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The Seeds of Evermore

Page 10

by Andrew Haines

  He accepted the parcel and the four made their way out of the Inn and out onto the road towards the outpost. The town was silent, they were up before most of the others in the whole village. The sound of their armor was all that filled the area. There was some smoke coming from a few of the homes, for many breakfast was still being made.

  The hike up to the outpost was mostly silent, other than the occasional whistle of wind through the tree line, and the crunching of the dirt under their feet. A handful of birds chirped at them as they continued on. The smell of the woods around them filled the air. It had a sweet scent to it.

  Sweat gathered at Scott’s brow, it was hot, much hotter than he was used to, the city back in the real world never got higher than seventy degrees at the hottest in the summer. This must have been closer to eighty, and the weight of his armor didn’t help either. He noticed the others were beginning to struggle too. “We need to take a break.” He called out, “We are breaking from the heat. We can’t kill any beast if we are dead tired, we’ll be royally screwed.”

  Donovan looked at Tuomas and then back at Alissa, and nodded. Scott was correct. They all found a rock sit on and catch their breaths. “How much farther? Donovan asked.

  Tuomas pulled out the map, “Well…” he paused and took a breath, “We should only be about half an hour away if we are going as fast as I think we are.”

  “Okay, so do we think there is going to be any other opposition other than whatever this beast is?” Donovan wiped the sweat from his brow.

  “What is our plan of attack?” Alissa asked putting her canteen back in her satchel from taking a drink of water.

  “Well, with the confirmation that Minotaurs are not as strong as we thought they were, we are down to Chimera or a dragon, wyvern type. But I doubt that, there hasn’t been any reports of a dragon burning anything down. So I am going to place money on the Chimera,” Tuomas answered her putting the map away.

  “Should we expect any other resistance up there?” Donovan asked again louder so everyone heard him.

  There was a pause, “I don’t know.”

  “Well we need to get up there, kill this beast, report back, get Nick and Charlotte and head to the city,” Scott stood up and continued his march. “And if there is anything else up there we will deal with it.”

  The others stood and followed Scott’s lead, the sky began to darken, a grey hue swelled above them, and they all felt a terrifying presence. The smell of rain filled the air around them. An echo of thunder roared in the distance.


  The clash of blades was deafening. The cries of bewitched men were filling the air. Blood pooled underneath the corpses. Scott was in the heat of the moment, he was taking all his built-up anger, worry and sorrow out upon the enemy soldiers. He had been cut, and bruised up after going through fifteen enemies. He was bleeding and he was beginning to weaken: Come on, come on, just a few more!

  Scott kept moving, sweat dripped from his nose as he breathed heavily, his chest felt like it was on fire, he had never felt such rage in himself before, he felt outlawed in his own way, he had become one thing he wasn’t sure he wanted to be. His swords were the key, his body the arm holding them in place; he would fight until his last breath, make sure he did his part.

  He sliced upward with his left arm, opening the chest of another warrior; the man let out a blood-curdling scream and slumped to the ground. Scott pushed on, often having to fall back and defend his position from advancing warriors. I thought the bounty was a beast of some kind, shouldn’t these be smaller beasts protecting a queen?

  He pushed on slowly, the clouds had darkened even more by the time he had finished off the guards in front of the fort. Scott was tired and his body ached. He sat upon a set of stone steps that lead up to the outpost. The canteen on his hip clacked up against the stone as he eased himself down. Scott took it from around his waist and unscrewed the top. He took a slug of water and sighed after the cool liquid went down his throat. The sound of heavy boots filled his ears, he looked up to see the others just as war torn as he was. Scott looked and smiled, “I see that we got them…” Then fell backwards lying on the steps, groaning from how tired he was. He closed his eyes and tried to slow his breathing.

  Alissa was quickly at his side, and propped him up against the stairs he had been sitting on. She grabbed a rag from her satchel and wiped the blood off Scott’s face. Throwing the rag aside Donovan handed her a canteen. She proceeded to splash Scott’s face.

  Scott opened his eyes when she did that. He did what he could to calm himself down. He stretched, and looked at them, “Jesus that was something else.” He muttered, “That was a lot of extra resistance we were not expecting.”

  They all agreed, “They all seemed to be possessed, like an unnatural force was controlling them.” Alissa said, capping the canteen.

  Tuomas’ face blanked as if he just had an existential crisis. The other three looked over waiting for him to tell them what he was thinking, “I think we may have a mage on our hands. It would explain a few more things going on around here.”

  “What?” Donovan asked. They didn’t believe Tuomas’ words.

  “I thought there weren’t mages in this world, it was supposed to be more of a Dark Ages with beasts, kind of twist.” Alissa scolded him.

  “Well the world A.I. had a bit more freedom than I am willing to admit. So the possibility was still there, but with the rational restraints I didn’t think it would have been as likely. But then again if it was pulling from multiple fantasy worlds it was always something that it could have done. The herbalist back in the town definitely had some kind of aura around her, so that would explain that then.”

  Scott sighed, “So basically now we have to add more factors, such as this beast could as well be a demon spawn?”

  Tuomas nodded to him. “Great, even more to worry about.”

  “Let’s go kill this thing then.” Donovan said grabbing his hammer off his back, “I’m not getting younger, and this anxiety is making me feel like I want to walk away now, no turning back.”

  The others agreed, but their goal may just have gotten more complicated. The storm above them brewed even more, and more thunder rumbled above them, and rain started to patter up against their armor. A crack of lighting entered their field of view, with another rumble of lightning followed.

  Donovan began to move towards the lumbering door into the fort. The party made their way into the outpost’s small fort and began to clear out the bottom level. There were only ten warriors on the floor and they caught most of them off guard, which made for an easy take down. There was more of a presence now, they all could feel it. There was some sort of dark magic being used here.

  “I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Alissa whispered, looking down a stone hallway. “It feels like there is something emanating from down there,” She pointed down the poorly lit hallway.

  “Now or never,” Scott said, taking the lead, “I’ve been down this path before, why not welcome it this time.”

  Each of them made sure they were ready by the time they reached the large double door set at the end. The doors opened as they were deemed close enough, “Alright that is some scary shit right there,” Donovan said, as they passed through.

  The room was dimly lit, with only a few candles and torches to light the walls and tapestries. There was a light rumble, flowed by a sinister laugh. On the other side of the room stood a cloaked figure, “Oh look what we have here, more people to sacrifice to my goddess, oh how wonderful!” the figure let out a crooked laugh, “My pet shall deal with you, I have more urgent matter to attend to. But don’t worry I will be back to harvest your souls.”

  There was a snap of fingers, and a low chant. The doors slammed shut behind them, causing some of the candles to go out and lower the visibility level.

  A growl echoed in the chamber, followed by a howl, and a cry of a dragon. They were right on one thing, it was a Chimera, and it was now ready to feed on them.

  The Chimera roared once more. Scott had both of his swords drawn, and ready before the others, “I’ll distract it, and you three get ready.” The others didn’t know how they could get ready, they were already in the heat.

  Scott took off in a full sprint towards the Chimera, he uttered something under his breath that the others could not make out. He took a leap and landed upon the first head of the Chimera. Scott spared the second to look behind him to see the others charge their way up to the beast. The Chimera roared, and flung Scott off its lion head. It showed its teeth, which were red with blood of other sacrifices that it had preyed upon.

  Donovan sprinted up and swung his hammer upon its front left leg. He heard the cracking of bone upon the hit of his hammer upon the Chimera. The beast roared in pain and took a few steps back. Scott was already back on his feet and charging again, he slid underneath its belly and carved his swords into it. The Chimera’s blood coated the blades and spilled onto him. The beast roared at them again, and move to attack Donovan. Its dragon head pointed his way, and its neck began to glow. “Fire breath, watch out!” Alissa exclaimed moving in front of Donovan to shield him.

  Her shield took most of the blast but her hair was seared at its tips, and her leg armor was charred. Alissa fell to the floor in pain. Screaming at the top of her lungs, as Donovan moved to catch her.

  Scott saw what had transpired and signaled for Tuomas to fire his arrows. An arrow came flying from behind them, hitting the wolf’s left eye, the sound of the cry was unnatural for any beast as it roared in pain. “Hit it now!” Tuomas yelled out from the back as he moved to reposition himself for another shot.

  Scott sliced the side of the wolf head cutting through the hide with ease. The wolf’s face was now limp and deformed, Scott was banking on the fact it was now useless. The lion head snapped at him; he hopped back, doing his best to avoid being lion chow. Another arrow whizzed past Scott and struck the hide of the Chimera. It howled again right in Scott’s face, rendering his hearing gone.

  Scott took the advantage of the distracted Chimera and dug his swords into its hide and tried to climb up onto its back. The Chimera tried to shake him off but Scott did not let go, he kept climbing atop the beast up to its necks. “Let’s see how you do with one less head!” Scott lifted one sword over his head and made a deep cut into the lion head. Blood spewed from the wound, as Scott brought down the sword again hitting bone this time. A small snap sounded over the carnage and the lion head dangled in place. The Chimera’s other two heads roared with pain. The wolf head is still alive, damn.

  It shook vigorously trying to get Scott off it. This time it was successful and Scott was flung off, leaving one sword embedded in its hide. Scott hit the floor and let out a sharp sound of pain.

  Donovan had already moved in for another attack on the creature. This time he hit the Chimera’s dragon head square upon its forehead. The bone underneath the scales caved in and the dragons head was destroyed in a single hit. There was blood pooling underneath of its body, the wolf head howled out and changed its stance. Another arrow whizzed through the air and hit the wolf’s other eye, leaving it blind from them. Donovan went in for the killing blow but was forced back from the random movements of the Chimera. Scott looked over at Donovan, “Look out its tail!” he yelled, but it was too late, the tail swung over and knocked Donovan on his back.

  Two arrows flew and penetrated the hide of the beast. Scott looked around to see if there was anything, he could use to gain an advantage over the cowering beast. He saw Alissa back near Tuomas but her shield was not with her, he had an idea. Scott scanned the area for her shield, which he found over where she was knocked down at. He ran over and pick up her shield: I hope this works!

  Scott sprinted toward the Chimera with the shield in hand. Time seemed to slow down for Scott, the environment slowed around him; he could only hear his breath as he ran toward the lumbering beast. He through the shield down and hopped on it at full speed and grinded his way over to it. The Chimera scratched at Scott. However, Scott was ready for it, he shifted his weight and snapped the shield up into the Chimera’s paw. Scott leaped from the shield and embedded his sword in to the wolf’s head and the body of the beast freeze in place. The Chimera’s body slumped and hit the ground with a thud. Blood smell filled the air and Scott was still breathing hard holding onto his sword with a death grip.

  Scott vomited from the overwhelming feeling of dread and the deep smell of the blood that was seeping from the wounds of the Chimera. The others looked at the creature in awe, they had done it, they killed the Chimera and only minor injuries were sustained. Scott let go of his sword and turned to face Tuomas and Donovan. He gave a weak thumbs-up and smiled at them. He yanked his first sword out of the hide of the beast and climbed up to retrieve his other sword.

  “We did it guys, we really beat it.” Scott said still trying to slow his breathing. He saw that Donovan clambered to his feet and made his way to get Alissa off the floor. “You’re going to thank her right?” Scott called out to him.

  Donovan turned his head, “Yes.” He turned back and gave a faint smile while looking at her, “I will.”

  Tuomas stood quiet, next to the beast, “So can we scavenge anything from it?” Scott asked, poking the beast.

  Tuomas looked at him, “We are supposed to get a reward when we turn the quest in back in town from that knight.”

  Scott nodded, “Right, do you think we should take a trophy to show the knight?”

  Tuomas nodded and drew a small dagger and began to cut parts of the hide off. One from each head to show that it was a Chimera and not just a single creature.

  Scott retrieved Alissa’s shield and clipped it on his arm. It was charred and scratched up on the front and on parts of the sides. “She’s going to be pissed.” Scott said to himself.

  After he had finished the group began to make their way out to the room and back toward the entrance of the fort. Donovan was carrying Alissa in his arms, and the others were following behind him. Scott moved up to the front to grab the door out to the courtyard.

  “Time to head back to town,” Donovan said stepping out into the daylight. It was a slow walk back, but they enjoyed it, the adrenaline was still pumping through them after that fight.

  Alissa slowly opened her eyes to see that Donovan had her in his arms. He looked down at her, and she smiled at him, “You’re awake!”

  “Did we win?” She asked weakly.

  Donovan nodded, “Yes we did.”

  She gave a weak laugh then coughed in pain.

  “Guys!” Donovan yelled out, “Alissa is awake.”

  The group stopped and all of them said something to her making sure she was fine after what she had done to defend Donovan. He let her down to stand on her own, and they all huddled around her for a few moments.

  “Come on guys I did my job, I had the shield, which by the way where is that?” Alissa asked looking around at them.

  Scott held his arm up where he attached her shield too, “Right here, a bit scorched and scratched up but, uh, also thank you for having that.”

  “Why?” She asked him with a questionable look on her face.

  “I’ll tell you later.” Scott told her with a smile. He unbuckled the shield from his arm and handed it to her. “You are going to want to clean it up when you have a moment.”

  Alissa smiled taking back from Scott. She buckled it to her arm, “Ok, I want the whole story too, nothing left out after I was out.”

  Scott agreed to that. Donovan stood in silence, “You’ve been awfully quiet.” Tuomas said to him.

  “Yeah, I’ll give my two cents later.”

  “Come on guys let’s get back to the town, we need to turn the quest in and I am beat.” Tuomas shifted his tone back to Scott and Alissa.

  The others listened and they began toward town once again. Donovan took to the back of the group watching everything and making sure, he could keep a clear head. It was Tuomas in the front with Alissa, then S
cott right in front of him. Donovan was exhausted he could feel it. His limbs ached from the blow he hit the dragon head. He had put everything into that swing. Then getting his stomach smashed by its large tail didn’t help.

  Scott looked back at him, “You good?”

  Donovan came back from his thoughts, then responded, “I’ll be fine. Man you know how I get when I give it my all.”

  “True, I remember dragging your ass off the training floors countless times because you pushed yourself a little too much.”

  Donovan chuckled, “Yeah, yeah no need to remind me.”

  “You know, what was with that, you said you would never go that hard after training with us?”

  Donovan froze, “Well, I got caught in the moment of Alissa almost giving her life right there and kind of lost my center.”

  Scott smiled, “I always knew you had a thing for her!”

  Donovan’s face reddened, “I never said that!” He yelled out.

  Alissa and Tuomas stopped and turned to face them. Scott burst out laughing from everyone’s reactions, “It’s fine guys, let’s keep going.”

  The others turned back down the pathway and continued on. Scott looked over at Donovan, and smiled, “I’m just messing with you.”

  Donovan sighed, “Do that again and I will beat the snot out of you.”

  Scott turned away from him and waved, “I bet on it.”

  The rest of the way to town was quiet and relatively peaceful. The knight was standing in the same spot where they accepted the quest and the party walked up to him. “Brave adventurers you have returned, have you slain the beast?” He asked.

  Tuomas stepped forward, “We have, and here is some skin sets off its hide to prove our victory.”

  Tuomas stretched out his arm and handed the knight a small satchel. The knight accepted it and opened it up. He nodded and looked back at them, “The quest is complete and the roads are now safe for travelers again, thank you. Here is your payment.”

  The knight turned around and pulled out a chest from behind him, “I hope to see you all in the city sometime; our lord may wish to speak with such brave people. Ah and before I forget, I am Sir Belthor, I command the watch of the city, the reason I was here is not up for discussion but come see me in the city in a few days if you would like some work.” Sir Belthor finished speaking before he left them there with the chest of gold.


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