The Revenge Games

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The Revenge Games Page 17

by M. V. Kasi

  How did she manage to make him feel like a one-night stand again? Even though, this particular time they were tied together in a holy matrimony.


  THE NEXT MORNING, Sia was quite ashamed and also nervous to face Ajay. But instead of hiding in her room, she went into the gym room, and began her usual exercise routine to get her mind off the previous night.

  She started with her prenatal yoga exercises first. And just as she started practicing her kick boxing moves, Ajay entered the gym in his workout wear.

  She froze with her legs poised in a kick. “What are you doing here?” she asked him in surprise.

  “I live here now,” he answered with a slight smirk. “Did you forget it already? I thought I had reminded you of that fact last night.”

  She didn’t comment. Deciding to ignore him, she continued to kick the punching bag.

  “I wanted to stop by, and let you know that I have no hard feelings remaining this morning. Even after the way you left so abruptly last night, leaving me with…well…hard feelings,” he said.

  She pressed her lips together at his innuendo. “I prefer to forget about last night.”

  He shook his head and chuckled. “Well, I can’t. It’s forever etched into my memory as one of the hottest nights I ever had.”

  Annoyed and embarrassed, she moved around the inflated punching bag, and shoved it hard, and dodged as it backed towards her. She had to use the inflated ones instead of the regular ones due to her pregnancy. But she missed the slight pain and the adrenaline rush she usually felt when her gloves connected with a hard punching bag.

  “You have to be really careful around those things, Sia. They can really hurt you if you don’t know what you are doing. And from what I can see, well…” he trailed off suggestively.

  She knew he was trying to bait her to get a reaction from her. So she simply tried to ignore him again. But how in the holy heaven, could she or anyone to that matter, ignore that man in his workout gear that consisted of just shorts. Her eyes kept glancing at his body as it drew her like a magnet.

  But luckily, he missed her stealing glances because he was busy looking around at her extensive gym room with an exaggerated look. “This is a pretty large workout room for someone playing with inflated toys,” he commented.

  She snapped her gaze away from his body. And determinedly, she ignored him, and continued shoving, and dodging the punching bag.

  “Oh come on, Sia. There is nothing to be ashamed about what happened last night. We are two adults who are desperate for—”

  “Do you mind?” she cut him off. “I’m trying to exercise and relax here.”

  “Relax?” he asked in a taunting tone. “It appears to me more like you are trying to take your inner anger and frustration out on that helpless toy. Why don’t you try taking it out on me? It might be fun.”

  She paused and then looked at him.

  He was smiling. “Come on Sia. Show me how much damage you can do to me. Maybe I’ll even give you a chance to pin me down, and have your way with me while I lay helpless.”

  Her nostrils flared at his challenge and the teasing.

  “Come on. I really want to see your skills. I just caught fleeting glimpses, the first time I saw you, and then a little bit of it now.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked in a serious tone.

  His lips curved in amusement. “Yes. And don’t go easy on me because I’m your husband, and you are supposed to serve and obey me,” he teased.

  She didn’t reply. She splayed her legs and waited for him.

  “Tackle me,” she ordered.

  Ajay rushed towards her, following her order.

  When he was almost close to her, she stepped aside in the last possible second, letting his momentum carry him forward. And as he went down towards the floor, she kicked him in the stomach.

  A surprised gasp escaped his mouth as he landed down.

  She went rushing towards him and peered into his face. “Are you alright, Ajay?” she asked with a frown.

  Rolling away, he sprang up to his feet with a grin. “Never better. That was so cool. Let’s try it again.”

  This time he rushed her from behind.

  And she waited until the last possible moment to duck, and twist as she threw him over her shoulder.

  He fell with an, “Oof,” on the gym floor.

  She knelt down hurriedly next to him, and peered into his face again as he lay still with his eyes closed.

  “Ajay…” she began as worry crept into her.

  He opened his eyes and grinned at her. “You really are something. Let’s see what you can do when I attack you from the front from a closer proximity.”

  She sighed exasperatedly. “Well, I would have to scratch your eyes out, and burst your eardrums. I think I can do without a temporary husband who is both blind and deaf.”

  He sprang up again. “Oh yeah? We’ll see. Try it.”

  “No. I think we’ve had enough of your juvenile behavior for today.”

  “Oh come on, Sia. Don’t be a spoilsport. Try it.”


  “Watch out!” he shouted dramatically and lunged towards her.

  Instinctively her body primed her into a combat mode, and she was about to slap her palms hard onto his ears. But luckily, he already knew what she was about to do, so he caught both her hands, and tripped her, making her fall on the soft rubber gym floor.

  He broke the fall by going down along with her, and twisted to take the brunt of the fall. And then, carefully, keeping most of his weight on his elbows, he sprawled over her.

  “What do you think you are doing?” she asked.

  She sounded breathless. Not because of the soft fall, but because of their positions.

  He was smiling into her face.

  She stared at his lips, and then at him, waiting to see what he would do.

  Slowly, his smile disappeared, and he was watching her face with hunger. Her heart began to thump erratically, and she felt breathless with anticipation.

  ‘He hates you. You ruined his life. He will never want to kiss you,’ her mind shouted those words, even as part of her foolish heart hoped for something different.

  For some reason, only Ajay had the ability to draw out the deeply buried emotions she hadn’t felt in over 15 years. A feeling of safety.

  She knew that particular feeling was only an illusion, but unfortunately the heart was the weakest part of a body. All it took was a little kindness and attention to trick it. She knew that pretty well, since she had manipulated other men’s hearts ruthlessly during her wild years.

  “Let me up, Ajay. I—”

  His mouth stole away the remaining words.

  He was kissing her. Not the tentative or gentle kind of kiss. But a full on kiss with tongue involved.

  His hands were at the back of her head, pulling back her hair so he had better access. When she stayed still, feeling a little too shocked to react or to respond, he raised his head briefly to look at her.

  “Kiss me back,” he ordered gruffly.

  Her shock disappeared completely as her mind rebelled at his tone.

  And then, her eyes flared.

  Having control and power in any relationship, however brief, was very important to her. She had always felt that someone bigger than her, and in position of power had abused her when she was helpless. So, she had always yielded the control. Because once she let go of her control, it would mean she would be powerless.

  Ajay knew very well that she hated being ordered, but he was watching her keenly to see how she would respond to his order.

  Not wanting to think too much, she grabbed his hair with both her hands, and pulled him closer to kiss him hard. Her tongue invaded his mouth, and kissed him with all she had. She expected him to groan and give in to her. Maybe even beg for more. Be completely in her mercy.

  He did make some noises, but it took her a while to realize that he was not groaning, but laughing into her mouth
. She froze at the realization.

  His lips which were still on hers were stretched into a smile. She was both annoyed and turned on. Before she could shove him away, he raised his head.

  Then he did the strangest thing. Instead of grabbing her hair and pulling her towards him, he held her face with both his hands, and looked down at her.

  That look caused havoc inside her.

  No one had ever looked at her that way before. Like she was something special.

  If only he knew what her body had been through. If he knew how she had used and abused her body like it was a worthless thing, he would be repulsed.

  She felt awkward under his stare because she felt every inch of an imposter that she was. But before she could say anything, he bent down to kiss her again.

  This time it was different. It wasn’t demanding. Neither was it completely giving. It was all about simply feeling. And so, she closed her eyes to get lost in those feelings.

  She could taste something sweet on his lips, and feel the softness as they moved over hers. She could feel his heart thump as she laid her palm on his chest. She could feel her passion rise as her own heart sped up. She could feel his hardness showing her that he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  A loud gasp which couldn’t have come from either of them brought her back from the passion filled fog. She wrenched her mouth away from his, and turned to see a shocked looking maid standing with a cleaning brush, staring at them in shock and embarrassment.

  Meantime Ajay was slowly kissing, licking and biting her ear.


  “Hmm?” He continued with the kissing, in-spite of her squirming under him.

  He was slowly moving towards her neck creating tingles.

  “The maid. She’s here and staring at us!”

  “Huh?” He paused and looked up.

  When he saw the maid, he didn’t shove away from her in embarrassment like she thought he would. Instead, he brazenly greeted the maid, and asked her to come back after an hour.

  After the maid fled, she began to squirm under him again to push him away from top of her. This time he reluctantly complied, and with a thoughtful expression on his face.

  “I realized something today,” he said as he held out a hand to help her up.

  “What?” She asked as she took his hand and tried to avoid making an eye contact with him.

  “We both like to control and lead. But sometimes it’s more fun when we both give in and let the moment control us. Just like we did with our kiss…. on the third attempt.”

  She looked into his eyes, thinking that he was mocking her, but he was smiling at her sweetly.

  “Ajay…we can’t have more of such moments,” she said quietly, even as that thought made her chest tighten.

  “Why not?” he asked.

  His smile had died and she missed seeing his dimples.

  “What do you mean by why not? Because you hate me. Because I trapped you. Because we are on the opposite sides of the battle when it comes to the custody of our child—”

  “Some of it might be true. But I definitely don’t hate you. And I don’t think you hate me either.”

  He looked at her in question.

  “No. Of course I don’t hate you,” she muttered.

  “Good. Then there is no reason stopping us from having many such intimate moments. And we should discuss about last night.”

  Her face heated in embarrassment. “Let’s not,” she said as she looked away.

  “I think we should. Only because I would like to help you again.”

  “What?” Her eyes snapped back to his. “Help me?” she asked.

  “Well, technically it’s not helping because I want it as much as you.”

  She was embarrassed and puzzled at the same time. “But why?” she asked.

  “Why are you so surprised? We have always been attracted to each other. I definitely want more of what happened during our night together. And since we are now married to each other, and don’t like to cheat, it makes more sense to fulfill our needs with each other,” he said.

  She didn’t reply, feeling torn.

  “Unless of course you are not attracted to me anymore. You did say we weren’t well-suited—” he began.

  She looked at him. “I used those words because I didn’t want to prolong our time together after what I had planned to do with you,” she confessed.

  He was quiet, and then asked, “So you enjoyed our time together that night? And before that?”

  “Well…Yes. You must know that already.”

  “Enough to want repeat performances?”

  “Yes. But…” She hesitated, feeling torn.

  “But. What?”

  “I don’t want you to assume things and get carried away,” she said.

  Ajay was annoyed. Because Sia, the robot was back, and she showed nothing on her face.

  “Explain,” he demanded.

  “I want to keep it impersonal. I have some rules that I always like to follow…”

  “Oh? What kind of rules?” he asked.

  “I don’t want any kind of deep emotional attachments between us,”

  “I won’t have a problem with that. I’m not going to fall in love with you or anything. Unless you think you would fall for me…” he said suggestively.

  “No. I know I won’t ever have that problem either.”

  “Good. So I’ll see you later then?” he asked her casually while they headed out.

  “I-I…” How on earth did that man manage to do that to her each time? She was stammering like a shy, uncertain, school girl having no clue about how they managed to navigate the conversation to sex, and ended it by scheduling a dirty date.

  But she knew she lost the internal battle and didn’t want to argue with him anymore.

  She took a deep breath. “When?” she asked, composing herself.

  “Tonight,” he said huskily.

  She hesitated for a few seconds, and then looked at him steadily. “I’ll need to think about this first. And if I want to go ahead with this…this…consummation of marriage, then I’ll come to you at ten.”

  “Good.” He smiled, and then shook his head chuckling and muttering, “consummation,” like it was a hilarious word.

  She was relieved that he didn’t try to persuade her, or demand that she make up her mind sooner to give him an answer right then.

  “I’ll see you later. Tonight…or maybe in the morning,” she said, and all but ran towards her room, and locked the door.

  Good god, what was she doing? Ajay wasn’t someone she could simply use, and then dump before walking away when she was done with him.

  But he did say that he was never going to fall for her.

  Maybe it won’t be that bad. And she knew her ‘self-love’, using her fingers, wasn’t helping her much, since she didn’t want to risk using any kind of toys to satisfy herself while she was pregnant. It was only making her more frustrated.

  She sighed loudly. It was decided then.

  She was going to consummate the marriage.


  AJAY WAS JUST done sending out an important email, when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. He looked at the clock on top of his desk where he was seated.

  It was exactly ten o’clock in the night.

  He had been waiting for her to show up for a while. And even though she hadn’t called him or notified him in any way that she was going to come, he knew she would.

  He opened the door in excitement. And when his eyes fell on her face, he felt the corners of his mouth twitch in amusement.

  She looked as though she was at his door because someone held a gun to her head. Or as though she had lost a bet and had to get it over with. The bet was probably with own self.

  Their attraction or whatever it was between them had always been strong. Even he had known that it was a losing battle while trying to ignore it.

  He stepped away from the door to let her in.

p; When she moved past him, and stood inside his room, his eyes moved over her to see what she was wearing, and almost choked on his own tongue at the sight.

  Oh…shit. She might be calculating or coldhearted, but she was truly breathtaking.

  A delicate looking, white mid-thigh lingerie, clung to every curve of her body, making her skin glow. Her breasts appeared larger and were spilling out from the top. Her stomach was softly rounded, making his hands tremble as he yearned to touch her where his child rested inside her body.

  Before he could open his mouth and emit some kind of acknowledgement, she went towards the work desk and stood next to it. And then watching him, she slid off her barely there lingerie, and waited for him. Naked.

  His legs carried him automatically towards her, and before he could place his hands on her, she pulled up his t-shirt, and dragged down his night-shorts, and held him.

  The next thing he knew, he was seated on a chair by the desk with her riding on top of him.

  He didn’t even know how he ended up there. All he could re-call was her throwing away both their clothes and holding him, and then he was a goner.

  Damn, she was strong. Stronger than most women he knew. Her pregnancy had slightly softened her toned muscles, and they still made her look extremely hot.

  She continued riding him violently and he was about to come. Too damn soon.

  No way was he going to allow that.

  Luckily for him, he was stronger than her. So, he gripped her hips with both his hands, and got up from the chair while she was still on top of him. She gasped and opened her eyes to look at him.

  He almost burst out laughing as he met her annoyed and frustrated look of being interrupted in between her wild ride.

  He smiled wickedly as he held her and walked towards the bed.

  Then placing her gently on the corner of the bed, he began to thrust into her in a not so gentle way.

  And she loved it.

  He knew she loved being on top and being in control. But he had also realized that she loved letting go and giving in to him.

  Or so he thought.

  Because she was still trying to grab control, even from the bottom. With her hands, legs, mouth, eyes, tongue and also with the noises. She was pushing him to the edge of his control, until he finally snapped.


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