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The Doorknob Society (The Doorknob Society Saga)

Page 11

by Fletcher, MJ

  “You presence is requested.”

  He stood as stiff as a statue and stared from me to Val with a steady gaze. Val shrugged in my direction; at this point I think she just assumed everyone around me was insane.

  “Requested by whom?” I looked passed the man to see Nightshade leaning against the counter, in one hand he was sipping his coffee. In his other I could have sworn I saw him holding his skeleton key which he quickly slid it into his pocket.

  “Mr. Jordan, the head of the Doorknob Society.”


  I stepped out of the portal onto a vast green field that rippled like soft ocean waves and in the middle of it surrounded by gardens and pathways sat a manor house that looked as if it may have been transported directly from the English countryside. Cobblestone paths lead off in all directions and there were doorways opening and closing at the end of each of them. Men and women walked all about, the house buzzing with activity.

  I had made a quick excuse to Val and followed the guy out of the cafe. I wasn’t sure what the head of DS wanted but I didn’t think turning down a request from him was a good idea. The only other place I’d ever been that I had sensed this level of power was Paladin Academy.

  My escort clasped his hands behind him and stood to the side of the portal not moving. A young woman who appeared to be my age walked toward us. She smiled and stepped up to me.

  “Chloe Masters?”

  “That’d be me.”

  “Hello, I’m Faith Parker. I’m supposed to escort you to your meeting.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Faith started down the path toward the manor house.

  “What is this place?” I followed quickly beside her.

  “Doorknob Society Manor. DS has used this as our place of operations for over seven hundred years. It’s rare for a nonmember to be allowed here.”

  “Is it now?”

  “Yes, even other society members are rarely allowed access. It’s a great honor to be here before you’ve declared.” Faith bit her lip and shrugged. “I didn’t mean anything by that.”

  “No worries, I’m sure I’ll declare for the Society soon enough.”

  We moved down the cobblestone path and crossed through one of the gardens. The shrubs were massive and carved into all different shapes of mystical animals; griffins, dragons and such. Energy pulsated from the front doors as we approached them and activated my powers without any thought from me. I glanced down at the doorknobs, growling lion heads rested on brass plates carved with DS initials.

  Without thinking I reached out and blue tendrils of light flowed out of the knobs surrounding my hand. The knobs turned and the doors swung open. I stepped into the main entrance hall of the manor. The floors were polished marble with a large image of the lion’s head doorknob inlayed in the center. Old tapestries added stateliness to the cherry wood paneling that covered the walls.

  “Wow.” I turned to see Faith staring wide-eyed at me.


  “You haven’t declared and yet you can open the manor doors?”

  “Oh, well I’ve been practicing.”

  “Only DS members are able to open the doors. I better go get Mr. Jordan, be right back.” With one last startling glance at me she exited the foyer leaving me alone.

  So what if I could access the doorknobs? I mean my family has been DS members forever maybe they just recognized me. I laughed at the idea that a doorknob could recognize someone and shook my head. I moved around the room looking over the different scenes on the tapestries. I stopped at one where a man dressed in an old-fashioned suit fought against what to me looked like other DS members. His hand was above his head and in it his doorknob was glowing brightly. He seemed to be banishing the men to some nether dimension.

  “Admiring your family’s handiwork?”

  The voice was slick and well-practiced as if the person speaking was used to everyone acknowledging his superiority. I turned to find a thin man with a hawk-like nose and thinning black hair that gave him a bird-like appearance.

  “Excuse me?”

  “The tapestry you’re admiring is the story of Ichibod Masters banishing the Darkwatch. But you knew that didn’t you?” His eyes narrowed as he watched my every reaction.

  “Is that so?” I glanced at the tapestry once again and remembered reading about my ancestor in the Doorknob Society handbook.

  “The Masters have a very long history with the Doorknob Society. That is why I wanted to speak with you.”

  So this was the head of the Society, my stomach sank at the thought that this odd man might be someone I would have to answer to when I declared.

  “I’m Mr. Jordan.”

  “Hello.” I held out my hand. He cracked a quick smile and gave me a limp handshake.

  “I was rather surprised to learn you hadn’t declared for the Society. After all with your family history one would assume that you would.”

  His eyes lingered over me in a way that made my skin crawl. He seemed to expect some type of reaction from me but I had no idea why.

  “My teachers say it’s not that unusual.”

  “True, some new students do take longer than others. And after that unfortunate business with your father I suppose it might make sense for you to take your time.”

  “My father?” It was obvious he was referring to my dad getting kicked out of the DS, but I bit my tongue, figuring if I held it—a feat in itself—I might find out something I didn’t know.

  “He did lose his membership and some say he got off light.” Mr. Jordan clasped his hands behind his back and puffed up his puny chest.

  “Is this why you summoned me here, to discuss my father?” I wanted to cut to the chase but Mr. Jordan seemed content to keep goading me.

  “He has been very busy with his...act.” He pursed his lips in disdain.

  He must think I’m dumb that I’d actually believe that this had anything to do with my dad’s magic act, but I played along. “We have bills to pay just like everybody else.”

  “Yes, but he does seem to be touring some rather unusual cities. I wonder why that is?”

  If I ever wanted confirmation that Dad was up to something this was more than enough. The Doorknob Society obviously thought the same. But if this man thought I was going to sell out my father he was insane. “He’s in demand, what can I say.”

  “I just hope he isn’t doing anything that could cause trouble for DS,” —his eyes narrowed— “or you for that matter.”

  “How could he cause DS trouble when he isn’t even a member anymore?” I shot back angry that this puffed up blowhard was trying to use me against my own family.

  “He being a former member is problematic for us especially now with the uneasy truces. If your father is up to his old tricks it could have harmful effects, particularly for someone hoping to declare for DS.”

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “I would never do such a thing.”

  His mouthy smile had me thinking of a vulture ready to eat his meal.

  “I’m simply looking out for the good name of a family with a long history in the Society. We wouldn’t want your father damaging it more than he already has?”

  “My father isn’t doing anything wrong.”

  “Of course not, and I’m sure you’ll declare for DS eventually... unless of course you go down a different path.” He smirked. “I’m sure the Skeleton Key Guild wouldn’t mind having a Masters as a member.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I balled my hands into fists and had the overwhelming urge to punch this man in his hawk-like nose.

  “Very simply, little girl. I don’t know what game you and your father are playing, but I will not allow DS to be dragged into it. Do I make myself clear?”

  This guy really deserved a punch but I kept my temper in tow, though just barely. “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

  “Pretend ignorance all you want but I’ve been dealing with Masters a long time. Go back to yo
ur classes and I’d advise you declare for something other than DS. You won’t be welcome here and tell your father... I have my eye on him.”

  “Mr. Jordan, you can tell him yourself; I’m not your messenger. And you mustn’t know my family very well because we don’t take threats lightly.”

  “And just what does that mean?” he leaned back smirking at me.

  “Simple, now I might declare for DS just to piss you off.” I turned on my heels and walked away before he could respond and slammed the door behind me.

  Chapter 14

  Status: My problems keep piling up

  My escort returned and opened a portal back home. Before I was even at the front door I texted Dad about what had happened. I needed to talk with him about it now. There was more to everything than he was telling me and I couldn’t be left in the dark anymore. I had to know what he was up too.

  I entered the house, tossed my bag on the side table and headed back to the kitchen. My phone buzzed and I stopped and grabbed it scrolling to my texts anxious to know what Dad had to say. It wasn’t him; it was Slade. I’d been ignoring him since he’d given me the locket. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with him at the moment. My mind was still racing over what my next move would be with the DS.

  I typed a quick reply that we would talk soon and hit send putting my phone on the counter as I checked the fridge for something to eat. The knock at the front door followed, I sighed and went to answer it. I pulled the door open and stood face to face with Michael Slade.

  “Sorry, I didn’t want to wait.” He smiled.

  Guilt crashed over me weighing me down. I liked Slade but I wondered if he really knew me or just thought that he did. And what would happen when he discovered the real me?

  “It’s not the best time.” I pushed my shoulder against the door jamb realizing that it appeared as if I was blocking him from entering the house.

  “Can we talk?” He stood firm as if he didn’t intend to take no for an answer.

  “Slade, I’ve got too much going on right now to be dealing with,” —I waved my hand between us— “all of this.”

  “Chloe, I know that you’re worried about your dad and how you can help him not to mention finding out about the guy in black or all the tons of other things you’re going through right now. But I can help you...I want to help you.”

  He was dead on about all my worries and everything going on in my head, maybe he actually did understand and like the real me.

  He reached out locking his fingers with mine. I almost flinched and stepped away from Slade but his easy-going smile made me realize that I was running more from my usual apprehensive-self than him.

  But I did have to warn him. “I can’t get caught up in a relationship, not right now.”

  “I can wait.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to promise something I can’t deliver.” Like a girl that you think exists but really doesn’t. Guess my apprehensive-self was still hanging around.

  “You’re worth it.”

  Now there was a line from a guy I had never heard before and damned if I didn’t like it.


  A few days later I was in class working with Slade at his desk when Mr. Miller walked by.

  “Chloe, come here a minute.”

  I left Slade to tinker while I attempted to keep up with Mr. Miller’s large stride. We walked to the end of the final row of drafting tables, turned and entered an office, the walls covered with every gadget imaginable. Jetpacks dangled next to goggles and clocks that had over twenty hands on the faces, a set of man-sized wings perched in another corner and a large framed diagram hung off to one side.

  “Have a seat.” Mr. Miller said motioning to a very large, over-stuffed chair that seemed entirely out of place among the plethora of technical devices.

  “Thanks,” I said and sank into it.

  “Slade tells me that you’re rather adept at reading blueprints and working with equipment.”

  I shrugged. “I guess so, Mr. Miller.”

  “Please, Chloe, call me Levi.”

  “Slade’s a good teacher. I’ve just been doing what he’s taught me.”

  “Good teachers are important but more so are abilities. Have you felt your powers activate at all while working on any of the machines?”

  “Um, well.” I thought of the one night I had taken home some of the jetpack gears and I had felt that familiar tug in my belly but they hadn’t activated. I’d been enjoying my time with IE but I knew no matter what, I wanted to declare for DS even if it was just to shove it down Mr. Jordan’s throat. “No sir, not really.”

  “Not really?” he said raising an eyebrow.

  I figured I better throw him a few breadcrumbs since he obviously didn’t believe me. “A couple of times I felt like something might be happening but nothing ever came of it. None of the gadgets popped to life like they’ve done for the kids who’ve declared.”

  “That would probably explain what I’ve been seeing with some of the gears and devices you’ve been working with. It seems that you’re leaving some power residue behind in them, not enough to activate them but just enough to leave something akin to a fingerprint on them.”

  “Does that mean I declared?” I asked hopping forward in the seat and grabbing the edge of his desk.

  “No, I’m afraid not, Chloe. But you do show an aptitude for engineering and you still may be able to declare for it. So don’t lose hope.”

  There was a knock on the door and it opened before Mr. Miller gave permission for anyone to enter. Standing there was Mrs. Flint in one of her token flower-covered, billowing dresses.

  “Hello, dear,” she said with a smile as she stepped into the office. “Everything going well?”

  “Yes, Mrs. Flint.”

  “Good, good now why don’t you run along. I need to speak with Mr. Miller for a minute.”

  “Okay.” I barely got the word out when the door swung closed behind me so fast that it almost hit me in the butt.

  “We need to talk, Levi.” I heard Mrs. Flint say in a high, tense voice as I stepped away. I quickly ducked down and crept back toward the door to listen.

  “Jackie, be quiet or Masters might hear you,” Mr. Miller warned.

  “Sorry, I’m so nervous with everything that’s going on. How is the poor dear doing anyway?”

  “She’s shown some skill and honestly I thought she would have declared as an Engineer with what she is able to do but so far nothing.”

  “How terrible.”

  “I know if she doesn’t declare soon I’ll have to send her on to the next group. It’d be a shame. The girl has talent that’s for sure.”

  “True, but after what happened with her father,” —there was a pause and I strained harder to hear— “who knows what’ll happen to her.”

  “Don’t tell me you believe all that rumor mongering?”

  “I’ve heard what happened from reliable people.”

  “And just who is this reliable source, Rose Derringer?”

  “Well, yes, among others.”

  “The only reliable thing about Rose is that she always hides the liquor on her breath. I wouldn’t trust anything she says.”

  “Levi, you’re terrible. Rose is a nice enough woman. Yes, she may gossip but so do others and all the gossip is the same about Masters.”

  “Maybe but I doubt anything that Elijah may or may not have been done will affect Chloe’s’ ability to declare.”

  I almost fell over when I heard Mr. Miller refer to my dad by name and sounded as if he defended him. I leaned in closer as their voices grew lower.

  “I’m sorry I know you two were close.”

  “I like to think we still are.”

  “Things are getting very complicated with people disappearing and the tensions between the societies have never been higher. The attack on Chloe and her father when they arrived home also has people talking as well.”

  “I know, the HVO is still looking into it and have come up with

  “Are the rumors true?”

  “From what I’ve heard, yes. The energy signatures left behind by the attackers were from different societies.”

  “How can that be? Do you think the council is behind it? Could they be after Elijah?”

  “You know the history there. Jordan may have gotten Elijah kicked out of DS but I doubt the entire council would ever willingly go after him.”

  “It has me scared, Levi.” Mrs. Flint said just above a whisper and with a tremble.

  “Me too.”

  His reply sent shivers up my spine and I wondered just what Dad and I were involved in.


  I lasted through the end of the week with the Impossible Engineers but when I was unable to get all the gears working on the jetpack Slade and I had worked on, I knew it was over. Mr. Miller informed me I would be moving on to the Honorable Venerable Order of Detective Inspectors the following week. Though my goal was to declare for the Doorknob Society I was disappointed that I hadn’t been able to declare for the Impossible Engineers. I had found I enjoyed playing with all the gadgets and devices, not to mention going over the blueprints, trying to figure out how things worked. And it was a huge bonus getting to work with Slade, though strangely enough I was kind of relieved that it would be coming to an end. I liked being around him but I had begun to realize that I needed to act more like myself and not some odd, goody-two- shoes version of me.

  I steeled myself for the latest challenge, Slade had offered to help with whatever I needed and I knew I could count on Edgar if I required assistance with any school work. I still hadn’t gotten to the library, but once I did, I figured that I could begin making some headway into Dad’s problem and if I was lucky maybe even learn something about my mother.

  I grabbed my book bag, slung it over my shoulder and left my room. I stopped outside Dad’s room and listened for a moment. No loud snoring shook the door so I knocked lightly, turned the knob and peeked in. The bed was empty, never slept in.

  Dad had never come home last night; I shook my head in annoyance.


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