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Absolutely Not

Page 25

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  She stopped abruptly, just short of telling him she wished she didn’t have to spoil everything by telling him the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. She couldn’t do it. Couldn’t come clean. Damn it, she just couldn’t risk having Keller disappear from her life.

  “Didn’t have to what, sweetheart?” Keller traced her jaw with a featherlight touch of his finger.

  “Nothing. Never mind.” Something awful inside told Maisy that if she didn’t clutch onto Keller now, she’d never get the chance again. As soon as he found out about her lies, her deceit… With a muffled cry she wrapped her arms around him, resting her head against his chest. “Oh Keller…”

  Enclosing Maisy in his arms, he rested his chin on her head. “What’s the matter, sweetheart? Guilty conscience?” he said in a light, teasing manner.

  Little did he know.

  Her thoughts raced. Right now, this very moment, might be the only chance she’d ever have to hook Keller. To fully capture his heart and throw away the key.

  Naturally, that meant desperate measures were in order. She needed something foolproof. A surefire plan. A bold, brazen move guaranteed to make Keller so hot and horny that he’d forget about Boris and Natasha, and Rudy sucking her face off.

  Seduction. Mad, passionate, wild seduction.

  Yes. She could do it. She could!

  Maybe she wasn’t the worldly, sophisticated, sexually competent woman she longed to be. And, granted, she felt like a bumbling, clueless dork when it came to the fine art of sex. But while she may not have any personal experience as a seductress, she’d read enough of those erotic romances Norman had given her to come up with a few damn good ideas.

  Ooh! She could make it a chocolate-related seduction. Perfect! The one thing she did know about was chocolate. Intimately. It made perfect sense that by adding chocolate to her seduction, she’d have a decent chance of succeeding.


  An unpleasant sensation curdled at her spine as Keller looked at her, waiting for her to open her mouth and say something. What if she made a fool of herself and Keller laughed at her feeble, unpracticed attempts at seduction?

  Oh for fuck’s sake, Mazel Lynn. At this point you’ve got nothing to lose. Just do it!

  Knees knocking, Maisy felt the stirrings of daring taking hold. Dammit, it was about time she used her womanly wiles on Keller. Even though she wasn’t sure she had womanly wiles. Both she and Keller were about to find out. She sucked in a deep breath and sent up a silent prayer.

  “Cookies!” she finally blurted, firmly clapping her hands over Keller’s groin with perhaps a bit too much enthusiasm.

  His cock immediately rose to the occasion.

  Clearly startled, Keller looked down at her hands and back up to her eyes, giving Maisy a dubious look. “Sorry, but the last time I looked I didn’t have any cookies squirreled away down there, honey.”

  A low, lusty, prolonged chuckle rose from deep within Maisy’s throat. Pleased with the way it sounded—rather porn-queen-esque, she thought—she did her damnedest to look seductive too.

  Tiptoeing her fingers around the bulge in his jeans, she cooed, “I’ve been thinking about how your cock reminds me of chocolate chip cookies, Keller.”

  His eyebrow lifted. Hell. That wasn’t exactly what she’d planned to say. Painfully aware that the smooth seduction scene in her head wasn’t playing out nearly as well as it had in her imagination, Maisy winced.

  Keller snorted a chuckle. “Well, I have to admit…that’s definitely a first.”

  “Trust me, Keller, it’s a compliment,” she assured him, determined to do better. “You do like chocolate chip cookies, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “How about games?” Her voice dipped low, as sultry as she could make it. “Do you like to play games?”

  “Maisy, what’s this all about?”

  It was all about driving him wild with lust, passion and desire. It was about showing Keller what he’d be missing if he walked out on her after learning the truth. It was her last goddamned chance to fuck him clear to the edge of insanity so he’d never want to leave, even after finding out what a terrible person she was.

  “We’re going to play school,” she told him, trailing the fingers of one hand up to his chest and circling over his nipple. “You’re the student and I’m the teacher. And today you’re going to get a lesson in baking.”

  “Did you say baking?”

  “Mmm-hmm. Erotic baking,” Maisy clarified, in that same husky, sultry tone. “We’re going to make chocolate chip cookies together. In the nude.”

  “Right now?”

  The poor guy looked so turned on and flummoxed at the same time that Maisy almost giggled. But if she wanted her extreme scheme to work, she had to play it smooth and sophisticated.

  “Right now. Trust me, when I tell you you’re going to love this very special class, Keller.” With that, she cupped his three-piece package and squeezed, loving the pleasured groan that rumbled up from his chest as his arm snaked around her. A delicious frisson of sexual heat curled down her spine when she saw the evidence of raw desire in his gaze.

  “Well, damn. Home economics never sounded so good,” he said.

  “Teacher’s first rule,” Maisy purred, unfastening his jeans, “is for her star pupil to get naked.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Once Maisy had put Hershey in the laundry room, with the door closed, she all but clawed Keller’s clothes off. He hadn’t detected even a trace of alcohol on her breath. Finally, in a sane, sober, normal state—well, at least sober—she wanted him naked. Bad.

  His cock jerked hard in his pants.

  Keller enjoyed the eager scrape of her cool fingers against his skin as she undressed him. He had no idea where this sudden urge to whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies came from. And he thought her comparison of his cock to a cookie was rather odd, to say the least. But he’d come to learn that oddity was pretty much par for the course where Maisy was concerned.

  Grabbing the elastic of his shorts, Maisy dragged them down over his hips. The best part was when her pretty mouth was perfectly aligned with his liberated cock. She looked at it, then gazed up at his eyes and smiled before returning her attention to her task until he’d stepped out of his shorts and was naked as the day he was born.

  “You know,” Maisy said, “I just hate to be encumbered with clothes when I’m hard at work teaching students how to bake cookies. You wouldn’t mind if your teacher took off her clothes and got comfortable, would you, Keller?”

  His cock twitched, drawing both her attention and his. “Clearly, my cock and I would be delighted,” he replied, playing along with her erotic game. “Does teacher want some help?”

  “No…teacher just wants her student to watch.”

  Keller had no clue as to what exactly was going on, which he actually found to be stimulating. Intriguing. Maybe this was Maisy’s kinky side coming out. His cock tingled at the thought. And then his attention was fully on her as she started singing.

  Well, it wasn’t actually singing, it was more like a slow and sexy da-da-da da-da da-da kind of sound to the tune of some stripper music he vaguely recognized from old movies.

  Maisy’s body swayed to the tune as she backed away from him, tugging her sweater over her head and letting it slip to the floor. With a curious look of determination, she shimmied for him, her full breasts jiggling in the lacey bra cups that barely contained them.

  She’d obviously done her Victoria’s Secret shopping as she’d mentioned when he caught her in her industrial-strength cotton underwear at their picnic lunch.

  Christ almighty, that body of hers was hot.

  Next came her jeans. Unclasping them, Maisy brought the zipper down with a torturously slow glide that matched the rhythm of her lusty da-da-da tune. His eyes popped as she treated him to a full-body shimmy until her jeans slipped down and pooled at her feet, leaving her in a lacy scrap of panties and that wispy little
nothing of a bra.

  “I’m enjoying this, teacher…very much.”

  “Good,” Maisy replied, her gaze zeroing in on his jutting cock. “Teacher can see that you’re very alert.” Kicking aside her jeans, her hands went to her back, unclasping her bra.

  Keller’s mouth went dry as her luscious breasts bounced free.

  Sidestepping to the beat of the interesting vocal she’d created, Maisy used her bra like a stripper uses an over-the-elbow glove, sliding it across her breasts, behind her neck and between her thighs. As she whipped it around, her hips got more into the act too, making purposeful thrusts and swirls.

  Images of a dark, smoky room with a dimly lit stage came to mind. And at the center of the stage was a pole, with a voluptuous, naked blonde named Maisy wrapped around it, dancing, enticing, teasing, promising deeply carnal secrets with her eyes. The room was full of men, drooling, calling out to her, making wolf whistles, but the blonde only had eyes for him.

  Jesus, he wanted to fuck her so bad at this moment he could taste it.

  By her tentative, somewhat jerky movements, paired with the uncertain look in her eyes, Keller imagined this was most likely the first time Maisy Morganfield had ever done a striptease for a man. The sweet idea touched a soft spot deep in his center. He felt honored to be the first male to witness Maisy in full, deliberate seduction mode.

  Keller suspected that her seduction was a delay tactic, to make him forget about all the explaining she had to do. Although it wouldn’t work, he couldn’t think of a better way for her to try, and he certainly wasn’t about to spoil her fun.

  Even though Maisy’s private little dance reminded him of a corny, mid-century B-movie, watching her bump and grind for him was just about the sexiest damn thing he’d ever seen. She might be inexperienced, but the woman was a natural-born, heart-stopping temptress, just the same.

  His gaze took a leisurely up-and-down tour of her body as Maisy turned her backside to him, shimmying out of her panties. Bending over, she clapped one hand to her ass cheek, followed by her other hand to the other side. She squeezed as she peeked back over her shoulder at him and winked.

  “Beautiful, baby. Just beautiful,” Keller assured her, realizing she needed to hear those words, to be sure he was enjoying her little show. He was more than happy to encourage her in her scintillating efforts.

  Her grand finale was a series of bumps, grinds, shimmies and jazzy steps, ending with her standing with arms stretched high over her head and legs together with one knee bent. She stopped doing her da-da-da tune and smiled at him.

  Keller clapped. “That was so hot, sweetheart,” he told her. “You are hot.” He saw her eyes light up at the praise and he felt that odd, sweet sensation touch his center again. “It seems that baking cookies isn’t teacher’s only talent.”

  “Oh! I almost forgot to preheat the oven.” Maisy ran into the next room, her lush body parts bouncing and bobbing as she went to the oven and turned it on.

  The next thing Keller knew, Maisy had a pot of coffee brewing and he’d been dispatched to an area of the kitchen greasing cookie sheets while Maisy broke eggs into a bowl and beat them.

  He wondered if she had any idea at all just how fucking sexy she looked scurrying around the kitchen in the nude, gathering all the ingredients and throwing them together in the bowl.

  Watching her was an erotic experience like no other. His favorite part was when her gorgeous tits got dusted with flour and jiggled as she beat the batter. He felt certain his masturbation fantasies would never be the same after this.

  “So why exactly are we in here naked, baking cookies?” he asked. “Did you just get some overwhelming craving or something?”

  Maisy stopped what she was doing long enough to peek at his dick and lick her lips. “Mmmm, yes, I guess you could say that.” She issued a ravenous smile.

  Keller winced when his cock flared out in salute, thumping against one of the lower kitchen cabinets.

  “Bring the cookie sheets here,” Maisy instructed. After he did, she dropped globs of dough onto each oiled sheet. “And now teacher will explain why your cock is like a chocolate chip cookie, Keller,” she announced, and he was all ears.

  “You see, class,” she said, clearly enjoying giving him this lesson in carnal gastronomy, “the chocolate chip cookie starts as a small, limp, doughy blob.” She shifted from the cookie sheet to his cock, taking it in her hand and squeezing, kneading.

  “Teacher can see that your dough is already way past the limp stage, Keller. Anyway, the dough is manipulated with the fingers…” she took her time, fondling his dick until he thought he’d go mad. Just as he felt his balls tighten, she dropped his cock and returned to the cookie sheet.

  “And after sufficient manipulation, the nicely formed dough is placed on the cookie sheet before going into the oven.” She sank her teeth into her bottom lip, giving an impish smile.

  “Keller, using teacher’s example, can you give the class a hands-on demonstration of how to properly manipulate dough with the fingers?” Her gaze clamped on his cock, which immediately bloomed from erect to gargantuan.

  Taking himself in hand, Keller kneaded and stroked his cock, loving the way Maisy watched with rapt attention. “How’s this, teacher? Am I doing it right? I’m not sure if I am, because it felt much better when teacher’s soft, cool fingers were playing with my cock.”

  “You did a fine job, Keller. I’m giving you a big gold star for excellence in dough manipulation.” Maisy licked her lips. “Have I told you you’re my favorite student?”

  “Because I have the best and biggest cock, teacher?”

  “You got it,” Maisy answered through a bright grin.

  “Good,” Keller responded, his hand still busy at his cock. “I always wanted to be a teacher’s pet.”

  “Would you like to lick the bowl?” she asked after scraping the last mound of chocolate-flecked dough and plopping it on the pan.

  Keller chuckled. He hadn’t licked cookie dough from a bowl since he was a kid. “Sure.”

  Watching Maisy’s tits get dusted with flour was quickly demoted to the number two spot as Keller gaped while she buttered her breasts with the small amount of dough left in the bowl.

  “Eat me,” Maisy had said with a twinkle in her eye as she stood before him, thrusting out her cookie-dough-decorated nipples.

  Feeling like he’d just died and gone to heaven, Keller happily complied, grasping her breasts with his hands and licking, nibbling and scraping them with his teeth. Maisy moaned and shuddered with pleasure at each swipe of his tongue across her pebbled nipples. It was the best damn thing he’d ever tasted. Fucking fantastic.

  “You’ve just earned yourself another gold star, Keller,” Maisy said, her voice raspy.

  His cock was hot, hard, throbbing and getting impatient as hell. Good God, he wanted nothing more at that moment than to shove into her, high and hard. But Maisy clearly had other ideas once he’d thoroughly emancipated her flesh of all cookie dough residue.

  “Once in the oven,” she said while slipping the cookie sheet into the oven, “the cookie slowly expands with just the right amount of heated attention.” Her gaze fell to his cock again. “Are you beginning to see the similarities between cocks and chocolate chip cookies, young man?”

  Keller eyeballed his raring-to-go dick. “I sure as hell can, teacher. My cock has already expanded. It’s all ready and waiting for the next step, teacher. See?” He saw Maisy’s cool, calm, teacher-esque composure slip just a bit when her eyes locked on his erection, bobbing before her in an anticipatory dance.

  Uh-huh. Teacher was just as hungry as he was.

  “Absolutely,” Maisy said, her voice breathy. “I’d say we’re looking at a perfect example of a hard and ready cock. And teacher can barely wait for the next step.”

  Oh yeah. She was driving him insane in slow, tiny increments.

  Maisy cleared her throat, only to gasp when Keller took her hand and brought it to his cock. The wispy
sound of her ragged breath and the vibration he felt as her body trembled made him ache with longing.

  “As the intended cookie receiver,” Maisy said, her voice wavering while she stroked his cock with a featherlight touch, “I can hardly wait to get a sample. But patience is needed because when the cookie first comes out of the oven it’s so hot it can singe.”

  “I can definitely relate. My dick’s so hot it could singe you right this minute, teacher.” Keller wrapped one arm around Maisy, crushing her soft breasts to his chest. “Would teacher like a nice, hot demonstration?”

  The oven timer rang.

  Sucking in a deep breath, Maisy donned an oven mitt and slipped the tray of cookies from the oven, setting it on a rack to cool.

  “What happens now, teacher?” Keller asked, thoroughly enjoying her deliciously naughty and seductive culinary lesson.

  “The cookie,” she said, removing her mitt and surprising him by grabbing his cock with her warm hand, “gradually becomes harder until it’s firm enough not to crumble.” She stroked his length with gentle firmness, whimpering a little moan as her fingers glided back and forth on his engorged flesh.

  “There’s nothing like hands-on experience in the classroom, teacher,” Keller offered. “I’m all for visual aids.”

  “The best time is when the cookie finally connects with the warm, moist regions inside the receiver’s body…” With a long, slow swipe of her pink tongue across her lips, Maisy got down on her knees and Keller damn near shuddered in response.

  “The cookie,” she continued, “brings extreme pleasure to the taste buds.”

  Keller looked down to see the prettiest picture he could remember as Maisy took him into her sweet mouth, inch by inch. A groan rumbled up from his chest, loving the way her lips glided over his flesh as she licked and sucked his cock. It was as if his dick was the finest chocolate chip cookie ever created and he was just what she needed to satisfy her cravings.

  “Mmm…scrumptious,” she mumbled around his cock, grazing it now with her teeth. “Amazing…”


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