her cousin’s shift on Sunday.

  “Saturday it is then.” He handed the papers back to her. “If you’d like I can pick you up and we can drive down together. I know I wouldn’t mind the company.”

  More thunder rumbled outside, but Addie feared he’d still heard the excited thud of her heartbeat. “Only if it doesn’t inconvenience you. I don’t mind driving down.”

  Trent gave her a smile that used his entire face. No wonder he had such a reputation as an international playboy. His smile alone would send women right to him.

  The slightest hint of color already on her cheeks darkened and she swallowed. Throughout their meeting she’d yet again remained professional if not a bit nervous. Before this moment, he’d wondered if perhaps he shouldn’t pressure her. At least during this and their previous meetings she’d displayed no outward signs that she was attracted to him. She hadn’t flirted or done any of the typical things women tried to snag him. But then she’d blushed when his hand came into contact with hers and it’d grown darker when he offered to pick her up.

  “The company would be nice. Does eleven o’clock work for you?” His original reason for asking her to stop by tonight rather than sometime next week was because he planned to ask her out for dinner after their meeting. Now though, he rethought his strategy. Tomorrow after they toured his house, he’d take her out. Once she left tonight he’d make reservations for them at the Spiced Pear. As much as he wanted to proceed with the plan he and Marty agreed on, he didn’t want to come on too strong and spook Addison away either.

  “Uh, sure. That time works.” She pulled out a business card and wrote on the back. “Here is my address, but if you need to call me, my cell number is on the front.”

  He accepted the card even though he didn’t need it. Thanks to Marty he had her home address, as well as the address of her parents, already in his desk. “Great. If you want to wait a moment, I’ll walk out with you. I’m going to call it a day.”

  Before she answered, he stood and walked back to his desk. Grabbing his suit jacket, his eyes followed Addie as she packed up her own belongings. With deliberate movements she placed one item in at a time as if each thing had a specific place. When she finished, she stood, smoothed down her dress and then slipped the strap of her bag over her right shoulder. Unlike the previous times they’d met, she wore a dress tonight, and the sleeveless style revealed her well-toned upper arms.

ll set?” he asked as he retrieved his briefcase and came around toward the door.

  Rather than speak, she nodded and walked toward the door. On cue, he pulled it open and allowed her to exit first. Not that he minded in the least. With her in front of him, he could let his eyes wander and appreciate her form without her any the wiser. And he definitely liked what he saw. She was an average height, but she had killer legs, perfectly shaped and toned. He suspected she exercised on a regular basis. Her waist was tiny and although she had her back to him now, he already had a mental picture of her breasts. Judging by the way her dress fit, they were lush and full but not ridiculously large.

  When they reached the elevator, he pushed the button. “Please dress casually tomorrow. Whatever you normally wear on the weekend,” he said as a way to break the silence. “I certainly won’t be wearing a tie.”

  Addie laughed, a sweet lyrical sound. “Then I might still be in my pj’s when you pick me up.”

  The image of the type of sleepwear worn by the women he usually spent time with popped up. While he had no doubt Addie would look fantastic in any of those outfits, he doubted those were the type of pj’s she wore. “Whatever works for you,” he answered as the elevator door opened and they stepped inside.

  “So where in Newport is your home? Is it on Bellevue Avenue?”

  Slowly the elevator began its descent and he leaned up against the glass wall. “No. It’s on Ocean Avenue. It was built—” The loud crack of lightning echoed through the elevator, cutting off Trent’s sentence just before the lights blinked and then went out.

  “Please tell me we’re not stuck.” Addison’s voice trembled from the other side of the glass elevator.

  He remembered her reaction to the storm in his office. “It shouldn’t take them long to get us going again.” Stepping forward, he picked up the emergency phone in the elevator wall. After a few seconds, a voice responded on the other end.


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